Missouri University of Science and Technology Scholars' Mine Missouri S&T Magazine Special Collections Missouri S&T Magazine, October 1980 Miner Alumni Association Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarsmine.mst.edu/alumni-magazine Recommended Citation Miner Alumni Association, "Missouri S&T Magazine, October 1980" (1980). Missouri S&T Magazine. 327. https://scholarsmine.mst.edu/alumni-magazine/327 This Magazine is brought to you for free and open access by Scholars' Mine. It has been accepted for inclusion in Missouri S&T Magazine by an authorized administrator of Scholars' Mine. This work is protected by U. S. Copyright Law. Unauthorized use including reproduction for redistribution requires the permission of the copyright holder. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Alumnus University of Missouri-Rolla October 1980 Scho%f College of Scho% f Mines and Metallurgy , Arts and Sciences Engineering MSM·UMR Alumni Association Telephone (3 141 341·417 1: t314134 1·4172 OFFICERS Term Expires President . ... Joseph W. Moo ne y. '39 . ......... 7383 Westmoreland .. 1980 ITIlITIl Universit y Cit y, MO 63130 Pres ide nt Elec t . .. Robert D. Bay, '49 . ..... ... .. ...... 222 Magna Carta Lane . 1980 Alumnus St. Louis. MO 63 141 Vic..: Preside nt . Frank C. Appleyard, '37 . 808 Solar . 1980 Glenview, lL 60025 MSM ·UM R A llllllni A ssoc iation Vice President ........... Arthur G. Baebler. '55 . ....... 20 Fox Meadows. 1980 Uni ve rsity of Missouri·Rolla Sunsel Hilis, MO 63127 Roll a. Misso uri Vi ce President. ..... .. Alfred J. Buescher, '64 ............... 624 Golfvi..:w Dr ...................... 1980 Oallwin , MO 630 II Vice Pr..: side nt . James 0. McG rath, '49 . .. Fru·Con .. 1980 1706 Oli ve St .. St. Louis, MO 63 103 Sec retary ............... Robe n V. Wolf. '5 1. ... Dcpl. of Meta llurgical & uclear En gr. 1980 Vo lume 54 UM R, Rolla . M0 65 401 Number 5 Treasurer . Vernon T Locsing '42 . ...... Depl. of Civil Engr .. 1980 October 1980 UMR , Roll a. M06540 1 DIRECTORS AT LARGE Term Expires AIa Ii II. La Plan te, '63 . ..... Tomlinson Pctroleum, Inc .. Suit e 4 I 5. 1200 Mi lani . HOll ston, TX 77 002 1980 neld ing H. McC urd y. '38 .............. 7400 Sun b land Dr .. South. Suite 7 11 , South Pasadena. FL 33707 198 1 E. L. "Roy" Perr ),. '40 . ...... The Pan of Los Angele,. 1'.0 . nox 151, San Pedro, CA 90733 1980 On The Cover Waiter C. Mul ),ca, '6 5 . RI. I. No. 16 So ulhfield Lane. Ma rshall. TX 75 670. 198 1 Armin J. Tucker. '40 . 64rJ4 Overlook Drive. !\Ie .~andria, VA 223 12 . 1982 Jailles D. GOSl in , '44 ................. J·G Sal es Co .. P.O. ilox 3024. Arcadia. C A 91006 . 1982 Area Zip Code NUlllbers AREA DIRECTORS Tam Fxpircs 00· 14 Ra Ylllond T. Rucnhcck , '50 . 7 MOlltcv iew, Chelmsford, MA 01 82 4 . 1980 152 1 J. D. Patterson. '61 . ........ 1660 Ashlawn Dr .. Pill ~b urg h , PA 152 41 . 