Pletf Television Pbograms

Pletf Television Pbograms

E/i; i, S CO PLETF TELEVISION PBOGRAMS lifton aferson Fair Lewn Garfield Haledon Hawthorne ...*.,,;•½ •,•,½ •.•;•,... :'.' Lodi ß :.;.,: ........ ... :.•. •...•, ß .-• Little Falls .. •.•;.. ½'. %.½ß .,•,:;• ....• ,-• :,:..::.., ...,.... ..... •.•.•.• ½•"• •, %'., . :•.:.:'"'.:..:, Mountain View :;:";,?;•-:? .... • , ,, ...: ß . :, ',]. .. .. .:. .., ..**.•:4%,.•,' , ..•;.:.•:•-•,.. *'•?;::,.• ;orth Haledon ,.•.% •.-.;•,•.,•,..-• Paterson r-ai½ m fon Lakes Park Sin ac fotowa ayne est Pterson LOVELIES OF SHADY LAKE ß ['GUST 17, 1955 VOL. XXX. No. 33 •-.••Little 'Falls .Parki-ng Meter Ordinance WHITE and SHAUGER, Inc. --CalledUnfa, r To MerchantsBy Stokes A GOODNA]•. TO • * ,' ,;ER iiiii LI•'I'LEFALLS --A parking meter ordinance ,s,cheduled _for for. • I firstunfairreading to merchants'Monda,y, byAugust Committeeman 18, was branded Dr. Jamesas Stokesharmful at andthe F URN IT U RE ....•'•'• Township Committee meeting this •veek. [.lying Room Bed Room Dining Room Stokes, a consis'ent opponent RUGS AHD CARPETS A SPECIALTY ..: :-• wasofthe registeringparking authority'his opposition saidheon leadSchumacher to a "seriousasserted problem'this, could that QUALITY and LOW PRICE ' the ordinancebecause he might only a total re.evaluationwould -- 39 Years Serving tile Public -- not be.present at the reading. correct. 435 STRAIGHT ST. MU. 4-71130 PATE•ON-,-N. J. The .new law wouldprovide a Whenthe problemwas refer- 240MARKi• ST. (ClWroll Pllaa Hotel Bldg.) MU4-79T• parking meter system for the red to Mayor Jacob De Young, he first time in the township's his- noted that the four companies in- tory.-The money collected would terviewed by' the committee for go to the parking authority to al- the revaluation said they could low them to buy land for off- not start earlier than next Jun.e. street parking and pay salaries Early in the session the com- of attendants. m titee approved the new town- PeterF. Cu0n0Jeweler and Engraver Dr. Stokes con'ended one mem- ship zoning ordinance on first AuthorizedP.B.A. Jeweler a.nd Engraver ber of the authority is opposed reading without a dissenting vote. Life MembershipCards - Rings- Pins- Wallets to the'ordinance, as are "most of The public hearing will be. held the merchants." Other committee- Monday, September 15. 204 A MARKET STREET EAST PATERSON, N.J. SW 7-6151 men announced they felt the au- ßthority ,which helped draw up .the ordinance, was urging its pas- Two Passaic County '•': . :,:h ßsage. It was pointed out that sev- Drivers Lose Licenses eral members of the authority THE IDEAL PLACE TO DINE AND WINE hav.e been replaced in the past TRENTON-- Frederick J. Gas- yearß •' sert, Jr., Director.of Motor Ve- •-•.'• • •.• • ... ,ß -•_... In Other business, Commit•ee- hicles, today announced two li- -ß ..• t .,,•!'.':-'• ß ,,. -•••, man H-•rold Schumacherprot•est - cense revocations under the point IT ' • •• ed that a revaluation program system in Passaic County. must be originated soon. To. bol- Bert Deu.•sch, 24, 39 Trimble. ster-his point, he said the ow.n- Avenue, Clifton; noisy muffler _•' ..__. ,'•- q• t --• ers of the OxfOrd Theatre_and ad- and three. speeding; license re- •E-oop •%.