'■fir'- - >S«v PAOI TWENT7.P0U1 fKiDAir, JUNB le, IMl Average Daily Net Press Ron i9anrItP0tfr CttMing if^ralb For Uie Week Ended Vh«'Weather. ‘ ' About Town V ■ Jane 8, 1881 Foroeost of C. B. Waotfett Bimai HAS JUST WONDERFUL A N D THE 13,330 Fair aad ask aa osM tN liM llw TWCA-^xmaored Newcom> Member of the Andit Low tai BBS. Blesttr fOBo]'aai (BM « n Oab wUI hold Us last maet- BoreM of drcnlstlen ^ thrasd ralU 8«akMy. Hlg^ la m a. lag of tho season at Oavey'a Res­ EXntA SAVINGS Manehe$ter-“^A City of Village Charm taurant Tuesday at 6:S0 p.m. for HOUSE II a aodal hour and dinner. OF VALUAM.E iKHi Beautifully VOL. LXXX, NO. 219 (TWELVE PAGES—TV SECTION) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JUNE 17, 1961 (OaMUed Aflvertlslag ea Page 8) The IUt. Stephen David Mat­ Hi! Ik PRICE nV B CBNTC thews, son of Mr. and hfrs. |How- ard B. Matthews of Middletown, Gift Wrapped was ordained to the dlaconate this Gifts DAD week by the Rt. Rev. Waiter H. a H ALE FREE FATHER’S DAY SUNDAY, JUNE 18 Injunction Loom s Gray, BIpiscopal Bishop of Oon- 3 Princes T J d ^ neetlcut, in Christ Church Ca­ MAIN STREET—MANCHESTER thedral, Hartford. Mrs. Jlatthews la the former Dagmar Ander.son Agree on of Manchester. The Rev. Mr. 30 Ports Tied. iJei^e vjHS0 Matthews will become curate at Trinity Church, Torrinrton, In July. Laos Unity 2 Teen - agers Tha VFW Auxlllarv will spon Zurick, Switzerland, June tor a public card party tonight at Killed as Car 8 o'clock at the \TW Post Home. 17 {IP)— Gen. Phoumi Nosa- By Ship Strike VConn Grad yan, pro-western Laotian mil­ Smashes Tree Miss Jean A. LeClaire received Turned over to Dag The monthly meeting of the ad­ her bachelor of science degree In itary strongman, said today visory board of the Manchester the School of Physical TOerapy the kingdom’s three warring New York, June 17 (/P)—* picket line set up by the National Seymour, June 17 (/P)— Assembly of Rainbow for Girls has from the University of Connecticut princes have agreed to seek Maritime Union. Four persons Two teen-agers were fille d been changed. They will meet Mon­ The creeping paral.vsis of a wiere airested. on Sunday. June 11. She is the information of a “government major maritime strike spread and three other persons in­ day evening. June 26, rather than daughter of Atty. and Mrs. Arthur Federal officials intensified ef­ jured when their car shot June 19. J. LeClaire Jr., 46 Ansaldl Rd. of national union.” to seaports around the nation forts to get the seven unions rep­ * 1 T She was a member of Pi Beta Bhouml iisued the etatement today ap federal mediators resenting 85;000 seamen and the across Pearl Street shortly Facts Vary Mrs. Winston Estabrook of South Phi Sorority, and the Dolphinettes. atfer a meeting between Premier bulk of the nation's shipping oper­ before midnight lajst night Prince Bonn Oum, and big pro- pleaded ^for a full resumption ators back to the bargaining table. Coventry will be gue.st soloist She is presently employed as a of peace talks. There were re­ and smashed into a tree. Sunday at the United Baptist physical therapist at Rocky Hill Communlat rival. Prince Souphan- They worked amid reports that Police said the speedometer of Sharply in Church In Somerworth, N.H. Mrs. Veterans Home and Hospital. o.ivong, head of the Pathet Lao ports that a federal injunc­ the American Merchant Marine the car was Jammed at 80 miles Estabrook, a member of the She was , graduated from Man­ guerrillag. tion might be sought by one Institute might ask President Ken­ an hour, an Indication that the Church of the Nazarene In Man­ chester High School In 1957, whe^re "We are all In perfect agree­ ment," Phoumi told newsmen. "We shipping group. nedy to bring the Taft-Hartley Act vehicle may hav’e been traveling at chester. will sing sacred music she was a member of the National TTiirty port cities and almost to bear with an 80-day injunction a high rate of speed. which she has composed. She Is Honor Society and active In sports. are now going to aeek formation so that shipping would be resumed Officials in this southern Con­ All Details of a government of national union." 