The Wisconsin engineer. Volume 77, Number VI March 1973 Madison, Wisconsin: Wisconsin Engineering Journal Association, March 1973 https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.dl/7P3DBZ6M5SIJV8I This material may be protected by copyright law (e.g., Title 17, US Code). For information on re-use, see http://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.dl/Copyright The libraries provide public access to a wide range of material, including online exhibits, digitized collections, archival finding aids, our catalog, online articles, and a growing range of materials in many media. When possible, we provide rights information in catalog records, finding aids, and other metadata that accompanies collections or items. However, it is always the user's obligation to evaluate copyright and rights issues in light of their own use. 728 State Street | Madison, Wisconsin 53706 | library.wisc.edu & (| \ | se fo~~) i Gitta CAs git 0 « - “at MEMBER OF “CY OLLEGE MAGAZINES ASSOCIATED | te eel” VOLUME LXXVII Bien NUMBER VI 4 Coo. » We cB i hy oO - aS ae . : . -_ mA 3 \ 4 ee : | ' Wes OY ld A a Gee , ¥ Wg Dy i an ey: ' LAN haces ¥ - bea ‘2, Tis ae / Se. PMO phe EI vo ie “TS Yes tl NG PUBLISHED BY THE ENGINEERING STUDENTS of the UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN March, 1973 a a ang @ ’ ff Es. ff Fr _ » : TR — a j 1 | Te wae ooo i i C y - b PI | aie , 2 Ye ers) fy) eo a ED iL ft : Lao y rey | oO a ee . ee 2 ct : : oT ee —" — .. oo oe = a " Who needs engineers? 7 After the statesmen, politicians, lawyers, educa- tors, journalists, clergymen, sociologists, and theorists have finished talking about what should be done, we turn it over to the engineers to do it. Nothing, from the Pyramids to Apollo 16, would have been built without them. Nothing important tomorrow will be built without you. So who needs engineers? We do. Write to George Garvey, Westinghouse Education Center, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15221. An equal opportunity employer You can be sure...if it's Westinghouse 7 ec i eC (9 fe A erg § a aa a aes J { i/~ V6 EN fe if L é i i iN \ / ] Nw Ai i G “ ons 5 ad oO u —_ \ tg ; Se N¢ 3 es | { Lina. |” % ON Berg lf baz. ssa 7k a YO . ~6h6Um 2» Vat / To woe \ \ Us fy j - <7 \ \.2 ans, t/ bo 4 ~ iP hf Ge dd / Lo El \ i Sj e nmin want. | s a guy ~ e who keeps a level head. Dictionaries define hurdling as jumping over a hurdle in a race. Obviously, Webster never made the track team. “A good hurdler never jumps,” the experts tell us. ‘‘He tries to duplicate the movements of sprinting. The head stays level. It’s never higher over the hurdle than it is between them.” A level head helps overcome any obstacle. Take bearing problems. They’re best approached by a person with training, determination and the ability to think things through. Are you such a person? When you run up against a tough problem, are you able to take it in stride? And do you like the excitement of rugged competition, and the rewards that come from winning? Then write The Timken Company, Canton, Ohio 44706. Ask our Manager of College Relations to give you a tryout. Ask him about our policy of promotion from within. And while you’re at it, ask him to tell you about our continuing expansion and modernization program. Timken” bearings sold all over the world. Manufacturing in Australia, Brazil, Canada, England, France, South Africa and the U.S.A, An Equal Opportunity Employer (m/f), TI M KE N REGISTERED TRADEMARK BITS THE TIMKEN COMPANY MANUFACTURES TAPERED ROLLER BEARINGS, SPECIALTY ALLOY STEEL AND REMOVABLE ROCK Y ‘t buy this pi in a steel h How do you accommodate multiple functions, shapes, it allows the engineer to put the metal high non-uniform stresses and complex config- where it’s needed for load-carrying ability... uration in a single component made of standard Then too, cast-steel permits streamlined design steel shapes? You don't... That’s why this —design that minimizes stress-concentration at power shovel body had to be cast-steel. sharp radii and corners. Can you match such Only with the correct steel composition, and versatility with assembly methods? Don't try. integral one-piece construction, could the de- Want to know more about cast-stee/? We're signer be sure that the equipment would take offering individual students free subscriptions the punishing loads and shocks of heavy to our publication""CASTEEL”. .Clubs and construction work while maintaining the pre- other groups can obtain our sound film “En- cise alignment of critical shafts and bearings. gineering Flexibility."” Write: Steel Founders’ So- Cast-stee] means design flexibility. In ad- ciety of America, Cast Metals Federation Building, dition to offering an unlimited range of ES 20611 Center Ridge Road, Rocky River, Ohio 44116. STEEL FOUNDERS’ SOCIETY OF AMERICA ae - “>. B/. ° DBD ne ..