POLITICS, IDEAS & CIVIC LIFE IN MASSACHUSETTS Teachers are not widgets, so why do we treat them that way? Term paper trafficking Missed opportunity on ethics Jeffrey Mullan: The last man standing Visit www.CWunbound.org FALL 2009 $5.00 Maria Fenwick, fourth-grade teacher in Boston T:7.5” WHAT IS THE SIGN OF A GOOD DECISION? It’s tossing a cap for you. And a tip of the cap from us. Aaron Baral Christopher Marini Lilian Barrera Anthony Medina Samantha Bechta Anthony Minicucci Fayyaz Bhinde David Nataloni Joseph Blais Brenden O’Brien Chelsea Blanchard Jenna O’Neil Laurence Cantwell Ma hew Parenteau Cheyanne Clark Caroline Posnik Joshua Crapser John Paterwic Emily Curtin Nicole Rapa Nicole Flahive Shanice Ricke s Stephanie Flynn Melysha Rivera Andrew Fontaine Rajin Roophnath Sarah Fregeau Jessica Se erstrom Ma hew Graham Jusob Shin Kelli Gralia Alec Slepchuk Alexandra Labonte Venice Sterling Justin Lacy Mark Stevens Egi Lagji Patrick ompson Joshua Leadbeater Kelly Van Buren T:10.5” At MassMutual, we’re commi ed to the continued growth and success of our communities. Part of that commitment is our MassMutual Scholars Career Pathways Program. is supportive program awards 40 scholarships of $5,000 per year to high school students pursuing a career in nancial services, business or information technology. We’d like to congratulate the 2009 recipients listed above; they are 40 more reasons why MassMutual is a good decision. For more information, visit www.CommunityFoundation.org/MassMutual ΜασσΜυτυαλ Φινανχιαλ Γρουπ ρεφερσ το Μασσαχηυσεττσ Μυτυαλ Λιφε Ινσυρανχε Χοµπανψ (ΜασσΜυτυαλ) ανδ ιτσ αφ⇒ λιατεδ χοµπανιεσ ανδ σαλεσ ρεπρεσεντατιϖεσ. ΧΡΝ201008−124601 Date: Oper: Job #: Round: 9.9.09 Andy MU12208 1 Notes: Type info here ϑοβ⊇# ΜΑΣ109−04717 1348 ςεrsιον⊇# 1 ∆οχuµενt⊇Ναµε ΜΑΣ1−09−04717−1348.ινδδ Λαst⊇Μοδι⇒⊇εδ 9−9−2009⊇3:46⊇ΠΜ Λινκεδ⊇Γrαπηιχs Χολοrs⊇Ιν−Υsε ⊇Υsεr⊇⊇ Πrινtεr⊇ Οutπut⊇∆αtε⊇ ⊇ϑοβ⊇∆εsχrιπtιον⊇⊇⊇ ⊇Χονγrαts⊇αδ Αrt⊇∆ιrεχtοr χηεwαrδ 42−20459426−2Γrαδ_Αλt.tιφ⊇⊇ ΧΜΨΚ⊇ ⊇432⊇ππι ⊇Χyαν µα−rvανrιπεr⊇⊇⊇ 9−9−2009⊇3:46⊇ΠΜ Βλεεδ ⊇7.75”⊇x⊇10.75” Μεχηανιχαλ⊇Σχαλε⊇⊇⊇⊇ 100 Χοπy⊇Ωrιtεr Νονε ΜΜ_ΝοΡuλε100Χ43Ψ_Κ_Ρ_Ταγ_2009.επs ⊇Μαγενtα ⊇Ψελλοw Μεχη: tλοοµεr ΡΤς: rvr Τrιµ 7.5”⊇x⊇10.5” Πrινt⊇Σχαλε 100% Πrοϕ⊇Μγr µεγηαν ⊇Βλαχκ Λιvε 6.25”⊇x⊇9.25” ⊇Σtοχκ⊇⊇ ⊇Νονε⊇ Αχχt⊇Σvχ Νονε ΡΛΑΣ∆⊇ ΤΟ⊇ Φινιsηεδ/Φολδεδ Νονε Πrοδ⊇Μγr κrιstινε ςΝ∆ΟΡ Χ∆/ΑΧ∆ ΧΟΠΨΩΡΙΤΡ Α∆ ΧΟΝΤΝΤ Φινιsηινγ Νονε Νονε Αrt⊇Βuyεr⊇ ςενδοr:⊇Ωιλλιαµs 4/χ Χολοrs⊇Σπεχ∏δ ΠΜ Χοπy⊇διt Νονε ⊇ 3:46 Ρελεαsε⊇∆αtε:⊇9/9/09 ⊇ ΑΧΧΤ⊇ΣΡςΙΧ ΠΡΟ∆ ΧΟΠΨ⊇∆ΙΤ Σπεχιαλ⊇Ινstruχtιον Νονε Μαχ tλοοµεr 9−9−2009 ΒΨ⊇ΣΙΓΝΙΝΓ⊇ΨΟΥΡ⊇ΙΝΙΤΙΑΛΣ⊇ΑΒΟς,⊇ΨΟΥ⊇ΑΡ⊇ΣΤΑΤΙΝΓ⊇ Πuβλιχαtιονs Νονε ΤΗΑΤ⊇ΨΟΥ⊇ΗΑς⊇ΡΑ∆⊇ΑΝ∆⊇ΑΠΠΡΟς∆⊇ΤΗΙΣ⊇ΩΟΡΚ. 1-6 frontofbook: 22-23 stats 10/19/09 5:48 PM Page 1 Imagine winning the Lottery every day. Your town actually does. Since 2003, the Mass Lottery has returned over $6.4 billion in local aid to the 351 cities and towns of Massachusetts. Visit masslottery.com to see how much your city or town has received. FALL 2009 CommonWealth 1 1-6 frontofbook: 22-23 stats 10/19/09 5:48 PM Page 2 CommonWealth editor Bruce Mohl [email protected] | 617.742.6800 ext. 105 executive editor Michael Jonas [email protected] | 617.742.6800 ext. 124 managing editor Robert David Sullivan [email protected] | 617.742.6800 ext. 121 senior associate editor Gabrielle Gurley [email protected] | 617.742.6800 ext. 142 associate editor Alison Lobron [email protected] | 617.742.6800 Realtalk is a lively series about senior investigative reporter Jack Sullivan what young professionals and [email protected] | 617.742.6800 ext. 123 art director Heather Hartshorn working adults can do to make a contributing writers Dave Denison, Dan Kennedy, Neil Miller, Laura Pappano, Robert Preer, Phil Primack, B.J. Roche living, raise a family, and build washington correspondent Shawn Zeller stronger communities for us all. proofreader Jessica Murphy Join in the discussion and become editorial advisors Mickey Edwards, Ed Fouhy, Alex S. Jones, Mary Jo Meisner, Daniel Okrent, Ellen Ruppel Shell, Alan Wolfe one of the more than 1,000 publisher Gregory Torres [email protected] | 617.742.6800 ext. 103 participants involved in RealTalk. sponsorship and advertising Samantha Vidal [email protected] | 617.742.6800 ext. 147 For information about upcoming circulation Krisela Millios RealTalk programs—including our [email protected] | 617.742.6800 ext. 145 networking events—log on to > Full contents, as well as online exclusives, are available at www.massinc.org www.massinc.org. CommonWealth (ISSN pending) is published quarterly by the Massachusetts Institute for a New Commonwealth (MassINC), 18 Tremont St., Suite 1120, Boston, MA 02108. Telephone: 617-742-6800 ext. 109, fax: 617-589-0929. Volume 14, Number 4, Fall 2009. Third Class postage paid at Holliston, MA. To subscribe to CommonWealth, become a Friend of MassINC for $50 per year and receive discounts on MassINC research reports and invitations to MassINC forums and events. Postmaster: Send address changes to Circulation Director, MassINC, 18 Tremont St., Suite 1120, Boston, MA 02108. Letters to the editor accepted by email at [email protected]. The views expressed in this publication are those of the authors and not necessarily those of MassINC’s directors, advisors, or staff. CommonWealth is a registered federal trademark. Education reporting in CommonWealth is sponsored in part by the Nellie Mae Education Foundation. RealTalk is supported in part by generous MassINC is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charitable organization. The mission of contributions from the State Street MassINC is to develop a public agenda for Massachusetts that promotes the growth and vitality of the middle class. MassINC is a nonpartisan, Corporation and Zipcar. evidence-based organization. MassINC’s work is published for educational purposes and should not be construed as an attempt to influence any election or legislative action. 2 CommonWealth FALL 2009 1-6 frontofbook: 22-23 stats 10/19/09 5:48 PM Page 3 For information on The joining The Citizens’ Circle, contact MassINC CITIZENS’CIRCLE at (617) 742-6800 ext. 101 MassINC’s Citizens’ Circle brings together people who care about the future of Massachusetts. The generosity of our Citizens’ Circle members has a powerful impact on every aspect of our work. We are pleased to extend significant benefits, including invitations to our private Newsmaker series, to those who join with a minimum annual contribution of $1,000. Anonymous (8) Philip J. Edmundson Dennis M. Kelleher Daniel A. Phillips David Abromowitz James & Amy Elrod William E. Kelly Jenny Phillips William Achtmeyer Susan & William Elsbree Tom Kershaw Diana C. Pisciotta Nicholas Alexos Wendy Everett Julie & Mitchell Kertzman Michael