"It's here because it's THE COWL true, not true because it's here." Volume XXXI—No. 3 Wednesday, April 26, 1978 Providence, R.I. 02918 12 pages Just 163 beds for frosh males The housing projections for the dated also. Class of 1982 males are far from According to Backes, "There encouraging As of April 14, 189 has been a shift in local applicant freshmen men had committed trends There has been a dimin• themselves to Providence Col• ished number of commuting lege and had requested residence Rhode Island residents Local accommodations This number is students who apply have indi• expected to rise and reach about cated that they would like on- 200 The problem is that there are campus residence." only 163 beds available for fresh• One alternative could be the men males, and of this number, "Georgetown plan." Backes ex• around 30 beds have been re• plained, "I'd like to go on record served for athletes. For freshmen of being in favor of a housing plan women, 349 beds have been put that Georgetown and Cornell use. aside Georgetown guarantees campus Director of admission It had been hoped that leasing a residency regardless for all in• Michael Backes male dormitory at Our Lady of coming freshmen. After that, a Providence Seminary on War• lottery is implemented. The wick Neck would alleviate the school's sophomores, juniors and Students choose overcrowding, but since only 47 seniors then have about a 50-30 OLP people chose to live there, the chance of living on campus for plan was scrapped. the next year." Martins, Piro Director of admissions Michael "It's the only viable solution Backes candidly admits, "There short of building. If we add a efunct are no alternatives. It's a dil• dorm there must be the corres• emma. If a sufficient number of ponding facilities. Food services, The College Corporation elec• year and that a wide variety ot students had professed interest in the library, athletic areas must tions, held Thursday, April 20, dorm improvements have been submitted to the budget commit• The possibility of leasing a living there, it would have help• be commensurate with the new resulted in the election of Susan tee. These improvements include male dormitory at Our Lady of ed. I'm opposed to freshmen dorm." Martins, and John Piro to the closet doors and new lights in Providence Seminary for the 1978 living there. ' Overall applications for the positions of senior and junior Stephen and Joseph Halls as well -79 academic year is now defunct. The current resident problem Class of 1982 have been up 13 to 14 positions respectively Twenty- as carpeting and new tiling and Rev. Robert A. Morris, O.P., is the result of a series of prob• per cent from last year, but be• nine per cent of the College ceilings in other dorms executive vice president, an• lems, not just lack of room space cause of the lack of room space, turneo out to vote. Martins, pres• nounced that the " PC by the sea' Many available off-campus 70 residence fees from males ent student member, won with residence venture is a dead issue apartments have already been have been returned This prac• 520 votes while Piro received 350 Susan Martins, a junior from for September." The idea was rented for next September. Be• tice will continue until the May 1 votes of the total votes cast. East Providence, has already originally proposed in an effort to cause of the size of the Classes of residency deadline. Backes will This election is regarded only had one year of experience on the have a better idea of exactly how alleviate the overcrowding situa• '79 and '80, there is an increased as a recommendation of the Corporation. "I see myself as much male dorm space exists tion in male dormitories. demand for off-campus living. student body. The names will now continuing what I have done," after the current room lottery is Those students who prefer to live be presented to a special review• commented Martins, "and trying on campus must be accommo• completed. ing committee for final approval to plan for the long-range goals of "OLP was a good idea, but it and also to the nominating com• the College." was just too complicated a mat• mittee. Decisions will be formu• ter to settle in one and one-half lated in the near future. Sophomore John Piro is a weeks. We couldn't keep the kids Susan Martins and John Piro business management major hanging after the lottery num• Congress discusses are the student-elected nominees from East Norwalk. Conn bers were issued," explained for the senior and junior repre• Father Morris sentative positions to the College Corporation. Their nominations "If elected by the interviewing will now go to Rev James M committee, I intend to strengthen Located on Warwick Neck, the Murphy, O.P., and the nomin• the relationship between the Stu• seminary is approximately 30 survey, budget ating committee for final ap• dent Congress and the Corpora• minutes from PC. "There were proval. tion. Also, it is in my best interest too many details to be worked The lifestyles committee re to maintain the credibility of the out," Father Morris said, "es• student memers on the corpora• The Committee on Adminis• ports that the Rat will be open pecially in the areas of trans• By Jane E. Hickey tion." commented Piro. portation, security, maintenance tration discussed the College's later from now until the end of the and dining." budget for the coming year at its letters are sent to the parents ot April 19 meeting. Only the faculty governs controversial speakers. all students disciplined by the At its meeting on April 23, the welfare committee report on the It is also discussing the question board. According to the Buckley Michael Backes, director of Student Congress discussed the faculty salary increment is need• of whether or not letters concern- Amendment, however, it is il• admissions, along with Father procedures that will be followed ed to make the report complete, legal for such letters to be sent to Morris and members of the Resi• in the process of surveying and this figure is expected within The faculty survey the parents of financially inde• dence Office are still investi• courses which is taking place the next week. Therefore, the pendent students. gating other alternatives for throughout this week. After hav• figures on next year's tuition and committee has male housing in September. ing taken a pilot survey, the The academic research com• room and board are expected to established a new mittee reports that the alumni faculty survey committee has be available in the near future. established a new survey that survey has been completed and "The seminary idea is definite• survey. will hopefully be more efficient was submitted to the administra• ly not for September; however, The Bill of Rights committee than previous surveys and that, tion last week. Copies will be we're continuing to explore other announced that it is awaiting ing disciplinary action being when tabulated, will prove to be a distributed to individual depart• ideas with the diocese. OLP may contact with Paul Pisano, College taken against a student should be valuable aid for students to use in ment heads during this week and still be a possibility for coming lawyer, before it evaluates the sent to the parents of the offend• choosing their courses. will also be available in the years," Father Morris stated. section of the Bill of Rights that ing student. At present, such Dorms Inside battle R.I. Philharmonic The agony and the ecstasy of Page 3 PC's Battle of the Dorm's are reflected in the faces of Dore Hall's Joe Coggins and Aquinas' Nancy Pope. 'Our Town' The events were held Saturday morning on Raymond Field. This gala event was sponsored Page 6 by the junior class, followed by a mixer in all of Slavin Center. Joe's Hall won, garnering 4 points. Marathon Man More photos on Page 9. Page 10 COWL Phoioi by Dan Lund Page 2 Wednesday, April 28, 1978 News also realistic. She realized the long struggle ahead and enthu• McCormack siastically encouraged listeners Around the Campus to get involved, "We can change things. No human being is too old cations. Preference is given to or too young not to count In• Grants available candidates who have not had Speaks at PC volvement in pontics is the only prior opportunity for extended way to save millions of lives." study or residence abroad for overseas study By Diane Ruane feels that with the acceptance ot When one listener questioned Interested students should con• abortion comes the establish• her regarding her feelings on the tact the campus Fulbright Pro• ment of a "New Ethic." Pro lifers A soft-spoken, but confident, Baird issue she answered, "I'm The Institute of International gram Adviser, Prof. H.C Ken• believe this new principle takes Ellen McCormack addressed a sure you don't want me to involve Education has announced that nedy, located in Library 339, for away the value of individual sparse crowd of approximately 75 myself in the school's policy con• the official opening of the 1979-B0 further information and applica• life. In her speech she raised the on April 18, on the defense of the cerning speakers. I was invited to competition for grants for grad• tion material. The campus dead• question, "If we sanction abor• unborn Invited last October, Mc• speak and I accepted." In re• uate study or research abroad in line for filing 1979-80 applications tion what are we doing?" The Cormack was not appearing as a sponse to the question, "Why academic fields and for profes• will be October 10,1978.
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