E1016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 18, 2014 bus facilities at affordable prices. From Grey- CONGRATULATING RAVENSWOOD United States serving, along with its interline hound’s founder, Eric Wickman, to the current MANOR IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIA- partners, over 2700 communities in all 48 con- CEO, Dave Leach, the company has grown TION ON THEIR CENTENNIAL AN- tinental states, and providing the only form of from a humble three man operation, based out NIVERSARY intercity public transportation in many of those of a seven person van, transporting coal min- communities; ers to a transcontinental business employing HON. MIKE QUIGLEY Whereas Greyhound efficiently operates a 7,500 staff to one of the most recognizable OF ILLINOIS complex network of services extending from and well-respected bus carriers. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Canada to Mexico, including services in both of those countries; An immigrant from Sweden, founder Eric Wednesday, June 18, 2014 Whereas Greyhound has been a leader in Wickman began a bussing transportation sys- Mr. QUIGLEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to safety innovations including developing and in- tem in the rural town of Hibbing, Minnesota honor and recognize the celebration of the stalling on all its new buses starting in 2009 after losing his mining and drilling job that 100th anniversary of the Ravenswood Manor radically redesigned new bus seats that pro- same year. Operating as Mesaba Transpor- Improvement Association located in Chicago, vide the protection of lap/shoulder safety belts tation Company and various other names until Illinois. while retaining the benefits of the official incorporation of the Greyhound For over 100 years, Ravenswood Manor Im- compartmentalization; name in 1930, Wickman built his company provement Association has been an influential Whereas Greyhound continues to provide from the ground up, expanding services and part of Chicago. When William E. Harmon innovative new services such as the Grey- locations and acquiring smaller lines until ce- began to sell houses for the Ravenswood hound Express and BoltBus point-to-point menting the company’s status as the largest Manor subdivision, the community was fewer services while retaining its full nationwide net- intercity bus and transportation system in than a hundred individuals strong. Now 100 work and provides all of its services in state of 1987. years later, Ravenswood Manor has flourished the art, 50-passenger motorcoaches with Based out of Phoenix, Arizona, Greyhound into a substantial subdivision within the city. amenities such as expanded leg room, WiFi Lines’ fleet of 1,735 buses, travelling to more The Association has worked diligently to and electric plug-ins; and than 3,800 destinations and serving 17.6 mil- promote the welfare of the community by con- Whereas Greyhound continues to do what lion passengers annually, is now operated by sistently maintaining public and private lands. Carl Wickman began 100 years ago, that is, FirstGroup. With the classification as the They have enhanced the community by providing affordable, safe, comfortable, and re- safest mode of transportation by the U.S. De- hosting annual neighborhood events, as well liable intercity transportation to all members of partment of Transportation, Greyhound buses as thoroughly representing community inter- the traveling public: Now, therefore, be it re- contribute to a safer driving environment for ests working alongside their elected officials, solved that the United States House of Rep- others, taking an average of 19 cars off the City Departments, Chicago Police Department, resentatives: road each trip. Chicago Park District, local schools, and busi- (1) Honors the centennial anniversary of the Most people are unaware, but our domestic nesses. On September 5, 2008, Ravenswood founding of Greyhound Lines, Inc operated; (2) Applauds and honors the president and private bus companies transport more pas- Manor was listed as a National Register His- toric District. CEO, executive staff, and all employees of sengers each day than airlines and Amtrak Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me Greyhound Lines, Inc. for a century of innova- combined. In Florida, Greyhound serves many in congratulating Ravenswood Manor Improve- tions in intercity travel, and it expresses hope of our communities and provides employment ment Association on their 100th Anniversary. I that said service will continue for many years for hundreds of workers. Greyhound is a pub- am truly honored to represent such as out- to come; and, licly traded corporation that pays significant standing association. (3) Congratulates Greyhound Lines, Inc. of local, state and federal taxes. The private Dallas, Texas, for 100 years of outstanding transportation carrier actually makes a profit f service to the people of the United States. and does not rely on federal subsidies. HONORING GREYHOUND LINES, f As the former Chairman of the House INC., OF DALLAS, TX ON THE OC- Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, it CASION OF ITS 100TH ANNIVER- PERSONAL EXPLANATION has been my honor to work with many Grey- SARY hound officials and employees and it is my HON. BRETT GUTHRIE pleasure to congratulate each of them and the HON. