" • I TUESDAY, MAY#, 1989 IHanrltrirtrr Stm ting U m lb K E E P MANCHESTER TO THE FORE WITTi ITS WELL KEPT HOMES! race on .Thuraday, althougl) the Th« regular meeting of the Wo­ EMERGENCY DOCTORS ‘1W0D BROTHER” STORY drive doM not im n offldaliy until men'! Democratic club wUI be held HOSPITAL GROUPS Natlooal Hospiti] Day, May 13. ABOiJTTOWN tomorrow evening with Mra. T. E. Announcement will be made at the Hale*s Wed. Morning Specials AVERAGE DAILY CIRCrLATION THE WEATHER Broenan of M Waahlngton atreet. Phyalclana of the Manchester Forecaet of U, S. Weather Roreau - jS Medical aasodatlon who will re­ INTRIGUES THE COURT luncheon meeting when reports of tar the month of April, I93S TO DISCUSS DRIVE teami will be required at tha Maoi Green Stamps Given With Cash Saks. ~ Lm s I people who aaalated thej g y r.ordon and spond to emergency calls tomor­ Bwodlah .lunior League by piirchaa-1 ^Marjorie and Janice, row afternoon are Dr. Howard Chester Tniat Company. Store Chtaes At iZ:30 On Wedneeday. Oenerally fair toalght aad Thurs­ Boyd and Or. Edmund Zagllo. 6 , 2 3 8 day; sMghtly cooler tonight and log ticket! for the trip to Bermuda i apendlng aeveral daya Ediit HAPtford Youth Held VoriTu lj|oAt TAniAFFAiir FYAAintf Member of tha Aadlt m or $100 caahi will be Interested to Gordon's slater. Mra. Hln- Drivinir Without License Tbnrsday. - 1 that the winner waa George u„n gmlth. of Pine Beach. N. J. LIMITED QUANTITY! WEDNESDAY A. M- ONLY! Bnresa of ClrcnlatloB* Peterson of 55 Grand atreet. New | ----- Manchester Aaaembly. No. 15 Or­ Telia .Xn Intermtlng Tale. 1 . Regular 59c, 69c and 79c MANCHESTER - A OTY OF VILLAGE CHARM der of Rainbow, .at its meeting last Brltetn. The drawing took place at I Marv Buahnell Cheney auxiliary/ the Mother-Daughter ...banquet In V. win meet tomorrow eve- night elected the following officers: F. E. B R A Y IT. S. \V N E. Cdniso. 18, of 77» Connec 1 Worthy advisor. * Bcmlre Wilson; VOL. LVIII., NO. 188 (Claeaiaed Advertlelag on Page !• ) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, MAY 10, 1939 (EIGHTEEN PAGES PRICE THREE CENTS Hartford last night. Mlaa Ann['nlng at S o'clock ^n the State ttcut Boulevard, Eait Hartford, the I JEWELLR yd. Johnaon of .Clinton atreet waa a worthy associate advisor, Lois Organize Work. Spim Rayon Fabrics 39c Armory charged with operating a motor J.S ^tc Theater BtiUdinc Mostly dark color* In rust, green, navy, and brown — prints member of the banquet committee. Agard; Charity, Mildred Knight: vehicle without a license when Mope, May Donnelly; Faith. Janet 7.17 Main Street and plain. EbicepUonal value! ' ^ ___ T ~ _. ^ The Stanley, group of the Wea- Elliott. The above' nlTIcers will be brought before the wurt iM tI „ „ „ Memorial Hospital, Mine Conferees Accept ^Roosevelt Invitation Mlaa Ulllan Sheridan of North . ,„n)gnt at 7 night told a stoty campaign group will meet tomorrow Main atreet land Mlaa Helen oclo«k at the South Methodl.it installed at a semt-publlc Inatalla- I llon, .May 22. Ileiiiah. Robb will be Harold Garrily .Irolded to take time i^,^ht at 6:30 In Masonic Temple at E-Z-ON CARRIAGE NET CANOPY .1 roga of(tVoodbrldge street are work will be on salting In think over and did not pans Judg- U i„ncheon organtxatlon meeting at Watch and Jewelry SOVIET AID SOUGHT aent on a vacation trip of several ; Ihe Installing worthy advisor: Allen men!, telling the young man to re- ^f,|p|, p|„p» made to start ENGINEERS FAVOR 11 weeks to the Paclflc. cokat. Preston. Installing marshal ari<l I turn next week. Up, drive'for sustaining fiinda of Made with elastic bottom .... ......................... F.ta Chapter of Bela Sigma Phi Doris Gibson Installing ^ chaplain. ( aruao early Monday morning U jsooo fp, 1939.40 Repairing At 2 9 c The Stanley Group of the Wes­ will meet tonight at k o'clock at the met two Manchester youths on the t n w-h— 1 ONLY AFTER ARMY leyan Guild will meet tonight at 7 home of Miss Alma Andrulot of ■35'i Center Church Women's Guild Connecticut River Bridge. They had ,.5 ‘ 7^ 7k’’ ?t Reasonable Prices o’clock at the South Methodist Walker atreet. gone,to New York to visit the Extra Large Size for Cribs ,... .................., 7 9 c ' church for the purpose of salting will meet tomorrow' afternoon at MILLION FOR FLOOD 2:30. It will be the annual-meeting World s Fair and arrived bark In Ti, peanuts. Mrs. Harold Burr snd Hartford lop late to make <^nnec- Step In and See One of Man- Mra John Larrabee will be the The Girl Sc/uit leaders' assocla- with