The University of Maine DigitalCommons@UMaine Maine Town Documents Maine Government Documents 2016 Town of Kennebunkport Annual Report 2016 Kennebunkport, Me. Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.library.umaine.edu/towndocs Repository Citation Kennebunkport, Me., "Town of Kennebunkport Annual Report 2016" (2016). Maine Town Documents. 7605. https://digitalcommons.library.umaine.edu/towndocs/7605 This Report is brought to you for free and open access by DigitalCommons@UMaine. It has been accepted for inclusion in Maine Town Documents by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@UMaine. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Town of Kennebunkport Annual Report 2016 July 4, 2015, Goose Rocks Beach Parade TOWN OF KENNEBUNKPORT, MAINE GENERAL INFORMATION ´/RFDWHG VL[WHHQ PLOHV HDVWVRXWKHDVW RI $OIUHG WZHQW\ÀYH PLOHV IURP 3RUWODQG )RUPHUO\NQRZQDV$UXQGHO9LVLWHGGXULQJWKHVXPPHUDVHDUO\DVE\ÀVKHU- PHQ)LUVWSHUPDQHQWVHWWOHPHQWPDGHE\5LFKDUG9LQHVLQ%URXJKWXQGHU WKHFRQWURORI0DVVDFKXVHWWVDQGLQFRUSRUDWHGLQ3ODFHGXQGHUWKHMXULVGLFWLRQ RI6DFRIRUDVKRUWWLPHLQ5HLQFRUSRUDWHGXQGHUWKHQDPHRI$UXQGHOLQ 1DPHFKDQJHG)HEUXDU\µ 0DLQH5HJLVWHU 7RZQ$UHD VTXDUHPLOHV 5RDGV PLOHV )HGHUDO&HQVXV 2016 School Population as of October 1, 2016 369 +LJK6FKRROVWXGHQWV 0LGGOH6FKRROVWXGHQWV &RQVROLGDWHG6FKRROVWXGHQWV .HQQHEXQN(OHPHQWDU\6FKRROVWXGHQWV 6HD5RDGVWXGHQWV 0LOGUHG/'D\VWXGHQWV 7D[<HDU7RZQ9DOXDWLRQ )LVFDO<HDU 7D[<HDU7D[&RPPLWPHQW )LVFDO<HDU )LVFDO<HDU7D[5DWH SHU9DOXDWLRQ 6FKRRO &RXQW\ 7RZQ 7D[<HDU7RZQ9DOXDWLRQ )LVFDO<HDU 7D[<HDU7D[&RPPLWPHQW )LVFDO<HDU )LVFDO<HDU7D[5DWH SHU9DOXDWLRQ 6FKRRO &RXQW\ 7RZQ )URQWFRYHUSKRWRJUDSK´-XO\*RRVH5RFNV%HDFK3DUDGHµE\6WHYH3DLQWHU ANNUAL REPORT of the TOWN OF Kennebunkport For 2016 The Town with Three Names CAPE PORPUS 1614-1719 ARUNDEL 1719-1821 KENNEBUNKPORT 1821- THE 363RD ANNIVERSARY OF ITS EXISTENCE AS A CORPORATE BODY UNDER LEGISLATIVE CONTROL i TABLE OF CONTENTS *HQHUDO,QIRUPDWLRQ,QVLGH)URQW&RYHU 'HGLFDWLRQ LY Financial Information Town Warrant 5HYHQXHV %XGJHW,QWURGXFWLRQ 2SHUDWLQJ%XGJHW$QDO\VLV &DSLWDO%XGJHW$QDO\VLV $XGLWRU5HSRUW ANNUAL REPORTS: (OHFWHG2IÀFLDOV %RDUGRI6HOHFWPHQ&KDLU6WXDUW(%DUZLVH 6WDWH6HQDWRU6XVDQ'HVFKDPEDXOW 6WDWH5HSUHVHQWDWLYH+6WHGPDQ6HDYH\ 8QLWHG6WDWHV6HQDWRU6XVDQ0&ROOLQV 8QLWHG6WDWHV6HQDWRU$QJXV6.LQJ-U 8QLWHG6WDWHV5HSUHVHQWDWLYH&KHOOLH3LQJUHH *RYHUQRU3DXO5/H3DJH Town Departments 7RZQ0DQDJHU $VVHVVLQJ &RGH(QIRUFHPHQW (PHUJHQF\0DQDJHPHQW$JHQF\ )LUH'HSDUWPHQW +DUERUPDVWHU&DSH3RUSRLVH3LHU +DUERUPDVWHU.HQQHEXQN5LYHU 3DUNVDQG5HFUHDWLRQ 3ODQQLQJDQG'HYHORSPHQW 3ROLFH 3XEOLF+HDOWKDQG1XUVLQJ6HUYLFHV *HQHUDO$VVLVWDQFH 3XEOLF:RUNV 5HJLVWUDURI9RWHUV 7RZQ&OHUN 5HFRUGHG'HDWKV Wastewater ii TABLE OF CONTENTS Boards/Committees %HDFK$GYLVRU\&RPPLWWHH %XGJHW%RDUG &HPHWHU\&RPPLWWHH &RQVHUYDWLRQ&RPPLVVLRQ *RYHUQPHQW:KDUI&RPPLWWHH *URZWK3ODQQLQJ&RPPLWWHH .HQQHEXQN5LYHU&RPPLWWHH /LJKWLQJ&RPPLWWHH 3DUVRQV:D\&RPPLWWHH 3ODQQLQJ%RDUG 6HZHU$GYLVRU\&RPPLWWHH 6KDGH7UHH&RPPLWWHH 6KHOOÀVK&RQVHUYDWLRQ&RPPLWWHH =RQLQJ%RDUGRI$SSHDOV Other Organizations $UXQGHO&HPHWHU\ .. ::DWHU'LVWULFW .HQQHEXQNSRUW&RQVHUYDWLRQ7UXVW .HQQHEXQNSRUW(PHUJHQF\0HGLFDO6HUYLFHV,QF /LEUDU\²&DSH3RUSRLVH&RPPXQLW\/LEUDU\ /LEUDU\²/RXLV7*UDYHV0HPRULDO/LEUDU\ 6FKRODUVKLSV$YDLODEOH 6XSHULQWHQGHQWRI6FKRROV Tax Lists Trash and Recycling Information 5HF\FOLQJ&DOHQGDU JUHHQSDJH 7UDVKDQG5HF\FOLQJ&ROOHFWLRQ6FKHGXOH JUHHQSDJH 6LQJOH6WUHDP5HF\FOLQJ,QIRUPDWLRQ JUHHQSDJH ,GHQWLI\LQJ3ODVWLFVIRU5HF\FOLQJ 5HF\FOLQJ5HIHUHQFH&KDUW Town–General Information 7RZQ2IÀFHUV 7RZQ2QOLQH6HUYLFHV 7RZQ)DFHERRN85/DQG+ROLGD\V2EVHUYHG 7RZQ+RXUVDQG0HHWLQJV6FKHGXOH,QVLGH%DFN&RYHU 7RZQ7HOHSKRQH'LUHFWRULHV0DLOLQJ$GGUHVV %DFN&RYHU iii TOWN REPORT DEDICATION In Appreciation of .HQQHWK1DWKDQLHO´6RQQ\µ+XWFKLQV Kennebunkport native Kenneth Nathaniel “Sonny” Hutchins, is a remarkable, giving man who has made many contributions to the community. He is the longest serving member of the Kennebunkport Fire Department joining in October 1946, and the last to have fought the fire of 1947. He was also chief of the Wildwood Fire Company for 16 years, where you can still find him helping with the fundraising and collecting money for bean suppers. Between the 1960s to the 1990s, he worked as a ballot clerk and served on the Budget Board and Police Commission. He is also a Shriner and member of the Arundel Masonic Lodge #76. Sonny has lived in Kennebunkport his entire life except for a stint in the Army from 1951-1953. In fact, he lives in the same house that he spent his childhood; went to grammar school when it was at the School Days Apartments; and graduated from Kennebunkport High School. He has three sons and one daughter, and numerous grandchildren. Sonny followed in his father’s footsteps working in the lobster retail business. When he was discharged from the Army, he purchased Port Lobster in March 1953. And, after 63 years, he sold his business but is still a familiar face, as he continues to work there driving trucks and doing deliveries. He knows the business inside out, and Port Lobster would be lost without him. The photo above accurately depicts Sonny’s pleasant and good-natured demeanor with his ready smile. His friends describe him as a positive and modest man with never a bad word to say about anyone, and who is always willing to lend a helping hand. He sets the bar for community service and is one of the many people who helps make Kennebunkport such a special place to live. LY TOWN OF KENNEBUNKPORT TOWN WARRANT ANNUAL TOWN MEETING June 13 and 17, 2017 State of Maine County of York, SS To: Tracey O’Roak, Constable of the Town of Kennebunkport, in the County of York, State of Maine. GREETINGS: You are hereby required in the name of the State of Maine to notify and warn the voters of the Town of Kennebunkport in said County of the Town Meeting described in this warrant. To the voters of Kennebunkport: You are hereby notified that the Annual Town Meeting of this municipality will be held at the Village Fire Station, 32 North Street in said Town on Tuesday, the Thirteenth (13th) day of June A.D. 2017, at 8:00 o'clock in the forenoon for the purpose of acting on Articles numbered one (1) and one a (1a) as set out below. The polls for voting on Articles 1 and 1a shall