LIBRO DE RESÚMENES CONGRESO DE LA ASOCIACIÓN DE VI PALEOPATOLOGÍA EN SUDAMÉRICA VI PALEOPATHOLOGY ASSOCIATION MEETING IN SOUTH AMERICA EDITORES: Leandro H. Luna ([email protected]) Claudia M. Aranda ([email protected]) Jorge A. Suby ([email protected]) Ricardo A. Guichón ([email protected]) Gustavo A. Flensborg (gfl [email protected]) Pamela García Laborde ([email protected]) IMAGEN DE TAPA: Nativos americanos de la Florida tendiendo a sus enfermos para realizar una trepanación (a la izquierda) y eliminar sangre enferma, y realizando una fumigación (a la derecha) para eliminar las toxinas de enfermedades contraídas de los europeos, incluidas la sífi lis y la viruela. Grabado en cobre, por Theodor de Bry en su Historia Americae (1591), luego de Jacques Le Moyne de Morgues. DISEÑO Y PRODUCCIÓN INTEGRAL: M&A Diseño y Comunicación S.R.L. [email protected] / Tel.: +5411 4627-2159 Libro de resúmenes del VI Congreso de la Asociación de Paleopatología en Sudamérica / Leandro Hernán Luna... [et.al.]. -1a ed.- Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires: Grupo de Investigación en Bioarqueología, 2015. 268 p.: il.; 23 x 16 cm. ISBN 978-987-27997-2-4 1. Paleopatología. 2. Enfermedades. I. Luna, Leandro Hernán CDD 560 Copyright © Grupo de Investigación en Bioarqueología (GIB) ISBN: 978-987-27997-2-4 Tirada: 300 ejemplares Derechos reservados. Queda hecho el depósito que marca la ley 11.723. Libro de edición argentina. Impreso en la República Argentina. Impreso en M&A Diseño y Comunicación en el mes de julio de 2015. Queda prohibida la reproducción total o parcial, el alquiler, la transmisión o la transformación de este libro, en cualquier forma o por cualquier medio, sea electrónico o mecánico, mediante fotocopia, digitalización u otros métodos, sin el permiso escrito de los editores. CONGRESO DE LA ASOCIACIÓN DE VI PALEOPATOLOGÍA EN SUDAMÉRICA VI PALEOPATHOLOGY ASSOCIATION MEETING IN SOUTH AMERICA LIBRO DE RESÚMENES EDITORES: Leandro H. Luna - Claudia M. Aranda - Jorge A. Suby Ricardo A. Guichón - Gustavo A. Flensborg - Pamela García Laborde Members / Miembros President / Presidente Leandro Luna Organizing Committee / Comité Organizador Claudia Aranda Jorge Suby Ricardo Guichón Gustavo Flensborg Pamela García Laborde Local Organizing Committee / Comité Organizador Local Julia De Stéfano Andrea Panessa Graciela Risez Alejandra Porras Paula Miranda Mailén Pacios Puche Mayra Pérez Sonia Lanzelotti Karina Zuccala Anabel Castaño Regional Collaborator Group / Grupo de Colaboradores Regionales Lucía González Baroni Bárbara Desántolo Rocío García Mancuso Soledad Salega Paula Galligani Claudina González Carlos Serrano Sánchez Lucía Watson Susana Morano Félix Olivares Scientifi c Committee / Comité Científi co Adauto Araujo (Brazil/Brasil) Bernardo Arriaza (Chile) E. Inés Baffi (Argentina) Miguel Botella (Spain/España) Jane Buikstra (USA / EEUU ) José Cocilovo (Argentina) Della Cook (USA / EEUU) George Dias (New Zealand/Nueva Zelanda) Luis Fondebrider (Argentina) Sonia Guillén (Perú) Guido Lombardi (Perú) Assumpció Malgosa (Spain/España) Sheila Mendonça de Souza (Brazil/Brasil) Conrado Rodríguez-Martín (Spain/España) Claudia Rojas-Sepúlveda (Colombia) Mónica Sans (Uruguay) Ana Luisa Santos (Portugal) Ana María Silva (Portugal) Vivien Standen (Chile) Richard Thomas (UK / Reino Unido ) Douglas Ubelaker (USA / EEUU ) Karin Wiltschke-Schrotta (Austria) DECLARACIONES DE INTERÉS AVALES INSTITUCIONES QUE OTORGARON SUBSIDIOS Forewords The VI Paleopathology Association Meeting in South America brings us back to Argen- tina, this time in Buenos Aires, hoping to keep alive the spirit of friendship and warmness that is a characteristic of the PAMinSAs. This new meeting completes the fi rst 10 years of meet- ings, mostly initiated from the creativity of Sheila Mendonça de Souza, who planned the fi rst PAMinSA during the European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association of 2001 in Coim- bra (Portugal). Just two years later she initiated what, until now, have been great events for colleagues from South America. Since then, our journey took us through beautiful countries, where we were greeted by groups of researchers with enormous effort and great enthusiasm, which always resulted in successful organizations and allowed a fruitful exchange of knowl- edge. Previous meetings have strengthened and encouraged the development of paleopatho- logical jobs in local and regional scales. This fi rst tenth anniversary gives us the opportunity to deliberate on the results achieved and to propose new goals. Argentina for the second time is the host of this space for learning and dialogue, which is constructed by academic ties and friendship between colleagues from different generations who understand and assume a commitment of continuity. The PAMinSAs are areas of discus- sion among researchers in the