University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 4-24-1922 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 04-24-1922 Journal Publishing Company Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_mj_news Recommended Citation Journal Publishing Company. "Albuquerque Morning Journal, 04-24-1922." (1922). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ abq_mj_news/545 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. CITY CITY EDITION ALBUQUEILGUE ING EDITION ronry.THiRD year. 1922. Duily by Carrier or Mall, 85c a Month VOL. CLXX11I. No. 21. Albuquerque, New Mexico, Monday, April 24, ' Single Copies 60 MARY RESIGNS COAL STRIKE IS LAD! ASIOB IS IS DEAD VICE PRESIDENT Thirteen Senate Leaders Face IN LEADERSHIP OF OPERA COMPANY ALONG GUEST OF HONOR Bitter Battles to Retain Seats 2 OTHERS HURT 0 OTHERS AR E (By The AMiirlnlrd l'rM.) Chicago. April 3. Mary AT ft RECEPTION IN BATTLE Garden announced tonight L FAS her retirement ns director OF III Gl general of the Chicago firnnd 1 1ms Opera company, which she One the Viscount- An Boot- held for the ptist year. S For Every House of Alleged "T am an artist and I have FIRE ess Has a Bright Greet- Near Los Angeles decided that my plate is with H0TEJJ! legger the artists, not over them," she ing or a Witty Remark; Is Raided By a Band of declured in a stntement which Efforts to Get Non-organi- was taken as an Indication that Six Hundred Guests Are Talks of Jlhildhood Days. 100 Masked Men. Hl'e would remain with the or- Men Into the Union Are ganization as a singer. Routed From Their Beds (By The Associated Pre.) (By The Aaaociutcd Trent.) When Mr. Harold MoCor-mlc- k Progressing Satisfactorily Baltimore, Md., April 23. Part Los Calif., April ?3. bestowed the honor on When Blaze Starts in New and all of the Angolcs, It is Claimed, of Baltimore society One man is dead and two others me, naming mo director gen- Willard Ball Room, foreign delegates to the wounded, one possibly fatally, as eral of tho Chicago Orvra com- conference of women met the result of a raid at Inglewood, pany," the statement continued, LACK OF DEMAND IS Lady Aster today at a reception a suburb, early today of tho house "it was understood that I would FOLLOWS MEETING OF given by Mrs. John W. Garrett, at of an alleged bootlegger by a band hold the position for a year, CURTAILING OUTPUT whose suburban homo the first of masked men estimated to have which mount the end of the THE GRIDIRON CLUB woman member of the house of numbered more 100. reign of grand opera In Chi- Governor than Be In- - commons is a guest. The dead and wounded are said cago under Mr. and Mrs. or Production Can ltitchie of Maryland, had a chat hv countv officials who are en Cigarette Cigar Stump if with Lady Astor during the recep- deavoring to fix the responsibility "Tho new rrvic organization, Cast Aside at the' Close creased Necessary; (b worn tion. for the raid to have been through its president, Mr. Sam- Non-uni- on Fields Are Not For everyone the lively viscoun- KK officers and members of the uel. Insull, elected me again of the .Dinner Respon- peace tess had a bright greeting, or a masked band. general director which honor fv?'BY 1 Is One to sible, Being Worked Capacity witty remark, and with many she Tho dead man Is Constable M. B. now decline my fighting Theory, talked over the happy times when Mosher of Inglewood. and the siiirlt tens ine to stay, but my (By The Aimuflalfil frem.) she was a debutante beauty of Vir- wounded are his son, Walter Mosh- reason bids mo go. (By The AiiBodntoil Preu.) Washington, April 23. Lack of ginia. All came away smiling. er, his deputy, and Leonard Rulgg, "This tower of artistic Washington, April 23. Vito demand, rather than strike condi- This morning Lady Astor rested a special deputy sheriff. strength, tho Chicago opera President Coolidgo, several mem- tions continues to Hold down bi- and worked on one of the speeches They were shot by Frank voern-e- r, company, is beginning Its now bers of the senate and house of marshal at Inglewood, life under the of a othfi-person- s tuminous coal production, accord- she is to deliver. night guidance representatives and many "Which one?" she was asked. when he went to the aid of the very worthy man, .Mr. Instill, in busi- to latest figures assembled by and God no prominent public, ing "I don't know which one," she alleged bootlegger and his family. thank one will he ness and