MEETING of the MILTON KEYNES SCHOOLS FORUM THURSDAY 3 DECEMBER 2015 3.00 – 5.00 PM MARGARET POWELL HOUSE 401 – 447 MIDSUMMER BOULEVARD CENTRAL MILTON KEYNES MK9 3BN A G E N D A For more information about the meeting please contact Sue Puddifoot on (01908) 253536 or e-mail:[email protected] (1) Milton Keynes Council Civic Offices 1 Saxon Gate East Milton Keynes MK9 3EJ Tel: Milton Keynes (01908) 691691 Fax: (01908) 252456 Hays DX 31406 Milton Keynes 1 1) Apologies 2) Disclosures of Interest Members of the Schools Forum to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests, or personal interests they may have in the business to be transacted and officers to disclose any interests they may have in any contract to be considered. 3) Minutes and Matters Arising To receive as a correct record, the Minutes of the meeting held on 15 October 2015. 4)1) Membership and Constitution (Michael Bracey) To receive an update on the membership of Schools Forum. 5)2) Budget Monitoring 2015/16 (Natasha Hutchin) 3) 4) To receive a report on the latest forecast outturn position of the schools budget. 6) Early Years Provision (Marie Denny) To update the Schools Forum on Early Years provision in Milton Keynes. 7) Special Educational Needs Provision (Caroline Marriott) To update the Schools Forum on the delivery of SEND support and provision in Milton Keynes including the number of places commissioned. 8) Alternative Provision (Marie Denny) To update the Schools Forum on alternative provision for pupils in both the primary and secondary sectors. 9) Schools Budget Planning 2016/17 (Penni Powers) To provide an update on the local and national funding position for 2016/17. 10) Update from sub-groups of the Schools Forum There have been no meetings since the last Schools Forum. (2) 11) Forward Planning To consider the issues that need to be considered by the Schools Forum for the coming year. 14 January 2016 Budget Monitoring Final DSG Settlement for 2016/17 Schools Budget 2016/17 Agree final primary and secondary unit rates 2016/17 Special School Funding Formula 17 March 2016 Budget Monitoring Detailed arrangements for High Need Pupils Scheme changes 30 June 2016 Election of Chair and Vice Chair Provisional Outturn DSG LA Maintained School Balances at 31/3/2016 Section 251 Budget Statement Schools Budget Setting Schools in Financial Difficulty Contingency Monitor use of Pupil Growth Fund Draft Consultation on the Local Funding Formula 13 October 2016 De-delegation Budget setting Budget Monitoring 12) Any Other Business If you wish to add any other business, please let the clerk know at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting. 13) Dates of future meetings – 3pm – 5pm Thursday 14 January 2016 3pm – 5pm Thursday 17 March 2016 3pm – 5pm Thursday 30 June 2016 3pm – 5pm Thursday 13 October 2016 3pm – 5pm Thursday 1 December 2016 3pm – 5pm Thursday 12 January 2017 (3) The proceedings at this meeting may be recorded for the purpose of preparing the Minutes of the meeting. If you have any enquires about this agenda please contact Sue Puddifoot on 01908 253536. (4) MILTON KEYNES’ SCHOOLS FORUM Margaret Powell House, 401 Midsummer Boulevard MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 15 OCTOBER 2015 AT 3.00 PM PRESENT: Primary School Representatives Lizzie Bancroft – Loughton Manor First School Christine Ryan – Lavendon School Primary School Governors Francis Grant – Great Linford School Paul Hussey – Bradwell Village Primary School (Chair) Antony Moore – Giles Brook School Ian Northover – Heronshaw School Secondary School Representatives Tracey Jones – Lord Grey School Michael Manley – St Paul’s Catholic School Academy Representatives Neil Barrett – Stephenson Academy Michelle Currie – Walton High Academy Governors John Howe – Denbigh School Dave Moulson – Ousedale School Special School Representative Finlay Douglas – White Spire School PRU Representative Jonathan Budd – Primary PRU Nursery School Representatives Natalie Fowler – Knowles Nursery School Shared Vote Debbie Wells – Moorlands Nursery School Early Years Providers Representative Lynne Johnson - Pre School Learning Alliance Post 16 Sector Nick Isles – Milton Keynes College Church of England Diocese Kieran Salter – Diocesan Authority – St Mary and St Giles C of E Junior School Northampton Catholic Diocese Frances Image – NORES SCHOOLS FORUM 15 OCTOBER 2015 PAGE 1 (5) LA OFFICERS: Michael Bracey – (Corporate Director - People) Natasha Hutchin – (Deputy Finance Manager) Penni Powers – (Finance Manager - Children and Families) Nicky Rayner – (Service Director – Children and Families) Andrew Whitaker – (Divisional Accountant) OBSERVER: Councillor Andy Dransfield CLERK: Sue Puddifoot – (Governor Support - Children and Families) SF 534 WELCOME AND APOLOGIES Item 1 The Chair welcomed all to the meeting and introductions of new members was made. Apologies in advance had been received from: Kirk Hopkins – Oldbrook School (alternate Janet Haines) Glen Martin – Shenley Brook End Cllr Norman Miles – Lead Member Anita Richards – NUT Divisional Secretary Jake Yeo – Bushfield School Debbie Wells and Natalie Fowler would be arriving late. Glenn