Boise State University ScholarWorks Student Newspapers (UP 4.15) University Documents 4-8-2004 Arbiter, April 8 Students of Boise State University Although this file was scanned from the highest-quality microfilm held by Boise State University, it reveals the limitations of the source microfilm. It is possible to perform a text search of much of this material; however, there are sections where the source microfilm was too faint or unreadable to allow for text scanning. For assistance with this collection of student newspapers, please contact Special Collections and Archives at [email protected]. 1 933 '. ,~ 0 1 S EST ATE'S 1 N D E PEN DEN T STU () E N T NEW SPA P I': R SIN C E THURSDAY APRIL 8, 2004 ELEPHUNK ALL AMERICAN The tale of Photos from the Black tennis queen Erin Polowski Eyed Peas' show SPORTS· 5 ME·8 VOLUME 16 ISSUE 55 WWW.ARBITERONLINE.COM Parking office oversells generalparkin permits PHOTO BY MARY DAWSOW1\JE ARBITER "Ziggy," a purebred Boxer enjoys the attention of ~tudents at Suds, a local bar. OFFTHE LEA H PHo/0 Il'I JAMES ORI1(lHE ARBlTER Know when and where to unleash A lot attendant tiokets a car parked In a metered lot outside the Student Union Building. BYMONlCAPIDCE NewsReporter No immediate plans for campus expansion What's a dog to do when the walk around the block just prices charged for venue park- tion through permit increases. doesn't cut it anymore? Dogs are coming up in the world. No BYCHARUE CLAYTON The plans have cleared the first longer are Fifiand Fido constrained to leash-only walks. Boise Ing, such as athletic, student Investigative Reporter union and drama events," Blake preliminary planning stage and has an off-leash area that's allthe talk/bark at the water coolerl an environmental ,assessment said. fire hydrant. rmedwith a blue, white and gold parking These charges have remained for location is ready to be con- For a change of scenery, try the military reserve area in the ducted. foothills located at Mountain Cove Road and Reserve Street. permit and 20 disposable minutes, many static while the other parking rates have soared. Parking confinements are With miles ofoff-leashtrails in a hillydesert environment, there Boise State students venture out to test also expected to ease after the is always something to sniff or mark. Additionally, the City of Everett has found additional their luck in the general parking lots. ways to add parking and cut expansion of Boise State's west Boise website provides info on five other off-leash parks cur- campus in Nampa, expected to costs as well. rently in the works. ,,' Witt. patience pushed to extreme limits, be operational by fall 2005.BSU , Where can you take your dog for dinner? When looking for the luckiest students are usually able to claim a coveted During the summer 2004 , . dog-friendly restaurants, term, Parking and Transpor- West will offer 1,000 additional space leaving little time to run to class. The less fortu- tation Services will gain 160 parking spaces and reduce the .muftlllf'lUln,."wl\\'ES patio is the word. "Ani- . clutter of cars as. well as stu- A D&U U&.L!dI&\'1 mals aren't allowed in- nate pack hiking gear. parking spots from redesigning side restaurants for health and resurfacing the lot. An addi- dents on the main campus. The updated master plan for '. M.k. suro your doe I. up to date on reasons," said Dee Fugit, for some degree of over-sell," tional 12 spaces will be created ·allsholl. "A lot 01virus •• aro p•••• d education director for the Owning a, general parking by restructuring an inefficient parking also endorses three ad- ....-- 'from doe to doe," permit does not guarantee a Everett said. ditional' parking garages which ,Idaho Humane Society. To offset the cost of building lot at the comer of Royal and Most restaurants with pati- parking spot in the assigned Lusk Avenues, off of Capitol would be added to the vicinity ,. Own.ruhould socl.llz. th.lr dogs the parking garage on Univer- over a 20-year span. 'bOloro takl.l'g them to olf.l.ash areas os don't mind if dogs share lots. Boulevard. ' "Ageneral parking pass is like sity Dr., the price of a general But the immediate future 'with strang. p.oplo and poll. Start a burger and fries with their permit has increased by 50per- But of the newly available .whon tho doe I. young and tak. them a hunting license, there is no looks pretty grim for general owners. cent over three years. However, spots, very few will be available ,.v.rywh.ro so thoy got used to n.W One coffee shop caters guarantee you will find a spot," for general permit parking. parking permit holders. 