ב”ה, פרשת וישלח // ט”ו כסלו, תשע”ט DAILY VOL. XV - NO. 3519 // November 23, 2018 Friday Moving Forward: The 96th Annual BREAKING Agudah Convention Begins Oldest Surviving Veteran of Pearl Harbor Dies In California Page 3 President: CIA Has Not Found Saudi Prince Culpable In Murder Page 2 NEW YORK Cars Separate on New York City-Bound Story on page 5 Amtrak Train Page 4 Agudath Israel of America Hagaon Harav Shmuel Kamenetsky, shlita, Rosh Yeshivah, Yeshivah of Philadephia, speaking at the Thursday night keynote session of the 96th NY State Sen. Jose Convention of Agudath Israel of America. Peralta Dies at 47 Page 4 EU, Britain Agree Draft IDF to Israelis: Don’t Discuss Deal on Future Relations Details of Gaza Operation ISRAEL BRUSSELS/LONDON Thursday’s news sent the DOV BENOVADIA terror group hit Israel with President Trump: (Reuters) – Britain and pound nearly 1 percent high- almost 500 missiles. Israel Needs the European Union have er on relief among investors YERUSHALAYIM – In an The terror group has been Saudi Arabia agreed a draft text setting that 18 months of tense and unusual message, the IDF actively seeking informa- Page 6 out a close post-Brexit rela- tortuous negotiation were censor on Thursday urged tion about what IDF soldiers tionship, though wrangling bearing fruit, keeping Brit- Israelis to exercise caution were trying to do in that with Spain over control of ain close to its biggest mar- when discussing sensitive operation, and that it had ‘Ashkelon Hacker’ Gibraltar must still be set- ket and ensuring nothing security issues – especially unveiled the information Sentenced to 10 tled before EU leaders meet much will change during a the recent IDF operation in that it gathered. Years in Prison on Sunday in order to rub- transition period due to last Gaza that was the trigger for “Hamas is attempting to Page 6 ber-stamp the pact. Continued on page 3 a Hamas attack, in which the Continued on page 6 HAMODIA DAILY 50¢ TODAY IN NEW YORK SHABBOS 51° Officials: Hamas Used R Cancer Patients to 32° Organize Terror Low of 29° B Page 7 Sunny SUNDAY 56° SE 4-8 MPH accuweather.com H 2 Breaking 15 Kislev 5779 // November 23, 2018 FRIDAY Trump Delivers Thanksgiving Message, Hints at First Visit to Afghanistan PALM BEACH, Fla. (Reuters) – Presi- dent Donald Trump hinted on Thurs- day he may visit Afghanistan, the scene of one of America’s longest wars but a country he has yet to visit almost two years into his presidency. Delivering a Thanksgiving message by teleconference to troops in Afghan- istan, Trump told a U.S. Air Force gen- eral he would see him back in the Unit- ed States, before adding: “Or maybe I’ll even see you over there. You never know what’s going to happen.” Recent U.S. commanders-in-chief have routinely visited troops in active war zones. Trump has come under criticism for failing to do so, though Vice President Mike Pence made a Reuters/Mohammad Ismail surprise trip to Bagram Air Base in NATO troops at a Thanksgiving meal at the Resolute Support headquarters in Kabul, AP Photo/Susan Walsh Afghanistan last December to visit Afghanistan. President Donald Trump talks with troops troops. via teleconference from his Mar-a-Lago By this point in his presidency, knew the timing: “I do, but can’t tell the military and veterans. estate in Palm Beach, Fla., Thursday. former President Barack Obama had you. You’re the last people I can tell,” he U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis made a trip to Iraq and two to Afghani- told reporters. Presidential trips to war on Wednesday was asked by report- troops in Afghanistan, serving in the stan. Former President George W. zones are normally cloaked in secrecy ers whether he thought Trump should NATO-led Resolute Support training Bush traveled to Afghanistan twice for security reasons, revealed only visit troops in war zones. and advisory mission as well as in sep- and Iraq four times during his two when the commander in chiefs have “The president is the commander arate counter-terrorism operations terms in office. landed, and sometimes only after they in chief and he decides where he needs against terrorist groups like Islamic Asked by a reporter whether he have safely left the region. to go. There are times I don’t want him State. would visit a war zone, Trump said: Responding to criticism that phon- in certain locations to be frank with U.S. troops arrived in Afghanistan “At the appropriate time, we’ll be doing ing the troops on Thanksgiving was not you, for his security and the troops’ in 2001 as part of the campaign to top- some very interesting things.” enough, Trump defended his actions, security,” Mattis said. ple the Taliban following the Sept. 11 He was then asked whether he arguing that he had hiked spending on The United States has some 14,000 attacks in the United