O’Flaherty Irish Music Retreat “Another One Hundred Tunes” Published October 25, 2013 We decided to issue a third tunebook in celebration of the tenth year of the O’Flaherty Irish Music Retreat. It is hard to believe that a decade has passed since we held our first event at the Springhill Retreat Center in Richardson, Texas back in October of 2004. None of us who organized that first event had any indication that it would grow as it has. What started as a small local music camp has given rise to a well-respected international camp attracting participants from near and far. We have been successful over the years because of two primary factors – good teachers and good learners. Fortunately, we have never had a shortage of either so we have not only survived, but have expanded greatly in both scope and size since our founding. There is one other factor of our success that is important to remember – the music itself. Traditional Irish music is unlike any music I’ve known. On one hand, I have seldom encountered music more difficult to master. Playing “authentically” is the goal but that goal can take years if not a lifetime of listening, practicing and playing. On the other hand, the music by its nature is so accessible that it permits players to engage in it at any level of ability. It is not uncommon for experienced players to encourage novices and help establish a connection with this remarkable music tradition. That connection is the essence of what we try to do at our retreat – pass on the music as musicians have done in Ireland for centuries. It’s a shared experience because the music has a way of transcending the differences between people, e.g., abilities, politics, geography, religious affiliations. Go anywhere in the world, and you will likely find complete strangers with whom you can enjoy that connection. There are lots of tunes that are played. Thousands upon thousands from which to draw. We picked some of our favorites – some are old, some new – and we tried to offer some variety. In my opinion, this tunebook contains many fantastic tunes, and we are so very grateful for all of those who composed them and have contributed so mightily to this wonderful Irish music tradition. Speaking of thanks, Rick Roberts deserves much praise for his tune suggestions and his editing skills. Rick has edited every tunebook we’ve published, and that’s not easy work. Thanks also to Kevin Alewine and Joseph Carmichael for help with the chords. Special thanks to Emily Bryant who has produced all of our tunebook covers and our websites. And thanks to the many musician friends who have shared tunes over the years, many of which appear within. Thanks also to my wife Peggy who shares my passion for Irish music. We hope you enjoy it. A final thanks to all of you who have supported us during our first ten years. It has been a fun ride, and there’s more road to travel. As one of our t-shirts proclaims, “So many tunes, so little time.” All the Best, Director O’Flaherty Irish Music Retreat Contents Page Tune Page Tune 1 Ah Surely Reel 21 Lady Anne Montgomery Reel 1 Anything for John Joe? Reel 22 Laurel Tree, The Reel 2 Autumn Leaves Hornpipe 22 Lucy Farr’s Barndance 2 Bank of Turf, The