Uncorrected – Not for Publication LSS-D-I LOK SABHA DEBATES (Part I -- Proceedings with Questions and Answers) The House met at Eleven of the Clock. Wednes day, M arch 11, 20 15/ P halguna 20 , 1936 (Saka) 11.03.2015 Uncorrected / Not for Publication 2 LOK SABHA DEBATES PART I – QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Wednesday, March 11, 2015/Phalguna 20, 1936 (Saka) CONTENTS PAGES RULING RE: NOTICES OF ADJOURNMENT MOTION 1-3 ORAL ANSWERS TO STARRED QUESTIONS 3A-27 (S.Q. 201 TO 205) WRITTEN ANSWERS TO STARRED QUESTIONS 28-42 (S.Q. 206 TO 220) WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONS 43-272 ( U.S.Q. 2301 TO 2530 ) For Proceedings other than Questions and Answers, please see Part II. 11.03.2015 Uncorrected / Not for Publication 3 Uncorrected – Not for Publication LSS-D-I LOK SABHA DEBATES (Part II - Proceedings other than Questions and Answers) Wednesday, March 11, 2015/ Phalguna 20, 1936 (Saka) (Please see the Supplement also) 11.03.2015 Uncorrected / Not for Publication 4 LOK SABHA DEBATES PART II –PROCEEDINGS OTHER THAN QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Wednesday, March 11, 2015/ Phalguna 20, 1936 (Saka) CONTENTS PAGES PAPERS LAID ON THE TABLE 273-77 COMMITTEE ON PRIVATE MEMBERS’ BILLS 278 AND RESOLUTIONS 7th Report STANDING COMMITTEE ON TRANSPORT, 278 TOURISM AND CULTURE 217 th Report STATEMENT RE: STATUS OF IMPLEMENTATION 278 OF RECOMMENDATIONS IN 53 RD REPORT OF STANDING COMMITTEE ON INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY- LAID Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad SPECIAL MENTIONS 279-90 292-98 STATEMENT RE: STATUS OF IMPLEMENTATION 291 OF RECOMMENDATIONS IN 200 TH REPORT OF STANDING COMMITTEE ON TRANSPORT, TOURISM AND CULTURE - LAID Dr. Mahesh Sharma STATEMENT RE: HISTORICAL LANDING OF 299-301 WORLD’S FIRST SOLAR POWERED AIRCRAFT ‘SOLAR IMPULSE-II’ IN AHMEDABAD Dr. Harsh Vardhan MATTERS UNDER RULE 377- LAID 302-17 Shri Chandra Prakash Joshi 302 11.03.2015 Uncorrected / Not for Publication 5 Shri Ajay Mishra Teni 303 Shri Hukum Singh 304-05 Shri Hari Manjhi 306 Dr. Mahendra Nath Pandey 306 Shri Ashwini Kumar Choubey 307 Shri Rajendra Agrawal 308 Dr. Virendra Kumar 309 Shri Devendra Singh Bhole 310 Dr. Bhola Singh 311 Shri Mullappally Ramachandran 311 Shri Rajeev Satav 312 Shri K.R.P. Prabakaran 313 Dr. Ratna De Nag 314 Dr. Kulamani Samal 315 Shri Arvind Sawant 316 Shri M. Murli Mohan 317 Shri Prem Singh Chandumajra 317 RAILWAY BUDGET – GENERAL DISCUSSION; 318-456 DEMANDS FOR GRANTS ON ACCOUNT- RAILWAYS; DEMANDS FOR SUPPLEMENTARY GRANTS RAILWAYS; - Inconclusive RESOLUTION RE: APPOINTMENT OF PARLIAMENTARY COMMITTEE AND RESOLUTION RE: RECOMMENDATION TO RAJYA SABHA Shri Suresh Prabhu 318-19 … 320 Shri K.C. Venugopal 321-27 11.03.2015 Uncorrected / Not for Publication 6 Yogi Aditya Nath 328-34 Shri P. Kumar 335-41 Dr. Kakoli Ghosh Dastidar 342-47 Shri Kalikesh N. Singh Deo 348-56 Dr. Shrikant Eknath Shinde 357-59 *Shri P.K. Biju 360-60C *Shri Kapil Moreshwar Patil 361-61A *Shri Jayadev Galla 362-62F Shri M. Murali Mohan 363-68 *Shri Shrirang Appa Barne 369-69E *Sadhvi Savitri Bai Phule 370-70B *Shrimati Rama Devi 371-71D Shri Bheemrao B. Patil 372-76 *Shri Jaswant Singh Bhabhor 377-77B Shri