paleopathological subject and it is a pleasure to have the op- portunity to invite our house specialists from around the world as a way to actualize and to bring our work to the attention of other researchers. In addition, it is the opportunity for future generations to come and to participate in an international scenario that collaborates to guide and encourage vocations and new lines of work. Under the slogan 10 years of PAMinSA. Updates and perspectives in South American Paleopathology, four central themes articulate this meeting: interdisciplinary studies and cur- rent information on paleopathology (Symposium 1); advances, limitations and problems of molecular, chemical and imaging in the study of diseases of the past (Symposium 2) analysis of diseases in the context of socio-economic and environmental changes (Symposium 3) and a roundtable with the aim of discussing the 10 years of these meetings in South America. Moreover, two conferences, two open sessions, a poster session and a post-meeting course were organized. This book brings together a wide range of subjects (33 posters and 58 oral presentations, totaling 91 exhibitions) including analysis of archaeological samples of dental and human skeletal remains pathologies, molecular studies, indicators of violence, forensic an- thropology, paleoparasitology, radiographic and tomographic analyses, historical-ethnographic sources surveys and assessments of contemporary human skeletal collections. The PAMinSA VI will be attended by colleagues from different parts of South America and around the world. We therefore hope that this meeting reaches far beyond the objectives and additionally provide an appropriate framework for dialogue among colleagues and exchange of knowledge. We hope to share our research offering a warm working atmosphere and fellowship. We only have words of gratitude to all those who accompanied this project and gave their support, time and commitment. Many people and institutions made it possible to organize an event of this nature. First we want to thank the Local Organizing Committee, who collaborated on multiple activities, recruitment and logistics; the Group of regional partners for the effort to process endorsements of their institutions and the distribution of each announcement on their local areas; and all the members of the Scientifi c Committee for their contributions to the evalu- ation of abstracts. The PAMinSA VI has been declared of Scientifi c and Cultural Interest by the Hon- orable Senate of the Nation, of Tourist Interest by the National Department of Tourism and of Academic Interest by the National University of La Plata. It has also received en- dorsements from the following institutions: Paleopathology Association (PPA), Cultural Cent- er “Paco Urondo” (Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, University of Buenos Aires), National Council of Scientifi c and Technical Research (CONICET-Argentina), Latin American Asso- ciation of Biological Anthropology (ALAB), Latin American Association of Forensic Anthro- pology (ALAF), Biological Anthropology Association of Argentina (AABA), Association of Professional Archaeologists of Argentina (AAPRA), Society of Anthropology of Argentina (SAA), Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, University of Buenos Aires (FFyL, UBA), Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Central Province of Buenos Aires (FACSO, UNCPBA), Faculty of Natural Sciences and Miguel Lillo Institute of the National University of Tucuman, Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities of the National University of Cordoba, J.B. Ambrosetti Ethnographic Museum (Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, University of Buenos Aires), Insti- tute for Paleontological and Archaeological Research of the Pampean Quaternary (INCUAPA- CONICET, Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Central Province Buenos Aires), Municipal Museum of Natural Sciences “Carlos Ameghino” from Mercedes, Buenos Aires, In- stitute of Anthropology (IDACOR-CONICET; National University of Cordoba), Archaeologi- cal Studies Program (PROEA; Catholic University of Argentina), Society of Morphological Sciences, La Plata, Buenos Aires and Library of the National Congress. Finally, we are grateful to the Nacional Council for Scientifi c and Technical Research (CONICET-Argentina), the National Institute of Tourism (INPROTUR), the Wenner-Gren Foundation and the Wil- liams Foundation for once again providing support through the granting of subsidies for the realization of this meeting. Thank you very much and welcome to PAMinSA VI! Organizing Committee Introducción El VI Paleopathology Association Meeting in South America nos lleva de regreso a Ar- gentina, esta vez en Buenos Aires, con la esperanza de mantener vivo el espíritu
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