• joining stores have. appealed to voked four months. have their $44,000 assessment (at Robert Morris, 20, School House BKOILEg LOBSTER • • DAILY 25 per cent) reduced to. $10,000.. If Road, Oak Ridge; followed too FROGS' I,EGS - •FT SHELL Cl(Ab•- BLUEFISH - RAINBOW: an appeal is upheld by the. coun- close, careless driving and two TROUT - NALIBUT - SAbMON - SHR! PS - SCALLOPS - ty tax board, the. assessment can-; license revok.ed five not be changed for three years. months. OYBTERS- CLAM- COD FISI! - SWORD FISH- DAILY ..•... • J DINNERS .o I Hours: F'eM' Mon..Sat. 9:30 a.m. '•) 10p.m. ß ß ß Open S.nday 9:30 a.m- to 9 p.m. GILBERT or CHELSEA 20 P'ORTABLE FAN , ß ELECTRICALLYRE•V,E•RSIBLE Reg.$$9.95 SPEEDS2INTAKE 2-.Ex, HAUST $ .95 ß .. SafetyGuard Front and Back PAGETWO . • The..-'4:h•IOHICLI: .. ß ß . ..... Published Weekly by ." ß . CHRONICLE COMI'ANY •'. ß• 170-172 Butler Street- - - Paterson, New Jersey :•.•...:•-.. ... LAm• 5-2741 -. ,..,:. • -i.•';• ß • *'s-.. '........ 2•:. VINCENT S. PARRILLO, 1/an•ln• Editor .. •.. '• 5 •' • ' • .: ..•... ._ Entered as Second Class matter Auwu•t 24, 19M, at the Post •.• . -- 8•. • - ., •' :-.% •.;•-,--...•:.-. ;:• ß.j', .:;:•' :•ß ß. •:• Office at Paterson, N.J., under the act of March 3, 18T9. ..:•..'•."-•"-½. -/,.- ...... •;' ß .., •:' ;-....•.•;.-• ...,.•-.:..•.• ,:.:•,'. .. •.,. .."•'.." ..•- •j:•[•.':'.½ ,"•... .•-• AUGUST 17, 1958- VOL. XXX, No. 33 •-'•.•• ---,•. ................. .•..•,?-.•. - •:,.. TWO DIFFERENT SPECIES OF DEER -- The children's sec- tion of the Whipsnade Zoo in Bedfordshire has a tiny, 18 inches SingleCopy 10 Cents ..•,_':_;•-22 $5.00 a Year By Mail long, two-week-old baby Chinese Water Deer called 'øNicky" who is brought up by Zoo Hostesses, and also a one-week-old, but bigger, Formosan deer that has been deserted by its mother and is also in the care of Hostesses. CONTENTS ß"•':."-""! ........:......... :. :i'::.:i:?':?.-:.::' ß . 3' '!":i: ...." ': :" FEATURES .........' " ß • ......;" ß:'i .:..:.:.. :;.!!'. --- ß ....... ß.... !!•.:..•. ,- ":"'.... '.• ' ß.,, , .:. ".::...:.'-'... :-'i.-*'.i•.• . •:....x,•-'-c, ß "-.. ..."' ' ' * -'::i![::.: Chronicle of the Week .*........... '- '';•......•_•--' ß -;• -- .•: •..., -. :;:.4!:.•ii?i!::ii:;....ß•*<":"':':" ............ ;"'::i;'i i :•ii .........':"'.:..,. •, - "":... .•. Fran Molendyke's 'Tri-Boro Notebook :•,..:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::-:E ..'"i.... : . -'::ii•;•::' . ß .':• ß .......-'-:. ..: .:. ..• ?.:::-..' - ::.7i• • '::.+.':,.. ß ::..?:.•,- American History 15 •: .. " 'i :3• • ;•: .-'-':-:'" .... :'* ':'5:-:.:: ;:• ::, ß.;• '. ".':•.:.::.... • ... ß ... -"-:-,.'.?.?: • .• " ß:.:. : •' ß;:i•.. •':• • } '• x• ß..:.... '• ,.fi, ß [:.. -. • • " ",.•.•--:•'-' •< ß ' ,7",•,' '. : " , ...:,.........',,•., ß.... "•-ß,½&.*,• • ß.-., ß .... , .::ß. .:..-•,•. --•.: •-•j•,¾ .. .:'-'; ':-•...-.:...•..•: ..1•.:","- ß. "......:.•:.-..-!:•.:. • ... • .......,';• --.... 'DEPARTMENTS ",,, .f ....':.:.:;•i:½• ..•":,:',,' .;• .., ..•. ,.• "-,. -.-.:½.•: . '* ., PEACEMAKER AND GIRL- George Montgomery plays a tough Social World 7 . sheriff of frontier Abilene, Kansas, and Karin Booth his bride in Warner Bros.' "Badman's Country." Editorials 8 " Editor Speaks 8 Comicfete Television ._11-12-13 :. ::: ':'t:i. :::.... '.