May 22, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E827 payments and voluntary early retirement pay- RECOGNIZING MR. ROBERT ISHAM cold wars across the globe since, the men and ments in order to achieve the required reduc- women of the Foreign Service have played tions in personnel. HON. DINA TITUS vital roles in representing the United States of Provide the Secretary of Defense the au- OF NEVADA America, serving U.S. citizens, and securing thority to assign greater weight to the perform- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES U.S. interest near and far. Much has changed since the initial forma- ance factor, rather than other factors such as Thursday, May 22, 2014 tenure, in a Reduction in Force. tion of the Foreign Service following World Ms. TITUS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to War I. But a few things have remained the There is no doubt that our DoD civilian honor a constituent from Nevada’s First Con- same over these ninety years. Among them workers play a vital role in numerous positions gressional District, Robert Isham. A young Mr. are the professionalism and dedication of including logistics, acquisition, personnel man- Isham enlisted in the United States Navy on those who often leave the creature comforts agement, and more. The mission of the civil- November 4, 1942, in Seattle, Washington. He we have come to enjoy on our hallowed ian workforce at DoD is to support our uni- then attended Basic Training in San Diego, shores to serve in remote and distant places formed personnel and their missions around California. Following his graduation from the often with little recognition or notoriety for a the world. However, as we draw down our uni- Naval Air Technical Training Center in Nor- cause far greater than themselves. I rise today formed personnel, it makes no sense to not man, Oklahoma, where he was trained to be to recognize them not only for the crises they make commensurate reductions to the civilian an Aviation Machinist Mate, he was trans- led U.S. through, but also for the many crises workforce—a practice that has occurred in ferred to the Virginia Naval Air Station in Nor- they allowed our country to avert through their previous drawdowns. folk, Virginia. diligence, intellect, intuition, compassion and As Members of Congress, we should not let On September 17, 1943, Mr. !sham was se- steely resolve to be champions for peace, de- parochial interests prevent us from doing what riously injured in an explosion and fire at the mocracy and basic humanity. I rise to recog- is right for the country. Simply stated, it is in- Virginia Naval Air Station when a 300 pound nize them for the service, care and comfort conceivable, defies logic and tramples the les- depth charge exploded, setting off a chain re- they provide to our citizens while abroad re- sons of experience that a federal civilian job, action of 23 more charges. Thirty-three aircraft minding them that the supporting hand of once created, must live on forever. If our uni- and at least 15 buildings across the base were American is never far away. formed services are being reduced because destroyed. Many were killed and a number of Our world has become more globally the wars are ending, then a significant portion individuals, including Mr. Isham, were badly networked and intertwined since the early of the civilian jobs created to support those hurt. days of ‘‘hand shake, face-to-face’’ diplomacy. warfighters should be eliminated—not become Following a three month stay at Norfolk Revolution can start in days now not months. contractor positions. Those jobs must be elimi- Naval Hospital in Portsmouth, Virginia, Mr. Economic interests often go crosswise with nated and done so at the legislative mandate !sham bravely returned to duty and was trans- security, social, or political interests. Adver- of the Congress and at the executive discre- ferred to Quonset Point Naval Air Station in saries on some issues are often allies on oth- tion of the Secretary of Defense. Rhode Island, where he taught courses on air- ers and we look to the members of the For- In closing, I would like to mention that this craft structures. Following a year in Rhode Is- eign Service to navigate and represent the nu- was the last NDAA brought to the House floor land, Mr. Isham was transferred to Corvallis, ances of American foreign policy. Yet time by my good friend and the Chairman of the Oregon, and became a Plane Captain on a after time, year after year, crisis after crisis, Armed Services Committee, Rep. BUCK F4U Corsair fighter aircraft. issue after issue they have always owned up MCKEON (CA–25). I want to thank Chairman Mr. Isham was discharged from the United to the challenge and America and the world MCKEON for all of the hard work and dedica- States Navy on December 10, 1945. He was are the better for it. tion he has demonstrated on behalf of our only rated as 10% disabled as a result of Not only do we celebrate today the 90th An- troops