Analele UniversităŃii din Craiova. Istorie, Anul XX, Nr. 2(28)/2015 CONTENTS STUDIES AND ARTICLES Alexandrina Bădescu (PădureŃu), Veronica GheorghiŃă, THE HISTORICAL AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT OF JITIANU MONASTERY ............................................................................... 9 Iulian Oncescu, ENGLISH TRAVELLERS IN THE ROMANIAN AREA (18 TH CENTURY) .................................................................................................................................................... 21 Florian Olteanu, A MODERN “ODYSSEY” – THE “ELGIN MARBLES” ........................... 29 Denisa Victoria Dragomir, ASPECTS OF THE ROMANIAN-SPANISH RELATIONS BETWEEN 1869-1870 ............................................................................................................................... 33 Cosmin-Ştefan Dogaru, THE BRITISH MODEL OF GOVERNMENT: A GUIDE FOR THE ROMANIAN TWO-PARTY SYSTEM (1866-1914) .............................................................. 39 Laura Oncescu, ROMANIANS AND ITALIANS: CULTURAL CONVERGENCES DURING THE SECOND HALF OF THE 19 TH CENTURY ..................................................... 47 Selim Bezeraj, Bujar Dugolli, THE AUTONOMY OF ALBANIA UNDER PROTECTORATE AND ADMINISTRATION OF AUSTRO-HUNGARY DURING THE WWI ....................................................................................................................................................... 57 Adi Schwarz, GRANTING CITIZENSHIP TO JEWS IN ROMANIA AFTER THE GREAT UNIFICATION OF 1918 ......................................................................................................... 63 IonuŃ Şerban, STORIOGRAFIA DELLE RELAZIONI DIPLOMATICHE TRA ROMANIA E ITALIA (1914-1947) ....................................................................................................... 69 Gheorghe Sbârnă, ROMANIA AND THE INTER-PARLIAMENTARY UNION CONFERENCES OF THE SECOND INTERWAR DECADE (THE 1930s) ...................... 79 Marusia Cîrstea, ROMANIAN DIPLOMATIC ATTACHÉS IN LONDON ON POLITICAL CRISIS IN EUROPE (1936-1939) ................................................................................. 95 Mihai GhiŃulescu, THE ROMANIAN CABINET UNDER THE AUTHORITARIAN REGIME OF KING CHARLES II (1938-1940). PROLEGOMENA : THE LONG WAY TOWARDS AUTHORITARIANISM ................................................................................................ 111 Septimiu Lucian Jurca, THE POLITICIZATION OF THE GERMAN LIBRARIES BETWEEN 1933-1945 ............................................................................................................................. 119 Daniela Osiac, ROMANIA AND THE PEACE PROCESS IN THE MIDDLE EAST (1965-1990) .................................................................................................................................................... 127 Cristina Ilie Goga, THE ROMANIAN DETENTION SYSTEM DURING THE COMMUNIST REGIME: BETWEEN THE RULE OF LAW AND THE SOCIAL REALITIES ................................................................................................................................................. 139 7 Analele UniversităŃii din Craiova. Istorie, Anul XX, Nr. 2(28)/2015 Jan Bureš, HISTORICAL CONDITIONS OF THE RISE OF COMMUNISM IN THE CENTRAL EUROPE .............................................................................................................................. 151 Alexandra Porumbescu, OUTLOOK ON THE HISTORY OF MIGRATION IN THE XX TH CENTURY’S EUROPE ........................................................................................................................... 161 Anca Parmena Olimid, UNEVEN INSTITUTIONAL CAPACITY BUILDING AND MAKING OF DEMOCRACY CULTURE: AN INTRODUCTION FOR THE 2000s ... 171 Eugenia Udangiu, A SHORT HISTORY OF “DISENCHANTMENT”: THE GIFT AND THE SOCIAL RELATIONS ................................................................................................................. 177 BOOK REVIEWS Sorin Liviu Damean, Iulian Oncescu, O istorie a românilor de la Tudor Vladimirescu la Marea Unire (1821-1918) [A History of the Romanians from Tudor Vladimirescu to the Great Union (1821-1918)], Târgovişte, Editura Cetatea de Scaun, 2015, 280 p. (Bogdan Emanuel RăduŃ) .................... 183 Roland Clark, Sfîntă tinereŃe legionară. Activismul fascist în România interbelică [Holy Legionary Youth. Fascist Activism in Interwar Romania ], traducere de Marius-Adrian Hazaparu, Iaşi, Editura Polirom, ColecŃia “Studii româneşti”, 2015, 286 p. (Mihai GhiŃulescu) ........................................ 