Jig 23 Maguire’s Kick Jig 3 Bantry Lasses, The Reel 23 Maho Snaps, The Jig 3 Beare Island Reel 23 Maud Millar Reel 4 Bird in the Bush, The Reel 24 Miss McGuinness Reel 4 Blockers, The Reel 24 Monaghan Twig, The Reel 5 Boys of Ballysadare, The Slip Jig 24 Mother and Child, The Reel 5 Boys of The Town, The Jig 25 Mountain Road, The Reel 5 Brosna Slide Slide 25 Mountain Top, The Reel 6 Calvey’s Jig 25 Mourne Shore, The Air 6 Cameronian Highlander Barndance 26 New Century, The Hornpipe 6 Castletown Connors Jig 26 New Leaf, The Jig 7 Chorus, The Reel 27 Nightingale, The Jig 7 Coen’s Memories Reel 27 Nine Points of Roguery, The Reel 8 Cordal, The Jig 28 O’Farrell’s Welcome to Slip Jig 8 Dan Breen’s Reel 28 Old Torn Petticoat, The Reel 8 Dawn Chorus, The Jig 29 Paddy Fahy’s Jig 9 Denis Murphy’s Slide 29 Paddy Lynne’s Delight Reel 9 Dermot Grogan’s Jig 30 Paddy’s Resource Jig 9 Donald Blue Reel 30 Padraig O’Keefe’s Favorite Slide 10 Down the Broom Reel 30 Peacock’s Feathers, The Hornpipe 10 Drunken Tinker, The Reel 31 Pipe on the Hob, The Jig 10 Esther’s Reel 31 Poll Ha’Penny Hornpipe 11 Fisherman’s Slip Jig 32 Poppy Leaf, The Hornpipe 11 Fly in the Porter, The Jig 32 Rathawaun Jig 12 Four Courts, The Reel 33 Ravelled Hank of Yarn, The Reel 12 Fraher’s Jig Jig 33 Road to Lisdoonvarna, The Reel 13 Frog in the Well, The Jig 33 Road to Rio, The Reel 13 Geese in the Bog, The Jig 34 Sailor’s Bonnet, The Reel 14 Genevieve’s Waltz 34 Scholar, The Reel 14 Good Morning to Your Nightcap Reel 35 Sean Reid’s Reel 15 Hag at the Churn, The Jig 35 Shoemaker’s Daughter, The Reel 15 Hare’s Paw, The Reel 36 Skylark, The Reel 15 Harvest Home Hornpipe 36 Sporting Paddy Reel 16 Heathery Cruach, The Reel 36 Star Above the Garter, The Slide 16 Helvic Head Jig 37 Statia Donnelly Jig 17 Holly Bush, The Reel 37 Strike the Gay Harp Jig 17 Humours of Ballyloughlin, The Jig 37 Swaggering Jig, The Slip Jig 18 Humours of Kilclogher, The Jig 38 Teampall An Ghleanntáin Reel 18 Humours of Trim, The Jig 38 Templehouse, The Reel 18 Humours of Westmeath, The Slip Jig 38 Ten Pound Float, The Reel 19 I Buried My Wife and Danced … Jig 39 Toormore, The Slide 19 Jenny Picking Cockles Reel 39 Timmy Clifford’s Jig 20 Jenny’s Wedding Reel 39 Tom Dowd’s Favourite Reel 20 Jessica’s Polka Polka 40 Top of the Morning Reel 20 Jim Ward’s Jig 40 Torn Jacket, The Reel 21 John Doherty’s Mazurka Mazurka 40 Tripping Up the Stairs Jig 21 Kelly’s Polka Polka 41 When the Cock Crows … Jig Ah Surely DG DG 4 4 DG CD 3 3 GGCGDG CDGCGDGCDG 3 Rhythm: Reel Anything for John Joe? DGDADGAD3 3 DADADGAD 3 ADADAD3 3 Rhythm: Reel - 1 - Autumn Leaves D GDGA 4 4 D GAD 3 3 Bm D G D G A D Em7 D G Em7 A D Rhythm: Hornpipe The Bank of Turf DGDADG 6 8 D1 Em A2 A DADGD A DGDA Rhythm: Jig - 2 - The Bantry Lasses DGDAD GDADADD1 2 ADAD 3 GDGADAD1 2 3 Rhythm: Reel Beare Island E Bm D C 3 Em G C1 D Em2 D Em Em G D Em Em B Em D 1 2 Bm G D C3 Em C 3 Em Rhythm: Reel - 3 - The Bird in the Bush G D G Am Em G C G DGDGGD 3 Em D G D G DG 3 Rhythm: Reel The Blockers Sean Ryan DCDCD CDADAD1 2 DGDGAD GDADAD1 2 Rhythm: Reel - 4 - The Boys of Ballysadare G C G Am D 9 8 G C Em Am D Am Bm C D Am Bm C D Rhythm: Slip Jig The Boys of The Town G CDG 6 8 1 D G2 D G G