!139 A Plain English Reference to have faltered in unbelief. We would be The Book of Mosiah like the Lamanites, who know nothing King Benjamin teaches sons about God's commandments and See Mosiah, Chapter 1 mysteries. They don't believe these things because they are misguided by This peace among all the people in the their forefathers' false traditions. land of Zarahemla lasted for the rest of Remember this, for these records are King Benjamin's days. He had three true. sons, Mosiah, Helorum and Helaman, and taught them the writing language of And these plates Nephi made, which their forefathers — modified Egyptian. contain our forefathers' words from the time they left Jerusalem until now, are He did this so they would become men also true. Remember to search them of understanding, knowing the diligently so you may profit from them. prophecies the Lord had given their forefathers (engraved on Nephi's I want you to obey God’s commands plates). so you will prosper in the land, according to the promises He made to Benjamin also taught his sons our forefathers." concerning the records engraved on the brass plates, saying, King Benjamin taught many more things to his sons not written here. "My sons, I want you to remember, if it were not for these plates containing As he grew old and realized he would records and commandments, we would soon die, he felt it necessary to confer now be in ignorance, not knowing the the kingdom upon one of his sons. And mysteries of God. It would have been so he called for Mosiah, named after impossible for our forefather Lehi to his grandfather, and said to him, have remembered all these things, and "My son, I want you to make a to have taught them to his children proclamation throughout all the land of without these plates. Zarahemla. Tell the people to assemble Lehi had been taught in the Egyptian tomorrow, when I will proclaim that language. This is why he could read the you are now a king and ruler over this brass plates and teach them to his people, whom the Lord our God has children. They in turn taught their given us. children Egyptian, fulfilling God's Tomorrow I will also give this people a commandments, even down to this name to distinguish them from all the present time. people the Lord God has brought out of My sons, if it were not for these brass Jerusalem. I will do this because they plates that have been preserved by the have been diligently keeping the Lord's hand of God, our forefathers would !140 commandments. It will always be their order to remind them of their duty to name unless they become sinful. Him. For if this people, who are now highly Mosiah did as he was asked and made a favored of the Lord, become wicked proclamation to all the people in the and adulterous, the Lord will deliver land of Zarahemla to go up to the them to the Lamanites by taking temple to hear his father speak. away their strength and protection. King Benjamin Then He will no longer save them by speaks to his people His matchless, marvelous power as He See Mosiah, Chapter 2 saved our forefathers. If the Lord had The next day all the people went up to not extended His arm to save our the temple to hear King Benjamin. forefathers, they would have fallen The Nephites had become very victim to the Lamanites, who hated numerous, even too numerous to count. them." They brought the firstborn of their After King Benjamin said this to his flocks as sacrifices and burnt offerings son, he put him in charge of the according to the law of Moses. They kingdom. gave thanks to the Lord their God, who He also gave Mosiah the brass plates, had brought their forefathers out of Jerusalem and delivered them from their enemies. They were also grateful for the just men who had been appointed to be their teachers, and for Benjamin, a just man, who had been appointed as their king. These just men had established peace in the land of Zarahemla and had Nephi's plates, Laban's sword and the taught the people to keep God's Liahona — the ball with spindles, commandments, that they might rejoice made by the Lord, which had led Lehi and be filled with love toward God and and his people through the wilderness all mankind. when they diligently obeyed the Lord. Each family — a man with his wife, When anyone in Lehi's group had sons, daughters and grandchildren, been unfaithful, the whole group did from the oldest down to the youngest, not progress in their journey. They were set up separate tents around the temple. driven back and suffered hunger and Their tent doors faced the temple so pain. They felt God's displeasure in they could stay in their tents and still hear King Benjamin. !141 the might, mind and strength that He gives me. I've spent my life in your service, not seeking gold, silver or any kind of riches from you. I have not allowed slavery or confinement in dungeons. I have not allowed murder, plunder, stealing or adultery. I have not condoned any kind of wickedness, but I have taught you to The multitude was so large that all the keep all the Lord's commandments. I've people could not fit inside the temple even labored with my own hands to walls, and so King Benjamin had a serve you so you would not be tower built. burdened with taxes. You, yourselves, When he spoke from this tower many know all these things. more people could hear him. I do not say these things to boast or to But as he started to speak, not everyone accuse you. I say these things so that could hear, so King Benjamin had his you will know that I can answer to God words written and sent among those with a clear conscience today. who were too far to hear him. Saying I've spent my days in your And these are Benjamin’s words: service doesn't mean I'm boasting, for I've only been serving God. "My brothers and sisters, I have not commanded you to come here to make You will be wise when you learn that light of what I will tell you, but to open serving your brothers and sisters is you hearts and minds, so that God's serving your God. mysteries may be unfolded to your If I your king work with my own hands view. to serve you, then shouldn't you do the I have not commanded you to come to same for one another? fear me, or to make you think I’m more And if I your earthly king (who serves than mortal. Like everyone else, I too, God by serving you), deserve thanks, am sometimes weak in body and mind. then how much more should you thank But I've been chosen by you your Heavenly King! and consecrated by my father Mosiah, If you gave God all the thanks and and I've been allowed to be your ruler praise that you could, for creating and and king. I've been saved by the Lord's protecting you, and for giving you matchless power to serve you with all reason to rejoice and live in peace, it would not be enough. !142 He lends you breath to live, to move I do this to rid my robes of your blood about, to do as you wish, supporting before I die --that I might die in peace you from moment to moment. and my immortal spirit join the choirs If you served Him with all your souls above in singing praises to a just God. forever, you could never do enough to I also need to tell you I can no longer profit Him. Yet all He requires of you is be your teacher nor your king. For even to keep His commandments. He has now, my whole body shakes while I promised you that if you obey His attempt to speak to you. But the Lord commands, you will prosper in the supports me, and He has commanded land. And you see that He has blessed me to tell you that my son Mosiah you. is now your king and ruler. But since He created you, giving you Now, my brothers and sisters, continue your life, you are still in debt to Him. to keep the Lord's commandments that He does not require payment for your my father, Mosiah, and I have given to life, but only for you to keep His you. commandments. When you do this, He Because you have been keeping these immediately pays you with blessings. commandments, you have prospered, Since you still owe Him for your life and have been protected from your no matter what you do, how can you enemies. boast? If you continue to keep God's Can you, yourselves, say you are great? commandments that will be given to No, you are no greater than the you by my son Mosiah, you will dust of the earth, for it was the continue to prosper in the land, and Creator's dust from which you were your enemies will never have power created. over you. Even I, whom you call your king, am But beware of contention among you, no better than you, for I, too, am made oh my people, which arise when you from dust.
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