= as os ‘ Rr \ \®@ = @ \~ *- s -@ eae ~*~ e ae (Ay » e Lo 4 o “gf & r. 4 “A é Cast-Steel Ve. Ww r for Engineering . Flexibility og 99° 2 MARCH 1973 ss... een eee . a ee ____ ENGINEERS—TRANSFORMING THE HOPE OF TODAY INTO ff - THE REALITY OF TOMORROW eS Be ile aarrenaaaeneaneenianmi - corccapngmasiemtem nT mame caramenessammaneuenmmmmnnnamensnpannermtstie x) sere oF ——_—_-__-==-=-=- = — - TABLE OF CONTENTS eens o There’s Gotta Be Some Changes Made ...............cceecceuccccuesceccccd ame ES by Brad Bennett ae Expo ‘73: Help Make it A SUCCESS ...........ce cece ceeceucceccecceceucees es Ee by Bruce Haas Be Editorial ....... 0... cece cece cesses eceeeeeeeeteeeeeeesveeernenaaaaes :B9 ee “Freedom is Being Able to Use Your Brain” .............00..c0eeee000.10-11 ae by Mary Stein aS Lectures Lose Importance ..........cc cece cece cece cevencnceceececes sI2°13 be Erin Go Braugh......... 000.0 c cece ccc cee cece e eee e ene ee eee c es :12-13 Be by Peter Fox Be Creativity Challenges Tradition ............ccccccceeeeeeeeecceceee nee T415 ee by Don Johnson || EDITORIAL STAFF ae Brad Bennett oso: oosieesasisinsis 08s 640.4 oiese sae eeece eves cee -EUItOF ae Mary Stein ........... ccc cece eeeecceeesseucceeess Associate Editor ce Peter FOX ..... cece cece eee e eee esc ceecencesseees« Assistant Editor ES A. Reid Fitzner ........ 0.0... ccc eee ceeecceeeeteevccascceaee Artist Eee BUCO HAAS) ecesais einiere oaieie wrorane seaioregtarne sieves wemreiortbis ve 15%3 coe Stale ae Don Johnson .......... ccc cece ee cceecceeeccenncceescceree. Staff The Cover— - Je ARON stonsevare sone veosnesven ents tenn ene suns save Stall “a . ne Co Coll 0), Sa 1 St. Patrick was an Ee Keith White .............. cc cess cesses ceeeeeeeee ees sPhotographer Engineer . PP oe ____ BUSINESS STAFF And so goes the song ae Stan Crick siete eee eeeeeeeeseeeeseceeeseeees+ Business Manager many engineering as Bob Hubinger...............0.0eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees Circulation students have sung in Tom Burtard .......... cece eee cee eee eee eeeeeeeeeee Petribubon - ae Roger KanttZis: cso snes sons nue views vawa. nau saeeacess e950 ees, Stal defiance of the law : ean ewse Staff 1 Ee Keith Kenismoe’s ess cies conrs visas cogs cene'ees Hearne students on Bascom Hill. oS Tom Armantrout ios cise views vives sewesevveee ries sewesese views Staff In keeping with the = BOARD OF DIRECTORS & Prof. George R. Sell .............0eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ees Chairman spirit of the Patron Saint of or the Engineers, we have Prof. Howard J. Schwebke .............00005 es fatally Bust : Be Assoc. Prof. C.A. Ranous ..............+..+.+-Electrical Engineering used a reproduction of a oe Assoc. Prof. Raymond B. Esser ............. Mechanical Engineering cover first published for — = Prof. Wayne K. Neill ..............+++++++++ Chemical Engineering the March, 1927 Prof. Charles G. Salmon .........++++++++++++++++Civil Engineering sie SORE WORE HRT WOW aR betes ani WISCONSIN ENGINEER, 8 Asst. to Dean, Mr. Caan and used again in a - Asst. Prof. Richard Moll .................0.06 ‘Mikal bebesing revised form March, 1929. ee, ce MEMBER OF ENGINEERING COLLEGE MAGAZINES ASSOCIATED SS Chairman: DANIEL L. GRIFFEN, JR., Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa. ae Publishers Representatives: LITTEL-MURRAY -BARNHILL, INC., 2906 Lincoln Building, 60 East © nd St. New York, N.Y. 10017, S Second Class Postage Paid at Madison, Wisconsin, under the Act of March 3, 1879, Acceptance See for mailing at a special rate of postage provided for in Section 1103, Act of Oct. 3, 1917, authorized Oct S 21, 1918. : xigam) HLED MATERIALS E Silvcrnt locas aeie sear seh yoeroeney are tea eee Cee eect copies == are 35 cents per copy. 276 Mechanical Engineering Bldg., Madison, Wis. 53706. Office Phone (608) Ta Gime arn Va BT den 3aon, See All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part without written permission is prohibited. Copy- 25 right applied for 1972. 3 WISCONSIN ENGINEER ‘“‘There’s Gotta Be Some Changes Made... Developing an educational system in engineering, as in any profession, is a difficult task. Does one attempt to teach decision-making, require students to memorize basic principles and facts, instill in the students a method of thinking or attacking a problem, or teach design? These are difficult decisions, but ones that must be made. Equally important, however, is the manner in which the material is presented. This can be seen from the fact that most students either like or dislike a course mostly on the basis of the performance of their instructor. Some instructors, professors, and TA’s, are not concerned with this. Unfortunately this hurts our College of Engineering because we believe that there is a direct correlation between liking a course and learning the material presented in that course. Our College of Engineering, which is fortunate to have on its staff many exceptional engineering minds and leaders in their fields, is among the best in the country.
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