1'1A Y 26, ~942 - • : so- - i . Outnumber Double DutY Thundershowe rs ( The Dimes You CODtrlbu1e WH&q IOWA: 0 deelded Will IA lnn­ ~ to 1 iii Air H Ip Win thi! Wal' Now, Help TH·E DAILY IOWA'N )leratu ; attered U1liWkr Iowa Studenta Lll ter! lib \fer thll s1tl'rnOOD rican .Soil i,: ~ Iowa C i tyl, Morning New s pa per FIVE CENTS Tnl A SSOCIATBD .&BS8 IOWA CITY. IOWA WEDNESDAY. MAY 27. 1942 'I'BI A ..OC.ATID PUIS VOLUME XLD NUMBER 210 Boys Lose 3:~ ... to Every One British Aces t ' e K (AP)-The air pat. is now three Geiniln :0 every British Jl)lht the axis power' ItI1I ,o ity in the number. at es by 50 per ernt, five, OVI ts )dlan and Auslralian here yesterday. I I the enemy planea art , manned , by n~i pI_ ! still going st~J1I,~ a~~~ ~~~~eR~~ leet' Timoshenko's 'Forces Dig Info omc in supcrior"f1uD1_ not lacking in abilR,: ,ge to beat them Off.h, Hitl"ar Pressin Newly-Won KJlarkoy Positions ,as high in Pi'ai5e of Vright P-40 AmetlClll 5 been using. , ~ CLAIM THESE ARE AMERICANS CAPTURED ON BATAAN MO. COW, Wednesday (AP) - Marshal Timo benko' foreeR the P-40's and , their · Armed Forces to Get dug into their newly.won I)ositiolls on the Kharkov front today 5t," he s'ald. "'i'hQ'!'t Allied Mediterranean Position alter a dl'ep udvanc( [rom preYiollsly consolidated points while I aU to band/I!) I!nd in Ole south the red army i holding off increasiog-Iy violent lble to out-IlU\!\t\lver First Crack at Fish G rmlln It sault! upon their flank, the nil, illns announced offic­ ,llany could send In.", ,lians did not dlJCO\lnt Threatened by Nazi Demands Cannery Products ially 1It midniA'ht. d flying abillty ·of Iht Th midnight communiqnc said the Rn inns were rapidly lorti­ 1 Messerschnildt 1l1li fying their reclaimed positions, which front line dispatches Haid ) C said, c an ';at~1J) a LONDON (AP)-'l'l'lIstwol'thy r~ p O\' t s from the (lontincnt fhot WPB Orders Canners wel'e gaint>t1 in II (ll'il'lI w('sflVllrd toward Kbllt'kov on thl' right miles all pour ,with a •~dolr Hil le[' i~ using ltllly's t.e l'l'itol'ial demands on Fl'one<' to Not to Market Until and center . compression inecblll­ wring from Piel'l'l' TJIII'ul the li se of the l<' 1'l'lleh fleet appear'ed lost In their desperate effort Lo crumbl!' fhp Russilln south , rn flank fling ~ uddcn , , &~ night to illdicn/(' a nt'w thl'cat to the allies' Ill'I'Cnl'iollS m8~te l 'Y of Navy, Army Supplied in the Tzyum·Banre nkovo sector, oyiet dispatches ijllid, the 01' 1'­ ~ e d , ". " the Medifel'l'Dlwun. mans hurled swarms of parllchllti ts into the battle of men and ; fl ying ma\es, <:ald­ Sonl'res with IIndeJ'gl'olllld conneetions in 'EuI'opr snid I;nvill WASHINGTON (AP) - The tanks only to 1111\'(' fhem picked off b~' )'rd IIrmy shorpshoolPrR ncd the ri icknalllc 01 had gi\'en rrl'mis~ilJll rOt· the training or l'<'l'lllOn snilol's ut I"l'en('h Wor Production Board yesterday before th y hit thl' t,:round. d is credited 'lyllh gave the army nnd navy first crack In tllt· period of ]\fuy )7-22 llemy ail·cralL. -; naval YOI'ds, a eOIl('es~ion wh ich it was ns.qlllllC'll would pPl'mil thl' ('ommltniqnr listl'd 332 Oer. I, 19 British pla~ at. them 10 fumililll'izA fhemselv{'s lVith 1Iw ope riltion or Ihe big hllll]('· at n1l salmon, snrdlnes, mackerel Jcrman bombers and ship~ Dllllkcrqnl' lind. Ll'osbourg li nd Othl' l' eompQncnL~ 01' the and Atlantic hel'ring to be canned mlln plon('s destroyed Ilgainst, dw ell said, He added ilret ot '1'on10n. in the United Stotes this year, Arnold Confers 127 lo:;.~('s to fhe • oviC't Ilir forcc. A slackening In the Jlerce aerial ial record crcdiiect Ihe Othel' ndviccs from the cont,incnt . aid PI'emie\' Mlissolini hod Canners were ordered to set aside their entire pack until the warfare was indicated by the I shooting down ' Z~ served 11pon l;aval a detai lcd note on ]toly's tC1'1'itol'iul (Jcllllmc\s, armed forces can determine how statement that on Monday only :-s, while, the a t ililh )l8)·jicnlvl'ly COI'SicD and Nice. Lava l was . aid to huve iudicllt d planes, and s!"vcd twd much of it they wilt need. Tt ony With British 11 nazi cralt and eight Russian willingness to clisel1s~ Tllllisill+ Js lett over. It may then be sold to cra:!t were downed. lllad.tot\Le~dct . ~ ' which bordeN! Italy's' Libya, and the civilian publiC. Reds Boldlnr Initiative Believe U_S., English Before K ha r k 0 v, dispatches ,f the R.'A,F;; , 01, which wou ld be a vnhwble base Curtail Induslrlal Equipment I toW for axis operations in Africa and irom the Iront indicated the Soviet gIlt bombilTp ' ~ai~ Counters At the same lime, WPB forbade Strategists Planning the Mediterranean. u.s. was In firm grasp of the initiative. future sales or delivery of 14 types I in ~i,byal Creot1. 