TRADES DIRECTORY.] SURREY. COL 1791 Wilsher Henry, L. B. & S. C. Railway Beehive Coffee Tavern (H. Hawkins), ·Sunflower Coffee Palace (George Ham- station, Gipsy hill, Norwood sE High road, Streatham s w · . 1 mond), 94 George street, Croydon Winch Henry, Petersham, Richmond Bell Coffee Tavern (Henry Duck, mana- Tea Tree Coffee Tavern (Wm. Carey), Winser Frank, Cranleigh, Guildford ger), High street, Upper Tooting s w I Woldingham, Caterham Valley S.O Wood & Co. 33 High st. Barnes s w British Workman C~ffee Tavern (Alf!ed·IThree Cups .Coffee Tavern (Edward Wood Henry, 4 Emily terrace, Cooper's C. Mutton), 47 H~gh street, Redhdl Basten), High street, Barnes s w Arms lane, Putney s w Buckett R?bert, Church st. Leat~erhead Tongham Coffee House (Miss Forster, Wrist Christopher Stoughton Guildford Burnett RIChard, 83 South end, Croydon hon.sec.& treas.), Tongnam, Farnham ' ' Caterham Coffee Tavern Co. Limited Victoria Coffee Tavern (Edmd.Lockyer, COFFEE ROOMS (EdwinElvin, manager; F. B. Winter, ma.ngr.),5 Lower Church st. Croydon ' ~ · . hon. sec.), Caterham Valley 8.0 Welcome Coffee Bar (Edwin Sheffield), Armswor~h George,, 6o South st.J?orking Catteshall Coffee Tavern (William 1. Brighton road, Redhill Ar~hur Richard, Hig~st. Up. Mitcham Painter, manager), Mead row, Farn- Welcome (The) Coffee Rooms (Thomas Avis Geo.27Low.Addiscombe rd.Croydn combe, Godalming Coates,mngr. ),Railway st.Barnes s w Baggett Edward, 6 The Broadway, Chatfield Wm. High st. Cheam, Sutton Welcome Coffee Rooms (John Stdney Kingston road, Wimbledon CheesemanFk.Market pl.NewMaldenS.O Francis, mngr. ), The Village, Woking Bastick Mrs. A.IoiHandcroftrd.Croydn ChrystieMrs.M.Gt.Bookhm. Leathrhead Welcome (The) Coffee Tavern (Daniel Bell Chas. 5 Approach rd. We.Norwds E Clifford Mrs. Elizabeth, ~~ Lordship Rogers,mgr.),58&59 High st.Wmbldn Bell Chas.4 Gloucester st.We.Norwd 8 E lane East Dulwich sE . Welcome Coffee Tavern (Edwd. Stone}l Bishop James G. Fairfield rd. Kingston Compton Coffee Rooms (Jas. Hawkins, 27 Westow street, Norwood sE Bradbrook David, Merton road, Merton manager) Compton Guildford White Elephant Coffee Tavern & Work­ Brown John, 51 Holmesdale rd. Reigate Cowley An.;s Coffee T~vern (Mrs.Sarah ing Men's Club (Thomas Wm. Bl~ke­ CattellMrs.M.52Sandycomberd.KewS.O Batell proprtrss.) Windsor st.Chertsy man, manager), Merstham, Redhill Cornell Chas. I6 Clarence st. Kingston Crown Coffee Pala~ (Charles Carter, Wimbledon Cof!ee Palace (Fk. H?pkins, Cronk ~· 123 Bensham Manor rd.Croydn manager),Clifford rd.Sth.Norwood sE m~.), I6 WimbledonHl.rd. Wm~bldo C~onk Enoch, I78Gloucester ~d. Croydon Croydon Coffee Tavern Co. Lim. (The) Woodside Coffee Tav:ern (Hy. Gostlmg), Dtxon John, Upper green, Mttcham '(James White, manager), 6 High st. Croydon road, Retgate Dum_ble Mr~. Eli~beth, 5 Cowpers row, & 128 North end, Croydon · Bnxton hill, Brixton s w Dicker Alexander, Church st.Weybridge COFFEE EXTRACT MANUFRS.. Elsey