Ji et al. Biotechnology for Biofuels 2013, 6:7 http://www.biotechnologyforbiofuels.com/content/6/1/7 RESEARCH Open Access Cofactor engineering through heterologous expression of an NADH oxidase and its impact on metabolic flux redistribution in Klebsiella pneumoniae Xiao-Jun Ji†, Zhi-Fang Xia†, Ning-Hua Fu, Zhi-Kui Nie, Meng-Qiu Shen, Qian-Qian Tian and He Huang* Abstract Background: Acetoin is an important bio-based platform chemical. However, it is usually existed as a minor byproduct of 2,3-butanediol fermentation in bacteria. Results: The present study reports introducing an exogenous NAD+ regeneration sysytem into a 2,3-butanediol producing strain Klebsiella pneumoniae to increse the accumulation of acetoin. Batch fermentation suggested that heterologous expression of the NADH oxidase in K. pneumoniae resulted in large decreases in the intracellular NADH concentration (1.4 fold) and NADH/NAD+ ratio (2.0 fold). Metabolic flux analysis revealed that fluxes to acetoin and acetic acid were enhanced, whereas, production of lactic acid and ethanol were decreased, with the accumualation of 2,3-butanediol nearly unaltered. By fed-batch culture of the recombinant, the highest reported acetoin production level (25.9 g/L) by Klebsiella species was obtained. Conclusions: The present study indicates that microbial production of acetoin could be improved by decreasing the intracellular NADH/NAD+ ratio in K. pneumoniae. It demonstrated that the cofactor engineering method, which is by manipulating the level of intracellular cofactors to redirect cellular metabolism, could be employed to achieve a high efficiency of producing the NAD+-dependent microbial metabolite. Keywords: Acetoin, 2,3-Butanediol, Cofactor engineering, Klebsiella pneumoniae, NADH oxidase Background which is considered as a new branch of metabolic engneer- Metabolic engineering has been widely applied in modi- ing, has attracted increasing attention. Manipulations of the fying metabolic pathways to improve the properties of cofactor form and level have become a useful tool for meta- microbial strains, including manipulation of enzyme bolic engineering to redistribute/enhance carbon flux in levels through the amplification, disruption, or addition metabolic networks [4]. Nicotinamide adenine dinucleo- of a metabolic pathway [1]. These approaches have been tides (NADH and NAD+), as one pair of key cofactors play proven to be powerful in developing microbial strains for an important role in over 300 biochemical reactions involv- the commercial production of organic acids, amino acids, ing oxidation and reduction [2,5]. Therefore, this cofactor biofuels, and pharmaceuticals [2]. Nevertheless, over- pair (NADH and NAD+) has a critical effect on maintaining expression, deletion, or introduction of heterologous genes the intracellular redox balance, which is a basic condition in target metabolic pathways do not always result in the for microorganism to metabolize and grow [6]. Regulation desired phenotype [3]. In recent years, cofactor engineering, of the NADH/NAD+ ratio can be achieved by either weak- ening the metabolic pathways competing for NADH or + + * Correspondence: [email protected] NAD [7-9], or introducing an NADH or NAD regener- †Equal contributors ation system. Intracellular concentrations of NADH and State Key Laboratory of Materials-Oriented Chemical Engineering, College of NAD+ can be changed by expressing an NAD+-dependent Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Engineering, Nanjing University of Technology, No. 5 Xinmofan Road, Nanjing 210009, People’s Republic of formate dehydrogenase (EC; FDH), an NADH China © 2013 Ji et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Ji et al. Biotechnology for Biofuels 2013, 6:7 Page 2 of 9 http://www.biotechnologyforbiofuels.com/content/6/1/7 oxidase (EC; NOX), or a nicotinic acid phosphori- K. pneumoniae, especially, on the production of com- bosyl transferase (EC; NAPRTase). Increase of pounds that require NADH or NAD+ for their synthesis, intracellular NADH availability by overexpressing FDH in including acetoin, 2,3-BD, and other by-products, such as bacteria provoked a significant metabolic redistribution ethanol, lactic acid, and acetic acid, was investigated. [10,11]. Heterologous expression of NOX was conducted in Lactococcus latis,resultinginalowNADH/NAD+ ratio Results and the shift from homolactic fermentation to mixed-acid Expression of the S. pneumoniae nox-2 gene in fermentation under aerobic conditions [4]. Overexpressing K. pneumoniae and its effect on cell growth thegeneofpncB encoding NAPRTase in E. coli,was To investigate the effect of NAD+ regeneration on acet- observed to increase the total NAD+ level and decrease the oin production, the nox-2 gene from S. pneumoniae en- NADH/NAD+ ratio [12]. These studies showed that the coding the water-forming NOX was cloned and expression of the NADH or NAD+-related