Oracle® Communications Billing and Revenue Management Implementing Roaming Release 12.0 E51027-03 May 2021 Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management Implementing Roaming, Release 12.0 E51027-03 Copyright © 2017, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates. This software and related documentation are provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and are protected by intellectual property laws. Except as expressly permitted in your license agreement or allowed by law, you may not use, copy, reproduce, translate, broadcast, modify, license, transmit, distribute, exhibit, perform, publish, or display any part, in any form, or by any means. Reverse engineering, disassembly, or decompilation of this software, unless required by law for interoperability, is prohibited. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice and is not warranted to be error-free. If you find any errors, please report them to us in writing. 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Contents Preface Audience ix Documentation Accessibility ix 1 About Rating Roaming Events About Roaming 1-1 About Roaming Incollect Processing 1-2 About Validating Roaming Usage Data 1-3 About Repricing Roaming Usage Events 1-3 About Generating Stop Return RAP Files 1-3 About Roaming Outcollect Processing 1-4 About Splitting Home CDRs from Visiting Subscribers' CDRs 1-4 About Rating Visiting Subscribers' Roaming CDRs 1-5 About Handling Rejected TAP Files 1-5 About Settling Roaming Charges 1-5 About Near Real-Time Roaming Data Exchange and Roaming Fraud Detection 1-6 2 About Settling Roaming Charges About Settlement Events 2-1 How Settlement Events Are Created 2-1 How Settlement Events for Incollect Roaming Charges Are Created 2-1 How Settlement Events for Outcollect Roaming Charges Are Created 2-2 How Settlement Events Impact Roaming Partner Account Balance 2-4 About Loading Settlement Events into the BRM Database 2-4 About Handling Suspended Settlement Events 2-5 About Validating the Bill Amount 2-5 3 About Processing Home Subscribers' Roaming Usage Understanding Roaming Incollect Architecture and Process Flow 3-1 How Roaming Usage Data Is Validated 3-3 iii About Validation Error Codes 3-5 TAP Validations That Are Not Supported 3-5 Syntax Error Validations on Integer Fields 3-5 Out-of-Range Validations on Date Fields 3-9 Validations Involving Bilateral Agreement 3-10 Validations that Require Additional Component Involvement 3-12 Other Validations that Are not Supported 3-15 Transmitting TAP Files to the Validation Pipeline 3-17 About Charging Your Subscribers for Their Roaming Usage 3-17 Charging Your Subscribers for Their Roaming Usage 3-17 Processing EDRs Suspended by the Reprice Pipeline 3-18 Choosing Whether to Apply Taxes for Roaming 3-18 About Processing Your Subscribers' Prepaid Roaming Charges 3-18 About Repricing Optimally Routed Calls 3-19 4 About Processing Visiting Subscribers' Roaming Usage Understanding Roaming Outcollect Architecture and Process Flow 4-1 How Home CDRs Are Separated from Visiting Subscribers' CDRs 4-3 Transmitting CDRs to the Splitter Pipeline 4-4 How Visiting Subscribers' Roaming CDRs Are Rated 4-4 Processing EDRs Suspended by the Outcollect Rating Pipeline 4-6 Transmitting Roaming EDRs to the Outcollect Rating Pipeline 4-7 About Generation of Notification Files when there Is No Roaming Activity 4-7 About Sending Outcollect TAP Files to Your Roaming Partner 4-8 About Processing Rejected Outcollect TAP Files and Records 4-8 Error Correction for TAP Files with Fatal Errors 4-10 Error Correction for TAP Files with Severe Errors 4-11 Backing Out the Balance Impacts for the Rejected TAP Files and Records 4-12 Including Country Codes in TAP Output Files 4-13 5 Setting Up Roaming for TAP Setting Up Roaming for TAP Roaming Usage Events 5-1 Defining Roaming Partner Accounts in the BRM Database 5-1 Creating a Roaming Package 5-2 Creating Roaming Partner Accounts Using the Roaming Package 5-2 Defining Charges for Rating Roaming Usage 5-3 Defining Configuration Parameters for Roaming 5-3 Setting Up the Default TAP Currency 5-4 Configuring the Default TAP Currency 5-4 iv Setting Up TAP Roaming Manager to Support TAP 3.11 5-5 Verifying the Processing of Roaming Usage Events 5-9 Improving System Performance when Rating Roaming Events 5-10 6 Setting Up Pipeline Manager for Roaming Incollect Processing Setting Up Roaming Incollect Processing Pipelines 6-1 Configuring the Validation Pipeline 6-1 Configuring the Validation Pipeline EDRFactory Registry 6-2 Configuring the Validation Pipeline DataDescription Registry Section 6-2 Configuring Validation Pipeline Input Processing 6-2 Configuring Validation Pipeline Function Modules 6-4 Configuring Validation Pipeline Output Processing 6-4 Configuring the Reprice Pipeline 6-5 Configuring the Reprice Pipeline DataDescription Registry Section 6-6 Configuring Reprice Pipeline Input Processing 6-6 Configuring Reprice Pipeline Function Modules 6-7 Configuring Reprice Pipeline Output Processing 6-8 Configuring DAT_InterConnect 6-8 Configuring Rated Event Loader for the Reprice Pipeline 6-8 Configuring Suspense Manager for the Reprice Pipeline 6-8 Configuring the Incollect Settlement Pipeline 6-9 Configuring the Incollect Settlement Pipeline DataDescription Registry Section 6-9 Configuring Incollect Settlement Pipeline Input Processing 6-10 Configuring Incollect Settlement Pipeline Function Modules 6-10 Configuring Incollect Settlement Pipeline Output Processing 6-11 Configuring Rated Event Loader for the Incollect Settlement Pipeline 6-12 Configuring Suspense Manager for the Incollect Settlement Pipeline 6-12 Configuring the Stop RAP Generator Pipeline 6-12 Configuring the Stop RAP Generator Pipeline EDRFactory Registry 6-13 Configuring the Stop RAP Generator Pipeline DataDescription Registry Section 6-13 Configuring Input Processing for the Stop RAP Generator Pipeline 6-13 Configuring the Stop RAP Generator Pipeline Function Modules 6-14 Configuring Output Processing for the Stop RAP Generator Pipeline 6-14 7 Setting Up Pipeline Manager for Roaming Outcollect Processing Setting Up Roaming Outcollect Processing Pipelines 7-1 Configuring the Splitter Pipeline 7-1 Configuring the Splitter Pipeline DataDescription Registry Section 7-2 v Configuring the Splitter Pipeline Input Processing 7-2 Configuring the Splitter Pipeline Function Modules 7-3 Configuring the Splitter Pipeline Output Processing 7-3 Configuring the Outcollect Rating Pipeline 7-4 Configuring the Outcollect Rating Pipeline DataDescription
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