1953 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- SENATE .463 PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS · MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT Ezra Taft Benson, of Utah, to be Sec.. Under clause 4 of rule XXII, public Messages in writing from the President retary of Agriculture. bills and resolutions were introduced and· of the United States submitting nomina­ Sinclair Weeks, of Massachusetts, to severally referred as follows: tions were communicated to the Senate be Secretary of Commerce. by Mr. Miller, one of his secretaries. Martin P. Durkin, of Maryland, to be By Mr. WARBURTON: Secretary of Labor. H. R. 1969. A bill authorizing the con­ Mrs. Oveta Culp Hobby, of Texas, to struction of a highway bridge across the LEAVE OF ABSENCE Chesapeake & Delaware Canal at Summit, · be Federal Security Administrator. Del.; to the Committee on Public Works. Mr. McCARRAN. Mr. President, I in­ Mr. TAFT. I sugg~st the absence of • H. J. Res. 145. Joint resolution designating vite the attention of the le.aders on both a quorum . the period beginning on the Sunday before sides of the aisle. I am compelled to The VICE PRESIDENT. The Secre.. Thanksgiving Day and ending on the Sunday tary will call the roll. after Thanksgiving Day of each year as leave the Senate floor at approximately 4 o'clock this afternoon, and I should The legislative clerk called the roll, Homemakers' Week; to the Committee on the and the following Senators answered to Judiciary. like to ask unanimou·s consent at this By Mr. LANE: time, as in legislative session, that I may their names: H. Res. 104. Resolution creating a select be excused from attendance on theses­ Aiken Gore McCarran Anderson Green McCarthy committee to conduct an investigation and sions of the Senate from that time for Barrett Griswold McClellan study. of the alleged atro~ities committed on a period of 2 weeks. Beall Hayden Millikin the members of the armed services of the The VICE PRESIDENT. Without ob­ Bennett Hendrickson Monroney United States since the start of the Korean Bricker Hennings Morse confiict; to the Committee on Rules. jection, it is so ordered. Bridges Hickenlooper Mundt Bush Hill Murray Butler, Md. Hoey Neely EXECUTIVE MESSAGES REFERRED Butler, Nebr. Holland Pastore PRIV,aTE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS Byrd Humphrey Payne The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Capehart Hunt Potter Under clause 1 of rule XXII, Senate messages from the President of Carlson Ives Purtell Mr. WARBURTON introduced a bill {H. R. the United States submitting the nomi­ Case Jackson Robertson .1970) for the relief of Wieslaw Jan Bartnicki Chavez Jenner Russell nations of Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr., of Clements Johnson, Colo. Saltonstall which was referred to the Committee on the Massachusetts, to be the representative Cooper Johnson, Tex. Schoeppel Judiciary. Cordon Johnston, S.C. Smith, Maine of the United States of America to the Daniel Kefauver Smith, N.J. United Nations with the rank and status Dirksen Kennedy Smith, N. c. PETITIONS ETC. of Ambassaelor Extraordinary and Pleni­ Douglas Kilgore Sparkman Dutf Knowland Stennis Under.clause 1 of rule XXII, potentiary, and the representative of the Dworshak Kuchel Symington 21. Mr. BUSH presented a petition of· the United St.ates of America in the Security Eastland Langer Taft Commissioners of Clinton County, Pa., urging Council of the United Nations; ·and Har­ Ellender Lehman Thye the Congress of the United States to amend old E. Stassen, of Pennsylvania, to be Ferguson Long Tobey Flanders Magnuson Watkins the existing act of Congress so as to make Director for Mutual Security, which were Frear ·Malone Welker the benefits of the Social Security Act avail­ referred to the Committee on Foreign Fulbright Mansfield Wiley able to any and all political subdivisions de­ Relations. Gillette Martin Williams sirous of adopting the said plan for its of­ Goldwater Maybank Young ficials and employees, which was referred to <For nominations this day received, see the Committee on Ways and Means. the end of Senate proceedings.) Mr. CLEMENTS. I announce that the Senator from Georgia [Mr. GEORGE] is •• .... I I EXECUTIVE REPORTS OF A necessarily absent. I announce that the Senator from ok.. SENATE COMMITTEE lahoma [Mr. KERR] and the Senator The following favorable reports of from Florida [Mr. SMATHERS] are absent WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 21, 1953 nominations were submitted: on official business. By Mr. TOBEY, from the Committee on The VICE PRESIDENT. A quorum The Senate met in executive session. Interstate and Foreign Commerce: is present. The Chaplain, Rev. Frederick Brown George W. Nelson, and sundry other per­ The question is, Will the Senate advise Harris, D. D., offered the following sons, for appointment in