European Review of History Revue européenne d’histoire Volume 23 Number 3 June 2016 CONTENTS—SOMMAIRE DOSSIER: Business Relations, Identities, and Political Resources of the Italian Merchants in the Early-Modern Spanish Monarchy / Relations commerciales, identités et ressources politiques des marchands italiens dans la Monarchie espagnole à l’époque moderne GUEST EDITORS: Catia Brilli and Manuel Herrero Sánchez The business relations, identities and political resources of Italian merchants in the early-modern Spanish monarchy: some introductory remarks Manuel Herrero Sánchez 335 Tuscan merchants in Andalusia: a historiographical debate Angela Orlandi 347 A Genoese merchant and banker in the Kingdom of Naples: Ottavio Serra and his business network in the Spanish polycentric system, c.1590–1620 Yasmina Rocío Ben Yessef Garfia 367 Looking through the mirrors: materiality and intimacy at Domenico Grillo’s mansion in Baroque Madrid Felipe Gaitán Ammann 400 Small but powerful: networking strategies and the trade business of Habsburg-Italian merchants in Cadiz in the second half of the eighteenth century Klemens Kaps 427 Coping with Iberian monopolies: Genoese trade networks and formal institutions in Spain and Portugal during the second half of the eighteenth century Catia Brilli 456 I. ARTICLES—ARTICLES Politics of place: political representation and the culture of electioneering in the Netherlands, c.1848–1980s Harm Kaal 486 A regionalisation or long-distance trade? Transformations and shifts in the role of Tana in the Black Sea trade in the first half of the fifteenth century Evgeny Alexandrovitch Khvalkov 508 Political travel across the ‘Iron Curtain’ and Communist youth identities in West Germany and Greece in the 1970s and 1980s Nikolaos Papadogiannis 526 The making of politics and trained intelligence in the Near East: Robert College of Istanbul Ali Erken 554 Subscription Information European Review of History—Revue européenne d’histoire Print ISSN 1350-7486, Online ISSN 1469-8293, Volume 23, 2016 European Review of History—Revue européenne d’histoire (www.tandfonline.com/cerh) is published six times a year (in February, April, June, August, October and December) by Taylor & Francis, 4 Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon, OX14 4RN, UK. 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European Review of History—Revue européenne d’histoire ISSN 1350-7486 is published six times a year (in February, April, June, August, October and December) by Taylor & Francis, 4 Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon, OX14 4RN, UK. These six issues constitute one volume. The US annual subscription price is $1951. Airfreight and mailing in the USA by agent named Air Business Ltd, c/o Worldnet Shipping Inc., 156-15, 146th Avenue, 2nd Floor, Jamaica, NY 11434, USA. Periodicals postage paid at Jamaica NY 11431. US Postmaster: Send address changes to European Review of History – ‘Revue europénne d’histoire, Air Business Ltd, c/o Worldnet Shipping Inc., 156-15, 146th Avenue, 2nd Floor, Jamaica, NY 11434, USA. Periodicals postage paid at Jamaica NY 11431. Subscription records are maintained at Taylor & Francis Group, 4 Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon, OX14 4RN, United Kingdom. For more information on Taylor & Francis’ journal publishing program, please visit our website: www.tandfonline.com. EUROPEAN REVIEW OF HISTORYREVUE EUROPÉENNE D’HISTOIRE, 2016 VOL. 23, NO. 3, 335–346 http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13507486.2015.1117428 The business relations, identities and political resources of Italian merchants in the early-modern Spanish monarchy: some introductory remarks Manuel Herrero Sánchez Geography, History and Philosophy , Universidad Pablo de Olavide de Sevilla , Seville , Spain ABSTRACT ARTICLE HISTORY This article off ers a preliminary approach to the special volume Received 22 September 2015 entitled Business Relations, Identities, and Political Resources of the Accepted 4 November 2015 Italian Merchants in the Early-Modern Spanish Monarchy . It discusses the KEYWORDS major issues and debates addressed in the fi ve contributions collected Commercial networks ; here about the central role played by the Genoese, Florentine and Spanish monarchy ; Italian Milanese commercial networks in the framework of a polycentric merchants ; polycentric imperial structure as was the Spanish Monarchy. empire Th is monograph is the fruit of collaboration between diff erent European research groups whose main interests lie in the study of Genoese, Florentine and Milanese merchant com- munities, as well as in the implications of the polycentric structure of the Spanish mon- archy during the early-modern period. Contributions have been selected from fi ve young researchers whose work off ers a croisée perspective of diff erent diasporas of Italian origin, with the idea being to move the focus away from any nationalist viewpoint to understand the complex realities of states and institutions under the ancién régime. Overall,
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