Eutouology Library 46 OPINIONS AND DECLARATIONS 19. The present Opinion shall be known as Opinion Three Hundred and Fifty-Two (352) of the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature. OPINIONS AND DECLARATIONS RENDERED BY THE INTER­ DoNE in London, this Second day of December, Nineteen NATIONAL COMMISSION ON Hundred and Fifty-Four. ZOOLOGICAL NOMENCLATURE Secretary to the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature Edited by FRANCIS HEMMING :FRANCIS HE1\1MING, C.M.G., C.B.E. Secretary to the Commission VOLUME 11. Part 3. Pp. 47-78 OPINION 353 Validation under the Plenary Powers of the generic name Hoplites Neumayr, 1875 (Class Cephalopoda, Order Ammonoidea) LONDON: Printed by Order of the International Trust for Zoological Nomenclature and Sold on behalf of the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature by the International Trust at its Publications Office 41, Queen's Gate, London, S.W.7 1955 Price Sixteen Shillings (All rights reserved) Issued 5th Auf(ust, 1955 INTERNATIONAl-- COMMISSION ON OPINION 353 ZOOLOGICAL NOMENCLATURE THE PLENARY POWERS OF THE COMPOSITION AT THE TIME OF THE ADOPTION OF HOPLITES" NEUMAYR, 1875 RULING GIVEN IN OPINION 353 t\_LIDATIONN~:J:~, GENERIC PHALOPODA ORDER AMMONOIDEA) (CLASS CE ' A. The Officers of the Commission Honorary Life President : Dr. Karl Jordan (British Museum (Natural Zoological Museum, Tring, Herts., England) RULING :-(1) The under-men_tioned action is hereby taken under the Plenary Powers.- (a) The under-mentioned generic names are President: Professor James Chester Bradley (Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y ter~~ U.S.A.) (12th August 1953) . su ressed under the Plenary .P~wers or Vice-President : Senhor Dr. Afranio do Amaral (Sao Paulo, Brazil) purposespp b o th of the . Law of Pnonty and of the August 1953) Law of Homonymy .- Secretary: Mr. Francis Hemming (London, England) (27th July 1948) (i) Hoplites Dejean, 1833 ; B. The Members of the Commission (ii) Hoplites Dejean, 1836 ; (Arranged in order of precedence by reference to date of election or of most recent tiii) Hoplites Dejean, 1837 ; . re-election, as prescribed by the International Congress of Zoology) (iv) Hoplites any uses additional t? those d~l- Professor H. BoscHMA (Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie, Leiden, The Netherlands) (1st January 1947) fied i~ (i) to ~iii) above, m ~he r er Senor Dr. Angel CABRERA (Eva Peron, F.C.N.G.R., Argentina) (27th July 1948) Coleoptera (Class In_secta), pnor to ~~~ Mr. Francis HEMMING (London, England) (27th July 1948) (Secretary) Dr. Joseph PEARSON (Tasmanian Museum, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia) ublication of Hoplztes Neumayr, . 1 . July 1948) - {class Cephalopoda, Order Ammonmdea}, Dr. Henning LEMCHE (Universitetets Zoologiske Museum, Copenhagen, Denmark) (27th July 1948) (.v) Ho lites Agassiz (J.L.R.), 1~~6 (an Invali~) Professor Teiso EsAKI (Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan) (17th April 1950) Professor Pierre BoNNET (Universite de Toulouse, France) (9th June 1950) lmendation of Hoplitis Hubner, [1819] .' Mr. Norman Denbigh RILEY (British Museum (Natural History) Londqn) (9th · (J L R) 1846 (an Invalid June 1950) (vi) Hoplites Agassiz . ' 1820) . Professor Tadeusz JACZEWSKI (Institute of Zoology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Emendation of Aplites Rafinesque, ' Warsaw, Poland) (15th June 1950) Professor Robert MERTENS (Naun·-Museum u. Forschungs-Institut Senckenberg, (vii) Hoplites Philippi, 1857 ; Frankfurt a. M., Germany) (5th July 1950) Professor Erich Martin HERING (Zoologisches Museum der Humboldt-Universitiit (viii) Hoplites Theobald, 1864 ; zu Berlin, Germany) (5th July 1950) Senhor Dr. Afranio do AMARAL (S. Paulo, Brazil) (12th August 1953) (Vice­ (ix) Hoplites Koch, 1869 ; President) Professor J. R. DYMOND (University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada) (12th August The generic name Hoplites Neumayr, 1875, IS 1953) (b) Professor J. Chester BRADLEY (Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y., U.S.A.) (12th hereby validated ; August 1953) (President) Professor Harold E. VoKES (Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, All selections of type species f<?r the genhus U.S.A.) (12th August 1953) (c) Hoplite~ Professor Bela HANKO (Mezogazdasdgi Muzeum, Budapest, Hungary) (12th Neuma r, 1875, mad~ pnor to t .e pres~n August 1953) Dr. Norman R. STOLL (Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, New York, Ruling ~re hereby set aside and the nommal JP~cled N.Y., U.S.A.) (12th August 1953) Ammonites dentatus Sowerby (J.):]82l.'t~~ eG~~lt Mr. P. C. SYLVESTER-BRADLEY (Sheffield University, Sheffield, England) (12th August 1953) b Spath (L.F.), 1925 (Ammonozuea o; e Dr. L. B. HOLTHUIS (Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie, Leiden, The Nether­ 1y: 10) is hereby d~signated to be the type lands) (12th August 1953) species of the foregomg genus. 