Walk May Talk A Month of Walking as Artistic Practice Curated by Eylem Ertürk and Bernd Rohrauer Books Shared Walks www.sharedwalks.com 1 Direkter Urbanismus B. Holub 2013 31 Spaziergangswissenschaft in Praxis: Formate in Fortbewegung M. Brauner, B. Weisshaar 2013 2 Artist Book: found, set, appropriated B. Holub 2010 32 Artist Book: Biographie of the walking woman: M. Snow 3 Einfach Losgehen: Vom Spazieren, B. Weisshaar 2019 de la femme qui marche, 1961–1967 2004 Streunen, Wandern und vom Denkengehen 33 The Practice of Everyday Life M. de Certeau 4 Radical Walking Tours of New York City B. Kayton 2003 34 Janet Cardiff - the walk book M. Schaub 2004 5 Walking through Social Research C. Bates, A. Rhys-Taylor (Ed.) 2017 35 The interventionists : users‘ manual for the creative disruption N. Thompson 2005 6 Graue Donau, Schwarzes Meer: Wien Sulina Odessa Jalta Istanbul C. Reder, E.Klein 2008 of everyday life 2004 7 The art of walking: a field guide D. Evans 2012 36 Breathing Cities: the Architecture of Movement N. Barley 8 Lob des Gehens D. Le Breton 2015 37 Gehen nach Abramović (Diplomarbeit) N. Stalzer 2000 9 Urbanografien: Stadtforschung in Kunst, Architektur und Theorie E. Krasny 2008 38 This is not an Atlas orangotango 2007 10 Walking: One Step At a Time E. Kagge 2019 39 Gehen in der Wüste O. Aicher 2018 11 Walking Art Practice: Reflections on Socially Engaged Paths E. Pujol 2018 40 On Walking P. Smith 1998 12 Random Walk E. Weizman, C. Nicolas, M. Cousins 1998 41 Walking artists: über die Entdeckung des Gehens R. Fischer 2014 13 Wait for Walk F. Böhm 2007 in den performativen Künsten 2011 14 Walkscapes: Walking as an Aesthetic Practice F. Careri 2002 42 Wanderlust: A History of Walking R. Solnit 15 A Philosophy of Walking F. Gros 2015 43 Non-Stop Metropolis: New York City Atlas R. Solnit, J. Jelly-Saphiro 2001 16 The Lost Art of Walking: The History, Science, and Literature G. Nicholson 2009 44 A line made by walking R. Long 2016 of Pedestrianism 45 Artist Book: Walking in circles R. Long 2010 17 Die Lust zu gehen: Weibliche Flanerie in Literatur und Film G. Banita, J. Ellebürger, J. Glasenapp 2017 46 Artist Book: North South East West Walk: R. Long 1994 18 Eine Kulturgeschichte des Spazierganges: G. M. König 1994 a 13 day mountain walk… 2000 Spuren einer bürgerlichen Praktik 47 Artist Book: A walk past standing stones R. Long 19 Vom Spazieren H.D. Thoreau 2001 48 Artist Book: A walk across England R. Long 1980 20 Hamish Fulton H. Fulton 2001 49 Artist Book: Dartmoor : an eight day walk 2005 R. Long 1997 21 Hamish Fulton - walking transformation H. Fulton, A. Baur 2014 50 Artist Book: Aggie Weston‘s No. 16 Winter 1979 R. Long 2006 22 Landschaften auf den Grund gehen: Wandern als Erkenntnis- H. Schultz 2014 51 Fleisch und Stein: der Körper und die Stadt in der westlichen R. Sennett 1979 methode beim großräumigen Landschaftsentwerfen Zivilisation 1995 23 Art and the City: Worlding the Discussion through a Critical J. Luger (Ed.), J. Ren (Ed.) 2017 52 Wien Geht 2 Rittberger & Knapp Artscape (Routledge Critical Studies in Urbanism and the City) 53 Stock und Knauf S. Coradeschi, M. DePaoli 2014 24 Ways of Walking: Ethnography and Practice on Foot J.L. Vergunst (Ed.), T. Ingold (Ed.) 2008 54 The Situationist International : a user‘s guide S. Ford 1994 (Anthropological Studies of Creativity and Perception) 55 Einfach Gehen T. Nhat Hanh 2005 25 Walking and Mapping: Artists as Cartographers K. O‘Rourke 2016 56 Umzug ins Offene: vier Versuche über den Raum T. Fecht 2016 26 En passant: Reisen durch urbane Räume: K. von Keitz 2010 57 Guy Debord and the situationist international: T. McDonough 2000 Perspektiven einer anderen Art der Stadtwahrnehmung texts and documents 2002 27 Flaneuse: Women Walk the City in Paris, New York, Tokyo, L. Elkin 2016 58 The Situationists and the City: A Reader T. McDonough 2010 Venice and London 59 Spazierstöcke: Zierde, Werkzeug und Symbol U. Klever 1984 28 Keep walking intently: the ambulatory art of the Surrealists, L. Waxmann 2017 60 The New York nobody knows: walking 6,000 miles in the city W.B. Helmreich 2013 the Situationist International, and Fluxus 29 Warum ist Landschaft schön?: die Spaziergangswissenschaft L. Burckhardt 2006 30 Wer plant die Planung?: Architektur, Politik und Mensch L. Burckhardt 2004 Walk May Talk A Month of Walking as Artistic Practice Curated by Eylem Ertürk and Bernd Rohrauer Articles Shared Walks www.sharedwalks.com 1 Reimagining Walking: Four Practices Ben Jacks 2004 27 Zusammen Gehen: Performance als Beziehungsarbeit Thomas Frank 2009 2 On Foot: Architecture and Movement Christy Anderson, David Karmon 2015 im öffentlichen Raum 3 Arts of Urban Exploration David Pinder 2005 28 Walking in rhythms: place, regulation, style and Tim Edensor 2010 4 Errant paths: the poetics and politics of walking David Pinder 2011 the flow of experience 5 Narrativer Urbanismus oder die Kunst des City-Telling Elke Krasny 2008 29 Walking as a social practice: dispersed walking and the orga- Tim Harries, Ruth Rettie 2016 6 Walks of Life Francis Alys 2010 nisation of everyday practices 7 Walking Henry David Thoraeu 1862 30 A Manifesto for a New Walking Culture ‘Dealing with the city’ wrights & sites (Stephen Hodge, 2006 8 Walking as an Aesthetic Practice and a Critical Tool: Keith Bassett 2007 Simon Persighetti, Phil Smith Some Psychogeographic Experiments and Cathy Turner) & Richard 9 Walking as do-it-yourself urbanism Kenny Cupers 2007 Layzell, Bess Lovejoy, Fiona 10 Framing the Drift and Drifting the Frame: Kris Darby 2013 Templeton and contemporaries Walking with Wrights & Sites of the Dada movement. 11 The Theory and Practice of Walking: Lauren Veith 2012 Walking as a Form of Social Criticism 12 Strollology: A New Science Lucius Burckhardt 1998 13 Strollological Observations on Perceptions of Lucius Burckhardt 1996 the Environment and the Tasks Facing Our Generation 14 The Science of Strollology Lucius Burckhardt 1995 15 Walking, sensing, belonging: Maggie O‘Neill, Phil Hubbard 2010 ethno-mimesis as performative praxis 16 Walking in the City Melissa Brookhart Beyer, 2003 Jill Dawsey (Cur.) 17 Walking in the City Michel de Certeau 2004 18 ‘Walk with me, talk with me’: the art of conversive wayfinding Misha Myers 2010 19 Der performative Akt im urbanen Raum Oliver Hangl 2009 20 Exploring Space and Place With Walking Interviews Phil Jones, Griff Bunce, James 2008 (Journal of Research