A ALITANY LITANYA LITANY OF OF SECRECY, SECRECY,OF SECRECY, LIES LIES ANDLIES AND DISASTERSAND DISASTERS DISASTERS A ACOSTLY COSTLY A COSTLY MISTAKE MISTAKE MISTAKE A ALITANY LITANY OF OF SECRECY, SECRECY, LIES LIES AND AND DISASTERS DISASTERS A COSTLY A COSTLY MISTAKE MISTAKE ŹŹAtŹ AttheŹ Atthe Attime the timethe timeof time ofthe theof Chernobylof the Chernobylthe Chernobyl Chernobyl accident, accident, accident, accident, the the French the Frenchthe French French Ź ŹA FrenchA Ź ŹFrench A A FrenchFrench government government governmentgovernment study study foundstudy found thatfound that the thatthe choice choicethe choice choice ŹŹAt Atthe the time time of theof the Chernobyl Chernobyl accident, accident, the theFrench French Ź A Ź French A French government government study study found found that thethat choice the choice governmentgovernmentgovernmentgovernment told told itstold itstold people itspeople its people people the the radiation the radiationthe radiation radiation cloud cloud cloud wouldcloud would would would to to use useto toMOX useMOXuse fuel MOXMOX fuel has fuelhasfuel cost hascosthas ratepayers cost costratepayers ratepayers $800 $800 million $800 million millionmillion NuclearNuclearNuclear Power Power Power governmentgovernment told told its itspeople people the the radiation radiation cloud cloud would would to useto useMOX MOX fuel fuelhas hascost cost ratepayers ratepayers $800 $800 million million NuclearNuclear Power Power notnot crossnot crossnot cross thecross the border. the border.the border. border. The The FrenchThe TheFrench French French public public public publictook took notook tookno no no more more morepermore per year. peryear.per year.year. notnot cross cross the the border. border. The The French French public public took took no no moremore per peryear. year. protectiveprotectiveprotectiveprotective measures measures measures measures against against against against the the radioactive the radioactivethe radioactive radioactive fallout. fallout. fallout. fallout. protectiveprotective measures measures against against the the radioactive radioactive fallout. fallout. ŹŹTheThe breeder breeder reactor reactor ± on± on which which the the French French nuclear nuclear ŹTheŹŹThe Thebreeder breederbreeder reactor reactorreactor ± on ± which on which the Frenchthe French nuclear nuclearnuclear ŹŹFranceFrance has has exported exported tons tons of ofnuclear nuclear wastes wastes to to hopes hopesŹ wereThe were basedbreeder based ± wasreactor± was an an expensive± expensiveon which gamble. the gamble. French The The nuclear inin France France ŹŹFranceŹFranceFrance has has exportedhas exported exported tons tons tons of nuclearof of nuclear nuclear wastes wastes wastes to to to hopes hopeshopes were werewere based basedbased ± was ±± wasan expensive an expensive gamble. gamble. The TheThe inin inFrance France France RussiaRussiaŹ Francethat that will will hasremain remain exported deadly deadly tons for for thousandsof thousands nuclear ofwastes ofyears. years. to Superphenix Superphenix hopes werebreeder breeder based averaged averaged ± was aan 7%a expensive 7% capacity capacity gamble.factor factor The in France RussiaRussiaRussia that that thatwill will remainwill remain remain deadly deadly deadly for forthousands for thousands thousands of years. of of years. years. SuperphenixSuperphenixSuperphenix breeder breederbreeder averaged averaged a 7% a capacity7% capacity factor factorfactor Russia that will remain deadly for thousands of years.over over itsSuperphenixover its 14 14 yearsits years 14 ofyears breederofoperation. operation. of operation. averaged a 7% capacity factor ŹŹ)UDQFH¶VFLYLOQXFOHDUSURJUDPZDVFUHDWHGVSHFLIL)UDQFH¶VFLYLOQXFOHDUSURJUDPZDVFUHDWHGVSHFLIL overover its 14 its years14 years of operation. of operation. settingsettingsetting the the therecord record record straight straight straight ŹŹ)UDQFH¶VFLYLOQXFOHDUSURJUDPZDVFUHDWHGVSHFLILŹ)UDQFH¶VFLYLOQXFOHDUSURJUDPZDVFUHDWHGVSHFLIL)UDQFH¶VFLYLOQXFOHDUSURJUDPZDVFUHDWHGVSHFLIL over its 14 years of operation. settingsetting the therecord record straight straight callycally Źto to)UDQFH¶VFLYLOQXFOHDUSURJUDPZDVFUHDWHGVSHFLILgenerate generate plutonium plutonium for for French French nuclear nuclear weapons. weapons. Ź ŹFranceFrance has has a governmenta government-imposed-imposed dependence dependence setting the record straight callycallycally to togenerate to generate generate plutonium plutonium plutonium for forFrench for French French nuclear nuclear nuclear weapons. weapons. weapons. Ź FranceŹŹFranceFrance has hasahas government aa governmentgovernment-imposed-imposed dependence dependencedependence cally to generate plutonium for French nuclear weapons.onon electrical electricalŹonFrance electrical heating heating has heating toa