8M' Situatioll Grave of general industrial C<luipment­ All-Out Attack on Axis although the nazis were digging in FIi¥llt LIeut, 't,.},.: Si and ofterlng the heaviest resist­ g OUjcet· ' Ian Spenc; • Highlighting the seriousness of such liS elevators, ulectrlc motors LONDON (AP)-The presence of more than one horse power, in­ ance and were said to be bringing OWCCl' ,Lloy d,W,ahfn r these developments for the allies, U-Boat Attack last nliht ot top ranking strateg­ out a new and Improved Messer­ Admi ral Sir Andrew Browne Cun­ dustrial fans, compres~ors and 1 of months ot' iiYing Ista oi the United States hiSh com­ schmitt fighter plane-the ME1l5 " ,.' • ~J nIngham, who arrived in London Tokyo says that the men above are AmerlClln and "tIIplno soldiers captured on the Bataan penil'lSula and pumps. An exception was mnde mand nt headquarters of this island are en route to a prison camp. It was noi revealed where tbe picture was taken, The photo appeared In tor repair parts worth les than -to meet the growing red air d lo gel R liWc 'i'eIrt,'l alter relinquishing his command 2nd Axis Sub Sunk tortress fostered the belie! that strengtb. of the British Mediterranean fleet, a German magazine after it had been radioed from Tokyo to Berlin. $1.000, -t's pretty, Ivhdi.~ln l: Off Brazilian Coast; America and Britain were determ­ To the $outb, the most violent glad wheii'i t'!rtlme to' admitted it would be "very nasty" --- - - - I tn two partic\,\lars, however, the ined to strike hard at HiUer by fighting was along the banks of a 3 wanl to,: fi!}i,\i:, the: if tbe French fleet were turned Latavian Ship Bombed f~ day's orders relalled restri¢tions land, sea and air to prevent him river (probably the Oonets) over • • ...' Ii, ~ over to the axis. · S N S "b . k previously imposed. from concentrating his power on ~ .,. ~.-..#"t ' whfch the Germans were declared [' men ,will.be- taken on He described the French naval BY THE ASS OCIATED PRESS the eUort to knock Russia ou t. seelclng in vain to force their way forces interned at Ale)(llndria as NI ppOn es e u er ewet a c ca~~e~ll rl~:u ,reso:O I.~~n~all':!~ The task of the American mili­ ~crica n aitpi'al\e -taco "entirely pro-Vichy." The give-and-take struggle be- with mechanIzed charges led by os !,. ;. ~"" , :. ,~. .} tary miSSion, headed by Lieut. many as 50 tanks a time. This ou ilfne or the situation, tween the axis and ollied na­ Gen. Jienry H. Arnold, head of the . it '... ~, , In this IIrea, saId the Soviet torethcr with p, dispatch from tions at sea flared ferociously On Baftlefront of Eastern China ;:~~:~~~:~:::'~~s¥!~re:: ~~~~ army air service, was to work oommand In it mId -day com­ I • I' . sale to the J)ubUc. Stocks or such Director '. h lanbul reporting the movement again yesterday, WIth the UnJled with lhe British to put into opera­ mun Ique ... ~erle8 of heavy nazi " , cin, Midw.e..st' of sfx axis divisions recently l or states countering the torpedoing ------"'------"";--- weapons had been frozen $Ince tion the speediest means of gnther­ thrusts had been repulsed with I/Je possible reinfo rcement 01 Feb. 27. ini sufficient land forces to smnsh of a destroyer by ginkini two 1'1'I'at losses to the enemy: ~urlington Office Crete stlggested to observers And the board made ,it possi ble Germany "at the earliest possible Of the main Kharkov front, this Lbat a conlbined laud, sea. and , submarine.s oiS the Braz!Uan COBS Senate Group Okays tal' .farmers lind householders to Moment," inlornied quort rs said. Aftacked not far from the Mill, ,Factory He~ds ". People Told bulletin was restrained and 10 (AP)- The' Urat l'ent air bl ow at the BritiSh In the buy wire fenCing, poultry nettins, Renr AdmIral John H, Towers. the second consecutive day claimed function in ',tj1q', "Blld; eastern corner of the Mediter­ F'rench lsl;md of Marlinique, the tel)c() posls, glltes, staples and chief of the navy's air :torce; A mer i can destroyer Blakeley Higher War Allo~a nce no general forward progress, of tne Otfice o( ~ee ranean might be brewing.
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