1,000 freighters, tankers and pas­ the daughter of the Rev. and Mrs. senger liners are Involved in the while negotiations continue. necticut community described the Reuben Doody of Houlton. Maine. Sunset Rebekah Lodge will meet The two princes met following^ mi.shap as the worst within recol­ By MH.TON BES8ER a prellminarJ' huddle yesterday be­ strike, which began last Thursday SecretarJ of Labor Arthur J. Monday at 7:30 p.m. In lOOF Hall midnight. t„ Goldberg, here since TTiursday un­ lection. United Nations, N. Y., June for observation of "obligation tween Boim Oum and Prince Sou- MaJor snarls to a settlement are der direct orders of the President, Killed were Edward Zmuda, 19, of night." There will be a potiuck at vanna Phouma, self-styled neutral 17 (JP)—U.S. 8py charges HOSPITAL COMFORT a shippers' claim that the striking withdrew last night from active 16 Spring St. and Jane Driscoll,, against a handsome Czech 6:15 before the meeting. Mrs, who claims to be rightful pre­ unions threatened to price the in­ participation m mediating the na­ 16. of 4 Colony St.. Aniionia. Edith Smith and Mrs. Robert mier of Laos. dustry out of existence, and union tion-wide strike after urging the In serious condition at Griffin diplomat and his counter­ HOME! Armstrong will be co-chairmen. Immediate aim of the three rival Hospital in nearby Derby were claim that American intelli­ princes will be to decide on a single demands for the right to organize parties to resume negotiations. 7 Members are reminded to bring "foreign-flag" shipping. Goldberg made his reQuest short­ Anthony Dudek. 20, of 8 I-akeview gence tried to hire him land­ delegation to represent I.a o s at the donations for the foodless food With White House inter\ention ly after Paul Hall, president of the Ave.. identified by police as the ed on U.N. Secretary-general -sale to the meeting. There will be Geneva conference, which has bog- to head off the walkout a failure, Seafarers International Union, pre­ driver: Ruth Aksenti.s. 14. of of 26 a degree rehearsal after the fed dowm in efforts to make the pickets in New York. New Jersey, dicted that there will be an impor­ Hotchki.ss Ter.. Ansonia, and Mary Dag Hammarskjold’s desk to­ meeting. outhea.st Asian kingdom peace­ Louisiana. Texas and Massachu­ tant "break" soon toward settling Garrity, 17, of 28 Ridge Rd. An­ day. fully neutral. setts and other, shipping areas the walkout. sonia. Central figure in the drama Is The Polish language classes con­ Phoumi said earlier the Items the marched at piers to halt work. One negotiating session — be­ The accident occurred on a ii.s- Miroslav Nacvalac, 39, No..8 man ducted at St. John's Polish Na­ three princes will take up will be "Violence flared. Tliree men were tween the American Merchant Ma­ ually lightly traveled street! At In the Czech U.N. mission. He de­ tional Catholic Church will end to­ application of the cease-fire in Injured In a f*ght yesterday when rine Institute and the National pre.sent. however it is being used clared he 'Will ignore U.S. demands morrow with an examination, dis­ Laos where scattered Jungle fight­ Texaco refinerJ' workers near as a detour for Route 8 trsflic. that he leave the country until tribution of report cards, and grad­ ing continues, the coutnry's neu­ Camden, N. J., tried to cross he gets Instructions from hla gov­ trality and "national reconcilia­ (Continued on Page Twelve) uation exercises, starting at 10 ‘d o o d LiicJi, Jean* ernment. Pro^i’VMOna) H o ‘-pital m. tion.” A U. N. spokesman said Ham- Boun Oum and Souphanouvong Hartford. June 17 i/Ti — Police marskjold Is studying a U.fl. re­ Bt'ris and Equipment Brownie Troop 606 will have a met in Zurich's plush Dolder Hotel Recall 1953 Revolt todav are hoping that J.5 and SIO Quest that Nacvalac be expelled picnic at Center Springs Park where the premier and Souvanna, bill., marked with the words "Good for Home Use M en's Leather on grounds he has been collecting Lodge tomorrow from 10 a.m. to "Happy American" the Pathet Lao leader's half-broth­ Luck, Jean" will help them .solve information from an American 2 p.m. Men's 100^ Pure Cool^ Comfortable er, conferred yesterday. one of the city's biggest house- government worker (or almost a Greater ceeifert for Hie A black limousine flying the break.s in recent years. year. patient, easier core for Standard of the kingdom of Laos West Germans Note The bills were among more than Also before the Secretary-gen­ you, at low, budget drove up to the entrance of the $8,000 in cash, jewelry and furs eral was a protest from the c£ech rates. Call or visit us. L T. WOOD CO. Dolder and Boun Oum stepped out .stolen yesterday in a daring day­ U.N. mission claiming U.S. agents WALLETS KNIT SHIRT bowing and folding his hands in a light break into the apartment of had dangled promises of unlimited traditional Oriental salute.
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