BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF UTAH Vol. 34 October 28, 1943 No. 7 On Mexican Millipeds BY RALPH V. CHAMBERLIN BIOLOGICAL SERIES, Vol. VIII, No. 3 PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY OF UTAH SALT LAKE CITY ON M EXICAN MILLIPEDS * By R a l p h V. C h a m b e r l i n This contribution toward knowledge of the diplopod fauna of Mexico is based primarily upon the extensive and important collec­ tions made during the last few years by Dr. F. Bonet of the Escuela Vacional de Ciencias Biologicas and Dr. 0. Bolivar of the Instituto Enfermadades Tropicales of the Instituto Polytecnico Nacional. The chilopods of this same collection were reported upon in an earlier bul­ letin (Bull. Univ. Utah, Biol. Series, Vol. 7, No. 3, 1943). In addi­ tion to the material brought together by Drs. Bonet and Bolivar and associates, I have included in the present study a valuable collection ini ide by B rvce C. Brown during 1942, and have listed as well certain species collected by Harry Hoogstraal and associates on recent expe­ ditions (1939-1941) and a few taken by Mr. Phil Rau. In Humbert and Saussure’s “Etudes sur les Myriapodes” in the Mission Scientifique au Mexique (1872), 54 species are listed from the country, and in Pocock’s treatise on the group in the Biologia Centrali- Americana 121 species are catalogued as known at that time, 48 of these being described as new. In comparison the importance of the collection here surveyed may be indicated by noting that it embraces 131 species of which 95 are described as new and only three of which are included in Pocock’s list. The total number of species of millipeds now known from Mexico is in the neighborhood of 300. This number, however, is obviously far from complete, and it is therefore felt best to defer revisional work, much needed in the case of several genera and families, pending the accumulation of more ample material, especially from sections at present but poorly represented. The recent accelera­ tion of field work involving this group, particularly under the effective stimulation of Drs. Bonet and Bolivar, has been such that its continua­ tion should render a revision and adequate monograph of the millipeds of Mexico an early possibility. * Published by means of funds appropriated by the University of Utah Research Committee. Systematic List of Species Order COLOBOGNATHA Family PLATYDESMIDAE Platydesmus cerrobius Chamberlin Plati/des-nms corzoi, n. sj). Order C AMBALIDA Family CAM BALOPSID AE Morelene mundus, n. gen. and sp. Order SPIROS TREPTIDA Family SPIROSTREPTIDAE Orthoporus chiapasus, n. sp. Orthoporus lincires, n. sp. Orthoporus esperanzae, n. sp. Orthoporus mimm, n. sp. Orthoporus fortinus, n. sp. Orthoporus moretus, n. sp. Orthoporus guerreronus (Chamberlin) Orthoporus mundus Chamberlin Orthoporus leius, n. sp. Orthoporus torreonus, n. sp. Orthoporus lenonus, n. sp. Orthoporus ugmalanus, n. sp. Orthoporus leonicus Chamberlin Orthoporus victorianus, n. sp. Order SPIROBOLIDA Family RH1NOCRICIDAE Rhinocricus ixtapanus, n. sp. Rhinocricus morelus, n. sp. Rhinocricus lamprus, n. sp. Rhinocricus potosiamus Chamberlin Family ATO PETH O I.ID AE Aziecolus nigrior (Chamberlin) Hiltonius tancitarus (Chamberlin) Toltecolus garcianms, n. gen. and sp. Hiltonius veracruzanus, n. sp. Hiltonius carpinus, n. sp. Messicobolus hoogstraali Chamberlin Hiltonius crassus, n. sp. Messicobolus