the United States and consent to the nominations of the prayer: Coast Guard; and Earle A. Deily, and sundry other persons, persons whose names have been read? At the beginning of a new administra­ for permanent appointment in the Coast Mr. MORSE. Mr. President, I intend tion, let us offer a prayer for the United and Geodetic Survey. to speak for a few minutes on the prin.. States, by George Washington: ciples which, in my judgment, are ap- Almighty God, we make our earnest CONSIDERATION OF EXECUTIVE · plicable in connection with the con­ prayer that Thou wilt keep the United firmation of nominations of persons to States in Thy holy protection; that NOMINATIONS · be members of the Cabinet of the Pres.. Thou wilt incline the hearts of the cit­ Mr. TAFT. Mr. President, a parlia- ident of the United States. izens to cultivate a spirit of subordina­ mentary inquiry. • I drove down Constitution Avenue this tion and obedience to government; and The VICE PRESIDEN'I\ T}:le Senator morning, by the Department of the In- entertain a brotherly affection and love · will state it. terior, and I saw it still standing; Like .. for one another and for their fellow cit­ Mr. TAFT. Is the Senate now in exec- wise, the Department of Commerce, the izens of the United States at large. And, utive session? Department of Labor, the Department finally, that Thou wilt most graciously be The VICE PRESIDENT. The Senate of Justice, the Department of State, and pleased to dispose us all to do justice, to is in executive session. the Department of Agriculture and of love mercy, and to demean ourselves with Mr. TAFI'. What is the business be- Treasury were there in brick and stone; that charity, humility, and pacific tem­ fore the Senate? · as they were yesterday, and as I am sure per of mind which were the character­ The VICE PRESIDENT. The ques- they will be for many years to come. I istics of the Divine Author of our blessed tion is: Will the Senate advise and con- took judicial notice-as I think it was religion, and without a humble imitation sent to the nominations of the following- proper for me to do-of the fact that the of whose example in these things we can named persons for the offices indicated: activities of those departments were con- never hope to be a happy nation. Gral)t John Foster Dulles, of New York, to tinuing as usual. Those employed in the our supplication, we beseech Thee, be Secretary of State. departments appreciate the fact that no through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. George M. Humphrey, of Ohio, to be emergency was created by the failure to Secretary of the Treasury. confirm the nominations of the heads Herbert Brownell, Jr., of New York, to of those departments yesterday. THE JOURNAL be Attorney General. As I recall, it was on May 7, 1945, that On request of Mr. TAFT, and by unani­ Arthur E. Summerfield, of Michigan, I presented to the Senate, I believe in mous con·sent, the reading of the Journal to be Postmaster General. connection with the nomination of of the proceedings of Tuesday, January Douglas McKay, of Oregon, to be Sec- Robert Hannegan for Postmaster Gen- 20, 1953, was dispensed with. retary of the Interior. eral, a resume of some research work CONGRESSIONAL RECORD--SENATE January 21 which occupied me for a good many days "What I mean Is that the test of mental him 1! we were in the appointing position?" soundness, as we apply it in the law, should That right was not given to us by the advice­ prior to my speech at that time on the be applied to any Cabinet nominee or to any and-consent clause of the Constitution. The history of confirmation fights in the nominee proposed by the President for any framers of the Constitution did not say, "The Senate. With the assistance of members office." - President and a majority of the Senate shall of my stat!, I had previously analyzed to I applied what I consider to be the four appoint Cabine;t officers." the best of my ability the results of that major historical tests to the Wallace nomi­ Neither do I think a Cabinet nomination -research. We analyzed the history of nation, and in my honest judgment he met should be made use of in the Senate for every confirmation fight in our entire the tests, and on the basis of those tests carrying on political warfare against the history with res2ect to which we could I . voted for the confirmation of his nomi­ President, regardless of the party to which find any printed record. Without re­ nation. he may belong. I do not intend, in COll­ On the basis of those tests I will vote nection with the consideration of any Cabi­ peating in detail c~rtain excerpts from for the confirmation of Mr. Hannegan, unless net appointment, to seek to make politi­ that speech today, but giving only a I can be shown that he does not meet those cal capital out of it.
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