u - MANCHESTER HERALD. Wednesday, Feb. 8, 1984 63 Cors/Trucks for Sale n Coro/Trocki for Solo 71 Heating/Plumbing 55 Household Goods O Misc. for Sale 63 Misc. for Sale 53 Misc. for Sale 1975 FORD G RANADA — MAN'S BEIGE/BROWN RCA WHIRLPOOL RE­ FOGARTY BROTHERS USED REFRIGERA­ Bank High mileage. Nice look­ END iOLI SPiaAl Herringbone (srrrail) FRIGERATOR — Ideal as — Bathroom remodel­ TORS. WASHERS. ing car. Best offer over Teenage suicide: Rates Astronaut en/oys second News analysis 27'h width, reg. .25t, tweed top coat. ZIp-aut a second refrigerator. Repossessions ing.' Installation water Ranges - clean, guaran­ $1000. Call 643-7714 after ,^now 2 lor .300 lining. Size 40. $40. Call $50. Call 649-1373. heaters, garbage dispo­ teed. parts and service. 649-7050. 6pm.__________ bicoiw Ttt Low prices. B.O. Pearl & 13% width, reg. 2 for .260, FOR SALE jate way up, doctors say . free fllgM~ln space of O’Neill budget] sals; faucet repairs. 649- now 3 lor .300 l9eODod0eColl * 3 5 0 0 Son. 649 Main Street. SiTvkic 7657. Vl.sa/M asterCard MUST be picked up et the 1070 CtiGvrolel C«m«ro M 5 0 0 MUST SELL! 1974 643-2171. Pets 65 accepted. Manchester Herald Office WOODEN HOCKEY 1076 T-Blrd *2000 M O N TE CARLO — New: ... page 11 ... page 20 ... page 7 FORM 1040 PREPARA BEFORE 11am ONLY. STICKS— $6each. Excel­ 1066 Ford Mustang *2000 Transmission, carbure­ TION. Good tax repres tor, plugs, wires, 2 snows. You’ll never know the Misc. for Sale 63 lent condition. Phone 649- The above can be seen entation should not be FREE - Home needed for Good running condition. power of Classified until TWO PAIR ICE SKATES 2433. at SBM . Available, only to the a v e ry , affectionate $1200. Call 6474273 after you use It yourself. Call eeaeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee — Black, plain. Medium 913 Main St. wealthy, anymore! The young, mitten pawed cat. 5pm.__________________ 643-2711 today to place an size. Special temper Tax Saver 644-0015. ad. Call after 4:00pm, 647- REGAL 19806cyllnder, blades. $8 pair. Call 649- SKI SET (Poles and boots Buyer meets seller In 9357. bronze color, automatic, 7517 Included) Make an offer Clossifled ... and it's INCOME TAXES — Pre power steering, power happy meeting for both. pared by CPA. Business & Household Goods 62 ALUMINUM S H E E T S under $501 call anytime SW EDISH ICE AU G ER — steering, power brakes, 643-2711, Individual. Call John, used as printing plates — for sizes and details. 643- 6 Inch with sharpening tilt steering, air conditi­ Clear tonight; Manchester, Conn. 659-3069. .007" thick, 23 X 24". 500 4859. stone, $20. Call 649-2048. Cars/Tnicks tor Sale 71 oned. Excellent condi­ BUNKBEDS With Mat­ each, or 5 for $2.00. Phone tion. $4000.643-4633 week- Misc. Automotive 76 sunny Friday Thursday, Feb. 9, 1984 tresses, $250. Girls white 643-2711. They M UST be days or 634-1221 French Provincial bed­ VANITY WITH MIRROR — See page 2 Single copy: 25C picked up before weekends. Ask for Mike room set, $475. Call 649- and matching chest of 1971 CHEVY CONCOURS 11:00a.m. only. Sears. FOR SALE: T-vo Dunlop TAX PREPARATIONS — 4179 after 5pinj_________ drawers. Good condition. WAGON — V 8, auto­ In the convenience of Asking $80. Call 649-2558. EXCELLENT QUALITY matic, powersteering, ra­ steel belted radial snow your home. Reliable- ONE OF THE surest ways uANGE FOAM-FLO HARDWOOD. Mostly dio, roof rack, posifrac- 1973 PDNTIAC VEN­ tires and wheels. P205- reasonable. Call Norm to find bargain buys Is to Buckle ski boots. Men's SKI JACKET— Like new. green. Cut, spilt and deli­ tiorf, defogger. Good TURA — $750. Excellent T5R14 Fits 1980 Plymouth M arshall, 643-9044. shop the classified ads 9 medium. $60. Call Bovs size 18. Shades of vered. Minimum 2 cords. snow-skling-hlll climbing running condition. Call Volare. $35 eoch. Call every day. 643-2880. blue. $15. Coll 646-1427. $70/cord. Call 649-1831. vehicle. Call 643-2880. after 6pm, 643-2045. 649-9902. P e n n e y U.S. bombards still at top Druze rebels; of tax list REAL ESTATE THIS WEEK J.C. Penney remained the town's largest taxpayer during 1983 with an assessment of $19,805,340. ac­ cording to a list of the town's 10 troops leaving largest taxpayers compiled by the assessor from the new Grand List. J.C. Penney's assessment in­ By Steve Hagey Christian east allowed one civilian cludes both real estate and per­ featuring... United Press International airliner to land at the airport. sonal property, the bulk of which is “ The Middle East Airways plane at the company’s Catalog Distribu­ BEIRUT, Lebanon — Another was on a humanitarian mission, to tion Center in the Buckland Indus­ ISO “ non-essential" U.S. Marines take away a badly