
Marion C. Hoppin Library of Jungian Psychology: Book List by Author Author Title Abbott, Elisabeth Fifteen Joys of Marriage, The Abell, Walter Collective Dream in Art, The Abella, Alex Killing of the Saints, The Abrahamsen, David Mind of the Accused Abrams, M. H., General Ed. Norton Anthology of English Literature: Vol. 1 Abrams, M. H., General Ed. Norton Anthology of English Literature: Vol. 2 Ackroyd, Peter T. S. Eliot: A Life Adams, Henry Mont-Saint-Michel and Chartres Adams, James Luther Paul Tillich's Philosophy of Culture, Science, and Religion Adler, Gerhard Living Symbol, The Adler, Gerhard Remembering and Forgetting Adler, Gerhard et al. Dynamic Aspects of the Psyche: Selections from Past Springs Adler, Gerhard, Ed. Current Trends in Analytical Psychology Adler, Gerhard, Ed. Success and Failure in Analysis Aeschylus Agamemnon Aeschylus Choephoroe, The Aeschylus Eumenides, The Aeschylus Persians, The Aeschylus Seven Against Thebes Aiken, Henry D. Age of Ideology Alain; Richard Peaver, Trans. Gods, The Albert, David Z. Quantum Mechanics and Experience Albright, William Foxwell From the Stone Age to Christianity Alexander, J. J. G. Decorated Letter, The Alexander, J. J. G. Italian Renaissance Illuminations Aller, Catherine Challenge of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, The Allport, Gordon W. Individual and His Religion Allport, Gordon W. Person in Psychology, The Alpert, Richard Be Here Now, Be Now Here Alvarez, A. Savage God, The American Heritage Publishing Sense of History, A American Medical Association Essential Guide to Depression American Psychiatric Association Diagnostic and Statistical Manual: Vol. 3 Anderson, William Green Man Andrews, Valerie et al, Ed. Facing Apocalypse Angyal, Andras Neurosis and Treatment: A Holistic Theory Anonymous Apocrypha, The Anonymous Illustrated Gospels Anonymous Missing Books of the Bible: Vol. 1 Anonymous Missing Books of the Bible: Vol. 2 Marion C. Hoppin Library of Jungian Psychology: Book List by Author Author Title Anonymous New English Bible, New Testament Anonymous Torah, The: Five Books of Moses Anshen, Ruth Nanda Reality of the Devil, The: Evil in Man Anshen, Ruth Nanda, Ed. Alfred North Whitehead: His Reflections on Man and Nature Anthony, Dick et al., Ed. Spiritual Choices Appleton, George Oxford Book of Prayer, The Aquinas, Thomas Summa Theologiae Arberry, A. J. Aspects of Islamic Civilization Arberry, A. J. Koran Interpreted, The Arendt, Hannah & Karl Jaspers Hannah Arendt - Karl Jaspers Correspondence 1926-1969 Aries, Philippe & Georges Duby History of Private Life, A Aristophanes Complete Plays Aristophanes Lysistrata: Illustrated by Picasso Aristophenes Frogs, The Armbruster, Carl J. Vision of Paul Tillich, The Armstrong, Carol A. Legible on Snow Armstrong, Karen History of God Arndt, Johann Johann Arndt: True Christianity Arnheim, Rudolph Entropy and Art Artabras Book Complete Work of Michelangelo Ashbrook, William Operas of Puccini Ashe, Geoffrey Discovery of King Arthur, The Asimov, Isaac Measure of the Universe, The Asimov, Isaac Understanding Physics Ata' Illah, Ibn & Kwaja Abdullah Ansari Book of Wisdom and Intimate Conversations Athanasius Athanasius Atkins, P. W. Second Law, The Attenborough, David Living Planet Attenborough, David Trials of Life, The Auden, W. H., Ed. Portable Greek Reader, The Auger, Lucien Help Yourself Avens, Roberts Imagination is Reality Avril, Francois Manuscript Painting at the Court of France Aziz, Robert C.G. Jung's Psychology of Religion and Synchronicity Marion C. Hoppin Library of Jungian Psychology: Book List by Author Author Title Baba, Pagal Temple of the Phallic King Bachelard, Gaston Poetics of Space Bachelard, Gaston Psychoanalysis of Fire, The Bachelard, Gaston Water and Dreams Bainbridge, Henry Charles Faberge, Peter Carl Bair, Deidre Jung, A Biography Bakan, David Disease, Pain, Sacrifice Bakan, David Duality of Human Existence, The Baker, Ian F., Ed. Methods of Treatment in Analytical Psychology Ballou, Robert O., Ed. Bible of the World, The Band, Arnold Tales of Nahman of Bratslav Bankson, Marjory Zoet Seasons of Friendship Barber, Benjamin Aristocracy for Everyone, An Barber, Richard Reign of Chivalry Barbour, Ian Myths, Models, & Paradigms Barfield, Owen Orpheus: A Poetic Drama West Baring-Gould, Sabine Curious Myths of the Middle Ages Barker, Culver M. Healing in Depth Barker, Philip Using Metaphors in Psychotherapy Barnaby, Karin & Pellegrino D'Acierno, Ed. C. G. Jung and the Humanities Barrett, Anthony A. Caligula, Corruption of Power Barrett, William Illusion of Technique, The Barrett, William Irrational Man Barrow, John D. World Within the World, The Barry, Sir Gerald, Ed. Doubleday Pictorial Library of the Arts Bartholomew 'I Come as a Brother' Barz, Helmut For Men, Too Bateson, Gregory Mind and Nature