North East Independent School District Check Register 12/1/2014 - 12/31/2014 Vendor Name Description Amount A - Z GRAPHICS LLC $1,152.20 12/11/2014 General Supplies $745.20 12/18/2014 General Supplies $407.00 A T & T $12,514.75 12/04/2014 Cell Phone $12,514.75 A T T MOBILITY $27,777.91 12/04/2014 Cell Phone $20,355.81 12/11/2014 Cell Phone $35.99 12/18/2014 Cell Phone $7,386.11 A1 ENGRAVERS ADVANCED GRAPHI $15.95 12/18/2014 General Supplies $15.95 A1 FIRE SAFETY $2,347.55 12/04/2014 Contracted Maintenance Repair $163.50 12/11/2014 Contracted Maintenance Repair $992.50 12/18/2014 Contracted Maintenance Repair $1,191.55 AAA SIGNS INC $2,535.15 12/04/2014 General Supplies $209.55 12/11/2014 Maintenance/Ops Supplies $2,325.60 AARON JOLLEY $314.75 12/04/2014 Contracted Services $100.00 12/11/2014 Contracted Services $96.00 12/18/2014 Contracted Services $118.75 ABBY REIS $139.10 12/11/2014 Employee Travel $69.55 12/15/2014 Employee Travel $69.55 ACCOUNTABLE HEALTHCARE $37,257.00 12/04/2014 Contracted Services $10,035.75 12/11/2014 Contracted Services $16,732.25 12/18/2014 Contracted Services $10,489.00 ACCUTRAIN CORP $298.00 12/18/2014 Employee Travel $298.00 ACE EDUCATIONAL SUPPLIES INC $76.53 12/04/2014 General Supplies $76.53 ACE MART RESTAURANT SUPPLY CO $652.27 North East Independent School District Check Register 12/1/2014 - 12/31/2014 Vendor Name Description Amount 12/19/2014 General Supplies $652.27 ACME SAFE LOCK CO $780.64 12/04/2014 PO Accrual $780.64 AD TESTING SERVICES $480.00 12/11/2014 General Supplies $480.00 ADAPTIVE CURRICULUM $299.00 12/04/2014 General Supplies $299.00 ADI $704.95 12/11/2014 PO Accrual $704.95 ADP INC $97.12 12/11/2014 Contracted Services $97.12 ADREANNA BROUSSARD $110.00 12/11/2014 Contracted Services $110.00 ADRIANA HERNANDEZ $130.48 12/04/2014 Employee Travel $130.48 ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES $7,673.00 12/04/2014 General Supplies $6,678.00 12/18/2014 Reading Materials $995.00 AFFILIATED COMPUTER SERVICES $301.20 12/18/2014 Contracted Services $301.20 AFFILIATED TELEPHONE AUSTIN $19,032.00 12/04/2014 Contracted Services $475.00 12/11/2014 Maintenance/Ops Supplies $18,557.00 AIRWAVE RADIO INC $7,296.40 12/04/2014 Rentals $77.00 12/11/2014 Maintenance/Ops Supplies $1,716.36 12/18/2014 General Supplies $5,503.04 ALAMO ARCHITECTS INC $8,168.10 12/11/2014 CIP $8,168.10 ALAMO AREA AQUATICS ASSN INC $3,460.00 12/04/2014 Student Travel $3,305.00 12/11/2014 Student Travel $110.00 12/19/2014 Student Travel $45.00 ALAMO AREA COUNCIL OF $175.00 12/04/2014 Employee Travel $175.00 North East Independent School District Check Register 12/1/2014 - 12/31/2014 Vendor Name Description Amount ALAMO CITY COACHES CLINIC $3,920.00 12/18/2014 Employee Travel $3,920.00 ALAMO CITY STRINGS $839.50 12/18/2014 Contracted Maintenance Repair $839.50 ALAMO CITY TENNIS OFFICIALS $760.00 12/04/2014 Contracted Services $760.00 ALAMO CITY TRUCK SERVICE INC $19,882.62 12/04/2014 Contracted Maintenance Repair $19,882.62 ALAMO COMMUNITY COLLEGE $510.00 12/04/2014 Student Travel $510.00 ALAMO DISTRIBUTION LLC $5,281.67 12/04/2014 PO Accrual $2,431.99 12/11/2014 PO Accrual $494.64 12/18/2014 PO Accrual $2,355.04 ALAMO DOOR SYSTEMS OF TEXAS $190.13 