M.B. Rajesh 378-82 *Shri K. Parasuraman 383-83A *Shri Shivajirao Adhalrao Patil 384-84B *Shri Sankar Prasad Datta 385-85A Shri P. Srinivasa Reddy 386-88 Shri Rakesh Singh 389-97 *Shri Gaurav Gogoi 398-99 *Shri Sanganna Amarappa 400-400A *Shri Chand Nath 401-01E *Dr. Kulamani Samal 402-02A *Shri Devendra Singh Bhole 403-03E Shri Ashok Shankarrao Chavan 404-10 Shri Vinayak Bhaurao Raut 411-13 *Shri B. S. Yediyurappa 414-14C 11.03.2015 Uncorrected / Not for Publication 7 #Shri R. K. Bharathi Mohan 415A-15E *Shri Rahul Kaswan 416-16B Shri Feroze Varun Gandhi 417-21 ____________________________________________________________ *Laid on the Table #For English translation of the Tamil speech, please see the Supplement PP 415A-15E Shri Muthamsetti Srinivasa Rao 422-25 *Shri Jitendra Chaudhury 426 *Shri Gajendra Singh Shekhawat 427 Dr. Arun Kumar 428-30 *Shri Om Birla 431-31B Shri Rajesh Ranjan 432-35 Dr. Ratna De (Nag) 436-38 Dr. Pralhad Joshi 439-44 *Shrimati Supriya Sule 445-45I @Shri Ranjit Singh Brahmpura 446-46E Shrimati Jayashreeben Patel 447-49 *Shri Rabindra Kumar Jena 450-50I *Dr. Bhagirath Prasad 451-51A Shri Radheshyam Biswas 452-56 (FOR REST OF THE PROCEEDINGS, PLEASE SEE THE SUPPLEMENT.) @For English translation of the Punjabi speech, please see the Supplement PP 446A-46E *Laid on the Table 11.03.2015 Uncorrected / Not for Publication 8 LOK SABHA DEBATES PART II –PROCEEDINGS OTHER THAN QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Wednesday, March 11, 2015/ Phalguna 20, 1936 (Saka) S U P P L E M E N T C ON T E N T S P A G E S XXX XXX XXX XXX xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxx RAILWAY BUDGET – GENERAL DISCUSSION; 415A-15E DEMANDS FOR GRANTS ON ACCOUNT- RAILWAYS; 438A-38G DEMANDS FOR SUPPLEMENTARY GRANTS 446A-46E RAILWAYS; 457-504 RESOLUTION RE: APPOINTMENT OF PARLIAMENTARY COMMITTEE00 AND RESOLUTION RE: RECOMMENDATION TO RAJYA SABHA -- (Inconclusive) xxxx xxxx xxx xxx Shri R. K. Bharathi Mohan 415A-15E xxxx xxxx xxx xxx *Shri D.K. Suresh 438A-38G xxxx xxxx xxx xxx Shri Ranjit Singh Brahmpura 446A-46E xxxx xxxx xxx xxx Shri Balbhadra Majhi 457-59 *Laid on the Table 11.03.2015 Uncorrected / Not for Publication 9 Shri Sanjay Dhotre 460-61 Shri Mullappally Ramachandran 462-65 *Shri Sanjay Haribhau Jadhav 466 Shri C.R. Patil 467-68 Shri C. Mahendran 469-71 Shri Ravindra Kumar Pandey 472-73 Shri Dharam Vira Gandhi 474-76 *Shri Arvind Sawant 477-77D Shri B. Vinod Kumar 478-80 Shri Lalubhai Babubhai Patel 481 Shri Ram Tahal Choudhary 482-83 Shri Gajanan Kirtikar 484-86 Shri C.R. Chaudhary 487-89 Shri E.T. Mohammed Basheer 490-92 Shri Ramen Deka 493-95 Dr. Ravindra Babu 496-97 Dr. K. Gopal 498-500 Dr. Virendra Kumar 501-03 Shrimati Pratima Mondal 504 Xxxx *Laid on the Table 11.03.2015 Uncorrected / Not for Publication 10 (a1/1100/snb-mkg) 1101 hours (Madam Speaker in the Chair ) … ( Interruptions ) RULING RE: NOTICES OF ADJOURNMENT MOTION gÉÉÒ VªÉÉäÉÊiÉ®ÉÉÊniªÉ àÉÉvÉ´É®É´É É˺ÉÉÊvɪÉÉ (MÉÖxÉÉ) : àÉÉxÉxÉÉÒªÉ +ÉvªÉFÉ àÉcÉänªÉÉ, ABÉE ¤ÉcÖiÉ àÉci´É{ÉÚhÉÇ àÉÖqÉ cè, VÉÉä càÉ +ÉÉVÉ =~ÉxÉÉ SÉÉciÉä cé* ÉÊVÉºÉ ÉÊ´É−ÉªÉ {É® càÉxÉä BÉD´É¶SÉxÉ +ÉÉì´É® ºÉº{Éå¶ÉxÉ BÉEÉ +ÉÉè® AbVÉxÉÇàÉå] àÉÉä¶ÉxÉ BÉEÉ £ÉÉÒ xÉÉäÉÊ]ºÉ ÉÊnªÉÉ cè* ...