1980 22 ·34 Gaalc1 L. Steve llsoll , '59 . 14 5 Greenbrier Dr .. Cha gr in Falls. 0 1-1 44022 1982 35·45 William D. Busc h, '4 2 . , .......... 2000 I IclIcwood Trail, Cle ve lan d. OH 441 36 . 1980 46 ·5lJ George Baumgartncr. '56 . 2 ! 20 Sy racuse. Dearborn. M I 481 27 . 1981 (,0·6 1 Allen G. nehring. '66 . ........... 121 E. Wit chwood Lanc. Lak e illuff. IL 60044 . 1982 62·62 En1>1 Weinel. '4 4. ...... 1502 West 50, O'Fallon, II. 62629 . 198 1 63·65 Matteo A. Coco, '66 . ..... J. S. Alberici Constru ction, 2 150 Kienlin , SI. LO lli ~. MO 63 12 1 198 1 6365 Martha Gerig, '69 . .. 80 I Fairground RO:I(1. Rol in , MO 654 0 I 198 1 63·65 Leollard C. Kir berg, '66 . .33 1 Carillel Wood Dr .. Ellisvi lle. MO 6301 1 . 198 0 63-65 Rohert W. Kl orer. '44 7500 Na tu ralilridge Rd .. St. Louis. MO 63 123 1980 63·65 Il arolcll\ . Kru eger. '42 . O/ark Lead Co .. Rural Branch. Swec twat er. MO 63680 1982 63·65 J. Hoberl Patterso n, '54 .......... Show·Me, Inc .. P.O. Box 573. Si kest on, MO 6380 I . 1981 6365 (;eorge H. SChillin ger. ·63 ......... 7598 John /lve .. Oa kville, MO 631 29 ........................ 1980 6],65 Paul R. Mun ger. '58 . ... Direc tor, Institute of R iv~r Studi es, UMR , Roll:! , MO 65 401 . 1981 Thc Ihree wclded sl ec l Sc ulplurcs on Ihe cover 63·65 C. M. Wallenbarge r, '41 . 205 W. First SI. Ter race. Lam ar, MO 64759 198 1 63·65 J. L. "Jack" Painter. '50 . 2123 Sunse t Dri ve, Poplar Bl ufr. M0 63901 1982 were ereal cd by Robc r! V . Wolf. '5 1, professor of 66· 74 Da vitl D. Kick . '57 . .... 49 15 S. Lakewood Dr .. Tul,,1. OK 741 35 . 1982 mCla liurgical cngineering. as symbols of Ihe Ihrce 75·79 Rex Alfortl. '4 0 . .57 43 Ja son. Hou"on. TX 77 096 . 1982 UA major curriculum arcas al U MR. Enginee ring 80·89 &96 99 Victor J. Hoffmann , '60 ... 31057 E. Lak e Mort on Dr. , S.E. Kent , WA 98 031. 1980 90·95 ({ obert L. Ra y, '47 .............. 6045 Estal es Dri ve, Oaklantl, CA 946 11 . 1982 Iri ghll de pic IS man working, sl udying, bu ilding PUnd (Inel contributing to civil iL<ltion through enginee r­ COMM ln EE CHAIR MEN DIR ECTORS blackan ing, always Climbing loward Irulh and knowledge. H. W. Flood, '43. ............ 183 Ma in SI. , Acton . MA 01 72 0 Mines and M elallurgy IlcfO shows Ihal Illan Joe l F. Lov~ r i(\ge , '39 . .... 7)9 Coulltry Manor L:lIlC, Crcve Coeur. MO 6) 141 lions; ro II :lns E. Sc hmoldt. '44 . ... Sc hmoldt Engineering Serv i c~ s Co. Inc .. 526 S. Scminole. Bartlesv ille , OK 7400J di~ covc r s. modifies, u ~c:-. Clnd reuses mineral Lawrence A. Spalllcr. '50 . ... 5 Peltit Drive. Di x 1·1i lls, NY 11 746 creeks al reso urces to se rve civili n lli on's needs. Arts and area of r Sc i cn cc~ (ce nter) represe nts man discoverin g. EX ECUTIVE COM M InEE Tcrm Expires Richard H . 13a\l ~ r , '52 . fI,'lissouri El ec tr oc h~lll l n c .. 