288 WIGTON. CU1\IBERLAND. Medical Officer of Health, John Blacklock M.A., M.D. 1841; George Gileson, master; Mrs. Dowie, matron; King street John Blacklock M.D. medical officer, Wigton Surveyor & Sanitary &; Markets Inspector, George Fell, Superintendent Registrar, Joseph Frederick Wm. Ritson. 14 'West street 'Vest street, Wigton; deputy, John Clark, William Collector, Christopher Tennant, jun. 23 King street street, Wigton Registrars of Births & Deaths, Abbey Holme sub-dis­ WIGTON RCRAL DISTRICT COU~CIL. trict, John Beckton, Abbey Town; deputy, John B. Meets at Kildare, Wigton, on tuesdays, fortnightly, Beckton; Caldbeck sub-district, Robert Hetherington. at I p.m. Parkhead, Caldbeck; deputy, John Ivison, Fell Hill, Clerk, Joseph Frederick William Ritson, West street Sebergham; vVigton sub-district, Wilson Moore. Treasurer, Thumas Rigg, King street Church street, Wigton; deputy, Juseph Leighton, 13 Medical Officer of Health, William Perry Briggs L.RC.P. William street, Wigton Edin. Aspatria Registrar of Marriages, Wilson Moore, Ohurch street. Sanitary Inspector, William Brown, Kildare, Wigton Wigton; deputy, J oseph Leighton, 3 William street. Wigton PlJBLIC ESTABLISHMEKTEs. VOLCNTEERS. Baths, William Bell, supt.; Mrs. Mary Bell, matron' 3rd Oumberland Volunteer Battalion The Border Regi­ Cemetery, Station hill, Robert Lawson, clerk to the ment (F Co.), Water street; Color-Sergt. Edward Pile. joint board committee; Joseph Williamson, curator drill instructor Oounty Police Station & Sessions House, Market hill, PlJBLIC OFFICERS. Robed Ross, district superintendent; one sergeant & Assistant Overseer &; Collector of Taxes, Christopher three constables Tennant, jun. 23 King street Oounty Court, His Honor David Fenwick Steavenson Oertifying l<'actory Surgeon, John J ames Browne B. A.., LL.B. judge; Henry Arthur Dudding, registrar M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. The Limes The Oounty Oourt is held monthly in the Oourt house, Inland Revenue Officer, Thomas A. McQuillen, West st High street. The following places are comprised within its jurisdiction:-Abbey, Aikbank, Aikhead, PLACES OF WORSHIP, with times of services. Aikton, Aldoth, Allhallows, Allonby, Angerton, St. Mary's Church, Rev. Reginald Mayall M.A.; 8 &; Anthorn, Aspatria, Baggrow, Beckfoot, Biglands, IQ.30 a.m. &; 6.30 p.m Blencog-o, Blennerhasset, Blitterlees, Bolton Gate, St. Outhbert's Oatholic, Rev. Juhn Parker, priest, Bnrn­ Bolton Low Houses, Bolton New Bouses, Border, foot; 8.30 communion & 10.30 a.m. mass, evening Bowness, Brackenlands, Brayton, Bromfield, Broughill, service 6.30 p.m. daily mass 7.30 a.m Caldbeck, Oalvo, Oardurnock, Orofton, Crookdake, Friends' Meeting House, '\-Vest street, IQ.30 a.m. & 3.30 Curthwaite East & West, Drumleaning, Drumbrugh, p. m.; thurs. ID a. m Dundraw, Easton, Gamblesby, Glasson, Haltcliff, Oongregatiunal, Rev. John Smith Thomson; 10.30 a.m_ Rardcake Hall, Hayrigg, llayton, Hesket New Market, &. 6.30 p.m.; 'Wed. 8 p.m Righlows, Ireby High & Low, Kelsick, Kirkbampton, Primitive Methodist, New street, Rev. Edward Evans; Kirkbride, Langrigg, Laythes, Leegate, Leesrigg, lO.30 a.m. &. 6.30 p.m. & thurs. 8 p.m Lesson RaIl, Linl'>draw, Little Hampton, Long Newton, Wesleyan, High street, Rev. James Green; lO.30 a.m. li:. Mawbray, Mealo, Mealrigg, Mealsgate, Micklethwaite, 6.30 p.m. &; wed. 8 p.m Moorhouse, Moor Row, Moorthwaite, Mosside, Newton­ Old Armoury, George street, 3 & 6.30 p.m.; woo. &:. Arlosh, Oughterby, Oulton, Overhy, Parton, Pelutho, thurs. 7.45 p.m Raby, Red Dial, Rosley, Sandale, Scales, Seaville, Salvation Army, Meeting House lane; 7 &; II a.m. &. Sebergham, Silloth, Southerfield, Thornby, Thursby, 3 &, 6.30 p.m Torpenhow, Uldale, Wampool, Warble Bank, Waver Salvation Army, Station road; IQ.30 a.m. &; 6.30 p.m. ; Bridge, Waverton, West Kewton, \Vheyrigg, Whin­ wed. 8 p.m now, Whitrigg (Bowness), Whitrigg (Torpenhow), Whitrigglees, Wig-gonby, Wigton, Wolsty, Woodrow, SOHOOLS. Woodside East & West & Yearngill The Nelson Sohool fOol' boys was founded in 1896 with. For bankruptcy purposes this court is included in that part (£28,000) of a sum of .