and their families throughout his service shrapnel wounds sustained during the tragic niversary of the Foreign Service but also the here in the House. explosion in Norfolk, Virginia. He was awarded 90th Anniversary of the American Foreign the Good Conduct Medal, the American Area Services Association (AFSA) which was f Campaign Medal, and the World War II Victory formed as the professional association of the Medal. modem Foreign Service and later became the HONORING SERGEANT KYLE Recently, my office in Las Vegas worked official representative and advocate for our WHITE with Robert and the Department of Veterans Foreign Service professionals. Initially formed Affairs to increase his disability rating to with the Foreign Service in mind, the Associa- 100%, ensuring he receives the benefits he tion has expanded to represent not only For- HON. DAVID G. REICHERT deserved. eign Service retired and active employees of OF WASHINGTON Mr. Speaker, as we approach Memorial the Department of State and USAID but also IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Day, we will take time to remember many the distinguished Foreign Agricultural Service members of the Greatest Generation who and Foreign Commercial Service employees, Thursday, May 22, 2014 have passed away. Today, I ask the House to Broadcasting Board of Governors and Foreign Mr. REICHERT. Mr. Speaker, today I rise to pause for a moment of gratitude in honor of Service employees at the Animal and Plant honor Sergeant Kyle White. Sgt. White was my constituent, Mr. Robert ‘‘Bob’’ Isham, a Health Inspection Service . We stand today to awarded the highest honor in the military, the member of the Greatest Generation and a celebrate this wonderful organization that has Medal of Honor for meritorious conduct, by decorated American hero. for ninety years served those who serve us. Through the years AFSA has been stellar in President Barack Obama on May 13, 2014. f fulfilling its mission of promoting a strong, ef- Like his fellow soldiers, he is accustomed to 90TH ANNIVERSARY OF U.S. FOR- fective professional career Foreign Service as running toward danger instead of away, but EIGN AND AMERICAN FOREIGN the institutional backbone of American diplo- Sgt. White’s courage is above and beyond the SERVICE ASSOCIATION macy, enhancing the effectiveness of the For- ordinary. He repeatedly ran the gauntlet of eign Service, protecting the professional inter- enemy fire to get to wounded and fallen sol- HON. KAY GRANGER ests and rights of its members, ensuring the diers, regardless of his personal safety. In an OF TEXAS maintenance of high professional standards ambush in November of 2007 Sgt. White, who IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES for all American diplomats, career or political was barely 20 years old, stayed with a wound- appointees, and promoting understanding of Thursday, May 22, 2014 ed and fallen soldier for the duration, calling in the critical role of diplomacy and development reports and directing others so that the Ms. GRANGER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to in promoting America’s national security and wounded and dead could be safety evacuated. recognize the 90th Anniversary of the U.S. economic prosperity. AFSA has been and con- It is my privilege and greatest honor to rep- Foreign Service and the American Foreign tinues to be an effective voice and strong ad- resent our Veterans in Congress and I ap- Service Association. Created by the Foreign vocate for the Foreign Service with it mem- plaud the decision to award him with this Services Act of 1924, the Foreign Service bers’ management, the Congress and the medal. It is well deserved. brought together the U.S. State Department’s American public. Mr. Speaker, I salute Sgt. Kyle White, and Diplomatic Service and Consular Service to be Finally, Mr. Speaker we can take comfort in I thank him for the many sacrifices he has the face, heart and soul of America abroad. this year of celebrating the Foreign Service’s made in service to our nation. Through a World War and various hot and 90th Anniversary that whether it is a crisis in VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:02 Mar 07, 2015 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD14\MAY 2014\E22MY4.REC E22MY4 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE E828 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 22, 2014 Ukraine, a civil war in Syria, conflict and suf- HOWARD P. ‘‘BUCK’’ MCKEON NA- HOWARD P. ‘‘BUCK’’ MCKEON NA- fering in Africa, trade in North America or TIONAL DEFENSE AUTHORIZA- TIONAL DEFENSE AUTHORIZA- peace in the Middle East for example, our For- TION ACT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2015 TION ACT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2015 eign Service is there in fact and in spirit re- flecting the best of who we are as a country SPEECH OF SPEECH OF and for that we say ‘‘Thank You’’ and con- HON.
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