enzymes could overexpressed in a 2,3-BD producing strain K. pneumo- lead to a dramatically altered NADH/NAD+ ratio and a niae. As indicated in the section of ‘Materials and meth- significantly changed spectrum of metabolic products [11]. ods’, the confirmed recombinant XZF-308 was obtained. Cofactor engineering has been successfully applied for The NOX activities of the recombinant and the parent the prodcution of many bio-based chemicals, such as strain were determined. As shown in Figure 1, the high- 1,3-propanediol [9,11], pyruvic acid [13], and succinic est specific activity of NOX (1.57 U/mg protein) was acid [14]. In the present work, this novel and powerful found in the recombinant strain when cells entered expo- technology will be applied to the production of another nential growth phase. While NOX activity in the parent important bio-based chemical, acetoin. Acetoin is defined strain was extremely low during the entire fermentation as one of the high value-added platform compounds and period, revealing that NOX was positively produced in selected by the U. S. Department of Energy as one of the the recombinant strain (Additional file 2: Figure S2). potential top 30 chemical building blocks from sugars To investigate the effect of NOX overexpression on cell [15]. A number of microorganisms are able to accumu- growth, the recombinant strain and the parent strain were late acetoin, including the genera Klebsiella, Paenibacillus, cultured at the same conditions. As shown in Figure 2, the Bacillus, Serratia,etc.[16,17].However,thesestrains recombinant strain grew to a lower OD600 as compared to are widely known as good producers of 2,3-butanediol the parent strain, indicating that the cell growth of (2,3-BD) which is another important bio-based plat- K. pneumoniae was inhibited due to the heterologous form chemical [18]. Acetoin is only generated as a minor expression of NOX. At the first 8 h, the cell growth by-product. Although some Bacillus strains have been used rate of the recombinant strain (0.18 g/(L·h)) reached for acetoin production [19-21], the long fermentation only around half of that the parent strain achieved period generally needed in fermentative acetoin using (0.38 g/(L·h)). The growth rates for both strains were Bacillus strains still hinder its large-scale production. then increased (8–11 h) but the growth rate of the recom- In bacteria, acetoin and 2,3-BD are produced by the binant strain (0.63 g/(L·h)) was still lower compared to the mixed acid-2,3-BD fermentation pathway. In the pres- parent strain (0.76 g/(L·h)). At the stage of 11–14 h, ence of NAD+, 2,3-BD dehydrogenase (EC; BDH), which is a NADH-dependent dehydrogenase, can catalyze 2,3-BD to acetoin [22] (Additional file 1: Figure S1). Due to the reversible transformation be- tween acetoin and 2,3-BD coupled with the NADH/ NAD+ conversion, the synthesis of these two products have been considered involving in regulation of the NADH/NAD+ ratio in bacteria [23]. That is to say, these two products exist in the same branch of the metabolic pathway linked with NADH and NAD+ transformation. Considering that Klebsiella species are the most powerful 2,3-BD producers, they could be engineered to obtain high acetoin producing ability. In this work, an NAD+ regeneration system (nox-2 gene from Streptococcus pneumoniae, encoding NOX) was introduced into a 2,3-BD producing strain Klebsilla pneumoniae to manipulate the intracellular NAD+ level Figure 1 Time courses of NADH oxidase activity of the parent Klebsiella pneumoniae and NADH/NAD+ ratio for acetoin overproduction. The and the recombinant . CICC 10011: the parent strain; XZF-308: the recombinant strain. consequent effect on the distribution of metabolites in Ji et al. Biotechnology for Biofuels 2013, 6:7 Page 3 of 9 http://www.biotechnologyforbiofuels.com/content/6/1/7 Figure 2 Growth curves of the parent and the recombinant Klebsiella pneumoniae. CICC 10011: the parent strain; XZF-308: the recombinant strain. although the recombinant strain grew faster than the par- ent strain, its biomass accumulation was still lower than the parent strain, and this trend lasted to the end. Effect of the heterologous NOX expression on intracellular concentrations of NADH and NAD+ Heterologous expression of NOX in K. pneumoniae was expected to decrease the total intracellular NADH pool and thus strengthen the flux of NAD+-dependent path- ways. As shown in Figure 3A and B, for both the parent and recombinant strains, the intracellular contents of NADH and NAD+ were constantly changing with the fer- mentation time. During the growth stage (0–14 h), the NADH concentration in the parent strain was increasing firstly and then decreasing, which was different from the declining trend in the recombinant strain. While the NAD + levels in both strains were increasing continuously in the whole stage.
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