J Am Board Fam Pract: first published as 10.3122/jabfm.5.1.89 on 1 January 1992. Downloaded from Association Of Escherichia coli Sepsis And Galactosemia In Neonates Phyllis Hoeflich Barr, D.O. Family physicians frequently care for neonates Follow-up care has been carried out in the who have jaundice and sepsis. There is a strong Department of Family Practice of the Naval association between serious infection and Hospital, Camp Pendleton, California, and the galactosemia in infants. A case is presented de­ Pediatric Metabolic Clinic of University of Cali­ scribing a neonate with jaundice and sepsis caused fornia, San Diego. Electrophoresis subsequently by Escherichia coli who was found to be galacto­ showed a low galactose-I-phosphate uridyl trans­ semic in the first week of life. The symptoms of ferase level (0.1 U/g hemoglobin; normal range galactosemia are discussed together with bio­ 18.5-28.5 U/g hemoglobin) as the cause of the chemical abnormalities leading to an increased galactosemia. Well-baby checkups at 2 and 4 frequency of infection and sepsis in these infants. months have shown her to be a vigorous infant in the 25th to 50th percentile for weight and Case Report length and the 50th percentile for circumference. A 20-year-old woman, gravida 2, para 1, abortus Bilateral small cataracts developed but are ex­ 0, gave birth to a 3800-g (8 lb, 3 oz) girl by pected to resolve on the lactose-free diet. The spontaneous vaginal delivery. Her prenatal course adequacy of the dietary therapy has been assessed was unremarkable. The same couple also had a by monitoring the galactose-I-phosphate level in 20-month-old healthy boy. red cells. A good prognosis exists because of early The new baby thrived on house formula until diagnosis. day 2 of life, when the mother noted poor feeding and frequent emesis. Initial evaluation was re­ Discussion markable only for the infant's bilirubin level (258 A review of the pertinent literature from 1960 to J.Lmol/L [15.2 mg/dL]). Phototherapy was initi­ the present shows an association of galactosemia ated. After 24 hours, the baby appeared pale, le­ with life-threatening infection, particularly R coli http://www.jabfm.org/ thargic, and continued to feed poorly. An evalua­ sepsis. In 1960 Donnell, et aI.I described an in­ tion for sepsis was performed, and intravenous creased susceptibility to infection in infants with administration of gentamicin and ampicillin was galactosemia. In 1963 neonatal screening for begun. Laboratory studies indicated elevated liver galactosemia was instituted in Massachusetts. function tests, abnormal clotting factors, and Levy, et aI. 2 analyzed the information obtained, urine positive for reducing substances. A pre­ discovering that E. coli was the cause of most sumptive diagnosis of galactosemia was enter­ of these infections in galactosemic newborns. on 28 September 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. tained. Later blood and urine cultures grew Twenty-nine percent of galactosemic infants be­ &cherichia coli. came infected. Of these, 90 percent had E. coli At 5 days of life, vomiting had ceased, and the infections with an 89 percent mortality rate. infant was fed a lactose-free formula. On day 11 Galactosemia, first described in 1908, is of life, metabolic screening confirmed the diagno­ an autosomal recessive congenital disorder. I sis of galactosemia. The infant completed 14 days The gene abnormality produces a deficiency of of intravenous antibiotics and tolerated the lac­ either galactose-I-phosphate uridyl transferase or tose-free formula. She was discharged home on galactokinase (Figure 1). The incidence of day 17 of life feeding well with steady weight gain. galactosemia resulting from the transferase defi­ ciency ranges from 1 in 60,000 to 1 in 80,000. The frequency of the galactokinase deficiency is ap­ Submitted, revised, 8 August 1991. proximately 1 in 250,000.3 These inborn errors of From the Department of Family Practice, Naval Hospital, Camp Pendleton, CA. Address reprint request to Phyllis Hoeflich galactose metabolism result in an inability to me­ Barr, D.O., 32 Hulvey Drive, Stafford, VA 22554. tabolize the galactose derived from lactose to glu- Ercherichia coli Sepsis and Galactosemia 89 J Am Board Fam Pract: first published as 10.3122/jabfm.5.1.89 on 1 January 1992. Downloaded from galactokinase and cerebral cortex. This accumulation is respon­ Galactose Galactose-1-phosphate sible for many of the clinical manifestations. + + ATP UDP-Glucose Notably, uncontrolled galactosemic pregnant women can produce affected infants.6 In addition, Galactose-1-phosphate Uridyl Transferase Levy, et aU noted that both bacterial infections j and the clinical signs can relate to the severity of the biochemical abnormalities (Table 1). UDP-Galactose In 1971 Kelly7 suggested that the concomitant + Glucose -1-phosphate infections associated with galactosemia follow a mechanical route. Infants with galactosemia can Figure 1. Galactose metabolism. ATP =adenosine be susceptible to septicemia as a result of excessive tripb08pbate, UDP =uridine diphosphate. used with vomiting or diarrhea. The urinary tract might be permission &om Bondy PK, Rosenberg I.E, editors. the source of infection. The substrate for the Me1abolic control and disease. PbUadelpbia: W.B. bacteria would be accumulation of galactose in Saunders, 1980:370. the tissue. This theory is supported by the isola­ tion of only lactose-fermenting organisms. In ad­ rose metabolites. When galactose is administered dition, broth suspensions of E. coli isolated from to patients with the deficiency of galactose-I­ feces grew greater numbers of galactose- and lac­ phosphate uridyl transferace, clinical conse­ tose-enriched media.7 Litchfield and Wells8 stud­ quences in neonates include vomiting, failure to ied the biochemical effects of galactosemia. They thrive, liver disease, cataracts, and jaundice. In suggested that impaired bacteriocidal activity of more advanced untreated cases, cirrhosis of the polymorphonuclear leukocytes was responsible liver, ascites, mental retardation, and death for the association of galactosemia and sepsis. 4 occur. Accumulation of galactose-I-phosphate in They found that both phagocytosis and bacteri­ red cells and tissue can be responsible for the liver cidal activity are impaired in polymorphonuclear abnormalities, cataracts, and renal changes. In leukocytes when galactose accumulates. Phagocy­ addition, galactose depresses the glucose level, tosis depends upon energy from glycolysis. The 4 causing seizures and mental retardation. Toxicity bactericidal activity requires both an increase in in galactokinase deficiency is less severe and the hexose monophosphate shunt and reduction s mainly manifests as cataracts. of oxygen to a free radical intermediate. Both of 6 http://www.jabfm.org/ According to Bondy and Rosenberg, the ab­ these reactions are impaired by the accumulation sent enzyme causes galactose-I-phosphate and of galactose and contribute to the observed in­ galactitol to accumulate in blood and tissues, in­ creased morbidity and mortality. 8 cluding liver, spleen, lens of the eye, kidney, heart, Summary d . f: . Galactosemia in newborns an m ants IS assocI- TIllIe I. c-part.a of die SipI ..d 8yIIIptoIu of GaladOlelllla ated with the following symptoms: jaundice, on 28 September 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. wflll .......·I-PI!oepUte UrIdyI1'n8Ifetllle ___ CJmctokI ...... Deldeacy.* hepatomegaly, failure to thrive, feeding difficul­ ties, hypoglycemia, convulsions, lethargy, amino­ Enzyme Tissue Signs and Deficiency Disaibution Symptoms aciduria, cataracts, hepatic cirrhosis, ascites, and mental retardation.9 If the preliminary evalu­ Galactose-I-phosphate Liver Vomiting uridyl Erythrocytes Hypoglycemia ation indicates galactosemia, there is high ri~k for tnmsferase Intestine Hepatomegaly E. coli sepsis and death. Strong consideration Hepatic cirrhosis should therefore be given for early antibiotic Splenomegaly Jaundice therapy in infants with suspected galactosemia in Cataracts spite of the absence of clinical signs or symptoms Aminoaciduria of sepsis. Glucosuria Mental retardation Galactolcinase Erythrocytes Cataracts References Liver 1. Donnel GN, Bergren WR, Cleland RS. Galacto­ ·Used with permission from Hug.9 semia. Pediatr Clin North Am 1960; 7:315-32. 90 JABFP Jan.-Feb.1992 Vol. 5 No.1 J Am Board Fam Pract: first published as 10.3122/jabfm.5.1.89 on 1 January 1992. Downloaded from 2. Levy HL, Sepe SJ, Shih VE, Vawter GF, Klein 6. Bondy PK, Rosenberg LE, editors. Metabolic con­ JO. Sepsis due to Escherichia coli in neonates trol and disease. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders, with galactosemia. N Engl J Med 1977; 297: 1980:370. 823-5. 7. Kelly S. Septicemia in galactosemia. JAMA 1971; 3. Rudolph AM, HoffmanJI, editors. Pediatrics. Nor­ 216:330. walk: Appleton & Lange, 1987:258-60. 8. Litchfield W], Wells ww. Effect of galactose on 4. Fishier K, Donnell GN, Bergren WR, Koch R. In­ free radical reactions of polymorphonuclear leuko­ tellectual and personality development in children cytes. Arch Biochem Biophys 1978; 188:26-30. with galactosemia. Pediatrics 1972; 50:412-9. 9. Hug G. Defects in metabolism of carbohydrates. In: 5. Hsia DY. Inborn errors of metabolism. Chicago: Nelson WE, editor. Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics. Year Book Medical, 1966:182. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders, 1983 :448. http://www.jabfm.org/ on 28 September 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. Escherichia coli Sepsis and Galactosemia 91 .
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