election of officers. The guest llon will meet tomorrow evening at speaker wUl be Mlaa Eunice Mason tion. with a trolley car. They were chestcr’a Largest Selections ALREADY IN FIELD hoetesses. hiking home to Manchester. Caruso I 8 o'clock at the Y. M. C. A. of ForeatvUla whose subject will be /a-a—^ BUm* *kme. 18”® lunch#on foF UiG worKtrSc of Greeting Carda for All — — 1 The Youth Hoktel Movement " Mrs. 1 A claaa of eleven "palefacea" j Gjniip 5 of f>nter church women Martin Alvord. chairman of Ihc hos- tired after a rather nuayhnllJ day Inm . hundred and fifty**,1 worker* Occasions. Th«JW.IIAUcOkR CAB DRII-ER TRYING ■ CONTROL AND PORTS were Initiated Into Mlanlonomah] wlll meet this evening at 7 'in with' tenses Will he a-«sisl/i1 hy Mrs. Ray New York and decided to do a good *5*^* ^ .1. .” ^777* MANeHirriR Co m m * sberlain TeDs Commons TO RETUR.N' FARE CHANGE Tribe of thta town and .Mohaw k | Mra. George M. Waddell of |S5 Pnr- j Warden and .Mrs, Roy Warren. .Mrs. brother act by taking his brother s \ Tribe of Torrlngton In a Joint Reil | ter street. Iwuliam Gardner. Mra. (lllTord .lor- automnblla to give them a ride to Cleveland, May 10 — (AP) — t h ie v e s r t e a i. r e a r Men's ceremony at Tinker Mall ----- |ilan. Mrs. Everard l<ester. .Mrs Fred Manchester. They arrived at Ihe romise of Military Action C^ab Driver Ray Tucker, 28, took TIRES AND RIMM OFF CAR Princqial Part Wifl Be Ex« last night. Eight of the randldates The North Methodist t.ad|es Aid , W/nidhoiise, Mrs. CTollls Goslee. Chll- Center aarly yesterday morning a chance—and a stranger's check CONFORMIU ware from Manchester.' The degree soclety will have a birthday party dren of menthera will be eared for. where they were met by police and for 3212. Middirboro, Mase., May 10 — work was done by the visitors Kol- tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'l l*ick .■>1 the driver of the automobile not ACCKPT COOLERATOirS by Russia Depended On His fare asked him to cash (AP) —Lewis W. Shaw, a milk pended In Connedicit kiwtng the meeting, the Tribes sd- dealer, jumped Into hla car and the home of Mra. Isiinacd Burt, 22.1 Manchester lodge of Masons will having a license waa Instructed to the check at a nearby bank, say­ TO SNAP LONG Joumed to the R«1 Men's jilub on Menry street. ' Mrs ^ohn Pli.>kles be In court last evening. Judge Oar- HALf'S SELF SERVE ing he would meet him there to started It up. Brslnard Hsce for a light supper. l>e host tonight to employees of the Moves by Britain, France. The rear end Hopped, aa the and Merrimack VaDeyi; will give a travil lalh The, hos­ Travelers Insurance Company who rlty after learning of this aids of T|>e Original In New England! settle the bill. The check waa Joe DeMarla was the winner of s tess win he aastated by Mrs, James Ihe story decided to give tha case good, u d -Tucker waited until vibration shook the car off siip- apedal prtre of a live-pound hox of are members of the fraternity. Pickles and Mrs. Wells tyylherell. further considersttnn and withheld 10-DAY FREE TRIAL his meter ticked up to 37.75. MNEJISPliTE ' iMirta used by thieves to jack up Budget Borean Cot Fonds chocolates. Members of the Travelers Square London, May 10— (A P ) —Prime Judgment for a week. Now. three daya later. Tucker the vehicle while they atole the club will work the third degree on AND HEALTH MARKET Minister Chamberlain told the Houie rear Urea and rtma. j The Second Congregatlqhal Oiurch an associate employee. A social SAVE UP TO »iO 0M has 3204.25 change for a man King Daild I/odge of Odd Fel­ of Commons today that Britain Shaw reported they also got OrigioaDy Asked and New Council will have a mating tomor­ hour will follow the ceremonies. whose present address the bank Soft Coal Operators and lows will hold a special meeting row night at 8 o'^ock at the away with io quarts of motorj Friday evening at 7:.10 In Odd Fel­ sought Soviet Russia'! promiae of was unable to furnish. oil. church?; The Men'a,c1uh will meet Wed. Morning Specials military aid In eastern Europe only England May Tjrt Tkree lows hall, the purpose of which la Ihla evening. M tk t MfilWfi }SI,IM (wiHw fra- ---—-:---------------------- «. to make plana for the celebration after Britain and F.ance themselvea M inen Seeking to Com­ of |lta 50th anniversary. The Sunday a^ool taacheri and hr Ikit Mndti A-«3iiHtotf rtlri|ir- elvlif Green Stamps Given With Cash Sales! had taken the field.
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