-.. •'•-, •:..'½.:,,.[.,,.,.'":*" '3: "•'-.,.' 'c•,,"-.. ........} ?.:..•;-. .... '•', ' ' '2:-: c½'"'"":""": - ;i':''-.;; ....... ß... .x.: ' ' -. .,:..''"' •. o.' ß ;:.:. ... ... , "}'.'-..;,....::::.:,,..... '' '- *'..:•". "' lfc:::::::-.' ß .:•½.:. ß " "" '":: ' :"'-.• -.- ßv.. :" ß--...* •i, ;.):?: •:2•.}.. ... .. ß ß .. ß•..,•:•..- . ..... "'i"", . , , ..-.. ß '.... ..:.•:'[i•.'own-haired MissBarbara Bogers, agirl who wants tobe a %:..;- ß .....,. -. ',,,.,: ;:.:. '.:... :. '-':/',•0delor secretary,proudly holdsthe cup presentedto her in ß:.t'..'.-:. -..... ... .&..?:.-.,,..!::.. ...•signafion of her title as Queen of Shady Lake, West Mil- :',f' . :..;•..:.,......,.::.. ß flSrd.Pictured on the left is Miss Carol Houlik, a blonde and -' <!:" ß. :'it...':.ß '"'' '?" ... ß . (.•_•condplace winner'and the right is Miss Marge Koch, an- - . ß •';•" ""'""' • .... :'; "...i.':':":'ß "/Stherbrown-haired beauty, who was the third placewinner. ... - '.•"]•.."s Rogers is 15 yearsold, likesto swimand dance;she col- ":_..-j•tsrock and roll records,and is a sophomoreat Dominican TASTY DISH -- New York -- Sporting a chef's hat and a low. cutgown, actress Denise Darcel adds buxom armto a steakdin*[ .,{.?,•ornmercialHigh School at Jamaica, N.Y. The new .queen her whichshe is servingto Peter-Lind Hayes (center) andMary I '[.•i,•.•the daughter of-Mr. and Mrs. John Rogers of Brooklyn, Healy (left), husband-and-wifestars 'of "Who Was That Lady?'%' .•!:.-(:•,Y., who have been spendingthe past 1• summersat Shady The- 100th performance of the comedy.was celebrated with .a .steak, ..•,"-.:':T•ke,West Milford. _andchampagne supper party. ß;•,. ";.--'.i The CHRONICLE PAGE THRE! . .. .. ß ? .• ß 7:. Paterson State College Singer Co. Conducts Summer Enrollment Up Contest In Dressmaking Enrollment in summer courses ß::8. .........- :-':•...-..::."; .:.:. ß ' Teen and pre-teen girls with a ....:•$:.:.'-.½::• i:.iiii•:•:i'.-" ½.:...-: ........ .-:' "-:- at Paterson State College has fe wweeks of leisure left before •: .¾.•!-'::::.:.%.'.'.'..'.':i,:::.:.•!::::.½.?'-'.....:.... : reached 730 students, represent- the first sJhool bell rings, can ing .an increase of 23 per cent still turn into a profitable and over the summer of 1957. enjoyable pastime by enrolling in The student body' represented theannual Singer Teen-age Dress- .•ii•...:•-½??t..•::•i•,::!.:..i½?;:i..".:.?:--':-:*:•:..:ß '4•'..:'• -%.::':'•:........$. J" ' .'"> -."::.... includes the. following- bachelor making Contest. degree candidate (teachers-in-ser- El'igible for the contest featur- .-'"":"•-.-.:...•i:ii:.•::.-........ :ß ..' :ß •..•i!.:..:::.!!•:.:?'::'- -' .............':.'ß...... •:.•---..":":':.-" ' .... •'..'.::'..S-'•....;/._.. z:• vice), 105; undergraduates at Pat- ing $85,000 in prizes are teens 13 :.:.•!:-.:•:.:...!........ ... -. , . ..- ...• . ....-. ... .• ..,. :•.?' ." •.-¾ ' :w;.' .... ': .½..-':'½.../... "..½•'?-.'. erson,. 179; undergraduates at through 17 years of age and pre- ß'!? .•i..:•?• '- '":; ..... ' "- :-:•:::z"-'-i:-'-....." '•';'½z :::.?i .:.-....:-' . ......:• • .::' ...:• ...... ' .•?'!.•.•.:':.": --....

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