social life, were among the United States geological survey. The forces of tho district attor- able to 'put anything over' on 000 of of replied. coron- him. guests the New Willard On Thursday and Wednesday Tonight she said her program ney's, the sheriff's and the His tiiouKlits arts Amer- hotel who were routed from their last week, However, the output was to "clean my teeth, wash my er's offices have been combined to ican, his decisions aro Ameri- bods at an hour morn- carloads the entire affair an fix can anil that is what we. th early this jumped to above 11,000 face and go to bed." investigate ing by a ftre which swept the to,i Iter day, against 7,91V cars on Mon- Tomorrow she expects to attend tho responsibility. organization, have never had." floor of the the to the grey stona day, the low point registered by some of the committee meetings According investigating .structure at Pennsylvania avenuu ettect o Easier holidays. to the opening on officials, the raid was on tho home and Fourteenth street. For ended 15, the preliminary of Mathias with the week April Tuesday of the convention of the Eldunyen. who, The blazo had its origin in tha bituminous output of the country of Women Vot- his brother, Fidel, was seized and TO room and National League were EMERNOR ball on the tenth floor, was placed at a,t7&,00U tons, ers. bound. Then they threatened whore a few hours before Presi- the survey report observed trial At the Lady Astor with death by hanging and shoot- dent Mr. "more coal could be it reception from their Harding. Coolidge, mem- produced wore a lavender crepe de chine ing and finally dragged bers of Hie cabinet, senators and the demand increased," since the a necklace of and a homo and carried six miles, where GO ON STAND IN non-unio- n dress, pearls representatives, lull capacity of fields were left, tied. foreign dlploma't out. black picture hat slanting at a they and others had sat around the has not yet been brought f over eye. Compelled to Stand Xudc. Nou-liiit- sharp anglo her right banquet board as guests of tin. Men Out. The entertained a num- Next, it is charged. Bemarda Gridiron From the union "the Garretts 13 club, at its annual spring standpoint, ber of guests for a house party and Mary Elduayen, and lu dinner and frolic. strike is running along in a normal of daugh- TRIAL Workers during the visit of Lord and Lady years age, respectively, IRDETS Water Causes Damage. fashion," tho United Mine who ac- ters of Fidel Elduayen, were com- In statement Ef-tor- ts Astor and Dame Lyttleton, Tho fire was confined to that declared a today. from pelled to stand nudo before the floor to non-unio- n miners to companied her England. and the roof above, but get - raiders. tons of water join their organized craft were as- a fam- Frank Is poured into thu sat- In addition, neighboring Conley Charged flumes seeped to veiled to be progressing most six children, one of through tha 80,-00- 0 ily. Including floors below, much dam- isfactorily, wilh approximately HFH whom was believed to be of With Misappropriations causing of tnem now out "and good NOT CRISIS dying age. doublo pneumonia, was forced to and Indebtedness of More There was some confusion reason for the prediction that the flee home and hide for and more." from their excitement us hotel po- coming weeK wilt add 25,000 hours in a field. Than attaches, Government agencies indicated $300,000. licemen and firemen pounded on some last week In connec- PASSED AT THE AU inmates of the Elduayen doors and tho telephone activity home were asleep when the raiders (By The Aiwtiriillrtl I'rrtm.) on operator tion with situation, H. duty called room after room, the price Violent at Helena, Mont., -- Samuel the by of arrived. hammerings April but all those in the hotel got out lowing inquiry Secretary the front and back doors aroused V. Stewart, firmer governor of of Labor Davis and Attorney General is to be called their apartments to the corri- into local so them. Some of the raiders tore Montana, expected dors and lobbies in Daugherty and, far, ECONOMIC MEET the front screen door and as a witness for the state nt the safety. only slight advances of coal prices, open be- How the fire started may never non- forced an entrance. resumption of the Conley trial be several operators of large fore A. determined, but one theory is came to Upper row, left to right: Senator.
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