ÁãU◊Ê¿‹ Â˝Î‡Ê ·¤ã νèÿ Áfl‡flÁfllÊ‹ÿ CENTRAL UNIVERSITY OF HIMACHAL PRADESH ½fl‡Ê Â⁄UèˇÊÊ/Entrance Test - 2016 ¥ä ÿÿŸ ·¤Êÿ¸·˝¤◊/Programme of Study : ∞◊∞ (¥´»˝ÊÊè èÊáÊ ∞fl´ ‚ÊÁãUà ÿ)/MA (English Language & Literature) ⁄UÊ‹ Ÿ¢. ¥èÿÍè¸ ·¤Ê ŸÊ◊ Roll No. Name of Candidate ·¤ã ¼˝ ·¤Ê ŸÊ◊ ¥èÿÍè¸ ·¤ ãUSÃÊˇÊ⁄U Name of the Centre Signature of Candidate ·˝¤.‚¢./Serial No. : ‚◊ÿ— v É Ê´ÅUÊ ¥ÁÏ·¤Ã◊ ¥´·¤— {® Time : 1 Hours Maximum Marks : 60 ¥èÿÁ͸ÿÙ´ ·‘¤ Á‹∞ ¥ŸéÎá INSTRUCTIONS TO THE CANDIDATES v.¥èÿÍè¸ (i) §‚ ½‡ŸÂò Ê ÂéÁS÷¤Ê ¥õ⁄U (ii) ¥‹» ‚ ÁÎÿÊ »ÿÊ 1. Candidate is required to write his/her Roll Number in (i) this ¥Ù∞◊¥Ê⁄U ©û Ê⁄U-Âò Ê·¤ Â⁄U ¥ÂŸÊ ⁄UÙ‹ Ÿ´. Á‹¹´ ¥õ⁄U ÁŸÏʸÁ⁄Uà Question Booklet and (ii) OMR Answer Sheet supplied separately; and also put his/her signature at the places SÍÊŸÙ´ Â⁄U ¥ÂŸ ãSÃÊˇÊ⁄U ÷è ·¤⁄U´Ð provided for the purpose. w.§‚ ½‡ŸÂò Ê ÂéÁS÷¤Ê ◊´ §‚ ·¤fl⁄U ÂëcÆ ·‘¤ ¥‹ÊflÊ ·é¤‹ {® ½‡Ÿ ãñ´Ð 2. This Question Booklet consists of this cover page, and a ⁄UÈ ·¤Êÿ¸ ·‘¤ Á‹∞ ½‡Ÿ Âò Ê ·¤ ¥ã à ◊¢´ ©U‹é Ï ¹Ê‹è ÂëDÔUÊ´ ·¤Ê total 60 Items. Use blank pages available at the end of ½ÿÊ» ·¤⁄´UÐ Question Booklet for rough work. x.½à ÿ·¤ ½‡Ÿ ·‘¤ Á‹∞ ¿Ê⁄U flñ·¤ÁË·¤ ©û Ê⁄U (·¤), (¹), (») ¥õ⁄U 3. There are four alternative answers to each item marked as (a), (b), (c) and (d). The candidate will select one of the (É Ê) ÁÎ∞ »∞ ãдñ ¥èÿÍè ¸ÁÁ‚ ∞·¤ ©û Ê⁄U ·¤Ù ‚ãè ‚◊¤ÊÃÊ ã,ñ ©‚·¤Ê answers that is considered to be correct by him/her. He/ ¿ÿŸ ·¤⁄UŸ ·¤‘ ’ÊÎ ©û Ê⁄U-Âò Ê·¤ ◊ ´»Ù‹Ê ·¤Ù ¥Á´ ·¤Ã ·¤⁄U/ ⁄U»´ Ð She will mark the answer considered to be correct by filling y.»Ù‹Ê ·¤Ù ⁄U´»Ÿ ·‘¤ Á‹∞ ·¤Ê‹Ê/Ÿè‹Ê ’ÊÚ‹ Ÿ ·¤Ê ½ÿÙ» ·¤⁄U´Ð the circle. z.ÁŸêŸÁ‹Á¹Ã ©ÎÊã⁄Uá Ê Î¹´ Ð 4. Use black/blue point pen to darken the circle. ©ÎÊã⁄Uá Ê 5. See the following illustration. Illustration: v. w® ¥õ⁄U vw ·¤Ê ÁÙǸ ãÙÃÊ ãñ 1. The sum of 20 and 12 is (·¤) xw (¹) x} (») xv (É Ê) xy (a) 32 (b) 38 (c) 31 (d) 34 ©Âÿé¸Q¤ ½‡Ÿ ·¤Ê ©û Ê⁄U (·¤) ãñ, ÁÁ‚ ¥Ù∞◊¥Ê⁄U ©û Ê⁄U-Âò Ê·¤ ◊´ The Correct answer of item 1 is (a), which should be ÁŸêŸÁ‹Á¹Ã M¤Â ◊´ ¥´Á·¤Ã ·¤⁄U´— marked in OMR Answer Sheet as under: v b c d 1 b c d {.¥ÊÏÊ ⁄U´»Ê ãé¥Ê, ãË·‘¤ M¤Â ‚ ¥´Á·¤Ã, »Ù‹Ê ◊´ ‚ãè ÿÊ »‹Ã ·‘¤ 6. Half filled, faintly darkened, ticked or crossed circles will be ÁŸ‡ÊÊŸ ·¤Ù ¥ÊÚÁå ÅU·¤‹ S·ñ¤Ÿ⁄U mÊ⁄UÊ §‚ »‹Ã ©û Ê⁄U ·‘¤ M¤Â ◊´ Â…¸Ê read as wrong answers by the optical scanner and will be ÁÊ∞»Ê ¥õ⁄U §‚ »‹Ã ◊ÊŸÊ ÁÊ∞»ÊÐ marked as incorrect. |.Â⁄UèˇÊÊ ·¤ˇÊ ¿ÙǸŸ ‚ Âã‹ Â˝‡ŸÂò Ê ÂéÁS÷¤Ê ¥õ⁄U ¥Ù∞◊¥Ê⁄U ©û Ê⁄U 7. The Booklet and OMR Answer Sheet must be handed over to the Invigilator before the candidate leaves the ÂéÁS÷¤Ê ¥ã flèˇÊ·¤ ·¤Ù ¥flcÿ ‚õ´Â δРÂéÁS÷¤Ê ‚ ·¤Ù§¸ ÷è ÂëDÔU Examination Hall. No page(s) should be torn out from the ȤÊǸ·¤⁄U ¥ÂŸ ÂÊ‚ Ÿãè´ ⁄U¹´Ð booklet. }.