12/18/2014 Contracted Maintenance Repair $190.13 ALAMO LOT MAINTENANCE LTD LLP $1,198.48 12/11/2014 Contracted Maintenance Repair $1,198.48 ALAMO MUSIC CENTER $350.00 12/18/2014 Rentals $350.00 ALAMO TEES & ADVERTISING $5,166.70 12/04/2014 Miscellaneous Operating Costs $2,144.70 12/11/2014 Maintenance/Ops Supplies $1,120.00 12/19/2014 Maintenance/Ops Supplies $1,902.00 ALBERT J LOPEZ $300.00 12/11/2014 Contracted Services $140.00 12/19/2014 Contracted Services $160.00 ALBERT M GONZALEZ $95.00 12/11/2014 Contracted Services $95.00 ALERT SERVICES INC $987.12 12/04/2014 General Supplies $585.00 12/11/2014 General Supplies $315.00 12/18/2014 PO Accrual $87.12 ALEX GRICE $95.00 North East Independent School District Check Register 12/1/2014 - 12/31/2014 Vendor Name Description Amount 12/11/2014 Contracted Services $95.00 ALEXANDER SPALDING $20.27 12/11/2014 Employee Travel $20.27 ALFONSO W SMITH $110.00 12/18/2014 Contracted Services $110.00 ALFREDO AGUIRRE $61.34 12/18/2014 General Supplies $61.34 ALFREDO VASQUEZ JR $206.25 12/04/2014 Contracted Services $100.00 12/11/2014 Contracted Services $106.25 ALL AMERICAN WRESTLING SUPPLY $630.00 12/04/2014 General Supplies $630.00 ALL CARE INC $4,246.50 12/04/2014 Contracted Services $1,501.00 12/18/2014 Contracted Services $2,745.50 ALL TIRE SUPPLY CO $581.51 12/18/2014 General Supplies $581.51 ALLIED ADVERTISING $2,143.40 12/04/2014 General Supplies $197.00 12/18/2014 General Supplies $1,946.40 ALMA ARREDONDO $12.10 12/04/2014 Employee Travel $12.10 ALPHA BUILDING CORP $19,438.15 12/11/2014 Contracted Maintenance Repair $11,438.15 12/18/2014 Contracted Maintenance Repair $8,000.00 ALPHA FOODS CO $12,642.00 12/04/2014 Inventory $12,642.00 ALS FORMAL WEAR $859.78 12/11/2014 General Supplies $639.82 12/18/2014 General Supplies $219.96 ALTEX ELECTRONICS $112.12 12/11/2014 PO Accrual $112.12 ALUMINUM ATHLETIC EQUIPMENT CO $182.00 12/18/2014 General Supplies $182.00 ALVONTREZ TANNER $235.00 North East Independent School District Check Register 12/1/2014 - 12/31/2014 Vendor Name Description Amount 12/04/2014 Contracted Services $110.00 12/11/2014 Contracted Services $125.00 AMANDA CONRAD $222.60 12/04/2014 Employee Travel $222.60 AMANDA SHIPPEY $99.29 12/04/2014 Employee Travel $99.29 AMCON CONTROLS INC $3,009.87 12/04/2014 Maintenance/Ops Supplies $274.42 12/11/2014 Maintenance/Ops Supplies $236.00 12/18/2014 Maintenance/Ops Supplies $2,499.45 AMERICAN CKRITICAL ENERGY $5,200.00 12/11/2014 Contracted Services $5,200.00 AMERICAN EXPRESS $507.00 12/04/2014 Employee Travel $507.00 AMERICAN EXPRESS- WIRE $1,124,307.57 12/11/2014 Accounts Payable $1,124,307.57 AMERICAN HERMETICS INC $3,465.00 12/04/2014 Maintenance/Ops Supplies $3,465.00 AMERICAN LEGACY PUBLISHING INC $2,094.57 12/04/2014 Reading Materials $1,689.16 12/11/2014 Reading Materials $405.41 AMERICAN PRINTING HOUSE FOR $613.01 12/11/2014 General Supplies $613.01 AMERICAN ROLAND $18,967.65 12/04/2014 Inventory $18,967.65 AMIR BURTON $38.19 12/11/2014 Employee Travel $38.19 AMY BYERLEY $20.55 12/04/2014 Employee Travel $20.55 ANDREA MCCORMICK $190.23 12/04/2014 Employee Travel $122.92 12/18/2014 Employee Travel $67.31 ANDYMARK INC $228.51 12/04/2014 General Supplies $228.51 ANGEL ALCOCER $66.98 North East Independent School District Check Register 12/1/2014 - 12/31/2014 Vendor Name Description Amount 12/04/2014 Employee Travel $66.98 ANGELA BARCLAY $174.50 12/18/2014 Employee Travel $174.50 ANGELA RODRIGUEZ $80.02 12/04/2014 Employee Travel $80.02 ANISSA PAVEL $51.41 12/18/2014 General Supplies $51.41 ANN ARAGON $141.62 12/11/2014 Employee Travel $141.62 ANN MCNABB $49.34 12/04/2014 Employee Travel $49.34 ANNA PAPE $386.05 12/18/2014 Employee Travel $386.05 ANNA QUINTERO-PETERSON $19.76 12/11/2014 General Supplies $19.76 ANNA SANCHOU $47.71 12/18/2014 Employee Travel $47.71 ANNETTE BERGMAN $195.00 12/11/2014 Contracted Services $70.00 12/18/2014 Contracted Services $125.00 ANNETTE RAMOS $86.59 12/11/2014 General Supplies $86.59 ANNIE MZYK $5.10 12/11/2014 Employee Travel $5.10 ANTHONY BROWN $75.00 12/11/2014 Contracted Services $75.00 ANTHONY F SANCHEZ $75.00 12/11/2014 Contracted Services $75.00 ANTONIO DELEON $1,252.50 12/04/2014 Contracted Services $306.25 12/11/2014 Contracted Services $490.25 12/18/2014 Contracted Services $456.00 APOGEE COMPONENTS $224.45 12/04/2014 General Supplies $224.45 APOGEE INSTRUMENTS INC $447.60 North East Independent School District Check Register 12/1/2014 - 12/31/2014 Vendor Name Description Amount 12/18/2014 General Supplies $447.60 APPERSON $2,086.40 12/04/2014 General Supplies $989.40 12/11/2014 General Supplies $1,097.00 APPLE INC $8,473.40 12/04/2014 General Supplies $4,362.00 12/11/2014 General Supplies $643.40 12/19/2014 General Supplies $3,468.00 APPLIANCE PARTS DEPOT $107.77 12/18/2014 Maintenance/Ops Supplies $107.77 ARC TEXAS $1,475.26 12/04/2014 Contracted Services $168.43 12/11/2014 Contracted Services $108.63 12/19/2014 Contracted Services $1,198.20 ARIAS & ASSOCIATES INC $1,148.44 12/11/2014 Additions/Renovations $1,148.44 ARMEN NAZARIAN $30.58 12/18/2014 Employee Travel $30.58 ARMOUR ECKRICH MEATS $4,838.40 12/11/2014 Inventory $4,838.40 ARON SMUDY $96.77 12/18/2014 Employee Travel $96.77 ARTHUR ALANIZ $106.25 12/11/2014 Contracted Services $106.25 ARYZTA LLC $6,237.00 12/18/2014 Inventory $6,237.00 ASHLEY N SALAIZ $9.46 12/04/2014 Employee Travel $9.46 ASHLEY NAGEL $29.40 12/11/2014 Employee Travel $29.40 ASHLEY NICOLE REDDING $300.00 12/18/2014 Contracted Services $300.00 ASIAN FOOD SOLUTIONS $12,015.00 12/04/2014 Inventory $7,185.00 12/11/2014 Inventory $4,830.00 North East Independent School District Check Register 12/1/2014 - 12/31/2014 Vendor Name Description Amount ASSESSMENT INTERVENTION MGMT $9,627.07 12/04/2014 Contracted Services $3,812.90 12/11/2014 Contracted Services $2,572.92 12/18/2014 Contracted Services $3,241.25 ASSN FOR SUPERVISION & $1,287.50 12/04/2014 General Supplies $202.50 12/18/2014 Dues $1,085.00 ASSOCIATES FOR EDUCATIONAL $39,500.00 12/04/2014 Contracted Services $17,100.00 12/18/2014 Contracted Services $22,400.00 ASTRO BOWL SPORTS CENTER LLP $1,068.00 12/18/2014 Student Travel $1,068.00 ASW ENTERPRISES LLC $252.00 12/04/2014 General Supplies $252.00 ATTAINMENT CO INC $2,875.65 12/04/2014 General Supplies $1,726.95 12/11/2014 General Supplies $1,148.70 AUDIO VISUAL AIDS CORP $71,559.07 12/04/2014 General Supplies $2,360.45
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