--- 11111--...m.r.=s, California state Library Sacrapento 9, Calitcr nia S TA -7 / 8 / Cal Vet Forms Due Clouds, Rain Forecast ( are requested to eons- T he ueatherman predleta p1.-ti' forms. (4lIlIIa (loud) skies today And rain this. for December subsis- eAening. The high temperature tence hefsire leasing for Christ- still rasige bvtseren 13 anal 5$ mas s:ication. according It, len send the CioUghl buttormsen, aceounting officer. In a southeasterly di- Forms may he picked sip ut the rection to, gentle winds of Cashier's Office, Room 263 of dart I., 23 miles an hour, as cording the Administration Building. I,, Ihe bores-6.4er. SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE VOL. 45 soallus" paSAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1957 NO. 52 FRIGHTENED Turnout at Elections Fund-Getting EMPEROR Novice Bouts Called 'Disappointing' Plans Begun- Two election officials expressed disappointment yesterday over Hartranft Set Tonight the small number of students who have turned out to vote for candi- By JOHN SALAMIDA dates seeking 18 student government posts. By BILL GODFREY An action-pacied I4 -bout program is on tap tonight in Spartan "I don't believe the students are informed," stated Dave Hill. After Wednesday's announce- Gym as novice boxers clash in semi-final matches of the 21st annual "They've come up and said to me, 'Okay. I'll vote, But I don't know ment that SJS would abide by the San Jose State Novice Boxing Tournament. First bout begins at 7:30. what I'm voting for." He added thpt, "the students don't seem in- athletic code of the West Coast The colorful milt tourney. under the supers ision of Spartan Box- * Tel ested " Athletic Conference in football ing Coach Julie Menendez, is the highlight of the college's intramural Ron Tuttle stated that the turn- as well as other sports, the Ath- program. It is open only to SJS students who have not competed in out was only "fair for the first letic Department immediately be- an intercollegiate match. Drama Run day of elections." gan working on a plan to raise Boxers representing nine teams will vie for trophies which will be the necessary funds called tor un- presented to the winner of each POLLS STILL OPEN weight division, the outstanding boxer, der an increased aid to athletes and the winning coach. Presentation of the Polls will be open today from awards will be made after policy, S. Glenn (Tiny) Hart. ' final matches Saturday night. 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Last year only Ends Dec 14 ranft, Men's Physical Education Final round competition will be held tomorrow 25 per cent of the student body night in Spartan Final performances of "The Department head, revealed today. Gym. First of the 11 title voted. matches will start at 8 o'clock, Menendez re- World is Round" will be tonight Hartranft said that the plan is ports. If prior tournament Forty-eight students are running performances hold true, Spartan Gym will and tomorrow night at 8:15 in the the formative stage at for offices. They include: still in be full for the finals. College Theater. this time, but a definite program All bouts are acheduled for three - fern a I e representative a t rounds. Rounds In prelimin- Directed by Dr. James Clancy, of fund raising is being put to- ary and semi-final matches large: Sandy Creech, Terri Gal- will be One minute in length, uhile who translated it from the French, gether. "We realize the importance In final bouts, rounds will vin (incumbent), Marilyn Ouzts. ha- Increased to a minute and half. the play is having its American of Speed in this matter," he said. The novice sluggers ---senior male justice: Ron Glea- will use 14 oz. gloves, which are heavy in corn. premiere. He hinted that the program parison to 6 oz. gliaes used by professional son (incumbent). boxers. Menendez points The large cast of student actors would have to be a community ef- out that by using Junior Class president: Nev heavy gloves, chances of injury are reduced. is led by Ivan Paulsen, who gives fort backed by persons interestedl Members of Griffin, Tom Liles, Lowell Young; the varsity boxing squad are managers of the teams. an inspired performance as t he in San Jose State's football future. I which are sponsored vice president: Richard Buxton, by various campus organizations. Managers and Renaissance reformer, Savanarola. their teams Barry Jett, Paula Kessemeier: sec- 'READY AND WILLING' include: Pi Kappa Alpha, Bob Pace; Kappa Alpha, Dave "The World is Round" is ad- Nelson; Theta retary: Louann Mariani; treasur- Emerson Doc) Arends, Camp- Chi, Russ Camilleri; Phi Sigma Kappa, Bob Tafdya: mittedly a difficult play to follow, Baker Hall, Frank er: Margie Jackson; one year coun- bell businessman and chairman of Castillo; Sigma Chi, Jack