■ sports medicine update Management of First-Time Patellar Dislocations MICHAEL GEARY, MD; ANTHONY SCHEPSIS, MD dislocation usually present Merchant or axial views of Patellofemoral instability represents a continuum of with a reduced patellofemoral both knees. These studies abnormal patellofemoral joint mechanics, ranging from joint and a history of feeling should be reviewed for osteo- infrequent subluxation to recurrent dislocation. their knee “go out of place.” On chondral fracture and adequacy examination, a large hem- of patellofemoral joint reduc- arthrosis is typically present, tion. Consideration should also with tenderness over the medi- be given to magnetic resonance he average annual inci- The typical mechanism of al femoral epicondyle and imaging (MRI), which is more Tdence of first-time patella injury is external rotation of the medial border of the patella, in sensitive for osteochondral dislocation is 5.8 per 100,000.1 tibia with concomitant contrac- addition to pain with lateral injury and can also aid in diag- When risk is stratified by age tion of the quadriceps. Less fre- translation of the patella. nosis, given a characteristic set and gender, the risk of first-time quently, glancing blows to the Arthrocentesis should be con- of MRI findings seen with dislocation is highest in females patella may produce a disloca- sidered in the acute setting for patellar dislocation. These aged 10-17 years. In this group, tion. Factors that predispose to both patient comfort and to findings include disruption of the annual incidence of first- dislocation include an allow for a more accurate phys- the medial patellofemoral liga- time patella dislocation is 33 increased quadriceps angle, ical examination. ment and osteochondral bone per 100,000.1 trochlear dysplasia, patella alta, The typical lesion associat- bruises or fractures involving Stability of the patello- vastus medialis obliques atro- ed with lateral patella disloca- the inferomedial patella and femoral joint against lateral dis- phy, insufficient medial tion is injury to the medial lateral femoral condyle.3-5 location is based on osseous patellofemoral ligament, genu patellofemoral ligament.3-5 Treatment recommenda- constraint in Ͼ30° of flexion recurvatum, increased femoral Associated injuries frequently tions for first time patellar dis- and medial soft-tissue restraints anteversion, external tibial tor- include osteochondral frac- locations are controversial. Our in the early flexion range where sion, foot pronation, increased tures, and less frequently medi- practice has been to manage instability usually occurs. The patellar tilt, and patellar hyper- al collateral ligament (MCL) first time patellar dislocations medial patellofemoral ligament mobility. With greater anatomic sprain, anterior cruciate liga- nonoperatively, unless a dis- is the most important of these predisposition, the force ment (ACL) injury, and menis- placed osteochondral fracture medial soft-tissue restraints.2 required to dislocate the patella cal injury.3-5 Initial manage- or asymmetric reduction of the decreases. ment consists of immobilizing dislocated patella is noted From Boston University Medical the affected knee in extension. when compared to the normal Center, Boston, Mass. EVALUATION AND Radiographic evaluation knee. In the latter two cases, Reprint requests: Anthony MANAGEMENT should include anteroposterior arthroscopy is performed and Schepsis, MD, Doctor’s Office Bldg, Ste 808, 720 Harrison Ave, Boston, Patients having sustained a (AP), lateral, and tunnel views the knee is surveyed. Smaller MA 02118. first-time traumatic patella of the affected knee and displaced osteochondral frag- 1058 ORTHOPEDICS | www.orthobluejournal.com ■ sports medicine update patient had a large effusion in the knee and Merchant views of both left knee and pain with minimal knees were obtained. A displaced range of motion. An arthrocentesis osteochondral fragment could be was performed and 120 cc of san- seen on the Merchant and lateral guineous fluid with fat globules views of the left knee (Figure 1). was removed. Crepitus was noted The left patellofemoral joint was with range of motion. The patient reduced and symmetrical in was able to perform a straight leg appearance with the right raise. The knee was stable to varus patellofemoral joint. and valgus stress at 0° and 30°. Magnetic resonance imaging of Lachman and anterior and posterior the left knee demonstrated an effu- drawer tests were negative. The sion and a midsubstance tear of the patient reported tenderness along medial patellofemoral ligament. In the medial patella border and medi- addition, a displaced osteochondral al femoral epicondyle. Pain fracture measuring 2 cm in diame- 1 occurred with lateral translation of ter, involving the lateral femoral the patella. Significantly increased condyle, was present. The ACL, Figure 1: Case 1. Merchant view demonstrating a displaced osteochondral fracture. asymmetric lateral patellar transla- MCL, posterior cruciate ligament ments that are not amenable to fixation are excised; larger fragments are fixed