Am G/B C GDCDGDG1 2 Rhythm: Jig Brosna Slide GDGCDG 12 8 Em D C D Em D C D G Rhythm: Slide - 5 - Calvey's GCGCGDG 6 8 CGCDGGDG DGGCGCDG Rhythm: Jig Cameronian Highlander DGDADGD GADADGDG1 2 DAGAGADAD1 2 Rhythm: Barndance Castletown Connors Em D Em 6 8 1 DGDGG2 D Em G Em1 D G2 D G Rhythm: Jig - 6 - The Chorus D CG D CG D CG D CG D CG DADCGCGCG1 2 Rhythm: Reel Coen's Memories Tommy Coen Em D Bm Em D1 Em2 Em Em D Em D1 Em2 Em Rhythm: Reel - 7 - The Cordal G A D G A Bm G A D 6 8 D A1 Bm2 Bm D A D Bm D A D A1 Bm2 Bm Rhythm: Jig Dan Breen's Am 1 GG2 Am 1 GG2 3 3 Rhythm: Reel The Dawn Chorus Charlie Lennon GD G 6 8 D Em G D G D Em Em D G Em G D G Em1 D2 G D Rhythm: Jig - 8 - Denis Murphy's D GDA 12 8 DADADDGD1 2 GDADGDADAD1 2 Rhythm: Slide Dermot Grogan's Dermot Grogan D G D G Em A D 6 8 GDGADADDG1 2 D G A Bm G D G1 A D2 A Rhythm: Jig Donald Blue D 1 GG2 DADGG1 2 Rhythm: Reel - 9 - Down the Broom Am G Em G Am G Em1 G Am2 Am Am G Am Em1 G Am2 G Am Rhythm: Reel The Drunken Tinker A 1 G 2 GA GA Em G Rhythm: Reel Esther's Em D 1 D Em2 D Em A D Em1 D Em2 D Em Rhythm: Reel - 10 - Fisherman's D G D Em G 9 8 D G D Em G Rhythm: Slip Jig The Fly in the Porter Paddy O'Brien D CD 6 8 ADDCD ADDDGD1 2 DGDGDADD1 2 Rhythm: Jig - 11 - The Four Courts DGDGC GCDGCG D GDGDCDG DGDCDG Rhythm: Reel Fraher's Jig Am G Em G Am G 6 8 Em1 G Am2 G Am Am G Em Am G Em G Am G Em Am G Em G Am Rhythm: Jig - 12 - The Frog in the Well Em D Em 6 8 Bm1 Em2 Em Em D Em D1 Em2 Em Rhythm: Jig The Geese in the Bog D GD 6 8 GDGD G DGDGD GDGDGDG DGDGDGD GDGDGG1 2 Rhythm: Jig - 13 - Genevieve's Manus McGuire AEF♯m A7 D A/C♯ Bm E A 3 4 EF♯m A7 D A Bm E1 A2 A D Bm7 E F♯m D A B E A D Bm E F♯m Bm F♯m Bm E A D Bm E A Bm 3 A/C♯ BEAEF♯m A7 D A Bm E A Rhythm: Waltz Good Morning to Your Nightcap Am G Am Em Am G C D Am G Am Em Am G C D 3 Am G/B C D Am G/B C Em 3 Am G/B C D Am G C D 3 3 Rhythm: Reel - 14 - The Hag at the Churn D C D Am7 C D Am7 6 8 D Am7 D Am7 D C Am C Rhythm: Jig The Hare's Paw G D Em G1 D Em 3 2 D Em Em D 3 1 Em D Em2 C D 3 3 Rhythm: Reel Harvest Home D A Em A 3 3 2 4 3 3 D ADAD ADGDAADGDA3 3 3 3 3 3 3 D ADAD Rhythm: Hornpipe - 15 - The Heathery Cruach DADGD3 3 A D1 A D2 A D A Em A D A D A Em D A1 A D2 A D Rhythm: Reel Helvic Head GDGCDGD 6 8 GCDG CD G Am G/B C G C D G DGDGDCG CDGDGCD GDGCDD GDGCD Rhythm: Jig - 16 - The Holly Bush Finbarr Dwyer D C Am G D C Am G D D C Am C D C Am G D Rhythm: Reel The Humours of Ballyloughlin D C D C Am7 D C 6 8 D1 D2 D Am7 C D Am7 C D1 D 2 DDGDGAGDG DGAGDGDD1 2 ADGDDD1 2 Rhythm: Jig - 17 - The Humours of Kilclogher CDCDGD 6 8 C Am7 G C Am7 G C D Rhythm: Jig The Humours of Trim DADAGDA 6 8 DGDADAD AGDADGDA Rhythm: Jig The Humours of Westmeath D GDCG 9 8 DADGDCG DADGDCG Rhythm: Slip Jig - 18 - I Buried My Wife and Danced on Her Grave DCDGDCG 6 8 1 ADADDGDA2 3 DGDGADAD1 2 3 Rhythm: Jig Jenny Picking Cockles DCDCD D C Am C Am C D DADAD 3 D A C Am C D Rhythm: Reel - 19 - Jenny's Wedding D ACG 3 3 DADAD 3 DADAD 3 ACDAD 3 3 Rhythm: Reel Jessica's Polka Mick Hanly ADADEADAEA 2 4 DEADADEADA Rhythm: Polka Jim Ward's GCGCDGC 6 8 Am G1 D2 D C G D C G D C G D Am1 G D2 G D Rhythm: Jig - 20 - John Doherty's Mazurka DGADG 3 4 ADDGDGA1
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