Practice, Volume 4, Issue 2, Article D2 Evans, Hannah Gibbs, Jane Ricketts Hein 21 While Walking Pohanna Pyne Feinberg 2014 22 Towards a Walking-Based Pedagogy Pohanna Pyne Feinberg 2016 23 Walking Together: Shared Authority and Co-mentorship Pohanna Pyne Feinberg, 2016 Between Two Artists On The Move Kathleen Vaughan 24 Walking across disciplines: from ethnography to arts practice Sarah Pink , Phil Hubbard , 2010 Maggie O‘Neill, Alan Radley 25 Contemporary Walking Practices and the Situationist Inter- Simone Hancox 2012 national: The Politics of Perambulating the Boundaries Between Art and Life 26 A Transmaterial Approach to Walking Methodologies: Stephanie Springgay 2017 Embodiment, Affect, and a Sonic Art Performance Walk May Talk A Month of Walking as Artistic Practice Curated by Eylem Ertürk and Bernd Rohrauer Web Links Shared Walks www.sharedwalks.com 1 My Walking is My Dancing / Anne Teresa de www.mywalking.be 32 I Walk the Line: On the Art and Politics insitereflectionsontheartofplace.wordpress.com/ Keersmaeker / ROSAS of Walking in the City 2016/12/19/i-walk-the-line-on-the-art-and-politics-of- 2 Walking:Holding / Rosana Cade www.rosanacade.co.uk/walking-holding walking-in-the-city/ 3 Walking the Line / Benjamin Vandewalle / www.kaaitheater.be/en/articles/benjamin-vandewal- 33 Walking and Thinking and Walking (section in www.frieze.com/article/nowhere Kaaitheater le-about-walking-the-line Nowhere exhibition) / Louisiana Art Museum in www.museumofwalking.org/walking-and-thinking-and- 4 Walking Books / Stan Shellabarger westernexhibitions.com/artist/stan-shellabarger Denmark / Curator: Bruce W. Ferguson walking/ 5 Walking Borders / Maggie O’Neill www.walkingborders.com 34 Walk Ways / Curator: Stuart Horodner www.curatorsintl.org/exhibitions/walk-ways 6 Walking Lab / University of Toronto www.walkinglab.org 35 Walking Essays / Arthur Sidgwick www.archive.org/details/walkingessays00sidgiala 7 Passage Walks / University of London passagewalks.blogs.sas.ac.uk 36 Peace Pilgrim: Her Life and Work in static1.squarespace.com/static/57fd0b4a59c- 8 Cities by Night / Valentina Medda valentinamedda.com Her Own Words c68f193ae8ee9/t/5a035d6824a69487b36 9 Between Two Seas / Serkan Taycan serkantaycan.com/files/serkantaycanworksamples.pdf 0d854/1510169963776/PeacePilgrimBook.pdf 10 Stalker Walk / Osservatorio www.stalkerlab.org 37 Jane‘s Walk janeswalk.org 11 Walk with the Artist / Association 22:37 www.walkwiththeartist.wordpress.com 38 Jane’s Walk Vienna janeswalk.at 12 Diverse Approaches to Walking / www.walkingartistsnetwork.org/diverse-approaches-to-wal- 39 Space & Place spaceandplace.at Walking Artists Network king 40 Geht Doch geht-doch.wien 13 Walking Artists Network www.walkingartistsnetwork.org 41 Wildurb www.wildurb.at 14 The Wander Society www.thewandersociety.com 42 walk space - Austrian Federation for www.walk-space.at 15 Museum of Walking / Angela Ellsworth & www.museumofwalking.org Pedestrians Steven J. Yazzie 43 Kampolerta kampolerta.at 16 Viennese Sound Walks / Angela Ellsworth & textfeldsuedost.com/wiener-soundspazierg%C3%A4nge 44 derive Magazin für Stadtforschung derive.at Steven J. Yazzie 45 ZURBS
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