wounded trial Park, Assessor J. Richard were airlifted from Moslem rebel- ^oman and her family. Normal Vincent said. controlled ylest Beirut today fol­ flights will resume wtien ail roads, Connecticut Light & P o w c Co lowing a massive American naval PRIDE A PLEASURE SUPER COLONIAL especially those around the airport remained the second largest tax­ The pride of ownership and the pleasure or liv in g m ihis spa- bombardment of the hills east of have reopened,” Beirut radio payer with an assessment ol cious home can be yours today. Let us show you the lovely lam- the capital. quoted MEA Chairman Selim $10,363,840. Hy room with a unique fireplace, the form ^ living and dining With a dream kitchen and breakfast room crafted in “ Another ISO Marines pulled out rooms, the four bedrooms and 2’/% baths, the recreation roonr Salam as saying. Multi-Circuits Inc., a manufac­ extra storage and two car garage. $115,000. the beauty and strength of rich oak cabinets. Your today,” Marine spokesman Maj. Brooks said the Marines left as turer of printed circuit boards, family will have plenty of sleeping room with thesM Dennis Brooks said at the Marine “ part of a pre-planned operation ranked third with an assessment of peace-keepers’ base at the interna­ started two weeks ago. They were $8,424,890 — nearly double its 1982 large bedrooms (Master has private bath and walk in tional airport in south Beirut. He non-essential personnel. They assessment of $4,310,040. Multi- closet). Spacious family room with picture window said the operation was carried out worked for the field hospital, the Circuits was the town's fifth in mock "hostile action.” and stunning fieldstone fireplace, formal living and post office, and other service largest taxpayer during 1982. In London, the Foreign Office support areas. The increased asssessment was dining rooms, central slate foyer and hallway plus a said a car ferry chartered to help "There is no evacuation. There due primarily to new construction, walkout basement ideal for a future rec room. The evacuate up to 2,000 British civili­ are no orders,” he said. About 250 Vincent said. Other big changes ans from Beirut arrived off the other Marines were taken by included John Hancock Mutual maintenance free exterior of stone, aluminum and Lebanese coast. helicopte to U.S. warships off the Life Insurance, which went from thermopane windows round off this fantastic bar­ Two American F-14 jets thun­ Beirut coast Tuesday. sixth in 1982 to fifth in 1983 with an FIVE BEDROOMS dered over west Beirut in the Three U.S, Navy helicopters also assessment of $4,044,690. and the South Windsor: Large tri-level home with 1 'A baths, lormal liv­ gain. See it today at $125,900. afternoon drawing rebel .50- ing and dining rooms, family room with fireplace, private yard evacuated 51 people, mostly “ non- estate of developer Alexander with 16‘x32' inground pool New gas hot water furnace and caiibet machine-gun fire, wit­ essential" U.S. diplomatic person­ Jarvis, which went from third in oversized 2 car garage Just reduced to $90,900 nesses said. nel and family members, from the 1982 to sixth in 1983 with an We cm help you become a The rebels who overran west se^ front British Embassy in west assessment of $3,978,640, "REALE' PROFESSIONAL! BLANCHARD & ROSSETTO, Inc. Beirut earlier this week are Beirut where U.S. offices have And. developer Raymond F. Call 646-4525. and ask for Oan. demanding the ouster of President been located since the American Damato. who ranked lOth in 1982.. 189 West Center St. Cor. of McKee Amin Gemayel. Druze Moslem Embassy was blown up last year. was not in the top 10 for 1983. D.F. REALE, INC. — Manchester - Equal Housing Opportunity leader Walid Jumblatt today said In Damascus, Syrian President Vincent said the drop was probably Real Esfate it would be best for the country if Hafez Assad pledged to support the due to court-ordered adjustments M% HGte St.. ■•ficAgetgr, Cl. Gemayel committed suicide and 646-4525 646-2482 struggle of the Lebanese people in which resulted in a lower 1983 y \ his militia threatened to attack response to President Reagan’s assessment. American interests in Beirut if vow to use naval bombardments Replacing Damato ig 10th place naval bombardments resumed. against any Syrian-controlled was General Electric, with an "Either the civil war will con­ strikes on Beirut. assessment of $3,113,870. That tinue and Lebanon will just disap­ Reagan’s order came Tuesday a includes both leased equipment pear or Gemayel will realize he’s when he announced a staged Herald photos by Tarquinio and property at 61 Chapel Road.
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