2007 SQFT Cooksey Brothers Landfill

2007 SQFT Cooksey Brothers Landfill

ACTS 7.01 11/30/2017 FOIA REPORT PAGE 1 Filter: All sites Database: 07FY Sort By Site ID Site Name Address |-- Types --| Removal St |---- Quantity Removed ----| Site Owner Site ID Cont ID Contractor Name City, State, Zip and (County) Notif Bldg Removal Sp Length Surface Volume Site Landfill ---------- ---------- ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ------------- ---------- ---------------------------- ---------------------------------------- 05FFY-058R 05FFY-058R Denmar Correctional Center HC 64, Box 125 R-N M 11/03/2020 0 55 0 WV Division of Corrections 759 Denmar Correctional Center Hillsboro, WV 24946- (POCAHONTAS) 11/12/2004 SQFT HAM Sanitary 05FFY-934D 05FFY-934D St Mary's Refinery POB 392, 201 Barkwill St D-N I 05/05/2008 0 0 0 St Mary's Refinery 243 R&B Dismantling Inc St Marys, WV (PLEASANTS) 05/05/2008 Waste Management of WV 05FFY-991D 05FFY-991D Residence 314A Cruzer Rd D-N V 07/05/2008 0 150 0 Ohio Co. Development Authority 745 American Contracting Enterpr. Triadelphia, WV (OHIO) 07/05/2005 SQFT A&L Salvage 06FFY-149R 06FFY-149R Former WSX-Browns Island Facily Browns Island R-N V 12/07/2005 0 0 0 Tecumseh Redevelopment Inc 63 AIC, Inc Weirton, WV (HANCOCK) 10/30/2006 BFI Imperial Landfill 06FFY-155A 06FFY-155A Supresta LLC Rt 2 A-N I 01/02/2006 0 0 0 Supresta LLC 768 Advanced Specialty Contractors Gallapolis Ferry, WV (MASON) 12/31/2006 Rumpke Beech Hollow Landfill 06FFY-177R 06FFY-177R WV Hotel/Comm Apartment Bldg 218/222 & 226 West Main St R-N V 12/03/2006 0 480 0 CSX Hotels Inc 6 Master Mechanical Insulation WhiteSulphurSprings, WV (GREENBRIER) 12/30/2005 SQFT Big Run Landfill 06FFY-179A 06FFY-179A Philip Sporn Plant POB 389- Rt 62N A-N I 01/01/2006 200 300 0 Appalachian Power-Philip Sporn Plant 421 Global Insulation Inc New Haven, WV (MASON) 12/31/2006 LNFT SQFT Northwestern Landfill 06FFY-180A 06FFY-180A Bayer CropScience Rt 25 A-N I 01/01/2006 25000 40000 0 Bayer CropScience 6 Master Mechanical Insulation Institute, WV (KANAWHA) 12/31/2006 LNFT SQFT Big Run Landfill 06FFY-188A 06FFY-188A Kanawha River Plant POB 110, Rt 60 East (One AEP Way) A-N I 01/01/2006 1150 200 50 Appalachian Power Company-Kanawha River 768 Advanced Specialty Contractors Glasgow, WV (KANAWHA) 12/31/2006 LNFT SQFT CUFT Meadowfill 06FFY-189A 06FFY-189A Mossi & Ghisolfi Group State Rt 2 A-N I 01/01/2006 4500 3000 0 Mossi & Ghisolfi Group 6 Master Mechanical Insulation Apple Grove, WV (MASON) 12/31/2006 LNFT SQFT Green Valley Environmental Crp 06FFY-201A 06FFY-201A ATK Tactical Systems LLC/ABL 210 State Rt 956 A-N I 01/01/2006 260 160 0 Naval Sea Systems Command 411 OWNER Rocket Center, WV (MINERAL) 12/31/2006 LNFT SQFT Ensco Environmental Services 06FFY-203A 06FFY-203A The Greenbrier Hotel Rt 60 East A-N C 01/01/2006 4000 5000 0 CSX Hotels Inc 6 Master Mechanical Insulation WhiteSulphurSprings, WV (GREENBRIER) 12/31/2006 LNFT SQFT Big Run Landfill 06FFY-211A 06FFY-211A Kammer Plant POB K A-N I 01/01/2006 400 200 0 Ohio Power Company dba AEP 182 GVH Enviromental, Inc. Moundsville, WV (MARSHALL) 12/31/2006 LNFT SQFT Wetzel County