-------------^ .. --------------------- -— _______ i I J Traffic^U eatht h 1 ^ ^ B-«f- --------------------- ^ ' V I fo r ------------------ A i n a l : I -n tF ' FII .^ 1 — • ~ ' B _ - . -EW'iXTXOi^l- I I ^ jp " ' ■ c S u ^ riK ldah». 195« .................1.4 91 m tt C^urW l Id«li°. 185’' ....... -........ I A Regional <>11*1 Newspaper Servinc ' t Ninb Iceigated ldah»Gourtties~'3 “ ^ ~ 1 ^ ____ City «na "W aN FALLS, IDAHO, THURSD^5DAY, JULY n , 1957 U*fnt>«r of Aurfit RRurMUutmu nl rirfiiUlloni T VOL. 39, NO. 86 ■___________ ' County Nt»«p«p«r^ ___ ‘ T W ] ,\ito<i»lrrl rr#«(» «ndkM UI imM Ptm PRICE 6 CENTS .. ! P : F c ^ Rights Bivouac Roosters ofif D a m _ K ^ G ourt b Ordeers I A t o g Au u d i e n c e I Girard Handec 1 ^ W ith E is el e i n h o w e r l d to •/ ■ ]■ B f l -/ aSHINGTON, July 11 <U.R)-Sen.-Sen. Richard L. Neuberger,, D„ Ore.. asked President Eisenhowahower today to grant an audience to sponsors of a h ig h federaederal dam at Hells canyon. H | Japaneese for 1Trial | Noting t h a t Kisentiower h e ard Sen.ien. JR ic h a rd B. Russell, D„ ‘ Itf H W.\S1.•\S111,\'(,T0N. July 11 (/P)—Tliele susupreme co u rt toda.v upheld - _ Ga, argue the ca.se against hia civil rip rh ta bill. N euberger 8?-0_0 the U. S. govern- fj ^ s '.H I meiiL'.sI s (Iccision( to I u n i over GI Williamlinm S. Girard to Japan for trial i gaid it was "onlj' fair and proper”" thathat Hells canyon backers il in the killing of a I' I ; fiW J^aimne.s.ine.sc w om an, T lip hish roiiri, iiraii;i'an unsigned opinion,.ruled.-_.(X)--D( have the aame opportunity. "Is thehe P:P re s id e n t less ferv e n t in -Delivecy-of-Girard-ifc ■pinlilbited b y . t h e consUliition: and (2) In the absence of a c o n s hi.'! championing nf civil rightsi thsthan in his advocacy o t onstitutional bar, the p> ri'icnt nf the P.'<ecii|iv deiMrlnipnt --------------—----------------- privite■ivite’"TrjqihritatTOirTft "HTells- 8 ipnl shmihlbe upheld,Girard is to3 btbe turned over -to tha ' ^ inyon?” - -iicub«FgeF—asltedr -jM J& p a»iicse n o s \ m d e r a s ta in s o f ............ — fo rces [ 3 he lesa eager for fairness M es asri’em ent. .similjir lo Tl J ” lOOF'tod^ges^ T r pacts.3 Ihe'United States hns V I Q I , ■ ® at. Hei;Hells canyon than on civil I f S ^ I w ith1 sorsome 50 frie n d ly nntioii.s, [an Faces Trial a l f o r i gh ts?” - S .^ 'T h e sg The administration ippports prl- e syperlor c o u r t h eld lh.n In In Area rlan th e abscn te power development of the ibsence of a co n stltu tio n n l vlo- ^ latlotyJh( lake river op the Idaho-Oregon Pr^ rwlle "wisdom of Ihe nrrnntf ll m e n trr.' i.r tsclusively for the deln- e r ^ ! o « B t j Cave Meeting m in a tiotimi n Itl Ihe e x e cu tiv e and li.fls- p , »wer conn pany dams. ' ^ Intlve! briuirlirj of Rovernmrnl." n-y, ' Mile.?,' .'!5, Pocatello, charged wA<ith itl involuntary man- |'l GOODINO. July l l- T h « U lh "^Ime Is running out for Hells '■ d. II)Ihr court snid: .'tlaughlerthler in li truffle death near Tivinn FallsF last June, was -; { ,nnii.l lOOF meetlns In Dead H or« nyon,“ Neubergw wJd In a state- tL..., 'e find no constltutionnl nr,da- hoiindd o\’er0V( lo district courl Thursday n cn north»e.il o/ Ooodlng will bt ent. "W‘M ill the m sldent allow this 1' morning by Probata cbi throu|h the idmlnlitra- iutory bn hdd Saturday. BpoMor. of the eat water-powCr alte ‘to slip per- Sen. In rln r l» « , R„ N. T , Is prepared toLo sa tta y all luiqmer If neeesaary io fi^bi 1 ^ >» Judgee EEvi verett M, S w e e le y . Judge S w e eiley’s ley action was taken '■ jUiritt a re lodgei In Gooding, iinentjy from ' public poascssion *j®"'ilon'i elTll righU leirlilitlon. H e h u Initalledlied A. cot In hli W ashlnrton offic# In; prepreparaUon fo r round*lhr- applied hi a dii.v-long p re lim in a ry hearing in hi C h ie f . 1 his court W ednestlay. 