Stphn.14CherryOrchard rd.Crydn Dorking Coffee Tavern (Samuel P~rker, Clark E. & Co." Optimus" coffee works, Ewell P~rochtal~off~eRms.Ewell,EpsoiD manager), 19 West street, Dorkmg Queen's rd. Sth. Lambeth, London s w FosterW.2o2KmghtsHI.rd.W.NorwdsB Englefield Green Coffee Tavern Co. Fulb~ook Frank, Godstone, Redhill (the trustees) (Edward Spooner, COFFIN FURNITURE MNFRS. Gooding Joseph, 390 London road, manager), Englefield green, Staines . Thorn ton heath, Croydon Epsom 'Iown Coffee Tavern (Miss Annie Dottndge Brothers, Dorset wor.ks, East Green Wm . 14 Chelverton rd · Putney sw Al exa.n d er ) , H'Ig h s treet , E,ps om Troad, London"F N. See1 advertisement. L d " HaddonW. T.133Beckenham rd.Penge sE Farnham Coffee Tavern (Wm. Cleeves e1 egrams: unera, on on. Harding John, Lion grn.Sho~termill S.O manager) 38 Downing st. Farnham ' GORDON ~ M~N~O, 13, I4, IS & 16 Harfield Mrs.Fras.2o7Maple rd.Penge sE Finch Mrs.E.Coulsdon rd.Caterham 8.0 Horse fatr, BtrmmghaiJ?-; manufac- ' Hayne Edwin, I Bath buildings, Putney GardnerC. Bridgest.Walton-on-Thames turers of. c_offin . f?rmture, robes, Bridge road, Putney s w Garrard John, Merton la. Low.Mitcham shrouds, frdhngs, hnmgs &c Heartfield Henry, 42 Pitla~e, Cro~don Gem (The) Coffee House (Jas. Emerton, Henson Mrs. Ebzh. J. 42 Htgh st. Sutton -manager) Petersham Richmond COKE CONTRACTOR. Howlett Miss Fanny, 2I_3l!igh s~.Sutton Holmthorp~ ArmsCoff:eTavern (Chas. Roper James, East & New Croydon rail­ Ives James, St. ~atherme s, Gmldf~rd Bignell); Holmthorpe, Redhill way stations, George street, Croydon Jaggs Waiter, Brtghton road, Redhlll Hone William Byfteet Weybridge James Mrs.A.2oOldridge rd.Balham s W Hope Coffee 'Palace '(John Ogborne, COKE MERCHANTS. KeensCoffeeRooms, I .IA,South st. Dorkng manager), 72 High street, Merton • MeadA.5Athol ter.H1gh rd.Streathm sw Hope Coffee House. (Thomas Davis), See Coal & Coke Merchantsr Morgan George, Oxte~ S.O High road, Streatham COLI·AR DRESSERS. , PackmanR. Io3Lordsh1p la. E. Dol":ch sE Kinnaird Alexander, 7 Caithness ter­ Pacy EvansP.2 Commerce pl.Dulwtch SE race High street Upper Tooting s w See Shirt & Collar Dressers. Pa~mell Thomas, I54 High st. Croydon Leopoid Coffee Ta;ern (Charles Henry I Pam Henry. Charles, 14 Boo Marcbe Deuton, mngr.),7 Clarence st.Kingstn COLI·AR MAKERS. terrace, Gip~y road, West Norwood sE Light House Mission Coffee Tavern (J.H. See Shirt & Collar Makers. Pa~k~r Hy: ~Ingston vale, Putney s w North,mngr.),g3&34Wilfrd.rd.Croydn Ph~lhps Wllbam, Ba.nstead, Ep.som Limpsfield Coffee& Heading Rooms(Mrs. COLI:ECTORS RENT & DEBT. P~1pps ~rs. C. ~4 Broadway, Wimbledon F. Steer, manageress), Limpsfield S.O Butcher Edwd. Ryde,91 High st.Dorking Pt.ttendnghS.4Sunn~Hl.rd.Streat~msw Merstham Coffee Rooms (Mrs. Jane Ede E. W.Ioo Woodbridge rd. Guildford RIChard A. 205Lordsh1p la: Ea.Dulwlch SE Adamstone, mngrss. ),Mersthro Redhl Grigg George J ames, 10 Victoria terrace, ~oseAlfred,67Penge