Government o C nada Gouvernement du Canada + Fisheries and Oc ans Peches et Oceans DFO Library / MPO Bib iotheque 1111 14046773 SMALL CRAFT HARBOURS DIRECTORATE SIXTH ANNUAL L .P,ROPE TY MANAGEMENT MEETING *Ns. DIRECTION GtENMALE DES PORTS POUR PETITS BATEAUX SIXIEME REUNI g N ANNUELLE SUR LA GESTIC} IMMOBILIERE L _ N JL 86 .R42 A56 1980 AGENDA 6TH ANNUAL MEETING OF SMALL CRAFT HARBOURS PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Date: May 13 to 15, 1980, inclusive. Time: 0900 hours. Place: Maritime Region - Barrington Inn, Halifax, Nova Scotia. Review Leases and Licences Assignments Sub-Leases Changes in Area f/.4 Changes in Name Cancellations Plans Plotting on Plans I Numbering System I.R.S. Monthly Report Construction on property not owned by Federal Crown. Procedure Acquisition of Property Disposal of Property Schedule of Rates Review of Harbour Management - West Coast - Mr. G.S. Wallace Harbour Manager - Appointments Harbour Manager - Commissions - Leases and Licences Deletion of Debts Use of Harbours by Tour Boats Berthage Vessels not tied up at Government Wharf Accidents Reporting Liability Law Talk by Justice Official Film Nova Scotia Wharves Tour tlednesday, May 14 8:00 A.M. Halifax to Lunenburg 9:30 A.M. Tour harbour facilities at Lunenburg Battery Point 10:00 A.M. Tour National Sea Fish Plant - Battery Point 11:00 A.M. Tour Lunenburg Harbour and Museum . 12:00 Lunch in Lunenburg 1:30 Return to Halifax 3:00-3:30 Arrive in Halifax JL 86 .R42 A56 1980 Canada. Small Craft Harb... Small Craft Harbours Directorate, sixth annua... 259588 14046773 c.1 Vol. 3, No. 5 (anada Gazette Part III Gazette du Canada Pantie Ill Vol. 3, N" 26-27 ELIZABETH II 26 - 27 ELIZABETH II CHAPTER 30 CHAPITRE 30 An Act respecting the administration and Loi concernant Ia gestion et ramenagement development of certain fishing and de certains ports de peck et de plai- recreational harbours in Canada sance au Canada [Assented to 20th April, 1978] [Sanctionnee le 20 avril 1978] I ler Majesty, by and with the advice and Sa Majesty, sur l'avis et du consentement consent of the Senate and House of Com- du Senat et de la Chambre des communes du mons of Canada, enacts as follows: Canada, decrete: SHORT TITLE TITRE ABREGE `014 .1r; I i ll, I. This Act may be cited as the Fishing 1. La presente loi pout etre citee sous lc Titre abrege and Recreational Harbours Act. titre: Loi sun les ports de ',eche et de plaisance. INTERPRETATION INTERPRETATION Definttions 2. In this Act, 2. Dans Ia presente loi, Definitions agency . ' "agency", in relation to a province, includes smarchandises• designe sous biens mobilicrs •onarchandiscs• "goods - ..or gam one. any incorporated or unincorporated city, corporels, a l'exclusion des navircs; town, municipality, village, township, rural «Ministres designe le membrc du Conseil • Ministre• "Minister- municipality, regional district administra- prive dc la Reins pour le Canada chargé, tion or local improvement district adminis- par le gouverncur en conseil, de ('applica- tration and any council of a band within tion de Ia presente loi; the meaning of the Indian Act; anavireb comprend tout bateau, engin, • navire• - iislony or "fishing or recreational harbour" means "vesser recrea t Jona I embarcation, habitation flottante ou toute hn raver (a) any harbour, wharf, pier, breakwa- autre structure utilises ou utilisable exclu- port • ter, slipway, marina or part thereof, to- sivement ou partiellement pour la naviga- gether with machinery, works, land and tion maritime; structures related or attached thereto, sorganisme., a regard d'une province, com- aorganisme. "agency" and prcnd les cites, villes, municipalites rurales (h) any other facility, installation, ou de village, les cantons ou town- works or part thereof located on or adja- ships, les administrations regionales de cent to water district et les administrations d'ameliora- where accommodation or services arc pro- (ions locales de district, wells soient cons- vided principally for fishing or recreational tittles ou non en corporation et un conseil vessels or the occupants thereof; (rune bande, au sens dc Ia Loi sur les lndiens; "goods" means tangible personal property • ntart hand, wt• other than vessels; «port dc peche ou de plaisance. designe •port dc pechc ou dc plaisance• "fishing . ■ Recreational liarhour 26-127 I I r/. II ^,1,1k1 trt' "Minister" tile!ns such ancioher of the a) IOW ou • Al trollirr• partly d'un port, qua!, ;Ippon Queen's Privy K.'ocincil for Canada as is ternent, jetee, brine-lames, cale do designated by the Governor in Council to halage et port dc plaisance, ainsi que les act as the Minister for the purposes of this machines, ouvrages, terrains, biens et Act: constructions qui s'y rattachent, heduled "scheduled harbour" means any fishing or harbour . ' b) les installations, oquipements ou ▪ wit • recreational harbour included in