1 Wendell. Jerome and wii|,outthout even listening personally to clock debit*. lAP wlrephoto) lef Jiisllce W n rre n rend the 'u* i t i, i f h opinionon f(for iJie c o u r t In a specially / pprobate r o b s judge Wednestlny afternoonon overruled a motion : ' ShMhone. Open hom« (or lodge u,,,e fact Irom the other aide?" ***!*■ ♦, * * * * ca lle d1 SC.S.sc.uion, to s ttrike r i k e the state's complaint and a will l>» h'M (rom 3 to i ..jf“If ,It t J« fair and wise for the i amended complaint ' 1 i T h e cas p.m. Dinner will be lerved »l the prciider■caldent- t o h e a r both sldea on civil c CMf had b een u n d e r consider- a g a i n1st s t MilesM who ia accu.sed of the deathtth of M rs. Dan Foran.- ! jhts, how can It be wrong for him by llK Ju stices sin ce Monday S h e Wwas as fatallyI injured June 100P lull. rlBhtJ, h rI X I P V Tt v f F l ________________ w h en th e ' — ranw lng ■ i e e i^ « g l» t e a U o f t- it lUttKlse-:£Oiafi_tO __b g a r hath an Eisenhower Saaid Agreeabli hen-Mites'-car-cvertorocdf' T to hciir foljr h o u r s ''o f * ? 5 ^ ^ sevien * 1 U p.m. Inside the Dead H orse Helljells cicanyon?" the senator added. 1 miles aouth of'"Twin ader Fas^s | etve, the second degree meetlns: will A bill authoriZing a federal dam on highway She died later IS approved by lh« senate In a e decision w aa a m a jo r victory «t under, way. h. S. Brldgej, «« .«PI T r o o p s Bian f in “Righttits T i f f s :He administration, which haa Magiciglc VValley Memorial hospital. i/,it|.l«na. •dvfrcliiii grand m ajiter, «urprlserprlse vote two weeis ago. It was notion was made by Douglas nerftllv agreed that even If the -.y , . contendedmded lhat refusal to turn Olr- niotion resid en t Eiaenhower is 'willing: toto aamend hia civil rights ard overt er and Lloyd W alker w h o rep^’ i i i p e S . ■ ---------------- ^ jexpected happened ahd thft House -JV A SiU iiG koN lJaiJZilJi^ »y_er to (he Japanese would b€ a The general ussembly will be h eld bill to allay any .fears troops wiifbebe ui sed to force schoolTnFejfration;ion in the SoutH r kepub- grave» tlifrtirwl^to~Arnerlca's security. .ased it. too, a presidential- veto bill : fte Sweeley considered £he mo- - V. itlhe lOOP hall al 10 p.m. Ior Floyd fldtiilnl.sl ratio n arffum enl wn.s Sw IS almost certain. ^ lican-Hear sources' siiiil loday. But ns oof f now he will not make any' fufurther concessions to Th' “<i"' )resented during the morning Clevenger, Burley, grand patriarch, ^ If Ihe ngreement.5 u n d e r which 11, Rep. A. L . MlJler, R.. Nebr., for- SouthernCout foes o'f the legislation, thethese sources told the UnitedI PPress, Thia ruled nut th e hearing ru u m e d i t t 3 p.m. , ,. A m erlcnn:'Icnm nver.sca.s m n y be irled by «nd Waller sletntker, Payette, gran d ally n o t if ie d the chairm an of the \ ruling during the afternoon acceptance of a so-called jury trialial arrienrfment which Di.\ie senaenator.s are demftndinp:. fo reiRZn n cncmiru fpr o f f- d u ty nci.^ were iMiter, will spcBk. houjeIUM InInterior committee that oppo- -dered “Ihal the potion Ip --------------------------------- Thee a<stenate moved into ita canceipd,2lPd, U.S. forcea w ould have to <»<*ered Cue Women ot the Rebekah.^ ■will nentsnts wwill try ag^in next Wedne.s- r --------- ---------------* u lk f--U-ln-«ll-respeoUsPw.«r-£Uled U - lr rfln R ta ifl hold their program In connection dayy to tbrine the controverslaiissue'____ icnied." <he same tln if. th e decision ,wfl.s ” —W10niirT O 1ctiirDeiinioTSB-«ssoc1>r tO'S'O votivulc. ~ ~ ~ r i g h l . s is.sue. Leadecs nes.ses heard during th e after- ll tbnck lor forces in conircaj „ ™ Jlioii It the 100? hall a t 1 p.m . Miller,Miller; w ho claims lo have enough ~ NEWS BULLt E T I N S ~ - |lied S a long session in hopes of ^ were the dead wom an’s hus- with the ra lrd e ld Rebekaha u h o st- votestes tcto defeat the meaaure. fold reachingn g a vote e a r l y n e x t wceic on w h ichh coiicniucnd th e U , S, constitution Dn lan n Foran, P o c a te llo ; DeP" Ohalrmalairman C lair Engle, D.
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