'plac .. and p.oplo. Own... need to said Jared Everett, director of general parking passes are not "We are sensitive to the num- know how tholr dog rospondsto now to pet owners. The Danc- "Most of those spaces will be 'Parking and Transportation admissible in the garage. ber of general parking spots :placas. ing Dog in Meridian offers Executive Director of Fa- replacing the 150student hous- lattes and dog biscuits. Services. ing spots that were taken when available and intend' to find a ~ Beloro you take tho Iaash off, train BSU puts no limit on the cilities Operations and Main- solution to the problem that is your dog to como on command. "We.have aton of differ- tenance and Chair of the Park- BSUstarted construction on the ent treats," said employee number of general parking new halls;" Blakesaid. within the financial' means," passes sold. For the spring 2004 ing Advisory Committee Larry Blakesaid. • Own... should be respor.slbl •. Clean Jessica Travis. The patio is Blake. said it is a problem of Long term fixes for the over- up after your doe and always a.k be- set up with dogs in mind, semester, 7,000 general per- population of general parking There is a possible addition lora p.tUng someon •• Is.·. dog or let- mits weresold for 3,000general cost efficiency. of general parking in the south- ting your dog run up to another doe· with places where dogs can On the brighter side, Blake permits include the possibil- parking spots. ity of housing a multi-mobile east expansion area of Euclid -From Jim Closson with A Better Pet. be tied while their owners "Most students do not attend said there are no current plans Street, where homes are being school of dog training fetch coffeeand dog treats. to raise prices in the imm'ediate transit center on campus. This What should dogs and school each day, all day long; proposed development will purchased by the university. many students take evening future. "If BSU doesn't have short- owners know before they The parking committee is cur- be largely funded through the courses when parking demand Federal Transportation Ad- term plans for the three square head out on the town? Jim Closson with ABetter Pet, school of is less, and many students take rently looking for new ways to blocks. we might be able to add 'dog training, says a few guidelines help everyone have a good increase funding for parking. ministration. saving students classes on two or three days a from paying the largest por- some general lots." ' tlme, ' week instead of five.This'allows "We are looking at raising the , "If everybodywould follow these steps it would make it [off- 'leash areas) better for everyone," said Closson. " Most public parks allowleashed dogs but there are some sea- sonal restrictions for Kathryn Albertson Park, McDevitt Youth Sports Complex, Optimist Youth Sports Complex and Willow Lane Athletic Complex. Boise State allows leashed dogs on campus, but nut in buildings unless it's a seeing-eye dog. If all this off-leash,on-leash and dog-friendlystuff seems like Goodviill Program provides food a big hassle, (emember, cats make great pets too. - vouchers for 'classified employees; born after a supervisor of a they did something for the low- along with a 50 percent match BYGREGORYmrrrr ground crew raised the issue er people working here." by BSU's food services contrac- Special to The Arbiter at an ACESenate meeting last All classified. employees are tor, Aramark, Charlton said that Of the nearly 640 classified fall, pointing out that some em-eligible for the program and can along with many private party employees charged with main- .ployees can barely afford to eat, pick up applications online at donations, the GoodwillProject taining the BSU campus, 210 lunch on campus. the ACE website. All applica- has enough money for thls year; , eam less than a living wage ac- Ran entirely on donations, tions are evaluated based on Whilethe GoodwillProjectisa cording to the Economic Policy the Goodwill Project awards need.. step up, it does little toalleviate Institute, a non-profit, non-par- monthly food vouchers good for ACEPresident Connie Charl- the larger problem of poor pay tisan think tank. The Goodwill one meal a weekat any Aramark ton said she hopes to make it a for classifiedemployees. -'. ,Prograw, afood voucher system vendor on campus. SoJar, ,74 viable and pennanentproject; . "r made more mopey in '97 implemented by BSU's. Assc-: awardS have been issuea since however,to do so Charlton sald, than'l do' now," ,Said anem~ clationof Classlfied Employees the January .inception 'of,the ,"We need tokeep the projectin ployeewho"~~ed~o{relDaln t (ACE),hopes to alleviate some program.. " .' . _view of the pub~c to keep dona·~onymGLl.s;<Thet\VOase J?ercen __ :..Of th~ eco!1~mi~d!~arl.!X that .', .."1think ~t'sa goQdidea," said tionsConUng...,.·· .".
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