Pesq. Vet. Bras. 37(11):1327-1330, novembro 2017 Extraintestinal isosporoid coccidian causing atoxoplasmosis in captive green-winged saltators: clinical and hematological features1 Sabrina D.E. Campos2*, Camila S.C. Machado2, Tatiana V.T. de Souza2, Renan C. Cevarolli3 and Nádia R.P. Almosny2 ABSTRACT.- Campos S.D.E., Machado C.S.C., Souza T.V.T., Cevarolli R.C. & Almosny N.R.P. 2017. Extraintestinal isosporoid coccidian causing atoxoplasmosis in captive green- winged saltators: clinical and hematological features. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 37(11):1327-1330. Departamento de Patologia e Clínica Veterinária, Universidade Fe- deral Fluminense, Rua Vital Brazil Filho 64, Santa Rosa, Niterói, RJ 24230-340, Brazil. E-mail: [email protected] Populations of green-winged saltators, Saltator similis, are decreasing especially becau- se of illegal trade and infectious diseases. We describe natural cases of an extraintestinal isosporoid coccidian in caged S. similis, and suggest the need of preventive measures in - plasmic Atoxoplasma sp. was found in peripheral blood, reinforcing the idea of systemic isosporosis.handling these Leukocytosis birds. Nonspecific with high clinical number signs of were heterophils seen in alland of monocytes them, however, suggested intracyto that atoxoplasmosis in green-winged saltators can progress as an acute disease. The birds sho- wed clinical improvement after treatment. Handling recommendations were proposed to S. similis. Weupgrade emphasize hygienic the conditions importance of ofthe blood facilities. smear We to concluded detect merozoites. that nonspecific symptoms and an acute inflammatory process can be associated with atoxoplasmosis in young INDEX TERMS: Coccidia, atoxoplasmosis, green-winged saltators, Saltator similis, systemic isosporo- RESUMO.- [Coccidiosesis, hematology, extraintestinal confinement. causando atoxo- como uma doença aguda. As aves apresentaram melhora plasmose em trinca-ferros de cativeiro: aspectos clíni- clínica após tratamento. Recomendações de manejo foram cos e hematológicos.] As populações de trinca-ferro, Sal- tator similis, estão declinando especialmente em função do comércio illegal e das doenças infecciosas. Descrevem-se propostas a fim de melhorar as condições higiênicas das casos naturais de coccidiose extraintestinal em S. similis de ainstalações atoxoplasmose das aves. em S. Concluiu-se similis jovens. que Enfatizamos sinais inespecíficos a impor- cativeiro, sugerindo a necessidade de medidas preventivas tânciae processo da avaliação inflamatório do esfregaço agudo podem sanguíneo ser associados para detector com - os merozoítos. ram observados em todos os animais, contudo, formas in- TERMOS DE INDEXAÇÃO: Coccidiose extraintestinal, atoxoplas- no manejo desses animais. Sinais clínicos inespecíficos fo tracitoplasmáticas de Atoxoplasma sp. foram vistas no san- mose, trinca-ferros, Saltator similis, isosporose sistêmica, hema- gue periférico, reforçando a ideia de isosporose sistêmica. - riram que a atoxoplasmose em trinca-ferro pode progredir tologia, confinamento.INTRODUCTION Leucocitose com aumento de heterófilos e monócitos suge Coccidians, including protozoa of the genus Isospora are 1 Received on January 24, 2017. common parasites of birds (Greiner 2009, Brown et al. Accepted for publication on June 20, 2017. 2010). However, one of the most interesting manifestations 2 Departamento de Patologia e Clínica Veterinária, Universidade Federal of coccidian infection in passerine birds is the development Fluminense (UFF), Rua Vital Brazil Filho 64, Santa Rosa, Niterói, RJ 24230- 340, Brazil. *Corresponding author: [email protected] of extraintestinal stages of systemic isosporosis, traditio- 3 Hamadulu Cuidados Veterinários, Avenida das Américas 12300, Loja nally known as atoxoplasmosis (Levine 1982, McNamee 111, Recreio dos Bandeirantes, Rio de Janeiro, RJ 22790-702, Brazil. et al. 1995, Adkesson et al. 2005, Cushing et al. 2011). 1327 1328 Sabrina D.E. Campos et al. The disease syndrome atoxoplasmosis is surrounded by Reference values for S. similis were not found. The results were then compared with another bird of the same family, tur- of the causative agent (Schrenzel et al. 2005, Cushing et al. quoise tanager (Passeriformes: Thraupidae), obtained from the 2011).unanswered gaps about its pathogenesis and classification International Species Information System-ISIS (www.isis.org). Toltrazuril in drinking water for 14 days was elected to treat The genus Atoxoplasma was proposed to describe the protozoa found inside avian leukocytes since there are Isos- pora species that are not capable to parasitize mononuclear these birds. During the treatment, IM enrofloxacin was added. cells. So it is further considered that the name Atoxoplasma RESULTS may be helpful