Landfill 06FFY-212A 06FFY-212A Mitchell Plant POB K A-N I 01/01/2006 400 200 0 Ohio Power Company dba AEP 182 GVH Enviromental, Inc. Moundsville, WV (MARSHALL) 12/31/2006 LNFT SQFT Wetzel County Landfill 06FFY-231A 06FFY-231A John E Amos Plant US Rt 35, POB 4000 A-N I 01/01/2006 300 620 70 American Electric Power 6 Master Mechanical Insulation St Albans, WV (KANAWHA) 12/31/2006 LNFT SQFT CUFT Meadowfill ACTS 7.01 11/30/2017 FOIA REPORT PAGE 2 Filter: All sites Database: 07FY Sort By Site ID Site Name Address |-- Types --| Removal St |---- Quantity Removed ----| Site Owner Site ID Cont ID Contractor Name City, State, Zip and (County) Notif Bldg Removal Sp Length Surface Volume Site Landfill ---------- ---------- ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ------------- ---------- ---------------------------- ---------------------------------------- 06FFY-232A 06FFY-232A DuPont Washington Works Rt 892 (DuPont Rd) South A-N I 01/01/2006 4000 4000 0 DuPont Washington Works 695 American Industrial Insulation Washington, WV (WOOD) 12/31/2006 LNFT SQFT Meadowfill 06FFY-238A 06FFY-238A Bayer MaterialScience LLC 437 MacCorkle Ave SW A-N I 01/01/2006 1000 2000 0 Bayer MaterialScience LLC 396 PRIME Insulation South Charleston, WV (KANAWHA) 12/31/2006 LNFT SQFT Suburban RFD 06FFY-239A 06FFY-239A Union Carbide Corporation(Tech Center) 3200/3300 Kanawha Tpk A-N I 01/01/2006 2000 3500 0 Union Carbide/DOW Corporation 396 PRIME Insulation South Charleston, WV (KANAWHA) 12/31/2006 LNFT SQFT Suburban RFD 06FFY-240A 06FFY-240A Union Carbide Corporation(S. Charleston) 437 MacCorkle Ave SW A-N I 01/01/2006 2500 1500 0 Union Carbide/DOW Corporation 396 PRIME Insulation South Charleston, WV (KANAWHA) 12/31/2006 LNFT SQFT Suburban RFD 06FFY-291R 06FFY-291R SGS Minerals 115 Eastern Dr R-N O 02/06/2006 0 4024 0 SGS North America Inc 6 Master Mechanical Insulation Sophia, WV (RALEIGH) 10/04/2006 SQFT Big Run Landfill 06FFY-296A 06FFY-296A Ergon-West Virginia Inc Rt 2 POB 356 A-N I 01/01/2006 3000 1500 200 Ergon WV Inc Newell, WV (HANCOCK) 12/31/2006 LNFT SQFT CUFT Suburban RFD 06FFY-511R 06FFY-511R Mitchell Plant POB K R-N I 02/01/2006 12000 1800 0 Ohio Power Company dba AEP 182 GVH Enviromental, Inc. Moundsville, WV (MARSHALL) 12/31/2006 LNFT SQFT Wetzel Co Sanitary Landfil Inc 06FFY-565R 06FFY-565R Smith Hall 3rd Ave R-N U 04/11/2006 0 11250 0 Marshall University 6 Master Mechanical Insulation Huntington, WV (CABELL) 11/30/2006 SQFT Big Run Landfill 06FFY-723R 06FFY-723R MAB Building Int Main St & Pennsylvania Ave R-N V 05/24/2006 0 7000 0 Mittal Steel Corporation-Weirton Inc 244 Enviro-Tech Abatement Svcs Weirton, WV (HANCOCK) 12/30/2006 SQFT Waste Management 06FFY-743R 06FFY-743R The Greenbrier Hotel Rt 60 East R-N C 05/29/2006 2200 5000 0 CSX Hotels Inc 6 Master Mechanical Insulation WhiteSulphurSprings, WV (GREENBRIER) 12/31/2006 LNFT SQFT Big Run Landfill 06FFY-773R 06FFY-773R Oglebay Hall College Ave R-N V 11/03/2006 0 11500 0 WVU 208 MVEI Morgantown, WV (MONONGALIA) 11/03/2006 SQFT Meadowfill 06FFY-855R 06FFY-855R Student Center 3rd Ave R-N U 07/03/2006 0 1800 0 Marshall University 6 Master Mechanical Insulation Huntington, WV (CABELL) 11/30/2006 SQFT Big Run Landfill 06FFY-943R 06FFY-943R Science & Health Building 200 High St R-N O 07/11/2006 2700 19000 26000 Glenville State College 752 Power Component Systems Inc Glenville, WV (GILMER) 11/08/2006 LNFT SQFT CUFT A&L Salvage 06FFY1028D 06FFY1028D Veterans Park Bridge Rt 98 D-N E 08/01/2006 0 0 0 WV DOT DOH 3845 Ryan Environmental Inc Clarksburg, WV (HARRISON) 09/30/2006 Meadowfill 06FFY1053D 06FFY1053D 4 Blgs, 9 Tanks Union Carbide/DOW D-N V 08/08/2006 0 0 0 Union Carbide/DOW Corporation 396 PRIME Insulation South Charleston, WV (KANAWHA) 10/01/2006 Suburban RFD ACTS 7.01 11/30/2017 FOIA REPORT PAGE 3 Filter: All sites Database: 07FY Sort By Site ID Site Name Address |-- Types --| Removal St |---- Quantity Removed ----| Site Owner Site ID Cont ID Contractor Name City, State, Zip and (County) Notif Bldg Removal Sp Length Surface Volume Site Landfill ---------- ---------- ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ------------- ---------- ---------------------------- ---------------------------------------- 06FFY1054D 06FFY1054D 17 Buildings Union Carbide/DOW D-N V 08/08/2006 0 0 0 Union Carbide/DOW Corporation 475 DEMCO Inc South Charleston, WV (KANAWHA) 12/01/2006 Suburban RFD 06FFY1141R 06FFY1141R Old Main One John Marshall Dr R-N U 08/23/2006 0 1700 0 Marshall University 6 Master Mechanical Insulation Huntington, WV (CABELL) 11/30/2006 SQFT Big Run Landfill 06FFY1147R 06FFY1147R Fairfield Towers 1701 Franklin Ave R-N R 09/01/2006 0 0 0 Huntington Housing Authority 361 Huntington Housing Authority Huntington, WV (CABELL) 11/06/2006 SQFT 06FFY1151R 06FFY1151R Mountaineer School Rt 2 POB 358 R-N S 08/29/2006 0 800 0 Mountaineer Ractrack & Gaming Resort 270 American Contracting Ent. Inc. Chester, WV (HANCOCK) 09/30/2006 SQFT A&L Salvage 06FFY1162D 06FFY1162D Mittal Steel/Old WC Yard Weirton Junction D-N V 10/02/2006 50 0 0 Mittal Steel Corporation-Weirton Inc 244 Enviro-Tech Abatement Svcs Weirton, WV (BROOKE) 12/30/2006 LNFT SQFT Waste Management 06FFY1167R 06FFY1167R Tri State Airport 1449 Airport Rd R-N C 09/07/2006 0 9900 0 Tri-State Airport Authority 208 MVEI Huntington, WV (CABELL) 10/06/2006 SQFT Meadowfill 06FFY1171R 06FFY1171R Mountaineer Plant Cooling Tower POB 419 R-N I 09/11/2006 0 231000 0 American Electric Power 768 Advanced Specialty Contractors New Haven, WV (MASON) 10/08/2006 SQFT Athens Hocking Reclaimation 06FFY1173R 06FFY1173R Mittal Steel/Boiler House Main St R-N M 08/18/2006 500 850 0 Mittal Steel Corporation-Weirton Inc 244 Enviro-Tech Abatement Svcs Weirton, WV (HANCOCK) 09/30/2006 LNFT American Waste Service 06FFY1174R 06FFY1174R Brown's Island Bridge Main St R-N E 09/12/2006 8400 0 0 Mittal Steel Corporation-Weirton Inc 244 Enviro-Tech Abatement Svcs Weirton, WV (HANCOCK) 12/30/2006 LNFT American Waste Service 06FFY1181R 06FFY1181R Mitchell Plant-Unit #2 POB K R-N I 09/13/2006 300 300 0 Ohio Power Company dba AEP 182 GVH Enviromental, Inc. Moundsville, WV (MARSHALL) 12/31/2006 LNFT SQFT Wetzel County Landfill 06FFY1191D 06FFY1191D Building #6 208 26th St D-N O 09/13/2006 0 312 0 Chas.

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