rd.Sth.NorwoodsE Milton Thomas Bridgmanr 954, High Wandle road, Wimbledon Searle Charles,s6Anerley rd.Norwood SE street, Guildford HammertonMrs.C.Chertsey gro.Chertsy Smy & Barro~s, IBS Crystal Palace road, Parish Coffee Room (Fred.erick Norton, East Dul wich sE. manager), Addington, Croydon COLLEGES. I Souter Alfd.436 White Horse rd. Croydon Park Coffee Tavern (Henry Gostling ), See Schools & Colleges. Stephens Mrs.H.I56London rd.Croydon Gatton Park road Redhill Stock Miss J. 7 Ridsdale rd. Anerley s E Parochial Coffee Roo~s (William Bealey, COLLIERY AGENTS. Tanner Edward, -!f?<Jk, Kingston manager), Cobham & Hatchford See Agents-Coal & Colliery. 1 Tay lor Chas. 92 W htte Horse rd. Croydon Patterson William Ashtead Epsom Taylor James, High st.. Ewell, Epsom Puttenham Coffe; House (Jas. Fowler, COLOR MANUFACTURERS. Thornton Fredk. I54. High st. Button manager), Puttenham, Guildford Hughes&KimberLim.Churchrd.Mitchm T~otman Thos. 77 Htgh st. Putney s w Reigate Arms Coffee Tavern (S. Shell- VICkers Wm. 34 Besle~ st. Streathai!l sw drake, sec.; Samuel Webb, manager), BowleyS.&Son,Wellington rd.Bttrsea sw Voiler James, I .Gras_;;mere villas, High street, Reigate CORNELISSEN LOUIS &. SON, 2:a Garratt lane, Tootmg Graveney 8 w Roberts Richard, High st. Mortlake s w Great Queen street, London w c W~rne Alfred Ja~e~, East st: Epsom Royal Standard Coffee Palace (Richard Rose Sir W. A. & Co. 66 Upper Thames Wtng Mrs. Lavmta, 4 H~gh street, Turner,mgr.),I8'fheQuadrnt.Rchmnd street E c & Rose's wharfs E, London Thorn ton ,heath, Cro~·don . St. John's Coffee Tavern ( Hy. Boniface, Woodman George, 2 Htgh st. ~~hill manager), Merrow, Guildford COLOR MERCHANTS. Young John May, 25 North st.Gmldford St. Martin's Coffee Rooms (Mrs. Boorer, Hooker Jas.(who. ),5 & 7 Park la. Croydn manageress), Church street, Dorking Jones Prey. C.(who. ), Sanitary & Decor- COFFEE TAVERNS. Shaftesbury Coffee Tavern (Richard ating works, 2 & 3 North st.Guildford Addlestone Coffee Tavern (Mrs. M. A. Jaggs, manager), 129 High st. Suttou Phillips A. E.& Co.Sta.tion rd.Horley S.O Berridge, manageress),AddlestoneS.O Shew William Rt.North st. Leatherhead COLORMEN ' Anchor Coffee Tavern,Ewellrd.Surbiton Shield Coffee. Tavern & Working. Men's • Anchor Coffee Tavern {Henry Thomas Club (Wilham Thomas Weston), 26 & See Oil & Colormeo. Biggs), 108 Old town, Croydon 28 Trinity road, Upper Tooting 8 w Anderson Thomas Jas. 4 Brunswick par. Single Gate Coffee House (David Brad- . C~LZA OIL REFINERS. Crystal Palace Station rd. Norwood SE brook), Merton road, Merton Rose Str W. A. & Co. 66 Upper Thames Batell Mrs. Sarah, Windsor st. Chertsey Sparrow James, 1 Fife road, Kingston street, London E c. Refiners of the Baytree Coffee Tavern (Alfred Middle- Spread Eagle Coffee Tavern, 1 I;Ower "~arp Brand" Pure Lighthouse Colza ton), Kingston road, Wimbledon Brighton terrace,Brightonrd.SurbitQn Otl .
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