governmenttojustify justify to itsjustify its reliance reliance- imposedits reliance on on nuclear dependence nuclear on nuclear ³7KHDWRPRUOLIH"7KHFKRLFHLV\RXUV´³7KHDWRPRUOLIH"7KHFKRLFHLV\RXUV´ on electricalon electrical heating heating to justify to justify its reliance its reliance on nuclear on nuclear ³7KHDWRPRUOLIH"7KHFKRLFHLV\RXUV´ ³7KHDWRPRUOLIH"7KHFKRLFHLV\RXUV´³7KHDWRPRUOLIH"7KHFKRLFHLV\RXUV´ ŹŹOnlyOnlyŹ now,Only now, 50 now, 50 years years 50 afteryears after the after the first firstthe of offirstits its 210 of 210 its atomic 210atomic atomic generated generatedon electrical electricity. electricity. heating Instead, Instead, to justify nuclear nuclear its cannot reliance cannot meet onmeet nuclear ³7KHDWRPRUOLIH"7KHFKRLFHLV\RXUV´ ŹŹOnlyOnly now, now, 50 50years years after after the the first first of itsof 210its 210 atomic atomic generatedgeneratedgenerated electricity. electricity.electricity. Instead, Instead, nuclear nuclear cannot cannot meet meetmeet FRENCH FRENCH CORPORATIONS CORPORATIONS IN IN THE THE U.S. U.S. tests,tests,Ź hastests,Only has the thehasnow, French Frenchthe 50 French yearsparliament parliament afterparliament passedthe passed first passed aof lawa its law 210a law atomic generated electricity. Instead, nuclear cannot meet FRENCHFRENCH CORPORATIONS CORPORATIONS IN THE IN THE U.S. U.S. tests,tests, has has the the French French parliament parliament passed passed a law a law this this demand demandthis demand and and France andFrance France has has to hastopurchase purchase to purchase coal coal-fired -coalfired -fired FRENCH CORPORATIONS IN THE U.S. recognizingrecognizingtests,recognizing has the the the veterans veterans theFrench veterans of parliament ofthe the testsof teststhe and testspassed and the andthe a the law this thisdemand demand and andFrance France has hasto purchase to purchase coal -coalfired- fired recognizingrecognizing the the veterans veterans of theof the tests tests and and the the electricity electricitythiselectricity demandfrom from Germany from Germany and Germany France in inwinter winter hasin wintertime totime purchase. time. coal-firedŹ ŹTwoTwoŹ majority Twomajority majority French French French-government-government-government-owned-owned-owned physiologicalphysiologicalrecognizingphysiological and and the psychological andpsychological veterans psychological of effects the effects tests effects they they and endured. they endured.the endured. electricityelectricity from from Germany Germany in winter in winter time time. ŹTwoŹ Twomajority majority French French-government-government-owned-owned physiologicalphysiological and and psychological psychological effects effects they they endured. endured. electricity from Germany in winter time. corporationscorporationscorporationsŹTwo ± majorityAreva± Areva ± Arevaand Frenchand Électricité andÉlectricité-government Électricité de de France France de-owned France ± ± ± physiological and psychological effects they endured.AREVA AREVA IN IN AFRICA AFRICA corporationscorporations ± Areva ± Areva and Électricité and Électricité de France de France ± ± AREVAAREVA IN AFRICA IN AFRICA wouldwould wouldreapcorporations reap huge reap huge U.S. huge U.S. ± Arevataxpayer U.S. taxpayer taxpayerand funds Électricitéfunds iffunds nuclearif nuclear deif nuclear Francepower power power ± ŹŹ7KH)UHQFKQXFOHDUSURJUDPLVQ¶WHYHQ)UHQFKRI7KH)UHQFKQXFOHDUSURJUDPLVQ¶WHYHQ)UHQFKRIŹ7KH)UHQFKQXFOHDUSURJUDPLVQ¶WHYHQ)UHQFKRI AREVA IN AFRICA wouldwould reap reaphuge hugeU.S. taxpayerU.S. taxpayer funds funds if nuclear if nuclear power power ŹŹ7KH)UHQFKQXFOHDUSURJUDPLVQ¶WHYHQ)UHQFKRI7KH)UHQFKQXFOHDUSURJUDPLVQ¶WHYHQ)UHQFKRI AREVA IN AFRICA is isexpanded expandedwould in reap inthe the hugeU.S. U.S. U.S. taxpayer funds if nuclear power itsits 58 Ź58 reactorsits7KH)UHQFKQXFOHDUSURJUDPLVQ¶WHYHQ)UHQFKRI reactors 58 reactors are are the theare American Americanthe American Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse design. design. design. ŹŹ Areva ArevaŹ Arevahas has mined minedhas mineduranium uranium uranium in inNiger Niger in forNiger for more more for than more than than is expandedis expanded in the in U.S.the U.S. its its58 58 reactors reactors are are the the American American Westinghouse Westinghouse design. design. Ź ArevaŹ Areva has hasmined mined uranium uranium in Niger in Niger for more for more than than is expanded in the U.S. its 58 reactors are the American Westinghouse design.4040 years yearsŹ Arevawhere where has ± as± minedas in inmany many uranium countries countries in Niger ± it± hasit for has more than is expanded in the U.S. 40 years40 years where where ± as ±in as many in many countries countries ± it has± it has Ź ŹTheTheŹ French TheFrench French national national national nuclear
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