be opened immediately after the election of the Moderator at 8:00 a.m. on June 13, 2017, and shall close at 8:00 p.m. While the polls are open, the Registrar of Voters will hold office hours to accept the registration of any person eligible to vote, to accept new enrollments, and to make any necessary corrections or changes to any names or addresses on the voting list. The continuation of said meeting will be held in the auditorium of the Consolidated School building in said Town on Saturday, the seventeenth (17th) day of June A.D. 2017, at 9:00 o'clock in the forenoon for the purpose of acting on Articles numbered 2 through 44 as set out below. ARTICLE 1. To choose a Moderator to preside at said meeting. ARTICLE 1a. To elect under the provisions of Title 30-A, M.R.S.A. Section 2528, the following Town Officers: one Selectmen, Assessors, and Overseers of the Poor, for a term of three years and one Director of R.S.U. #21, for a term of three years and to vote on the following referendum Questions 1 through 3: QUESTION 1 AMENDMENT TO THE SHELLFISH CONSERVATION ORDINANCE Shall an ordinance entitled “June, 2017 Amendment to the Shellfish Conservation Ordinance” be enacted? KENNEBUNKPORT SHELLFISH CONSERVATION ORDINANCE 1. Authority: This Ordinance is enacted in accordance with 12 M.R.S.A. §6671. 2. Purpose: To establish a shellfish conservation program for the Town of Kennebunkport that will insure the protection and optimum utilization of shellfish resources within its limits. These goals will be achieved by means that may include: a. Licensing b. Limiting the number of shellfish harvesters c. Restricting the time and area where digging is permitted d. Limiting the minimum size of clams taken e. Limiting the amount of clams taken daily by a harvester 3. Shellfish Conservation Committee: The Shellfish Conservation Program for the Town of Kennebunkport will be administered by the Shellfish Conservation Committee consisting of a minimum of five (5) members and a maximum of seven (7) members, including the Shellfish Warden who may be a non-resident, to be appointed by the Selectmen of the Town of Kennebunkport for terms of three (3) years. No more than three (3) members shall possess current commercial shellfish licenses. The Shellfish Conservation Warden may not posses a Commercial Shellfish License. The Committee's responsibilities include: a. Establishing annually in conjunction with the Department of Marine Resources the number of shellfish digging licenses to be issued. b. Surveying each clam-producing area at least once each three- years to establish size distribution and density, and annually estimating the status of the Town's shellfish conservation. c. Submitting to the Board of Selectmen proposals for the expenditures of funds for the purpose of shellfish conservation. d. Keeping this Ordinance under review and making recommendations for its amendments. e. Securing and maintaining records of shellfish harvest from the Town's managed shellfish areas and closed areas that are conditionally opened by the
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