DOCUMF.NT RESUMF ED 021 684 RC 002 613 EMPLOYABILITY FACTORS AND NEEDS OF WISCONSIN TRIBALINDIANS. Wisconsin State Employment Service, Madison. Pub Date 68 Note- 43p. EDRS Price MF-$0.25 HC- $1.80 Descriptors-*AMERICAN INDIANS EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND,EDUCATIONAL INTEREST, EMPLOYMENT LEVEL, *EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS, *INCOME, JOBTRAINING, LOW INCOME, MARITAL STATUS,MOBILITY, OCCUPATIONS ORGANIZATION SIZE (GROUPS), QUESTIONNAIRES, RURAL POPULATION SCHOOL STATISTICS *STATISTICAL DATA, *SURVEYS, UNEMPLOYMENT Identifiers-Oneida Indians, *Wisconsin General characteristics of Wisconsin tribalIndians as they relate to employment factors and needs are outlined. Household andindividual surveys were conducted whichyielded information pertainingto:residence; employmentstatistics; primary occupations; industrial employment;educational level and school status:educational level and income; marital status; educationand training desires; and mobility.Statistical data adds significance to the narrationpresented. Samples of the householdand individual questionnait es are included in theappendix in addition to job training interest tables. (SW) EMPLOYABILITYFACTORS AND NEEDSOF WISCONSINTRIBALINDIANS WISCONSIN STATEEMPLOYMENT SERVICE A Division of the HUMAN RELATIONS DEPARTMENT OFINoUSTRY, LABOR AND U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION & WELFARE OFFICE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRODUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGINATING IT.POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRESENT OFFICIAL OFFICE OF EDUCATION POSITION OR POLICY. A STUDY OF THE EMPLOYABILITY FACTORS ANDNEEDS OF WISCONSIN TRIBAL INDIANS Wisconsin StateEmployment Service A Division ofthe Department of Industry,Labor and HumanRelations Hill Farms StateOffice Building P.O. Box 1607 Madison, Visconsin 53701 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Foreword 1 Highlights Household Survey 6 Individual Survey Residence Employment and Unemployment 11 Weeks Worked and Income 15 Primary Occupations 18 Industry of Employment 19 Educational Level and School Status 20 Educational Level and Income 22 Marital Status 23 Education and Training Desires 24 Mobility 28 Appendix 30 Sample Household Questionnaire 31 Sample Individual Questionnaire 32 Interest in Training by County 36 - 1 - Foreword characteristics of Wis- This study is an attempt tooutline some general The need consin Tribal Indians as they relateto their employmentneeds. with the addition for this information hastaken on increasing importance Service staff in four of five Indian Community Workersto the Employment district office areas, addition ofstafff to the GreatLakes Inter-Tribal number of man- Council Community Action Agency, andthe ever increasing power development programs. 1967. Early The preliminary plans forthis study were drawn upin April in Wis- in May 1967, 30 Indians representingthe various tribal areas These workers then re- consin were hired to conductthe actual survey. questionnaires. ceived two days of intensivetraining in use of the survey supervision of WSES From May 10 through June 9the sarvey workers, under personnel, attempted to contact everyknown Indian householdin their each household and anin- area and complete ahousehold questionnaire for and over. A dividual questionnaire forall persons 16 years of age Upon com- sample of these questionnaires maybe found in the Appendix. key punched, aad pletion of the survey, thequestionnaires were coded, questionnaires were then the data computerprocessed.The original survey by WSES returned to the WSES districtoffices. The territories served offices are shown on the map on page3. administrative office and The key punch cards are onfile in the WSES request. additional or more detailedinformation is available upon Council and its CAA forits We wish to thank the GreatLakes Inter-Tribal development of the assistance in recruiting the surveyworkers and in the the questionnaire and the surveyworkers for theirdiligence in conducting with the survey. We also wish to thank allthe persons who cooperated survey workers in providing the detailed personal information. The extent to which the information, brought out by this stuay, is put to use will, in the long run, determine its value.An attempt has been made throughout the report to indicate the implications and possible use for the data. - 3 - TERRITORIES SERVED BY WISCONSIN STATE EMPLOYMENT SERVICE DISTRICT OFFICES YOUTH OPPORTUNITY CENTERS 1. Appleton 7.Green Bay 15. Manitowoc24. Rhinelander 13. Madison 2. Ashland 8.Janesville 16. Marinette 25. Sheboygan 19. Milwaukee 3. Beaver Dam9. Kenosha 18. Milwaukee27.Superior 4. Beloit 10. La Crosse (Adult) 28.Watertown 5. Eau Claire11. Lanca ster 21. Oshkosh 29.Wauke sha BRANCH OFFICES ;. Fond du Lac12. Madison 23Racine 