£40,000, left in trust by of Oarlisle; Kighley John Hough, 34 Fisher street, the late J oseph Nelson esq. of Moor Row, Wigton. Car'lisle, official receiver who died in 1893, foJ' purpose~ of a charitable nature. Certified Bailiffs appointed under the" Law of Distress 'Dhe buildings, erected in 1897-8 at a cost of £5,500. Amendment Act," W. Hope, sen. &; W. Hope, jun. areof sands-tone in a simple Italian style, ham de­ Wig-ton; W. Clarke, Wig-ton; B. W illiamson, Wigton; signs by Messrs. OliveI' and Dodgson, architects, of J. Osborn, Oowgate, Silloth & T. Hurst, Abbey Town Carlisle, &. comprise a n~mber of class rooms, ,several Fire Station, Station road; George Moore, Captain &; otJhers fully equipped for science work, hood-master's. eleven men room & a central hall, 52 by 29 feet; the-re i_s also a WIGTOX UNIO~. house for tJhe head master, purchased by the gover­ Wigton Gnion was formed 22 June, 1837. non, tog-ether with 7 aCrBS of land, for £4,000, &. adapted for the reception of boarders. The school The Guardians meet every alternate tuesday at Kildare. was O!pened II ODtober, 1898, by Lord Muncaster, &:. It comprises the townships of Aikton, Allhallows, is carried ,on as a secondary SDhool under the control Allonby, Aspatria &; Brayton, Blencogo, Blennerhasset of the Board of Education, & attached to it are four &; Kirkland, Boltons, Bowness, Bromfield, Caldbeck, entrance schola.rships &, one leaving soholarship of Dundraw, Hayton &; Mealo, Holme Abbey, IIolme £50 a yoor: there are now (1906) about 100 boys, in­ East Waver, Holme St. Cuthbert, Holme Low, Ireby cluding hoarders. The school is cOIltrolled by a body High, Ircby Low, Kirkbarnptun, Kirkbride, Langrigg of 14 governors; E. H. Banks esq. M.A., J.P., D.L. & Mealrigg, West .Newton, Oulton, Sebergham, chairman. Rev. W. E. HUII1phrers M.A. {)f Jesus Thursby, TOl'penhow & Whitrigg, "Cldale, Waverton, College, Oxford, head master Westward, Wig-ton & Woodside. The area of the The Tomlinson Grammar School far girls was estab­ union is 138,620 acres; rateable value in 1906, lished in 1899, witJh the endowment of the old Free £T71,470; the population in 1901 was 22,301 Grammar school, founded for bo~'s in 1714, .supple­ Clerk to the Guardians, Joseph Frederick William mented by a further sum of £3,OOD, granted from Ritson, West street, Wigton money left by the late Mr. Josepll Nelson, of !Moor Treasurer, Thomas Rig-g, King street, Wigton Row, Wigton. The school is carried on in a mansion Medical Officers & Public Vaccinators, Allonby & Aspa­ known as WestmoTland House. situated in the High tria district, Wm. Perry Briggs L.RC.P.Edin. Aspa­ street & standing in its own grounds of about two tria; Bowness district, Thomas Messenger L.R.C.P. &; acres: the home has been Tery well adapted for ib S.Edin. Kirkbride; Calbeck district, T. McMaster present purpose, &, contain!! spacious &; well-lighted Glen L.RO.P. &; S.Edin. Heskett New Market; Holme dass rooms, with separate desks &, lockers &; dormi­ Abbey district, Oharles Orerar M.B., O.M. Monimail, tories with SiCreened-off cubicles, & attached is " large Silloth; Ireby district. Ian Macquarrie M.B., O.M. pariitioned bath room. .At the back of the house is Mealsgate; Wigton district, John Blacklock M.D. a spacious tenni~ ground, & on one ,side 08 Large King street, Wigton orchard, part of which has been cleared for other out­ Relieving, Vaccination Officers &; Collectors to the door games. The curri<culum is that of 8 good high Guardians, Oaldbeck district, Rubert Hetherington, schaol, &;. g-irls are prepared for the Local Examina­ Oaldbeck; Abbey Holme district, John Beckton, tions of the University of Cambrid~e. The whole Abbey Town; Wigton district, Wilson Moore, Ohurch school is examined every year by the Syndicate of this street, Wigton University. &; ,is {')fficially "T'OCognised" by the Board The Workhouse, occupying an elevated position on of Education. Two Nelson soholarships, coveTing th& Station hill, is a hnilding of stone, &; was erected in cost of tuition fees, are open to girls resident in the.
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