FEDERAL REGISTER VOLUME 32 • NUMBER 89 Tuesday, May 9,1967 • Washington, D.C. Pages 7007-7043 Agencies in this issue— Agricultural Research Service Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service Air Force Department Atomic Energy Commission Business and Defense Services Administration Civil Aeronautics Board Civil Service Commission Consumer and Marketing Service Defense Department Federal Aviation Administration Federal Communications Commission Federal Home Loan Bank Board Federal Power Commission Federal Trade Commission Fish and Wildlife Service Food and Drug Administration Housing and Urban Development Department Immigration and Naturalization Service Interstate Commerce Commission Labor Department Mines Bureau Panama Canal Public Contracts Division Reclamation Bureau Securities and Exchange Commission Small Business Administration State Department Detailed list of Contents appears inside. Announcing First 10-Year Cumulation TABLES OF LAWS AFFECTED in Volumes 70-79 of the UNITED STATES STATUTES AT LARGE Lists all prior laws and other Federal in- public laws enacted during the years 1956- struments which were amended, repealed, 1965. Includes index of popular name or otherwise affected by the provisions of acts affected in Volumes 70-79. Price: $2.50 'Compiled by Office of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Service, General Services Administration Order from Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 'i r m r n i i fir f'I C T m Published daily, Tuesday through Saturday (no publication on Sundays, Mondays, or r r l l r n / l l « n i i r | l | \ I r tl on the day after an official Federal holiday), by the Office of the Federal Register, National 1 a Archives and Records Service, General Services Administration (mail address National Area Code 202 Phone 962-8626 Archives Building, Washington, D.C. 20408), pursuant to the authority contained in tn Federal Register Act, approved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as amended; 44 U.S.C., Ch. 8B), under regulations prescribed by the AdffiW- istrative Committee of the Federal Register, approved by the President (1 CFR Ch. I). Distribution is made only by the Supermte of Documents, TJ.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. in The Federal Register will be furnished by mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 per month or $15 per year, Paya {or advance. The charge for individual copies varies in proportion to the size of the issue (15 cents for the first 80 pages and 5 cen each additional group of 40 pages, as actually bound). Remit check or money order, made payable to the Superintendent of Docu U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. ... our. The regulatory material appearing herein is keyed to the Code op F ederal R egulations, which is published, under 50 » ^ suant to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as amended. The Code op Federal R egulations is sold by the Supenntena Documents. Prices of books and pocket supplements are listed in the first Federal Register issue of each mouth. -- __ atioNS. There are no restrictions on the republication of material appearing in the Federal R egister or th e Code of F ederal R egul Contents agricultural r e s e a r c h Notices FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION SERVICE > Alexander Auction Sales & Serv­ ice et al.; deposting of stock- Rules and Regulations Rules and Regulations yards; correction____________ 7027 Prohibited trade practices: Duck v ir u s enteritis (Duck Capital City Quilting, Inc., et al_ 7015 plague); interstate movement DEFENSE DEPARTMENT Gutter, Jack R., et al_________ 7016 of domestic water fowl________ 7012 See also Air Force Department. Federal plant pest regulations; emergency measures_________ _ 7011 Rules and Regulations FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Acceptance of service of process_7019 AGRICULTURAL STABILISATION Rules and Regulations FEDERAL AVIATION AND CONSERVATION SERVICE National Elk Refuge, Wyo.; sport ADMINISTRATION fishing _____________________ 7024 Rules and Regulations Rules and Regulations Continental sugar requirements FOOD AND DRUG and quotas, 1967_____________ 7011 Alterations: Federal airway______________ 7014 ADMINISTRATION Restricted areas (2 documents) _ 7014, AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT 7015 Proposed Rule Making See Agricultural Research Serv­ Continental control area and re­ Over-the-counter systemic anal­ ice; Agricultural Stabilization stricted areas; alteration and gesics; warning statements; ex­ and Conservation Service; Con­ revocation__________ _______ 7014 tension of time for filing com- sumer and Marketing Service. Restricted area; revocation_____ 7015 m e n ts_____________________ 7026 Transportation of dangerous arti­ AIR FORCE DEPARTMENT cles and magnetized materials; Notices technical amendments_______ Rules and Regulations 7015 Shell Chemical Co.; filing of peti­ tion for food additives________ 7029 Miscellaneous amendments to Proposed Rule Making chapter--------------------------------- 7020 Restricted area; proposed desig­ nation ____ _________________ 7026 HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS WELFARE DEPARTMENT Notices COMMISSION See Food and Drug Administra­ Long Island Nuclear Service tion. Corp.; issuance of amendment Rules and Regulations to source and special nuclear Television broadcast stations; HOUSING AND URBAN material license_________ J,___ 7029 table of assignments: Agama, Guam__________ _____ 7023 DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Pierre, S. Dak_______________I 7023 BUSINESS AND DEFENSE Notices SERVICES ADMINISTRATION Notices Assistant Regional Administrator Notices Educational FM broadcast chan­ nels; allocation; order extend­ for Administration, Region VI Scientific articles; applications for (San Francisco); redelegation ing time for filing comments__ 7031 of authority___________ _____ 7029 duty free entry (4 documents)_ 7027, Hearings, etc.: 7928 Aljir Broadcasting Co., Inc., and IMMIGRATION AND CIVIL AERONAUTICS BOARD South Kane-Kendall Corp. (2 documents)_______________ 7030 NATURALIZATION SERVICE Notices Cirilli, Arthur A., et al________ 7030 Reopened New York-Florida route Graves, L. G_________________ 7031 Proposed Rule Making renewal case; notice of oral Hartford County Broadcasting Waivers; Alien Registration Re­ argument______ ______________ 7029 Corp., and Central Connecti­ ceipt Card, Form 1-151_______ 7025 cut Broadcasting Co_______ 7031 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Norristown Broadcasting Co., INTERIOR DEPARTMENT Rules and Regulations Inc. (WNAR)______________ 7031 Orange Nine, Inc., et al_______ 7031 See Fish and Wildlife Service; Treasury Department; excepted Shurtleff-Schorr Broadcasting Mines Bureau; Reclamation service_____________________ 7011 Corp., and Combelt Broad­ Bureau. casting Corp_______________ 7031 COMMERCE DEPARTMENT INTERSTATE COMMERCE See Business and Defense Services FEDERAL HOME LOAN Administration. BANK BOARD COMMISSION Proposed Rule Making Notices CONSUMER AND MARKETING Federal Savings and Loan Corpo­ Fourth section applications for re- SERVICE ration; proposed amendment re­ lief (2 documents)___ _______ 7038 Rules and Regulations lating to definition of scheduled Motor carrier: item s----------------------------------- 7026 Peaches, fresh, in Georgia; ship­ Temporary authority applica­ tions -------------------------------- 7038 ment limitation_____________ 7012 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION repacked cotton; miscellaneous Transfer proceedings_________ 7040 amendments_________________ 7011 Notices deposed Rule Making Hearings, etc.: JUSTICE DEPARTMENT Ashland Oil & Refining Co____ 7032 Milk in Puget Sound, Wash., mar­ Phillips Petroleum Co., et al___ 7033 See Immigration and Naturaliza­ keting area; proposed suspen­ Southwest Gas Corp__________ 7036 tion Service. sion of certain provisions_____ 7025 Youngblood, J. Lee et al____ ___ 7034 (Continued on next page) 7009 7010 CONTENTS LABOR DEPARTMENT PUBLIC CONTRACTS DIVISION SMALL BUSINESS See also Public Contracts Division. Rules and Regulations ADMINISTRATION Proposed Rule Making Safety and health standards for Notices Financial responsibility of insur­ Federal supply contracts; radia­ Manager of Disaster Branch Office, ance companies issuing policies tion standards for uranium Oak Lawn, 111.; delegation of to farm labor contracts; appli­ mining_____________________ 7022 authority_____________---------- 7038 cation for certificate of registra- Minnesota; declaration of disaster tion_______ _________________ 7025 RECLAMATION BUREAU area------------------------------------ 7038 MINES BUREAU Notices STATE DEPARTMENT San Juan National Forest, Colo.; Rules and Regulations order of transfer of administra­ Notices Fire-fighting equipment________ 7016 tive jurisdiction of land at British Honduras and Thailand; Lemon Reservoir, Florida proj­ validity of certain nonimmi­ PANAMA CANAL ect, Colo____________________ 7027 grant visas_-------- ----------------- 7027 Rules and Regulations Marine accidents; investigations; SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT control; responsibility; correc­ COMMISSION See Federal Aviation Administra­ tion___ :________ ____________ 7022 tion. Notices Hearings, etc.: Ohio Edison Co., and Pennsyl- vania Power Co____________ 7036 Potomac Edison Co_-------------- 7036 Tax Exempt Income Fund, Series 3___ _______ „______ 7037 List of CFR Parts Affected (Codification Guide) The following numerical guide is a list of the parts of each title of the Code of Federal Regulations affected by documents published in today's issue. A cumulative list of parts affected,
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