(BªÉ´ÉvÉÉxÉ) THE MINISTER OF URBAN DEVELOPMENT, MINISTER OF HOUSING AND URBAN POVERTY ALLEVIATION AND MINISTER OF PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS (SHRI M. VENKAIAH NAIDU): Madam, I have a submission to make… ( Interruptions ) SHRI JYOTIRADITYA M. SCINDIA (GUNA): We have the right to raise an issue… ( Interruptions ) MADAM SPEAKER: Hon. Members, I have received notices of Adjournment Motion from Jaiprakash Narain ji. The subject is different. It is about heavy rains. Then I have received notices from Shri Tamradhwaj Sahu and Shrimati Ranjeet Ranjan. Their subject is also different. It is about irregularities in the functioning of the PDS and also I have received notices from Shri Jyotiraditya Scindia and Shri K.C. Venugopal regarding some new evidence coming to light in respect of the release of Masrat Alam. All these notices are there. These subjects have already been discussed so many times in the House. That is why I am not allowing the Adjournment Motions. It is not necessary. But during the ‘Zero Hour’ you can raise the matters. 11.03.2015 Uncorrected / Not for Publication 11 SHRI M. VENKAIAH NAIDU: Madam, I have a submission to make. I have been in Parliament for a number of years. Any Member can definitely give a notice on an important issue. They can take up the matter with the Chair in her Chamber and then if the Chair permits, they can raise the issue in the House. If everyday Members give notices for Suspension of Question Hour or an Adjournment Motion, then the importance of such notices gets diluted… ( Interruptions ) That is my submission… ( Interruptions ) MADAM SPEAKER: Let him first complete. … ( Interruptions ) SHRI M. VENKAIAH NAIDU: Madam, the Question Hour belongs to the Members. Simply five or six people standing will not do… ( Interruptions ) The House has to transact the business which is there in the List. I request the hon. Speaker to allow Members to have the Question Hour and then depending on the merit of the issue, the Chair can decide… ( Interruptions ) gÉÉÒ VªÉÉäÉÊiÉ®ÉÉÊniªÉ àÉÉvÉ´É®É´É É˺ÉÉÊvɪÉÉ (MÉÖxÉÉ) : àÉÆjÉÉÒ VÉÉÒ <iÉxÉä =kÉäÉÊVÉiÉ BÉDªÉÉå cÉä ®cä cé? MADAM SPEAKER: It is not for you in particular, but it is happening. Today also I discussed with some Members that they have made it a practice to give some Adjournment Motion notices and then the Chair allows them to raise the issue during the ‘Zero Hour’. But it should not be like that. … ( Interruptions ) SHRI JYOTIRADITYA M. SCINDIA (GUNA): It is a parliamentary practice… (Interruptions ) MADAM SPEAKER: It is there. If the matter is important, then definitely it can be done. … ( Interruptions ) SHRI K.C. VENUGOPAL (ALAPPUZHA): When they were in the Opposition, they did the same thing… ( Interruptions ) SHRI M. VENKAIAH NAIDU: Let us go through the proceedings of the last ten years, if that is the practice, then I am ready to accept. … ( Interruptions ) 11.03.2015 Uncorrected / Not for Publication 12 (b1/1105/rv-ksp) SHRI JYOTIRADITYA M. SCINDIA (GUNA): Yes, we agree to it.… (Interruptions ) It is our parliamentary right under the rules. … ( Interruptions ) HON. SPEAKER: Yes, as Opposition it is your right. That is correct. But every now and then it should not be done.
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