3 0 .Wausau 17. Marshfield (Adult) 31.Wis.Rapids 20. Neenah-Menasha 22. Platteville AY F IEL D 26. Stevens Point DOUGLA SHL AND TEACHERS PLACEMENT 14. Madison (serves entire State of Wisconsin) WASHBURN SAWYER FOREST LORLNCE NEIDA ARINETTE BARRON ANGLADE OCON 0 CHIPPEWA .9" CRax MENOMINEE SHAWANO KEWAUNEE AUPACA BROWN UF PALO OUTAGAMIE MANITOWO JUNEAU WINNEBAGO MONROE 20 L CROSSE AROUE T T HEBOTGAN ERNON LUMBIA V. CHLAND WAUKESHA EE GRANT WALWORTH LA FAYET TE WSIES -3043 -- Department of Industry, Labor and HumanRelations WISCONSIN STATE EMPLOYMENT SERVICE Francis J.Walsh, Administrator Room 601, Hill Farms State OfficeBuilding 4802 Sheboygan Ave., Madison,Wis.53702 Phone: Area Code 608 266-3121 DISTRICT AND BRANCH OFFICES ANDLOCATION 12. MADISON(Adult Office) 53703 22.PLATTEVILLE 53818 (Branch) APPLETON 54911 R.O.Sands, Director A. P . E ngebretson 1 Manpower H. H. Forster , Manpower Director . 427 W.College Ave.- -Director 206 North Broom Street Office of Placement Services Phone: Area Code 608 257-8821 Wis.State University-Plattewille Phone: Area Code 414 733-4451 Phone: Area Code 608 348-2032 13. MADISON 53703 ASHLAND 54806 23 RACINE 53403 M. P.Hosmer, , Manpower Director Youth Opportunity Center 220 Sixth Ave. West G.E. Cousin, Director E.J. Kenitz , Manpower Director Phone: Area Code 715 682-6655 415 West Main Street 618 Sixth Street Phone: Area Code 608 266-2020 Phone: Area Code 414637-9531 1. BEAVER DAM 53916 14.MADISON 53702 24.RHINELANDER 54501 j. E. Milovancevic, Manp.Director F. G.Sanborn, Manpower Director 138 Front Street Teacher Placement Service Phone: Area Code 414 885-5529 A.E.Shipley, Chief 32A South Brown Street 4802 Sheboygan Avenue Phone: Area Code 715 362-5406. Phone: Area Code 608 266-3117 1. BELOIT 53511 25.SHEBOYGAN 53081 W.R.Brooks, Manpower Director E. L. O'Neil , Manpower Director 417 Harrison Avenue 15.MANITOWOC 54220 Phone: Area Code 608 365-8848 A.H.Gajewski, Manpower Director 934 Michigan Avenue 1110 South 9th Street Phone: Area Code 414 457-5063 Phone: Area Code 414 682-8861 5. EAU CLAIRE 54701 26.STEVENS POINT 54481 (Branch) D. W . Icks tadt , ManpowerDirector 418 Wisconsin Street 16.MARINETTE 54143 E. D. Jankowski, Supervisor Phone: Area Code 715 834-2081 R. H. Moore , Manpower Director 1101 Third Street Dunlap Square Building Phone: Area Code 715 344-2010 6. FOND DU LAC 54935 Phone: Area Cods 715 735-7454 D. M.Kuter, Manpower Director 27.SUPERIOR 54880 201 South Marr Street 17. MARSHFIELD 54449 (Branch) J. X. Dreyer , Manpower Director Phone: Area Code 414 921-7330 J. Burmeister, Supervisor 1616 Tower Avenue 349 South Central Avenue Phone: Area Code 715 394-6661 7. GREEN BAY 54301 Phone: Area Code 715 387-2596 D. G. Huntley, , Manpower Director 28.WATERTOWN 53094 City Hall 18.MILWAUKEE (Adult Office) 53203 G.F.Friedl, Manpower Director Phone: Area Code 414 437-6525 R. H. Odland , Manpower Director 111 North Third Street 819 North 6th Street Phone: Area Code 414 261-4960 8. JANESVILLE 53545 Phone: Area Code 414224-4201 W. B.Mills , Manpower Director 29.WAUKESHA 53186 211 North Parker Drive 19.MILWAUKEE 53203 L.G.Wittstook, Manp. Director Phone: Area Code 608 754-0221 Youth Opportunity Center 383 West Main Street A. J.Sinsky, Director Phone: Area Code 414 547-7784 9. KENOSHA 53141 710 North 6th Street K. J. Ka.vanaugh , Manpower Director Phone: Area Code 414 273-1162 30 .WAUSAU 54401 1016 56th Street W. G.Winn IManpower Director*, Phone: Area Code 414 658-1693 20. NEENAH-MENASHA. 54956 (Branch) 714 First Street W.G.Ingersoll, Supervisor Phone: Area Code 715 845-3195 120 E .Wisconsin Ave. , Neenah 10.LA CROSSE 54601 31.WISCONSIN RAPIDS 54494 N. E.Schulze,Manpower Director Phone: Area Code 414 722-1517 508 Fifth Avenue South L.C.Kupper, Manpower Director Phone: Area Code 608 782-8182 21.OSHKOSH 54901 1681 Second Avenue South L.P.Smits, Manpower Director Phone: Area Code 715 423-7300 11. LANCASTER 53813 304 High Avenue R. E.McLaughlin , Manpower Director Phone: Area Code 414 235-0880 925 North Madison Street Phone: Area Code 608 723-2154 Revised 8 /68 _5_ Highlightis (cf .the Study The survey workers contacted over 90 perf:ent of the Indianhouseholds in the tribal areas selected for the study. These households included over 90 percent of the tribal Indians in these areas. Nearly one-half of the persons included in the household survey were16 years of age or under. Detailed information Was'obtained from 2,021 individuals16 years of age and over on an individual questionnaire. About one-third of the 2,021 individuals were OneidaIndians from Brown and Outagmnie Counties. The unemployment rate was found to be about 23percent with considerable variation between counties. In addition, over two percent of allthe persons surveyed had given upseeking wcrk because none existed in their area. Only 20 percent of those surireyed
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