©Ije Jnm* (Earners jj SCARBORO HIGH SCHOOL § 5 _ $ umhlf nf (Emtlrntii 5 Dedication . 3 Editorial Board Picture. 4 Faculty Picture. 5 Directory . 5 Editorials . Senior Periscope Literary. Athletics .27 Rifle Team Picture.31 Boys’ Basketball Picture.32 Girls’ Basketball Picture.34 Exchanges .37 Notes .39 Prize Speaking Picture.44 Jokes.4b Dough Boys’ Picture.47 Alumni .52 Advertisements 61 Srbiratioit ®0 Harriett Bjurllwrt Bjpalfc tljtja tsour of “3Ifr iffnnr fflornrra" in fcrfctratrfc In Inning rrutrmbraitrr “Somewhere in eternal fields, She wandereth happily, And singeth ever little songs Of friendly poesy. And ivhere she treads, the flowers spring, And bird notes fill the air; For each glad song begun on earth Lives on in beauty there ” EDITORIAL BOARD Standing: G. Milliken, Bennett, Woodward, Paine, N. Newcomb, Libby, Stanford, E. Pillsbury, Moulton, Plowman, Jensen, Davis. Sitting: Chandler, Rawson, P. Newcomb, M. Milliken, Verrill, Leavitt, Smith. FACULTY itrertory >o<>o<>cx>oocx>oocHn FACULTY Literary Editors Etiielyn Pillsbury, ’34 Elwood G. Bessey, A. B., Principal Anna Leavitt, ’34 Mathematics Joke Editor Frances B. Libbey, A. B. Ruth Verrill, ’34 Latin and History Assistants Frances M. Nason, A. B. Marjorie Milliken, ’35 English George Stanford, ’36 Rebecca Siiaw, A. B. Steven Libby,’37 French and Biology Local Editor Esther M. Barlow, A. B. Elizabeth Bennett, ’34 Science and Business Training -Exchange Editor Doris E. Hctciiins, B. S. Nellie Newcomb, ’35 Home Economics Art Editor Gerald C. Hallett George Milliken, -34 Manual Training Athletic Editors (Boys) Robert Jensen, '34 (Girls) Dorothy Smith, '34 EDITORIAL BOARD Advej'tising Managers Editor-in-Chief Merton Rawson, ’34 George Woodward, ’3 i t'’vtno Moulton. ’34 Assist* nt Editor Lewis Chandler. ’34 Patricia Newcomb, ’34 Alan Paine, ’34 THE FOUR CORNERS SCARBORO HIGH SCHOOL Volume XXII MAY 1934 Number i The school was sorry not to publish a after our forced vacation of a year, our yearbook in 1933, but due to the bank readers will get a book enough' better to holiday and the depression in general, we make up for the omitted year. were unable to get the ads necessary to pay for the printing of a book of the quality C. W. A. IN SCARBORO we had previously printed. So instead of The t, V. A. to some people is just printing a cheap yearbook, we omitted it talk, as they are unable to see the work entirely and printed a little six-page bi¬ done by it. But anyone who has lieen weekly paper called the Scarboronim. inside of the Oak Hill Grammar School This year we are putting the pictures and before and after they worked there will periscope for the Class of 1933 in the realize what a great deal of work and what Alumni Department. We have also tried a fine quality of work has been done to improve all of the departments, so that through the C. W. A. In the other grade THE FOUR CORNERS 7 schools they have performed many needed watching every movement for instructions. repairs, such as rcshingling the roof, etc. Another habit which has become very prev¬ In the high school they have sound¬ alent in school this year is the habit of proofed several of the rooms. They have chewing gum. Although there is nothing also painted some rooms that have not been absolutely wrong in this practice, still it is previously painted and have also repainted frowned upon by good society and does other rooms. They have done the exterior lower the dignity of the school. If one painting on the high school and have were to judge by actions, it would some¬ graded the south and west lawns. times be hard to distinguish the Seniors The money that they were able to pro¬ from the Freshmen as they emerge from cure for use on the roads through the the classroom. 0. W. A. has been apportioned among the These things are done thoughtlessly, but three districts in the town. All this has if we realize how much we really do in¬ not only made it possible to accomplish fluence underclassmen, we would think the needed repairs, but it has also put twice before doing many of the things many people to work. A mural scene which we do. depicting Dunstan as a ship building There is the saying, “When you are in center is being painted by Otho Baker, Rome do as the Romans do.” In reality '18, for the back wall in the main room of the high school. people follow this rule much more than we realize. We must remember that our ex¬ ample may determine the high or low standard of the school in future years. SETTING AN EXAMPLE FOR THE