in an arthroscopic or open fashion depending on the size and loca- tion of the injury. If indicated, tears of the medial patello- femoral ligament are repaired primarily in an open fashion. CASE REPORTS Case 1 A 16-year-old high school foot- ball defensive back sustained a first-time lateral dislocation of the left patella during a tackling drill in practice. The patient recalled sud- den knee pain after twisting his knee in the drill. He was diagnosed by the athletic trainer as having a lateral patellar dislocation. This was reduced on the field by extend- ing the injured knee and applying a medially directed force on the dis- located patella. The patient’s left 2 knee was then placed in extension Figure 2: Case 1. Arthroscopic picture demonstrating reduction of the displaced osteochondral fracture to the lateral in a knee immobilizer. femoral condyle. On evaluation the following day, the patient reported no history episode. The patient was otherwise tion was noted at 30° of flexion. (PCL), lateral collateral ligament of patella dislocation or instability healthy. Radiographs, consisting of AP, (LCL), and medial and lateral in either knee prior to the current On physical examination, the tunnel, and lateral views of the left menisci were intact. OCTOBER 2004 | Volume 27 • Number 10 1059 ■ sports medicine update TABLE Summary of Studies on Treatment of Acute Patella Dislocation Study Sample Mean Recurrence Study Design Treatment Size Follow-Up Surgical Technique Outcome Rate (%) Cofield7 Retrospective Conservative 35 11.8 y NA 91% satisfied 44 1977 Hawkins6 Retrospective Conservative 20 40 mo NA 50% moderate/ 15 1986 severe pain Cash8 Retrospective* Conservative 69† 8 y NA 52% G to E 43 1988 34‡ 75% G to E 20 Garth9 Retrospective Conservative 69 2 y NA 78% satisfied 26 1996 Maenpaa10 Retrospective Conservative 100 13 y NA 37% no complaints 44 1997 Dainer13 Retrospective Surgery 29 25 mo Scope, scope + LR 83% G to E 27% with 1988 LR, 0% no LR Vainionpaa14 Prospective Surgery 55 2 y Medial repair +/- LR 80% G to E 9 1990 Avikainen15 Retrospective Surgery 14§ 6.9 y Augment of MPFL 86% G 7 1993 Harilainen12 Prospective Surgery 53 6.5 y Medial repair/reef +/- LR 60% satisfied 17 1993 Sallay16 Retrospective Surgery 12 36 mo MPFL repair +/- LR 58% G to E 0 (33% sublux) 1996 Ahmad11 Retrospective Surgery 8 3 y VMO, MPFL repair + LR 96% satisfied 0 2000 Nikku17 Prospective, Conservative 55 2 y NA 70% G to E 30 1997 randomized Surgery 70 Proximal realignment 70% G to E 20 Fithian1 Prospective Conservative, 64 2-5 y Scope 9%, stabilize 12% NA 49 Scope 6%, stabilize 5% 17 نsurgery 125 2004 Abbreviations: E=excellent, G=good, LR=ligament repair, MPFL=medial patellofemoral ligament, NA=not applicable, and VMO=vastus medialis obliquus. *2 groups. †Predisposed. ‡Normal. §Chronic and acute. History of patellofemoral instability. .No history of patellofemoral instabilityن Arthroscopy demonstrated a Postoperatively, the patient was postoperatively. At last follow-up, tially evaluated by the athletic train- displaced osteochondral fracture of placed in a hinged knee brace, approximately 2 years postopera- er, and placed in a knee immobiliz- the lateral femoral condyle measur- locked in extension, and he tively, the patient reported no er. ing 2 cm in diameter, and hemor- remained partial weight bearing for symptoms of instability, pain, or No history of injury or surgery rhage in the medial retinacular 6 weeks. Early range of motion was swelling. of either knee was reported. In region (Figure 2). Both menisci and instituted, initially at 0°-90°, and addition, no history of patello- ACL were intact. progressed to full passive range of Case 2 femoral instability in either knee Open reduction and internal fix- motion by 4 weeks. At 6 weeks the A 19-year-old female NCAA was noted prior to the current ation of the displaced osteochon- patient was advanced to weight division 1 soccer player presented injury. She was otherwise in good dral fracture was performed using bearing as tolerated, with full active with a large effusion and knee pain health. Arthrex Chondral Darts (Arthrex, range of motion while wearing a after sustaining a twisting injury to On physical examination, a Naples, Fla). A 4-cm medial para- dynamic lateral buttress patellar the left knee during a game the pre- large effusion was present and patellar arthrotomy was performed stabilizing brace. Strengthening vious day. The patient reported range of motion was limited sec- and primary repair of the medial exercises were begun 12 weeks immediate onset of pain and the ondary to pain. An arthrocentesis patellofemoral ligament was car- postoperatively, and the patient sensation that her “knee had gone was performed and 70 cc of san- ried out. returned to full activity 16 weeks out of place.” The patient was ini- guineous fluid was obtained. The 1060 ORTHOPEDICS | www.orthobluejournal.com ■ sports medicine update patient had active and passive range cises were instituted with physical of motion of the knee from 0°- therapy. During this time, the 100°.
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