States. Trump Says CIA Has Not Found Saudi Prince Culpable in Murder WASHINGTON (AP) – President including its influence on the world “It’s a terrible thing. I dislike it extent of his culpability. Donald Trump on Thursday disput- oil market. more than you do. But the fact is Several lawmakers have indicated ed that U.S. intelligence officials had Trump said this week he would ... they create tremendous wealth, that the U.S. has no “smoking gun” concluded that the de facto leader of not impose harsher penalties on really tremendous jobs in their pur- that proves the crown prince was American ally Saudi Arabia ordered Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed chases and very importantly, they responsible. They have called on the the killing of a U.S.-based journalist bin Salman over the death and dis- keep the oil price down.” CIA and other top intelligence agen- critical of the kingdom’s royal family. memberment of Washington Post American intelligence agen- cies to share publicly what they told Citing vehement denials by the columnist Jamal Khashoggi inside cies have concluded that the crown the president about the slaying. crown prince and king that they the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul last prince ordered the killing in the Secretary of State Mike Pompeo were involved, Trump said “maybe month. Saudi Consulate in Turkey, accord- has noted that the U.S. has imposed the world should be held account- “My policy is very simple: Amer- ing to a U.S. official familiar with sanctions on 17 Saudi officials sus- able because the world is a vicious ica first, keep America great again the assessment. The official was not pected of involvement in the killing. place. The world is a very, very and that’s what I’m doing,” Trump authorized to discuss the matter “We’ve sanctioned 17 people — vicious place.” told reporters after a Thanksgiving publicly and spoke on condition of some of them very senior in the Saudi Critics in Congress and high- Day telephone call with members of anonymity. government,” Pompeo said Wednes- ranking officials in other countries the military. Others familiar with the case cau- day in a radio interview with KCMO are accusing Trump of ignoring The crown prince and his father, tion that while it’s likely that the in Kansas City, Missouri. “We are human rights and giving Saudi Ara- King Salman, said they did not com- crown prince was involved in the going to make sure that America bia a pass for economic reasons, mit “this atrocity,” Trump said. death, questions remain about the always stands for human rights.” Denmark Joins Germany in Halting Arms Sales to Saudi Arabia BERLIN (The Washington Post) – Denmark is still less expansive than the German measures, European arms industry of a growing anti-Saudi became the second European country to halt which also included sales that had already been consensus in the European Union and beyond. future arms exports to Saudi Arabia on Thurs- approved. Even though Trump has suggested that he will day, following a similar decision by neighboring While the Nordic country is a tiny arms equip- put Saudi investments and arms exports revenues Germany earlier this month. ment exporter in comparison to bigger players above human rights concerns, lawmakers across Denmark’s ban includes goods that can be such as the United States, Britain or France, its the political spectrum and on both sides of the used both for military and civilian purposes but decision will likely exacerbate concerns within the Atlantic have grown increasingly alarmed. Hamodia, [USPS 021660] [ISSN #1553-9490] is published Daily 4 times a week on Mon, Tues, Thurs, And Fri except for weeks of Passover and Sukkos, for the subscription price of $200.00 per year by Hamodia, 207 Foster Ave Brooklyn NY 11230. Application to mail at periodicals postage prices is pending at Brooklyn, NY and additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Please send address change to Hamodia, 207 Foster Ave Brooklyn NY 11230 FRIDAY 15 Kislev 5779 // November 23, 2018 Breaking 3 Trump Escalates His Feud With Roberts Over ‘Obama Judges’ Rebuke (Bloomberg) - President Donald added that “Judges must not Legis- judges doing their level best to do Trump isn’t letting up in his spat late Security.” equal right to those appearing before with Chief Justice John Roberts, The tweet is one of three Trump them,” the chief justice added. “That making a fresh claim Thursday that has issued since Wednesday independent judiciary is something judges are threatening national responding to Roberts pushing back we should all be thankful for.” security, after the Supreme Court’s on the president’s criticisms of judg- Although Roberts has defended leader issued an unusual rebuke.
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