Coolidge; Student "Y," seemingly erratic in action, but Welyvin Stroud; cil representative: Bill Douglas. the Citizens Committee for a Pro- Sigma Nu, Gary Webb; and Kappa Tau, Prentls Salactou had a reason, according Richard Parks. In his. ((((( 'hie role as Chop Chin and the 1.olde Porter Dale Scott, Paul Thiltgen. gressive San Jose State College, and Mike Guerrero. to Dr. Clancy. Dragon, SUC4,111.4 In frightening the Emperor, played hy Barry said that his committee w a s at The Theta Chi team, managed by Tafoya, captured the team "The development of a tightly MORE CANDIDATES Montilla. They' will appear .,ss-r KPIX. Channel I this Sunda) "ready and willing" to begin a I p.m.phuto hy Jim Iiisiduin. title In last year's tourus'y. Telifil 0111fIliing% %%iii be COMI/iii`d knit plot," he explained, "is never Sophomore Class president: Ron fund raising campaign, but that the following basin: one point for a preliminary oin, three point% his purpose . He brings to life Conklin, Ron Robinson; vice presi- the plan must come from the col- for semi-final %s in. and fist- points for a uin in the finals.. a situation which contains with dent: Scott Kennedy; treasurer, lege itself. "As far as the com- Four former SJS boxing stars will act as referees and judges. in it the conflict of opposing ideas Martha Terzakis; one year rep- mittee is concerned," he said, "we They are Al Julian. a varsity boxer for three years: Dick Bender, only of man and the world; the process resentative: Sandy Barr, Jean Far- To Spartan pugilist to win a Pacific Coast Intercollegiate title two years: at Present background Students are sitting in the of the play is the increasing ex- nesi, Donna Dean; male justice: the present time. All of us on the Darrell Dukes, a varsity boxer for three years; and Jack Scheberies, posure of the strength of that con- Dick Christiana (incumbent); fe- committee are eager to get going 1952 National AAU champion. flict." male justice: Judy Ashbrook; Well-known former Spartan boxing coach, the late DeWitt Diane Beall (incumbent). on this thing, but we feel that Portal. leadership must come from the 'Chop-Chin' on KPIX was supervisor of the meet for 16 years. This will be Menendez' fifth Class president: Freshman year as tourney head. Marsh Ward: vice president: Beth college." A cast of 20 zsJS drama students for children's theatre as an M.A. Winner% of the novice meet are eligible to litsairiak; secretary: Arends also indicated that be wilt;appene-sans KPIX gen Fran- protect participate in the All - Two Stanford Coeds Voltage Teurrominni, which win be heM Sharon Brown, Donna Olson, Ann and his committee would welcome Dr. David W. Parker, education 3/01.-7iftIVIVIi winners ;also cisco, Sunday at 1 p.m. in an hour- qualify for the novice di% ision of the Pacific Coast Purpus ; treasurer: Dorothy B rog- a public relations office on campus director for KPIX, has arranged intererdlegiate long television version of Sylvia tourney, scheduled for March 13.15 in Reno, Nev. Killed in Collision den, Ann Byde, Connie, Evans, Bob that could handle fund raising. for the time of the broadcast to GILROY --(UP) - Two Stan- A standlag.room-enly crowd In the boxing Foster; one year representative: not only for athletics but also for Cirone's prize-w inning play, be donated to the college as a room of the Mew. ford coeds were killed early yes- Ciym yeaterday stewed the tournament's seven opening Carl Maloney, Susan Wasson; half other worthy projects. "In this we "Chop-Chin and the Golden Drag- public service. Fred Joslyn will bouts. Fans terday when their tiny foreign showed their approval of the thrilling representative: Don Dunton. feel that there is a definite nerd," direct. action with loud hand clap- year on." ping and auto collided with A school bus he said. Leading roles will be taken by cheering at the end of each match. The children's play was written Don Ilibson, boxing carrying 34 children on Pacheco Richard Parks, James Bertino, as an independent, copped a split decision win 1 'EXTREMELY PLEASED' over John Pass Highway near here. in the playwrighting class of Dr. Davey Schmidt, Barry Montilla Frederick of Theta Chi in the top bout yesterday. The two "I might ad d," Arends said. sluggers fought toe None of the children was in- Harold Crain last year and was and Eric Faust. -to-toe during all three rounds. Earl White of Sig- Ski Club Sets "that we are extremely. pleased ma Chi held off a last jured. They were transferred to developed for production this year Others in the cast are Byron ditch rally by Bill afeChiskey of ISKA to earn with the way things have de- a close decision another bus a n d continued to Walls, Edwin Craig, Barry Verdi, in another nip and tuck match.
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