FRESHMEN One of the chief duties and privileges AN APPRECIATION of the Senior is setting a good example for the Freshmen. Although we do not realize The sincere thanks of the Editorial it sometimes, the Freshmen look up to us Board of the Four Corners and the stu¬ Seniors as examples of perfect pupils. dent body of Scarboro High is extended to Imagine the amazement of a somewhat our advertisers. Over two hundred people bewildered Freshman when he sees a “dig¬ have purchased advertising space in our nified” Senior scale over the hack of a seat, book this year. How, readers of the Four making a perfect landing, but nevertheless Corners, don’t forget to read the adver¬ lowering his “dignity.” Of course, when a tising section just as thoroughly as you do Senior puts a tack in someone’s seat he the other departments, and after you have means no harm, but this act is not a very seen just who our loyal supporters are, constructive lesson for anyone who is PLEASE PATRONIZE THEM. SENIOR PERISCOPE Dorothy B. Ah lq list “Dot" Glee Club (3); 4-H Club (1, 2, 3); Volleyball (4); Senior Drama (4); Dramatic Club (2). “Calmly I let the world go by ; Why should a mortal worry?’* Elizabeth P. Bennett “Liz" 4-H Club (1, 3. 4); Glee Club (3); Local Editor of Font Corners (4) ; Dramatic Club (2); Junior Red Cross Executive Committee (4); Student Council (4). “On with the dance ; let joy he unconfined ; No sleep till morn, where youth and pleasure meet To chase the glowing hours with flying feet.” Merton E. Bawson “Ilorsie Dramatic Club (2); Public Speaking (1. 2, 3, 4. second prize 1); 4-H Club (1, 2, 3, 4); Camp Vaill Trip (2); State Contest (3); County I! Champion in pig raising (4); Baseball (2. 3); Swimming (3. 4); Stamp Club (3, 4) ; Basketball (3, 4); Senior Diama (4); French Club (4); Joke Editor (2, 3); Ad¬ vertising Editor (4); Doughboys (4); Oi- chestra (3). “Never cross your bridges until you get to them.” Etiiel A. Davis “Davy” 4-H Club (1, 2, 3); Public Speaking (3, 4); Senior Drama (4); Librarian (4); Glee Club (3); Senior Periscope Editor (4); French Club (4); Dramatic Club (2). “Have you not heard it said full oft That a maiden’s nay doth stand for naught?” Lilly M. Douglas “Lil” 4-H Club (1, 2, 3); Dramatic Club (2); Glee Club (3); Basketball (3, 4). “True as the needle to the pole. Or ns the dial to the sun." Ruth E. Jordan “Ruthic” Swimming (3, 4); Home Economics Club (1, 2); Volleyball (4). “Please go away and let me sleep; Don’t disturb my slumbers deep; I had rather sleep than eat. So please let me sleep." George D. Woodward Public Speaking (3, 4); 4-H Club (1, 2, 3, 4); Leader (3, 4): Stamp Club (3, 4); Senior Drama (4); Editor-in-' lilef of Four Cor¬ ners (4); Dramatic Club (2); Rifle Team (2, 4); Junior Red Cross (4); Swimming (4); State 4-H Camp (4); County Cham¬ pion in Garden (4); Toastmaster at State Contest (4); Doughboys (4); Honor Stu¬ dent. "Thou art a fellow of good respect: o Thy life doth have much smack of honor In it.’ Jane E. King “Janie” 4-H Club (1, 2, 3, 4, Leader 3); President of Stu¬ dent Council (4); Manager of Girls’ Basket¬ ball (4); Glee Club (3); French Club (4); Junior Red Cross (4). "Begone, dull Care, begone from me. Thou and I shall never agree." I Anna E. Leavitt “Ann Public Speaking (2, 3, 4); 4-H Club (1, 2); Senior Drama (4); Track (1); Dramatic Club (2); Clee Club (3); Home Economics Club (1, 2); Assistant Literary Editor (4); Honor Student. “Come and trip it as ye go On the light fantastic toe.” Mildred Littlefield “Mi-mie” 4-H Club (1, 2. 3); Track (2. 3); Dramatic Club (2); Home Economics Club (1, 2); Junior Red Cross (4). “Not idle for many moments, she. But patient, full of courtesy." Robert L. Jensen “Bobbie” Basketball (2, 3, 4); Orchestra (2, 3); Baseball (2. 3); Vice-President of Class (1, 2); Track (3); 4-H Club (3. 4); Athletic Editor of Four Corners (4); Vice-President of Stu¬ dent Council (4). “Within our constellation. Behold, a shooting star!" Rutii E. MacMillan “Mickey” Basketball (2, 3, 4); 4-H Club (1, 2, 3); Dra¬ matic Club (2); Glee Club (3); Class Treas¬ urer (1, 3); Student Council (2). “Grace was in her steps, kindness Ip her eye; In every gesture courtesy and taste.” Eihtii M. McCullough “lidic" Basketball (2, 3, 4); Volleyball (4); 4-H Club (1); Dramatic Club (2); Student Council (3). ‘How could I bo happy with either, Were other dear charmer away? But while ye thus tease me together To neither, a word will I say.” Patricia E.
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