Baynes, H. G. Analytical Psychology and the English Mind Baynes, H. G. Mythology of the Soul Bazin, Germain Loom of Art, The Beaty, Jerome & Matchett, William Poetry: From Statement to Meaning Beebe, John Integrity in Depth Beebe, John, Ed. Money, Food, Drink, and Fashion and Analytic Training Beebe, John, Ed. Terror, Violence, and the Impulse to Destroy Bennet, E. A. C.G. Jung Bennet, E. A. Meetings with Jung Bennet, E. A. What Jung Really Said Bennett, William Educated Child Benz, Ernst & Adolf Portmann Color Symbolism Marion C. Hoppin Library of Jungian Psychology: Book List by Author Author Title Berg, Stephen & Robert Mezey Naked Poetry Bergman, Ingmar Magic Lantern Berlin, Isaiah Against the Current Berlin, Isaiah Age of Enlightenment, The Berlin, Isaiah Personal Impressions Berman, Harry J. Interpreting the Aging Self Berne, Eric Beyond Games and Secrets Bernier, Georges & Rosamond, Ed. Modern Art Yesterday and Tomorrow Bernstein, Jeremy Einstein Bernstein, Jeremy Science Observed Bernstein, Jeremy Tenth Dimension Bernstein, Jerome S. Power and Politics Bernstein, Leonard Joy of Music, The Bernstein, Leonard Unanswered Question Berry, Patricia Echo's Subtle Body Bertine, Eleanor Human Relationships Bertine, Eleanor Jung's Contribution to Our Time Bertman, Stephen Doorways Through Time Bettelheim, Bruno Freud and Man's Soul Bianchi, Eugene C. Aging as a Spiritual Journey Bickman, Martin Unsounded Centre Bihalji-Merin, Oto, Ed. Primitive Artists of Yugoslavia Birkhauser, Peter Light from the Darkness Birkhauser-Oeri, Sibylle Mother: Archetypal Image in Fairy Tales Bishop, Morris Horizon Book of the Middle Ages, The Blake, William Portable Blake, The Blake, William Selected Poetry and Prose Blake, William Songs of Innocence and of Experience Blake, William, Illustrator Book of Job Blitzer, Charles Age of Kings Bloom, Harold Blake's Apocalypse Bloom, Harold Flight to Lucifer, The Blumenfeld, Lillian Rifkin True Myths Bly, Robert Iron John Bly, Robert Sibling Society Blythe, Ronald View in Winter, The Bodkin, Maud Archetypal Patterns in Poetry Boeck, Wilhelm, Intro Picasso Linoleum Cuts Boehme, Jacob Six Theosophic Points Boehme, Jacob Way to Christ, The Marion C. Hoppin Library of Jungian Psychology: Book List by Author Author Title Boer, Charles, Trans. Homeric Hymns Bohm, David Unfolding Meaning Bohm, David Wholeness and the Implicate Order Bolen, Jean Shinoda Goddesses in Every Woman Bolen, Jean Shinoda Gods in Everyman Bolen, Jean Shinoda Tao of Psychology Bonaventure, Saint Soul's Journey into God Bonhoeffer, Dietrich Creation and Fall Bonhoeffer, Dietrich Letters and Papers from Prison Boon, K. G Rembrandt: The Complete Etchings Boorstin, Daniel J. Discoverers, The Borea, Evelina High Renaissance, The: Italian Painting Borges, Jorge Luis Book of Sand, The Born, Max Restless Universe Borsig, Tet Designs in Nature Boslough, John Stephen Hawking's Universe Bosnak, Robert Little Course in Dreams, A Boswell, Peyton Modern American Painting Boudet, Jacques Man & Beast Bowder, Diana, Ed. Who Was Who in the Greek World Bowder, Diana, Ed. Who Was Who in the Roman World Bowersock, G. W. Hellenism in Late Antiquity Bowra, C.M. Classical Greece Braden, Gregg Divine Matrix, The Bradshaw, John Family Secrets Bradway, Katherine et al Sandplay Studies: Origins, Theory and Practice Brantl, George, Ed. Great Religions of Modern Man: Catholicism Brantl, George, Ed. Religious Experience: Vol. 1 Brantl, George, Ed. Religious Experience: Vol. 2 Braybrooke, Neville, Ed. Teilhard de Chardin: Pilgrim of the Future Brenneman, Walter L. Jr Spirals: Study in Symbol, Myth, & Ritual Brent, Madeleine Tregaron's Daughter Breuer, Joseph & Sigmund Freud Studies in Hysteria Brewi, Janice & Anne Brennan Celebrate Mid-Life Bridgman, P. W. Nature of Physical Theory Briggs, John P. & F. David Peat Looking Glass Universe Brill, A.A. Basic Writings of Sigmund Freud Brion, Marcel Romantic Art Brome, Vincent Jung Bronowski, J. Ascent of Man, The Marion C. Hoppin Library of Jungian Psychology: Book List by Author Author Title Bronowski, Jacob Origins of Knowledge and Imagination, The Bronte, Charlotte Jane Eyre Brooke, Christopher From Alfred to Henry III: 871-1272 Brooke, Rupert Collected Poems of Rupert Booke, The Brown, D. Mackenzie Ultimate Concern: Tillich in Dialogue Brown, Norman O. Hermes the Thief Brown, Peter Augustine of Hippo Brown, Peter World of Late Antiquity, The Brown, Sandra Tidings of Great Joy Browning, Elizabeth Barrett Sonnets from the Portuguese Browning, Robert Justinian and Theodora Brunner, Cornelia Anima As Fate Brussel, James A. Layman's Guide to Psychiatry Bry, Adelaide, Ed. Inside Psychotherapy Buber, Martin Eclipse of God Buber, Martin Good and Evil Buber, Martin I and Thou Buber, Martin Tales of Rabbi Nachman,
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