for separating the organisms in blood from onset including lethargy, anorexia, weight loss, pectoral those that develop only in intestinal cells (Isospora sp.). The parasite is transmitted via the faecal–oral route and All the birds presented nonspecific clinical signs of sudden birds become infected after ingesting sporulated oocysts diarrhea and severe depression. muscle reduction, beak depigmentation, ruffled feathers, (Levine 1982, Adkesson et al. 2005). Merogony occurs in Round to oval intracytoplasmic merozoites displaying both intestinal and lymphoid–macrophage cells, resulting purple-red center were found inside lymphocytes of the in the presence of protozoa in the mononuclear leukocytes (atoxoplasmosis). Merozoites were widespread in the blood of the peripheral blood (Adkesson et al. 2005). Traditional three birds (Fig.1), confirming the systemic were isosporosis negative - Saltator similis for the presence of merozoites in circulating leukocytes. films. Blood smears of healthy ormethods buffy coats, for diagnosis organ impression of atoxoplasmosis smears, and are liverbased biopsies on fin the birds in this study had anemia. All animals presented (Adkessonding the parasite et al. 2005, inside Maslin mononuclear & Latimer cells 2009, in blood Cushing films et leukocytosisHematological with findingslymphocytosis are presented and high in table1.number None of he of- al. 2011). terophils. Basophil counts were lower than the reference Infection is possibly endemic among free-ranging birds values for all birds. Animal number one also showed imma- ture heterophil and high monocyte and eosinophil counts, or immunosuppression, notably in captive and young birds while the animal number two showed large and vacuolated (Gillwith &fatal Paperna disease 2008, occurring Maslin under & Latimer the influence 2009, Cushing of stress et thrombocytes, and animal number three showed toxic he- al. 2011). Studies suggested that extraintestinal stages of terophils. coccidians are highly pathogenic to young birds with mor- All animals were clinically healthy at the end of a 14 talities reaching up to 80% (Adkesson et al. 2005, Barbon days treatment with toltrazuril. Blood and fecal samples et al. 2013, Jamriška et al. 2013). Effective treatment is not were evaluated after clinical improvement, which showed completely clear (Norton et al. 2003, Jamriška et al. 2013). no evidence of coccidia. The green-winged saltator, Saltator similis, is a Brazi- Handling recommendations were proposed aiming the lian cardinal passerine, highly appreciated by the song, but improvement of hygienic conditions of the facilities and whose populations have been decimated by illegal trade for educating the owners about the risk of fecal-oral trans- mission of coccidian and other diseases. These recommen- dations included: cages with a wire bottom, elevated feed elucidated,confinement and (Coelho the possibility et al. 2013, of highIUCN rate 2015). of mortality, Considering the aimthat ofprevalence this study and was definitiveto describe treatment clinical and are hematological still not fully abnormalities associated with atoxoplasmosis in captive S. similis from Brazil and suggest the need of preventive mea- sures in handling these animals. MATERIALS AND METHODS Three sick birds (two female and one male) from legal private breeders, about 8 months old, were sent to one veterinary care center. The owners reported that the birds were kept in indivi- dual cages in an enclosed space along with numerous cages and different species of birds, such as canaries and psittacine. They were subject to a common routine management of handling and cleaning. Blood samples were obtained from the jugular vein for he- matological tests. Whole blood was placed in ethylenediamine- and centrifuged to determine packed cell volume. Red blood cell andtetraacetic white blood acid (EDTA) cell (WBC) tubes. counts Microhematocrit were carried tubes out in were Neubauer filled counting chambers. Mean Corpuscular Volume was calculated following the same method used for mammals. Differential WBC Fig.1. Blood smear of green-winged saltator, Saltator similis, sho- Saltator similis wing the presence of merozoites of Atoxoplasma (arrow) in withoutcounts in clinical blood filmssigns were performedsubsequently based obtained on the for count evaluation of 100 circulating lymphocytes. Personal archive. Diff-quik stain. ofWBC blood under smears. 1000x magnification. Samples from Obj.100x. Pesq. Vet. Bras. 37(11):1327-1330, novembro 2017 Extraintestinal isosporoid coccidian causing atoxoplasmosis in captive green-winged saltators: clinical and hematological features 1329 Table 1. Mean ± standard deviation for hematologic results in green-winged saltators, Saltator similis,
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