¥Ù∞◊¥Ê⁄U ©û Ê⁄U Âò Ê·¤ ·¤Ù ‚èÏÊ ⁄U¹´Ð §‚ ◊ÙǸ´ ¥ÊÁÎ Ÿãè´Ð 8. Keep OMR Answer Sheet straight. Do not fold it. ~.‚÷è ½‡Ÿ ¥ÁŸflÊÿ¸ ãñ´, ½à ÿ·¤ ½‡Ÿ ∞·¤ ¥´·¤ ·¤Ê ãñÐ »‹Ã ©û Ê⁄U ·‘¤ 9. All questions are compulsory, each question carries one Á‹∞ ·¤Ù§¸ ÷è ¥´·¤ ·¤ÊÅU Ÿãè´ ÁÊ∞´»Ð mark and there is NO negative marking. v®.·ñ¤‹·é¤‹ÅU⁄U/◊ْʧ‹/·¤Ù§¸ ÷è §‹Ä UÅ˛ÊÚÁŸ·¤ ◊Î/ ¥ÊÂÁû ÊÁŸ·¤ 10. Use of calculator/mobile/ any electronic item/objection material is NOT permitted. ‚Ê◊»˝è ·‘¤ ½ÿÙ» ·¤è ¥Ÿé◊Áà Ÿãè´ ãñÐ Â⁄UèˇÊÊ ÁŸÿ´ò Ê·¤ Controller of Examinations ·ë¤ÂÿÊ ŸÊÅU ·¤⁄‘´U Á·¤ ¥Í¸ Áfl÷Î / ÎéÁflä ÊÊ ·¤è ÁSÍÁà ◊´ ¥´»˝ÊÊè ◊´ ¿U ½‡Ÿ ·¤Ê ¥´ÁÃ◊ ◊ÊŸÊ ÁÊ∞Ð 1. Section-A 1. The repetition of the consonants near together is known as a. Alliteration b. Allegory c. Simile d. Allusion 2. Anagnorisis is a Greek term used by Aristotle in Poetics which implies a. Recognition of truth b. Ignorance of truth c. Death of the Hero d. Fall from prosperity 3. When two unstressed syllables are followed by one stressed syllable, the metrical device is known as a. Dactyl b. Anapaest c. Iambic d. Trochee 4. Which of the following was not a member of the Bloomsbury Group? a. Virginia Woolf b. Lytton Stratchey c. David Garnet d. Joseph Conrad 5. Her face is like a moon', employs a figure of speech known as a. Metaphor b. Simile c. Conceit d. Pathetic Fallacy 6. Heroic Couplet was first used by a. Dryden b. Chaucer c. Pope d. Shakespeare 2. 7. I have been waiting for you for ages', is an example of a. Hyperbole b. Hypocorism c. Metastasis d. Metonymy 8. Which of the following was not a part of the Imagist Group in England? a. Ezra Pound b. Richard Aldington c. Amy Lowell d. Philip Larkin 9. Which of these is an utterance by a single speaker? a. Ode b. Ballad c. Sonnet d. Lyric 10. A Lampoon is a kind of ____ a. Satire b. Ode c. Elegy d. Epic 11. Which of these is a work about the growing-up of an artist? a. Künstlerroman b. Bildungsroman c. Historical novel d. Realistic novel 12. Who coined the literary term “Poetic Justice”? a. Samuel Johnson b. Harold Bloom c. Horace d. Thomas Rymer 3. 13. The role of the author and reader in inventing and receiving a work of literature are given precedence over realism in ____ a. Fiction b. Metafiction c. Interactive fiction d. None of the above 14. What is a Mock-Epic? a. Sequel to an Epic b. Homage to an Epic c. An Epic in Two parts d. A Parody of an Epic 15. A long fictional work in prose is called _____ a. Short Story b. Novella c. Novel d. Romance Section-B 16. The stated purpose of John Milton in Paradise Lost is a. To make his story hard to understand b. To assert his superiority over other poets c. To counter the idea of predestination d. To justify the ways of God to men 17. The author of the poem The Rape of the Lock is a. John Milton b. William Shakespeare c. Robert Frost d. Alexander Pope 18. In the poem “The Solitary Reaper”, how will the speaker remember the young girl? a) He will keep a small painting of her with him b) The two will correspond through letters c) He will carry his song in his heart d) He forgets her the second he leaves her 4. 