50 OPINIONS AND DECLARATIONS OPINION 353 51 (2) The under-m~ntio~ed generic. names are hereby (4) The under-mentioned specific names are hereby pl.aced on the Officwl Llst of Generzc Names in Zoology placed on the Official List of Specific Names in Zoology With the Name Nos. severally specified below:- with the Name Nos. severally specified below:- (a) Hoplites Neumayr, 1875, as validated under the (a) dentatus Sowerby (J.), 1821, as published in the Plenar~ Powers under (1 )(b) above (gender : combination· Ammonites dentatus (specific name masculine) (type species, by designation under of type species, by designation under the Plenary under t~e Plenary Powers under (1 )(c) above : Powers under (l)(c) above, of Hoplites Neumayr, Ammomtes dentatus Sowerby (J.), 1821, as de­ 1875) (Name No. 489) ; fined under the Plenary Powers under (l)(c) above) (Name No. 876) ; (b) pan Fabricius, 1775, as published in the combination Scarabaeus pan (Class Insecta, Order Coleoptera) (b) Enema.~ope, 1~37 (.~ender: neuter) (type species, (Name No. 490) ; by ongmal des1gnatwn : Scarabaeus enema Fabri­ cms, 1787t (Class Insecta, Order Coleoptera) (c) enema Fabricius, 1787, as published in the com­ (Name No. 877); bination Scarabaeus enema (specific name of type species of Enema Hope, 1837) (for use by (c) Astrobunus .Thorell, .1~76 (g~nder: masculine) specialists who consider that the nominal species (type species, by ongmal designation : Hoptites Scarabaeus enema Fabricius, 1787, and Scara­ argentatus Koch, 1869) (Class Arachnida) (Name baeus pan Fabricius, 1775, :represent different No. 878). taxa) (Class Insecta, Order Coleoptera) (Name No. 491); (3) The under-me~tioned gene~ic names are hereby (d) helleri Ausserer, 1867, as published in the com­ placed. on the . Officzal Index of Rejected and Invalid bination Acantholophus helleri (Class Arachnida) Gen~rzc Names zn Zoology with the Name Nos .. severally specified below :- · (Name No. 492). (a) The nine generic names suppressed under the (5) The under-mentioned family-group name is hereby Plenary Powers for the purposes both of the Law placed on the Official List of Family-Group Names. in of Priority and of the Law of Homonymy under Zoology with the Name No. 10 :-HOPLITIDAE (correctiOn (l)(a) above (Name Nos. 285 to 293) ; of HOPLITIDES) Douville, 1890) (type genus: Hoplites Neumayr, 1875) (first published in correct form as (b) Hoplites Eggers, 1923 (a junior homonym of HOPLITIDAE by Hyatt, 1900). Hoplites Neumayr, 1875) (Name No. 294) ; (c) Hoplites Kinel, 1930 (a junior homonym of Hoplites (6) The under-mentioned family-group name is hereby Neumayr, 1875) (Name No. 295); placed on the Official Index of Rejected and Invalid (d) Odonthoplites Breist~offer, ,1947 (type species, Family-Group Names in Zoology With the Name No. 46 :-HOPLITIDES Douville, 1890 (an Invalid Original through Rule (f) m ArtiCle 30 : Ammonites Spelling for the family name HOPLITIDAE, to which form dentatus. Sowerby (J.), 1821) (a junior synonym the name was corrected by Hyatt, 1900). of Hoplztes Neumayr, 1875, as defined under the Plenary Powers under (1)(c) above) (Name No ~~; . OPINION 353 53 52 OPINIONS AND DECLARATIONS Ammonites interrupta represents a Jurassic Parkinsoniid and not one of the Albian " dentati ". This ·conclusion was later confirmed by I.-THE STATEMENT OF THE CASE Jacob in 1907 (Trav. Lab. Geol. Grenoble 8(2) : 361) and by. Spath in 1925 (: 80). The genus Hoplites Neumayr, 1875, as hitherto On April 1951 Mr. C. W. Wright (London) submitted !6th th~ understood, rests, therefore, upon a misidentification. followmg application for the use by the Commission of its Plenary Powers to validate the well-known generic name Hoplites 4. The interpretation of Ammonites interrupt a Bru~uier~ by d'Orbigny Neuma~r, 1875 (Class Cephalopoda, Order Ammonoidea) with in 1841 to which reference has already been made Itself mcluded what Ammomtes dentatus Sowerby (J.), 1821, as type species :- are now regarded as being several distinct species of the ." dentati .". Among these was the species represented by the nonnnal species Proposed use of the Plenary Powers to validate the generic name Ammonites dentatus Sowerby (J.), 1821 (Min. Conch. 4 : 3, pl. 30~), although none of the figures given _by d'Orbigny ~epresents that species " H op I"tI e.s " N eumayr~ 1875 (Class Cephalopoda, Order Ammonoidea) and to designate a type species for this nominal as now restricted in the sense specified by Spath m 1925 (: 101-105). genus in harmony with current nomenclatorial usage 5. Jacob in 1907 (loc. cit. : 369) selected Ammonites dentatus Sower by, By C. W. WRIGHT (London) 1821, to be the type species of the nominal genus Hoplites Neumayr, 1875. This selection has since been generally accepted (see Spath, The .o~ject of the pr~sent application is to ask the International 1925 : 100) by whom the species was interpreted in the sense indicated Comnnssw!l on Zoological Nomenclature to use its Plenary Powers, above· Roman 1938 Amm. jur. cret.: 364). Under the Regles, first, to validate the well-known generic name Hoplites Neumayr 1875 Jacob'~ selection' of thi~ species as the type species of Hoplites Neumayr (Cla~s Cep~alopoda,_ Order ~mmonoidea), _and, second, to designate is invalid for the nominal species Ammonites dentatus Sowerby, 1821, a type spe?Ies for this g~nus. m harmony With current nomenclatorial was not ~ne of the nominal species originally included in this genus by us.ag~.
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