Winona State University OpenRiver Winona Daily News Winona City Newspapers 1-3-1964 Winona Daily News Winona Daily News Follow this and additional works at: https://openriver.winona.edu/winonadailynews Recommended Citation Winona Daily News, "Winona Daily News" (1964). Winona Daily News. 463. https://openriver.winona.edu/winonadailynews/463 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Winona City Newspapers at OpenRiver. It has been accepted for inclusion in Winona Daily News by an authorized administrator of OpenRiver. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Russia Wants Boundaries Goldwater Declare s Self Guaranteed MOSCOW (AP)-The Soviet government has put to the na- tions of the world a proposal to sign an International agreement Candidate for President ; By WALTER R. MEARS of such a decision the most ser- . of bur American two-party sys- emphasis on individual liber- renouncing the? use of force in ' '[[ '' ' ' ' ¦ - PHOENIX, Ariz.: M — Ari- ioiis¦ consideration.'' . : tem, has - always: been the ,re- ty.":;: ?: .,,;;? , . : - . , . -. ;. ; settling, territorial, and frontier zona's Sen. Barry Goldwater de- "Goldwater first told , Arizona--fiected differences -in prin- -Declaring he Is no "me too :. issues. ;. ' clared today he will seek the Republican leaders of his;plans- ciple," Goldwater said. "As a Republican ,", Goidwater said The message says the inter- 1964 Republican presidential no- in a meeting at his. home. ? general, rule one : party has em- he will spell but ih detail his . national agreement should con- mination because he sees no Then, the senator, his right phasized individual liberty and position during the campaign other announced foot still,in cast after , surgery, the? other has favored , ahead. [: ' " ' ' '¦ ' '[ ::] . '¦¦: .['' tain four main provisions : candidate who . the ex- . : :. "could possibly, offer "to the peo- hobbled to the patio to read his tension of government power. -' "I will not change my beliefs? , ' "First,? a solemn undertaking ple of America a clear choice*' statement before newsmen and "J. am convinced that today to win," he said. "I will offer by the parties not to resort to next: November. television cameras. the majority of the! Republican a choice, hot an echo. This will force to alter existing ' state At the same time Goldwater "One of- the great attribntes party believes in the essential not be an engagement of per- frontiers; ¦??- ¦?? ;-? . said he will file for renomina- sonalities. It . will be : ari en- tion to seek his third term in gagement of principles!'' Second, acknowledgment that the; Senate, : the territories of states should "I find no incompatability in "My candidacy is pledged to' not, even temporarily, be the these two - , candidacies," the a victory for principle and to : present ?ah object of any invasion, attack, senator said. opportunity for the . American people," Goldwater?' military occupation or any oth- The conservative senator is- said. "Let '<' there be •' .' a 'choice- er ? forcible measure directly or sued a statement at hisi 'hilltop right now — asd in clear, un- •;¦ indirectly undertaken by other home saying he has decided to derstandable terms, And I ..ask: A TOP MAN IN VEEP POLL . ;. Sen. mination this year. Humphrey is shown with states .' for :whatever: political, seek to head the GOP ticket those who feel and believe : as - ' V" Hubert H. Humphrey, D-Minn., right, said? Minnesota Gov. Karl Roivaag, ; looking at a economic? strategic, frontier; "because of the principles in I do to join with men in assur- '": in.. St. Paul Thursday night he is honored .picture in which the senator walked along which I am convinced that-rrril- ing both the:choice and the vie- . or. any other considerations ; v ¦ " :by results of. a poll of Democratic party a Washington , D. G., arcade?with the late lions of Americans share my tdry. - - Third , a firm statement to grass roots leaders,, showing him as top President Kennedy and. now-President John- belief in those, principles." ? " In answer to a question, Gold- the effect that neither differs have decided to do this water said his campaign would choice for Democratic vice presidential no- son. ? (AP Photofax) . : - ."I ences in social and state sys- also because I have riot heard begin in Grand?R apids,,Mich., tems, nor refusal to grant re? from any announced 'Republican Monday. He will then go to New- cognition or absence of diplo- candidate a declaration of con- Hampshire; which' has the na- matic relations or any other science , Or political position that tion's, first primary March 10? Mu/rtp/tfey Leads pretexts may serve as a basis could possibly /offer to the Am- Goldwater said he could not Bids Taken for the violation by one ? state' erican people a clear choice in name all the primaries he plans - .; of the territorial integrity of an-, the next presidential election;" ¦ ¦ ¦ . to enter. However, he said he other;\ . - ' ; ',: . Goldwater said. definitely would be in Illinois, New Hampshire, On ' , New York Gov. Nelson A. California and ? Wheat . ' F'O'.n rt h a commitment to Oregon primaries. M^MMm;By FRANK CORMIER Johnson s running mate may solve all territorial, disputes Rockefeller is the only other Tex. (AP) be someone closely, identified solely! by peaceful meais such declared candidate. He entered He said there were situations JOHNSON CITY, ¦¦; ': ' ; For Russia —Sen. Hubert : H: ? Humphrey with John F. Kennedy. ? as negotiations,. miration,: con- the race alrnost two. months ago- in some states involving ¦; favor- topped the balloting, but re- More-specifically,. s e ver a 1 ciliatory procedures, and also Goldwater said "I have with- its sons which .wbuld have ; ¦ : KANSAS CITY CAP) - Ex- sults of a nation poll of Demo- Johnson aides suggested today other peaceful means chosen held a decision until now not bearing on his decision. port subsidy bids on 13 million cratic cqunty chairman height- that the results added up to a by the parties concerned , in because of any attempt to be . Goldwater said he had not de- bushels of durum wheat have piuS. for the potential candidacy conformity with the United Na- politically ened speculation : that President coy but because . I ¦ cided yet whether he will run? . been accepted by; the govern- of Sargent Shriver. Peace Corps tions Charter. have been giving every aspect ¦??' " ;-? Seri, Barry Goldwater for the Senate should ; he win ¦ ment, grain sources said . Thurs- director arid brother-in-law of The Tass summary of the nomination. the assassinated president. ? one presidential day , and indications are.it may message added: The senator said he will "cross foreshadow the first sale of The poll, conducted by The T'The Soviet government; is that bridge when I coirie to it." ¦ ¦ wheat to Russia. ? Nine Adrift Associated Press, turned up no- deeply convinced that an under- ."¦ .In ah answer to a question as Continental Grain Co., one of table support for both Shriver taking by states to settle terri- to whether, he would debate the . Country's largest export and Atty. Gen. Robert F, Ken- torial d i s p u t e s by peaceful Reds Spring with Rockefeller in New Hamp- houses, made the bid of 72 cents nedy as .among the party's best means only would " go? a long shire; Goldwater said he saw . a bushel for 175,000 tons to be After Pacific choices for the November vice way toward putting internation- ho reason for fellow Republi- delivered in January and Febru- presidential nomination: al relations in order. ^ cans to hold such a debate. He ary and 73 cents a bushel,for Humphrey, a Minnesotan who "It can be said with confi- said whether there were any 175,000 tons for delivery in is assistant Senate Democratic dence that in the new situa- debates or not, the press would Marclr.and April, sources said. Plane Crash leader, paced ' the balloting with tion created by the conclusion ' ' in effect carry out such a. de- It ,-.- *fOuld mean subsidy pay- HONOLULU (AP)— A "Gib- 185 votes. of an agreement on the renunci- bate. ' . • ':?¦ . -: ments in excess of $25; million! son Girl" transmitter with an He said "I am honored and ation by states of the iise of By HORST FAAS west of the capital , they en- ing a U.S. sergeant, and 30 still Should Goldwater capture the There are 33 bushels to a ton, hour-glass figure raised , the flattered by the national poll. It force to settle territorial dis- BEN: SUC, Viet: Nam (AP)r- countered only small arms' fire. have not made it back: to camp. presidential nomination; brie hopes of searchers today ? as is always gratifying to have putes it would be much easier A battalion of South Vietnam- It looked like a; sure govern- A statement was expected to- . Only the Rangers' ; superb source said earlier he would they combed the Pacific Ocean friendly consideration by your to find a solution to other funda- ese rangers waded through ment victory over the Viet Cong. withdraw from the senatorial day from Continental's New problems. brush ; and grass for a surprise fighting ability and training in ' for the crew of a downed cargo fellow Americans: The? decision mental internatiohal Instead, the Communists field. York City headquarters. for vice president , however, will This applies above all to the assault on a heavy concentra- sprung a trap, and for six hours the same tactics used by the plane. Viet Cong averted a disaster, Arizona Atty. Gen. Robert Continental was granted a be made by the Democrat- problem of disarmament, . tion of Communist guerrillas. threatened the rangers with an- ruled Goldwater conditional license by the Com- Nine men aboard: the missing U.S. military acjyisers said :¦ -aft-? Pickrell has ic convention , which I am con- As the rangers crossed the nihilation.
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