19. In which year did Rabindranath Tagore surrender the Knighthood as a protest against Jallianwalabagh massacre? a. 1919 b. 1920 c. 1921 d. 1922 20. Which of the following is not the work of Alfred Lord Tennyson? a. “In Memoriam” b. “The Foresters” c. “The Lotus Eaters” d. “My Last Duchess” 21. Romanticism was partly a reaction to a. Industrial Revolution b. French Revolution c. The American Revolution d. The Bolshevik Revolution 22. Robert Frost is a/an ________ poet a. British b. American c. Irish d. Greek 23. In which year was Rabindranath Tagore awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature? a. 1919 b. 1911 c. 1913 d. 1917 24. Who wrote Preface to Lyrical Ballads? a. William Blake b. William Wordsworth c. S T Coleridge d. John Keats 5. 19. In which year did Rabindranath Tagore surrender the Knighthood as a protest against Jallianwalabagh massacre? a. 1919 b. 1920 c. 1921 d. 1922 20. Which of the following is not the work of Alfred Lord Tennyson? a. “In Memoriam” b. “The Foresters” c. “The Lotus Eaters” d. “My Last Duchess” 21. Romanticism was partly a reaction to a. Industrial Revolution b. French Revolution c. The American Revolution d. The Bolshevik Revolution 22. Robert Frost is a/an ________ poet a. British b. American c. Irish d. Greek 23. In which year was Rabindranath Tagore awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature? a. 1919 b. 1911 c. 1913 d. 1917 24. Who wrote Preface to Lyrical Ballads? a. William Blake b. William Wordsworth c. S T Coleridge d. John Keats 6. 25. The oxymoronic phrase in William Blake's poem “To the Evening Star” is? a. Radiant crown b. Timely sleep c. Rage wide d. Speak silence 26. Many of Keats's poems deal with the theme of ____________? a. Aesthetic and beauty b. Forbidden love c. Revenge and murder d. Fatalism 27. Which of the following books were translated by Alexander Pope into English? a. Bible b. Iliad, Odyssey c. Les Miserables d. Mater et magistra 28. Which poem of William Wordsworth is considered his greatest autobiographical epic? a. Guilt and Sorrow b. The Solitary Reaper c. The Excursion d. The Prelude 29. For which book, Rabindranath Tagore was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature? a. Gora b. Gitanjali c. Chitra d. Kabuliwala 30. Where was Robert Browning born? a. London b. Plymouth c. Birmingham d. Manchester 7. Section-C 31. Which was the first novel of Jane Austen? a. Mansfield Park b.
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