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON OF KENTUCKY Greyhound Lines Family on this occasion. I OF TEXAS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES know my colleagues join me in saluting a IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Wednesday, June 18, 2014 great American transportation carrier and all Wednesday, June 18, 2014 the fine people at Greyhound on this signifi- Mr. GUTHRIE. Mr. Speaker, it has come to cant milestone. Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas. my attention that I inadvertently voted incor- Mr. Speaker, I submit the following. rectly on the Gosar amendment to H.R. 4745, f Whereas the company that became Grey- the Transportation, Housing and Urban Devel- hound Lines, Inc., was started in 1914 by a opment, and Related Agencies Appropriations PERSONAL EXPLANATION Swedish immigrant, Carl Eric Wickman, who Act, 2015. This amendment prohibits the use began by transporting miners from Hibbing to of funds to implement, administer, or enforce Alice, Minnesota in a 7-passenger the proposed rule entitled ‘‘Affirmatively Fur- HON. JOYCE BEATTY ‘‘Hupmobile’’ for 15 cents; thering Fair Housing’’, published by the United Whereas in ensuing decades, Greyhound States Department of Housing and Urban De- OF OHIO pioneered many bus industry innovations in- velopment on July 19, 2013, in the Federal IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES cluding the ‘‘Super Coach’’ (1936), the first Register. It was my intention to vote ‘‘aye’’ on bus with an all-metal body and rear-mounted Rollcall vote 285. Wednesday, June 18, 2014 engine; the fluted aluminum ‘‘Silversides’’ with f air conditioning and diesel engines (1940); the Mrs. BEATTY. Mr. Speaker, on Tuesday, most iconic Greyhound bus, the two-level HONORING DR. MAYA ANGELOU June 17, 2014, I was unavoidably absent due ‘‘Scenicruiser’’ with onboard restrooms and to a spousal medical emergency. On rollcall under-floor baggage and express compart- HON. BARBARA LEE vote No. 313, on H.R. 3375, had I been ments (1954); present, I would have voted ‘‘yea.’’ On rollcall OF CALIFORNIA Whereas Greyhound played a crucial role in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES vote No. 314, on H.R. 1671, had I been many historical events including transporting present, I would have voted ‘‘yea.’’ troops from coast to coast in World War II and Wednesday, June 18, 2014 Mr. Speaker, on Wednesday, June 18, carrying Freedom Riders through the Deep Ms. LEE of California. Mr. Speaker, I rise 2014, I unavoidably missed rollcall vote No. South to protest state-sponsored segregation today to honor the extraordinary life of Dr. 315, on H. Res. 628 due to a spousal medical in interstate transportation facilities; Maya Angelou. Her vast body of work, which emergency. Had I been present, I would have Whereas Greyhound is the only nationwide spans over six decades, as a dancer, actress, voted ‘‘nay.’’ intercity bus transportation company in the author and activist has stood the test of time. VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:49 Jun 19, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A18JN8.022 E18JNPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVNPROD with REMARKS June 18, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1017 As a leader in the civil rights movement, a knowing that she was one of humanity’s great- MARKING THE PASSING OF poet laureate, a college professor, Broadway est gifts. WILLIAM ROTH actress and the first female African American Today, California’s 13th Congressional Dis- cable car conductor in San Francisco, Maya trict salutes and honors an outstanding indi- HON. NANCY PELOSI Angelou was the spirit and conscience of gen- vidual and leader, Dr. Maya Angelou. While OF CALIFORNIA erations. With her passing on May 28, 2014, the world grieves in Dr. Maya Angelou’s pass- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES we continue to be inspired by her life’s work. ing, we can take comfort in the fact that her Wednesday, June 18, 2014 Born on April 4, 1928, Dr. Maya Angelou words and her legacy live on in the genera- was raised in Stamps, Arkansas and St. Louis, tions of people who have been touched, chal- Ms. PELOSI. Mr. Speaker, our country has Missouri. At a young age, Dr. Angelou experi- lenged and inspired by her work. We will miss lost a great visionary, civic leader, business- enced the brutality of racial discrimination her tremendously, but Dr. Maya Angelou’s leg- man and dedicated public servant, William which drove her passion for justice and equal- acy and spirit will live on forever. Matson Roth. Mr. Roth passed away on May ity. 29th in Petaluma, California at the age of 97, In the early 1950s, Dr. Maya Angelou began f surrounded by his loving family her career as a performer. She toured with the Bill Roth was born into a prominent and re- production Porgy and Bess through Europe for RECOGNIZING THE spected family in San Francisco, grandson of two years.
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