a ouvrages situes sur l'eau ou au bord de schedule prescribed by the regulations; l'eau "VCSSCI .. "vessel" includes every description of ship, comportant les moycns d'accueil destines • naVire. boat, craft, floating home or other struc- surtout aux navires de peche ou de plai- ture used or capable of being used solely or sance ou a leurs occupants; partly for aquatic navigation without *ports inscrits* designe les ports de peche ou .ports inscrits. regard to method or lack of propulsion. heduled , de plaisance inscrits aux annexes etablics par reglement. Application of 3. Nothing in this Act applies to or affects Application de Art 3. La presente loi ne concerne Ia Ira (a) any harbour, works or property under a) ni les ports, ouvrages ou bicns relevant the jurisdiction of the National Harbours du Conseil des ports nationaux ou de com- Board or of any harbour Commission missions de port constituees en vertu d'une established under any Act of Parliament; loi du Parlement; ) any harbour, wharf, pier or breakwa- b) ni les ports, quais, appontemcnts, jetties ter under the control and management of ou brise-lames places sous l'autorite d'un any member of the Queen's Privy Council membre du Conseil prive de la Reinc pour for Canada other than the Minister; or le Canada autrc que le Ministre; (c) any of the powers or duties of the c) ni les pouvoirs ou fonctions qu'attribuc Minister of Transport or the Minister of au ministre des Transports ou a cclui des Public Works under any other Act of Par- Travaux publics les lois du Parlement ou liament or regulations made pursuant leurs reglements d'application. t hereto. POWERS OF THE MINISTER POUVOIRS DU MINISTRE Harbours under 4. The use, management and mai n...nance Ports relevant Control of 4. L'utilisation, Ia gestion et l'entretien du Ministre Minister of every scheduled harbour, the enforcement des ports inscrits sont sous l'autorite du of regulations relating thereto and the collec- Ministre, qui veille a l'application des regle- tion of charges for the use of every scheduled ments et a la perception des droits relatifs a harbour are under the control and adminis- cette utilisation. tration of the Minister. Minister may 5. (I) The Minister may undertake Programmes undertake 5. (I) Le Ministre peut etablir des pro- prolects projects for the acquisition, development, grammes portant sur l'amena- construction, improvement or repair of any gement, la construction, Ia modernisation ou scheduled harbour or any fishing or recrea- la reparation des ports inscrits ou des ports tional harbour to which this Act applies. de Oche ou de plaisance vises par la presente loi. Protects with (2) The Minister may, subject to tk regu- provinces (2) Sous reserve des reglements, le Minis- Aciords aye, lations, enter into an agreement wit" any tre peut conclure, avec une province, des les province, province to provide for accords prevoyant (a) the undertaking jointly with c gov- a) l'etablissement conjoint avec le gouver- ernment of the province or any .agency nement de Ia province ou un de ses orga- thereof of any project that the Minister is nismes des programmes quc le Ministre est 1977-78 Ports de [Wylie et de plaisance C. 30 3 authorized to undertake under subsection autorise a etablir en vertu du paragraphs (1); and (1); et (h) the payment to the province of contri- h) le verscment a celle-ci de contributions butions or grants in respect of the cost or ou dc subventions pour tout ou partie du any part of the cost of any project that is cola des programmes que le gouvernement undertaken by the government of the prov- de la province ou un de ses organismes ince or any agency thereof and that the etablissent et que le Ministre est autorise Minister is authorized to undertake under en vertu du paragraphe (1 ) a etablir. subsection (1). (3) Sous reserve de raglements, le Ministre Accords avec Projects with (3) The Minister may, subject to the regu- des personnes persons lations, enter into an agreement with any peut conclure, avec une personne, des person to provide for accords prevoyant (a) the undertaking jointly with the a) l'etablissement conjoint des program- person of any project that the Minister is mes que le Ministre est autorise a etablir authorized to undertake under subsection en vertu du paragraphe (I); et (1); and b) le versement a celle-ci de contributions (b) the payment to the person of contribu- ou de subventions pour tout ou partie du tions or grants in respect of the cost or any coat tant des programmes etablis par cette part of the cost of any project that is personne et que le Ministre est autorise undertaken by the person and that the etablir en vertu du paragraphe (1) que des Minister is authorized to undertake under etudes ou des services d'experts-conseils subsection ( I) and in respect of the cost of necessaires.
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