E. Porter Tom & Marsha Alperin Scott D. Farmelant Klarman Family Foundation R. Robert Popeo Joseph D. Alviani & Juliette Fay & Bill O’Brien Richard L. Kobus John & Joyce Quelch Elizabeth Bell Stengel Fish Family Foundation Stephen W. Kidder & Judith Malone Mitchell T. & Adrienne N. Rabkin Carol & Howard Anderson David Feinberg Deanna Larkin John R. Regier Ronald M. Ansin Grace Fey Anne & Robert Larner Richard Rendon Marjorie Arons-Barron & Newell Flather Gloria & Allen Larson Thomas & Susan Riley James Barron Christopher Fox & Ellen Remmer Susan Winston Leff Mark & Sarah Robinson Jay Ash Robert B. Fraser Paul & Barbara Levy Fran & Charles Rodgers Richard J. & Mary A. Barry Nicholas Fyntrilakis Chuck & Susie Longfield Barbara & Stephen Roop David Begelfer Chris & Hilary Gabrieli Carolyn & Peter Lynch Michael & Ellen Sandler The Bilezikian Family Darius W. Gaskins, Jr. Kevin Maguire John Sasso Joan & John Bok John Gillespie & Susan Orlean John & Marjorie Malpiede Paul & Alexis Scanlon Kathleen & John Born Paula Gold Jack Manning Helen Chin Schlichte Frank & Mardi Bowles Lena & Ronald Goldberg Anne & Paul Marcus Karen Schwartzman & Bob Melia Ian & Hannah Bowles Carol R. & Avram J. Goldberg William P. McDermott Ellen Semenoff & Daniel Meltzer John A. Brennan Jr. Philip & Sandra Gordon The Honorable Patricia McGovern Richard P. Sergel Rick & Nonnie Burnes Jim & Meg Gordon Katherine S. McHugh Robert K. Sheridan Jeffrey & Lynda Bussgang Tom Green Ed & Sue Merritt Richard J. Snyder Andrew J. Calamare Mr. & Mrs. C. Jeffrey Grogan Dan M. Martin Alan D. Solomont & Heather & Chuck Campion Paul S. Grogan Paul & Judy Mattera Susan Lewis Solomont Marsh & Missy Carter Kathleen Gross David McGrath Helen B. Spaulding Neil & Martha Chayet Barbara & Steve Grossman Peter & Rosanne Bacon Meade Patricia & David F. Squire Gerald & Kate Chertavian Paul Guzzi Mills & Company Harriett Stanley Meredith & Eugene Clapp Henry L. Hall, Jr. Nicholas & Nayla Mitropoulos John Stefanini Margaret J. Clowes Scott Harshbarger & James T. Morris Mark S. Sternman John F. Cogan Jr. Judith Stephenson Gerry Morrissey Tim Sullivan Dorothy & Edward Colbert Harold Hestnes Edward Murphy & Ann-Ellen Hornidge The Honorable Jane Swift Ferdinand Colloredo-Mansfeld Arnold Hiatt John E. Murphy, Jr. Ben & Kate Taylor Franz Colloredo-Mansfeld Joanne Hilferty Pamela A. Murray Jean Tempel Philip & Margaret Condon Michael Hogan & Margaret Dwyer Paul Nace & Sally Jackson David Tibbetts William J. Cotter Liz & Denis Holler Bruce & Pam Nardella M. Joshua Tolkoff William F. Coyne Jr. Ronald Homer Scott A. Nathan Gregory Torres & Elizabeth Pattullo John Craigin & Marilyn Fife Peter & Holly LeCraw Howe Richard Neumeier Thomas Trimarco Michael F. & Marian Cronin Maria & Raymond Howell Fred Newman A. Raymond Tye Stephen P.Crosby & Helen R. Strieder Laura Johnson Elizabeth Nichols Tom & Tory Vallely Bob Crowe Philip Johnston Paul C. O’Brien E. Denis Walsh Sandrine & John Cullinane Jr. Jeffrey Jones Joseph O’Donnell Michael D. Webb Sally Currier & Saul Pannell Robin & Tripp Jones Edward L. Pattullo & Elizabeth David C. Weinstein Thomas G. Davis Sara & Hugh Jones Pattullo Robert F. White William A. Delaney Ronnie & Steve Kanarek Andrew Paul Michael J. Whouley Richard B. DeWolfe Martin S. Kaplan Randy Peeler Leonard A. Wilson Gerard F.
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