184 8 Analele UniversităŃii din Craiova. Istorie, Anul XX, Nr. 2(28)/2015 STUDIES AND ARTICLES THE HISTORICAL AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT OF JITIANU MONASTERY Alexandrina Bădescu (PădureŃu) *, Veronica GheorghiŃă ** Abstract The historical monuments with religious items are, essentially, a spiritual and material portion for every nation. They highlight the artistic skills and present certification of social, historical, political, economic and religious life. Every monastery and historical monument highlights the past, and offers in present, the acknowledgement of the founders and events of that time. The monasteries aren’t just a place for pray, but a shrine, of a high spiritual value that contributes to creation and cultivation of national culture of a nation, where are the highest national ideals and the finest traditions. Jitianu Monastery is one of the oldest monasteries of county Dolj, which now has a valuable collection of religious art, various genders, painting on wood, painting on glass, sculpture, silverware, embroideries of old Romanian artistic creations and traditional art, this collection being the fruit of the action of Oltenia Metropolitans Firmilian Marin, Teoctist Arăpaş and Nestor Vornicescu. Key words : Jitianu Monastery , Oltenia , architectural elements , collection of icons , church The history of monasteries in Oltenia Oltenia land nowadays has a strong historical burden, ruled by important events that marked historical, social and economic development of collectivity. This thing is confirmed by testimonies that are “from the ages of Dacian and Dacian-Roman settlements, from Dierna and Drobeta, to Sucidava on Danube, to Pelendava, on Jiu, then, towards the sunrise, to Romula, Buridava, Acidava”.1 All of these settlements highlight the ancient origin of human in these places and along with the art and religious culture monuments become testimonies of millenary spiritual life and of an intense cultural preoccupation. As they residences were built, some modest and some more imposing, people also have built nearby a place of worship, at first from wood, then stone and brick. They beautified them architecturally, they painted them, decorated with religious items and then hallowed them. Some of those values were kept almost untouched, other need the hand of the restorer specialist, but all, generally, talk about the existence of their ancients.2 * Lecturer, Ph.D., University of Craiova, Faculty of Theology, no. 13, A.I. Cuza Street, Dolj County, tel. 0040763778967, e-mail: [email protected] ** Assistant Professor, Ph.D., University of Craiova, Faculty of Social Sciences, Sociology Specialisation, no. 13, A.I. Cuza Street, Dolj County, tel. 0040251418515, e-mail: [email protected] 1 Teodora Voinescu, Comori de artă bisericească , Craiova, Editura Arhiepiscopiei Craiovei, 1980, p. 17. 2 Radu Constantinescu, Mircea Sfîrlea, Monumente religioase, biserici şi mânăstiri celebre din România , Bucureşti, Editura Editis, 1994, p. 15. 9 Analele UniversităŃii din Craiova. Istorie, Anul XX, Nr. 2(28)/2015 Monasteries are not just a place where national culture is preserved, but a place where the authentic national culture was created.1 It is noted that, over the time, monasteries have played multiple roles in the Romanian society, from religious establishments, cult sanctuaries and places of prayer, teaching and working, to places of exile and punishment for the guilty ones, fulfilling the functions of prison or reformatory penitentiary.2 Each of the monasteries “has a legend, but free of it a true history, highlighted by researches of archaeologist, historians and specialists in the art and culture field”.3 This fact can be seen to the monasteries from Oltenia: Vodi ța, Tismana, Polovragi, Lainici, Cozia, Topolni ța etc. and implicitly, to the representative monasteries from county Dolj: Sadova, Coşuna, Popânzăleşti, Maglavit, Cârcea, Jitianu. Sadova monastery is founded by aristocrats of Craiova. The first church, with the titular saint St. Nicholas, was made of wood, at the end of the XV th century, being documentary reminded on 1530 and rebuilt by Matei Basarab in 1633 from stone.4 In the rebuilding moment were built cells for monks and next to them a little church with brick wall, present nowadays, named “bolniŃă”, serving for the service made over the week. Around the monastery, it was built a defensive wall of brick 5, today remained only the ruins. Over the centuries, more ample restorations of the monastery took place in the years of 1702, 1852 and 1903. Co şuna Bucovăț monastery dating from 1843 has the titular saint St. Nicholas. It was restored in the years 1571-1572 by the great ban Ștefan and his son Pârvu. Architecturally, the church is of high value, its frontages being made of brick and coating, disposed in panels. The internal frescos are since 1554 and they are among the most valuable paintings from Muntenia in that century. The painting was affected after an earthquake, fin 1873, when the
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