t •' 'XA iAverage Daily Net Press Ron The Weathcp " 1 '’ WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1966 For the W e ^ Ended . Partly cloiidy and mild t»* PAGE FORTY-FOUR lEo^nitis ' November .8,<196e night, low to 40s; cloudy with chance of iliowora tomorrow, iiecticut (almost 16,000 acres). Receives Grant 6 of Nation’s 15,104 high 56-69. CoUeg€'€o§t Howtiver, infestations in .vurfn Dinner Speaker PENTLAND ’ • CUy o f Charm ing degrees of intensity are Miss Sonjo M. Anderson, tcir- Longest Riven t h e f l o r is t Tbe Rev. Dr. L&wrence A. Al- p r ic e s e v e n CENT! prtSeiit at scattered i locations nver Manchester Ylementjary "Everyttiing In Flowort’* (Classified Advertlaing on Fiige SI) »; UConn throu^iolrt-,tl^* regulated area, mond will sjpeak Friday at 8 From Rockies Centrally Located- at VOL. LXXXVI, NO. 41 (TWENTY-TOUB PAGBS-'TWO SBCnONS) BUNCHES t I n , CONN.. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1966 The seaspiT~'fot^^^lpping p.m. at Ckmoontta. Lutheran school teacher, has received a M BIRCH STREET Christmas greens coftles^jrigM Chuix* after a dinner at 6:30 grant from the National Insti­ THREE FORKS, Mont.—In 643-4444 — 648-6841 Open 8:80 - S:S0 X ■ l^sLiiie after the e p -l^ in g s ^ o n 7 o ^ ^ ^ ^ Lutheitm tute of Mental Health to attend this city is the origin of the OPEN THURSDAY , 1 gypsy moths. The fuzfcy, buff- _ ^ j, _ Ihdiena University’s School of WASHINOTON ) colored egg clusters adhere to Church Men^^otf Concordia. The IQaaouri River. The Missouri- NIGHTS TILL 9:00 V. lege Is getting m; e^nslye branches as well program is f^ ^ tatcrested t Social Service in Indianapolis, and fine oteers of tbe nations Parking Across the Street For 100 Can... tor moat students/ as to live trees and shrubs, men. The dinner is fm^Goocor- Ind. ‘ 10 longest' rivers have their Students at A ree of 6 nce past the quarantine bar- dia Church Men only. ' Miss Anderson resigned from origin in the Rocky Moiyitain tour state ooH^es and unive' I * I the school system last June to TO' States. Ses ^ paying more this yet^N^®*’’ Dr. Almond, a fosmer pastor O do graduate studies in social The other five are the Rio tor b S ^ n ^ S room and b ia rd X ™ ^ ^ ^ South Methodist Church. work. She formerly taught third Grande, at Oreede, Colo.; Ar­ KLH? than.they iWd last year. U ia^forest, fruit, and shade igsg-es, is cxecuUve director of grade at WaddeU School for two • ' v k kansas, LeadviUe', Ook>.; Colo­ Resulta'of a survey of the 97 gjw. ^jie Massachusetts Bible Soci- -.,years and is a member of the rado, Rooky Mountain Nation­ m em beX of the NaUonal Asso- Deale^ jirill have Uttle o r no ^ty. He wUl speak on Bible NO... IT ISN’T ^mchester Education Associa­ al Park, Colo.; Snake, Teton With Night Mortar Barrage clatioi/of State Universities and including transl^ tion. County, Wyoming; and Red, .11 Qrant CCUeges and of the **" 8r®®ns I n s ^ t ^ and certl- tlons made in tlie American hfi Quay County, New Mexloo'. 206/members of the Association loading, p^nts. Federal dian tribal tongues by early mis- ^hile attending graduate AN AIRLINE! school, she will gain experience of/State Colleges and Universl- plant pest inspectors sionaries to New England • ^ \ ?es (ASCU) were presented «ie quarantine f^eas will tribes. in social work in various agen-„ Sonja M. Anderson .4 Riven Same Length SKK \ M ) lll'Mf Rev. Lawrence Almond cies in the Indianapolis area. ROME — Four of the world’s /Monday to the first joint meet- ®«PPly. O*' He is president of the board TflKM VI about quarantine regulations of education of the New Eng- tion of both the New England Upon completion of the two- Massachusertite (n 1964. She is most famous rivers are rela- *4 Ing of the two organizations by and Inspection schedules at land Southern Methodist Con- Conference and the New Eng- course, she Will become the da\jphter of^Ato. and Mrs. tlvely rfwrt and within a few Mekong Delta City their Jointly sponsored Office of Tn.Hh.H«T,«i Rp«u.arch loading points. These inspec- ference and a member of the land Southern Oonfcrenoe. He « « accredited school social sven A. Anderson of Btandtord, mUes of each other In length. NORMAN’S M-omhoni rt the two hielier contacted by tele- scholarship fund committee, has also served on many boards worker.. Mass. ArfueaHnn BTmms enroll about Phone or through post offices, board of minlsterelal training of the South Conference, includ- A graduate of Westfield, ------------- : =• ' m ll« ); Shannon, Irelw d (2W ); 1N(’. how .HttirtentH in the agents of common carriers, and qualifications and ing six years as president of the Maas., High School in 1960, she There were 1,386 symphony 'Hiahtes,.United Kingdom (209), 11., H Vin'I’OKI) Kl). Target of Shelling eoHnn'a eniinima and univenii- county agricultural agents or chairman of the interconference board of pensions of the SouUi- earned her BS In elementary orchestras in the United States end Jordafr- lih Lebanon, Israel jjgj foresters. commis^n on Christian Educa- em Conference. ^ , education at the University of last year. and Jordan (200>»._,^ M\N( flKsrKK. ( (INN. SAIGON, South Viet Nam (AP)—The Viet Cong urt-^ Ttiitlona a a _.»