Booth – Rickley Park and Warren Harrison – The Premier Academy were absent. SF 535 MINUTES AND MATTERS ARISING Item 2 The minutes of the meeting held on 25 June 2015 were agreed as an accurate record. There were no matters arising. SF 536 MEMBERSHIP AND CONSTITUTION (Michael Bracey) Item 3 Michael Bracey explained that an election process had been run in September 2015 for the Schools Forum vacancies and as fewer colleagues had applied than places available, there was no need for a formal election. The new members were confirmed and welcomed. There had been an application from a representative of a MKET school which was not taken forward. The constitution, as it stood, only permitted one representative from multi academy trusts as they were considered to be one legal entity. Michelle Currie pointed out the potential disadvantage which may occur where schools within a multi academy trust were run separately and if they had been set up as separate academies, they would be entitled to representation. Additionally, if there had been only one academy trust within Milton Keynes with any number of schools, they would SCHOOLS FORUM 15 OCTOBER 2015 PAGE 2 (6) still only be entitled to one representative. Schools Forum noted this but agreed to continue with one member from each school or group of schools but would keep this under review as the number of schools in academy chains changed. Therefore, a further request for a secondary representative and an academy representative would take place to fill the two remaining vacancies. Action MB/SP SF 537 BUDGET MONITORING 2015/16 (Natasha Hutchin) Item 4 The purpose of this report was to advise Schools Forum of the final DSG settlement for 2015/16 and the budget monitoring position in relation to Period 6 2015/16. Natasha Hutchin explained that the forecast of a £133k carry forward at the end of the 2015/16 financial year remained, as set out in Table 1. This represented an in year deficit of £961k offset by a £1,094k bought forward from 2014/15. Significant forecast variations (Table 2) included income being some £2M less than budgeted for, as when the budget was set, some data was unknown. Early Years head count had been lower than anticipated and the take up of Early Years Pupil Premium was also less than allocated and this had affected expenditure forecasting. Central spending of the Growth Fund had increased by £419k relating to additional places after the budget was set and growth protection. ISB overspends in revaluated rates bills had been offset by underspends in Early Years. High Needs top up funding had already utilised the contingency set aside for top up payments. A £0.5M underspend on independent special school fees was forecast, based on current numbers. Schools Forum noted the final level of the DSG in 2015/16 and the forecast outturn position as at Period 6. SF 538 SCHOOL BUDGET PLANNING 2016/17 (Penni Powers/Andrew Whitaker) Item 5 The purpose of this item was to give Schools Forum members an initial opportunity to review how the estimated 2016/17 DSG, including the use of balances, was allocated across schools and academies by way of the funding formula and central early years and high needs budgets. An overview of budget planning was tabled and Penni Powers drew attention to the government announcements made so far, which included; flat cash allocations for the period of the government and the MFG remaining at -1.5% for 2016/17; schools block funding confirmed at the SCHOOLS FORUM 15 OCTOBER 2015 PAGE 3 (7) same level as 2015/16; High Needs block funding at the same level as 2015/16 with no additional places funded; 30 hours free funding for all three and four year olds from September 2017; pupil premium protected at current rates. Therefore, there would be another year of no further money in the DSG and no increase in schools budgets. Most primary and secondary schools in Milton Keynes would attract MFG next year, only one school would not. Challenges in Milton Keynes included the growth in pupil numbers, post 16 expenditure exceeding the funding received and high needs growing with no additional funds. In redistributing funding, short term decisions may have long term impacts with a £1.1M deficit forecast to be carried forward in March 2017. Actions to minimise the deficit were being taken, together with proactive commissioning of high needs services and provision and reviewing expenditure from the Growth Fund. In the medium term, there would be a deficit budget of £1.1M at the end of the next financial year but the position should move to a rebalanced budget in 2017/18 due to lagged funding and MFG protection reductions. Potential budget reductions for 2016/17 were: Reductions to unit rates of 1.5% in the primary and secondary funding formula Full year effect of removing funding for the Early Intervention Centre and cessation of nurture group funding Removal of contingency budget for two year olds Reduction of Independent Special School budget No change currently proposed for alternative providers, special schools/High Needs places in mainstream or Early Years Providers.
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