10958 Lin-Val le Dr 1984 more bu l h; vc loping (Inc! coping with his envirolllllent. The SI. Louis, MO 63 123 shad es 0 Ihree works were cO l1lm issioned by Pau l Barker al R ob~ rt M. Bra ckbil l, '42 ............... Texas Pacific Oi l Co .. 198 2 Roll,, ', Iialiday Inn and arc on displa y Ihere . 1700 On e Main Place, Dallas. TX 75250 The ir P~t ~r F. M a ll~i , '37 . ... , .. , 9954 Hol liston COllrt . .............. 1980 St. Louis, MO 63 124 dala rec( processe( EX ·OFFICIO DIRECTORS MSM ALUMNUS Paul T. DOWling. '40 . ....... 10 144 Winding Ridge ReI., SI. Louis, MO 63 124 lmag~ R. O. Kasten , '43 .................... 90 1WeSi I 14th Terrace. Kansas Ci ty. M0 64114 avai lable (USPS-323-500) Jam es J. t'l'lurphy , '35 . ........... Murphy Co mpan y. 1340 North Price Rd ., SI. Louis, MO 6) 1)2 Meh'in E. Nickel , '38 . 1060 I SOlllh Hamilton A ve .. Chicago. IL 6064 3 lemporal F. C. Schn eebe rger. '25 . .., .. ,One Bri ~ lrOak , SI. Louis, M0 63 132 campus. Jam es W. Stephens, '47 . ............ Mi ssouri Public Service Co., 10700 E. Hi ghwa y 50 1"lIed hi ,monthly ill th e intl'rest of the Kan s<1S it y, MO 641 38 Salellil graduatl', and fornll'r s tudents of thr STAFF malion a Mi,sollri Srhool of M in es and Frank II. Mackarntlil . .... Executive Vice· President , MSM ·UMR Alum ni Assoc ia tion and alleralior Director. Office of Alumni/Developmen t, Universit y of Misso uri-Roll:. Met allll rgy and t hl' U nil'(' r s it~ ' of Barba ra Petrovic . ......... Stnff Ass istant , MSM·UMR Alumn i Association and Sen ior Secretary. Ihrough ' M i,souri, Ro ll a. En tered as second class Alul nni/De'l'elopm ent , University of Missouri ·Rolla va rious [ Kris Curtin . .. Records Coordinator, MSM ·UMR Alullini Assoc ia tion & Comput er mattl'r Octoher 27, 1926, at Post Officr Terminal Operator. Alu mni/Development , University of Missouri ·Rolln Ihe Unde at Ro ll a, Mi"ollri 65401, lInd l'r til(' Art Sall y Whil e . ........ Editor. MSM ALU MN US I ' MSM ·UMR Al ulll ni Association. Harris Hall . UMR. Rolla. MO 65401 aln a Pi< of March 3, I!i'n. K' (0) / )/3 'Ires 980 980 980 980 980 980 980 980 ""980 ,981 1980 1981 1%, 198' lilts 980 980 98, 980 981 1 98~ 1981 1981 1981 1980 Dr. David Barr, professor of geological engineering and director of the Remote Sensing Laboratory, 1980 198: works with lab students to gather material to digitize-code into a computer compatible format - so it can 1981 be used with Landsat information. 1%0 1981 1981 198, 198' UMR Remote Sensing Laboratory IQS; 1910 198: Punch a few buttons, look at a screen, and there is a UMR's remote sensing laboratory is equipped with state­ black and white map of the Rolla area showing forested sec­ of-the-art computer hardware and software programs for tions; rock out-cropings; fields andJor meadows; rivers, digital image processing and natural resource data base creeks and ponds; roads and highways; and, of course, the development.
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