< «___ a ffigures___________________ are ______up- 1about - . ^ m 7 I . ^ \ _________ ____________ _________,------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---- leashed mortar attacks on a provincial capital and five per cent with the most dramatic government outposts during the night and today in the rise In costs to out-of-state stu­ Mekong Delta. ; ^ ~ dents. Two years ago only nine The barrages struck the town troops were officially reported state university and land-grant of Ben Tire, 45 miles southwest light. The action was the first of college members charged non­ of Saigon, and a string of militia any size to OperaiUon Prairie residents 3900 or more. The posts 48 to 78 miles wxithwest of since late S ^ em ber. number fids year has Jumped to the capital. The U.S. command reported 8 8 . • Two women' were reported that American troop strength in The meiUan yearly cost of killed and nine other civilians Viet Nam rose to 358,000 last tnitloo, rpoto .and board for In­ wounded to tbe ehelling of Ben week, an increase of 6,000 over state B ^ent living at the public Agena Target Glides Through Space Tethered to Gemini 12 Tre during the night. Fifteen the previous week, insUtutlona . was about $1 ,000. mildti'amen manning one watch- U.S. hcadquariers - reported For . out>ef-state students it tower suffered moderate casual- American casuakdes Icist week ranged from a'bout $1,200 at ties, a Vietnamese spokesman totaled 962 men, moat of them In AfiOU schools to $1,500 at Qie Cleared hy Jury. .said. Oasualtie? at the other the bloody fighting to, Oommu- state university and lan4^ grant posts were reported "very nlst War Zone C in ’Pay Ninh college group. light.” Province. Tbe oaauattles toclud- The highest tuitions -are found U.S. mUUaity headquarters ed 128 killed^ 810 wounded and President Johnson chats with former President Eisenhower in his suite at fei the East and Midwest. Cor­ ^New L ife’ reported only sm^-scaJe 16 missing or captu^. These ,1- Bethesda Naval Hospital. The Chief Executive ^Iked freely with lus predepes- nell University leads the list, probes and patrol skirmishes. compared with iri killed, 006 sor although in a lower than normal tone. Later he conferred with four top followed .In order by the Uni­ O nly Plans In the largest action, U.S. wounded and eight missing or versity bt Vermont, Uhlversity Miarines were reported to have captured the previoua week. government officials. (AP Photofax) ^ of New H^pshlre, Rutgers I* i : killed 33 North'' Vietnamese sol- Enemy casualties reported by University (N.J.), Miami Uni­ By Sheppard dittos and freed 46______ viRagersB__ — in the U-.S. command increased versity (Ohio), Kent State Uni­ an overnight sweep through two much more, from 917 dead the versity (Ohio), Ohio University, ■ri" CLEVELAND, Ohio (AP) — hamlets 10 miles south of the week before to 1,626 lart: week, President Rises Early^ Samuel H. Sheppard, cleared demibitarized zone. Oasualties Vietnamese headquarters re- demson University (6.C.), STM] University at Virginia and . ^ 1 after 12 years to the bludgeon among the Leathernecks and ported 287. government troops murder of his first wife, savored supporting South Vietnamese Wiled last week compared with Pennsylvania- State University. i However, the University Park hte complete freedom today and 113 in the previous week. quietly vowed to build a new life On the economic front, police Visits with campus Of Pehn State reduced * fV * eut-of-state toition by $300. In­ with Ws second wife. to Saigon closed down “PX Al­ WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi­ Although_____ _ the President’s , Elser after Itavinf stitutions ranging from the Uni­ The balding, graying man of In Georgia ley,” the maze of sidefwalk dent Johnson was up before doctors have urged him to fayof Johnson’s iV>om, expressed aa- versity of Connecticut in the 42, vdto served nine years to stalls near the U.S. Embassy dawn in his ■ hospital room to­ his throat for several wee)uf, he troidshment that he was using East to the University of Ne­ prison for the crime of which be that formed the ca.pltal’s Wg day, talked at length with form- seemed -x,to be prepared— t— ----------to talk-- his voice- a?ter renioiral■.
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