rnui Chamberlin Hiltonius erythrotypus, n. sp. Messicobolus totonacus, n. sp. Hiltonius federalis, n. sp. Tarascolus bolivari, n. gen. and sp. Hiltonius michoacamis, n. sp. Tarascolus clarus, n. sp. Order JULIDA Family ISO BATID AE Blaniulus guttulatus (Bose) Nopoiulus minntus (Brandt) Family P A R A IU L ID A E Paraiulus pueblanus, n. sp. Paraiulus schachti (Chamberlin) Paraiulus phloibius Chamberlin Paraiulus zempoalus, n. sp. Paraiulus rosanus, n. sp. Pheniulus phenotypus, n. gen. and sp Pheniulus rnimeticus, n. sp. LIST OF SPECIES 5 Family JU LID AE Diploiulus luscus (Meinert) Order LYSIOPETALIDA Family LYSIO P E TA LID A E Tynomma messicanum, n. sp. Order S T EMMIULID A Family STEMMIULIDAE Stemmiulus leucus, n. sp. Order CHORDEUMIDA Family PSEUDOCLEIDIDAE Cleidogona atoyaca, n. sp . Cleidogona nueva michoacana Chamberlii Cleidogona leona, n. sp . Cleidogona rafaela, n. sp . Cleidogona nueva Chamberlin Cleidogona zempoala, n. sp . Cavota crucis, n. sp. Order POLYDESMIDA Family XYSTO D ESM ID AE Rhysodesmus alpuyecus, n. sp . Rhysodesmus knighti Chamberlin Rhysodesmus bolivari, n. sp . Rhysodes'mus leonensis Chamberlin Rhysodesmus bonus, n. sp . Rhysodesmus malinche, n. sp . Rhysodesmus brachus Chamberlin Rhysodesmus morelus, n. sp. Rhysodesmus cuernavacae Chamberlin Rhysodesmus pater, n. sp . Rhysodesmus cumbres, n. sp. Rhysodesmus perotenus, n. sp. Rhysodesmus elestribus, n. sp . Rhysodesmus potosianus Chamberlin Rhysodesmus esperanzae, n. sp . Rhysodesmus rubrimarginis, n. sp . Rhysodesmus eunis, n. sp . Rhysodesmus tacubayae, n. sp . Rhysodesmus eusculptus Chamberlin Rhysodesmus tepoztlanus, n. sp. Rhysodesmus eutypus, n. sp . Rhysodesmus viabilis, n. sp . Rhysodesmus frionus, n. sp . Acentronus minor, n. gen. and sp . Rhysodesmus garcianus, n. sp . Cruzodesmus ergus, n. gen. and sp . Rhysodesmus guardanus, n. sp. Cruzodesmus browni, n. sp . Rhysodesmus intermedius, n. sp. Cruzodesmus purojenus, n. sp . Family RH ACO DESM ID AE Ceuthauxus cruzanus, n. sp. Pararachistes potosinus, n. sp . Ceuthauxus morelus, n. sp . Pararachistes amblus Chamberlin Ceuthauxus nuevus (Chamberlin) Neoleptodesmus dispersus, n. sp . Ceuthauxus palmitonus Chamberlin Sakophallus simplex Chamberlin Rachidomorpha vicinus, n. sp. Tancitares michoacanus Chamberlin Pararachistes galeanae, n. sp. Z.euctodesmus ferrugineus, n. sp. 6 ON MEXICAN MILLIPEDS Family SPHAERIODESM1DAE Cyphodesmus hiclalgonus, n. sp. Sphaeriodesmus michoacanus Chamberlin Sphaeriodesmus griseus, n. sp. Sphaeriodesmus prehensor Pocock Family EURYURIDAE Amplinus crenus, n. sp. Amplinus tapackulae, n. sp. Amplinus klugi Brandt Amplinus vergelenus, n. sp. Amplinus xelittus, n. sp. Family CH ELO D ESM ID AE Chondrodesmus nannus, n. sp. Family STRON G YLOSOMI DAE Orthoporphci gracilis (Koch) Family PE RIDONTODES MI DAE Peridontodesmus rnedius, n. sp. Maderesmus tepoztlanus, n. gen. and sp. Peridontodesmus morelus, n. sp. yiaderesmus hoogstraali (Chamberlin) Peridontodesmus parvus, n. sp Pinesmus setosus, n. gen. and sp. Sierresmus hidalgonus. n. gen. and sp. Kalesmus phanus, n. gen. and sp. Kalesmus eutropis, n. sp. Family ONISCODESMIDAE Ponetesmus verus Chamberlin Family STYLODESMIDAE Ilyina colotlipa Chamberlin Eirent/ma munda, n. gen. and sp Jlyma morela, n. sp. Orthyvna clara, n. sp. Ilyma orizaba Chamberlin Bolivaresmus sabinus Chamberlin Jlyma potosina, n. sp. Styraxodesmus chipinqueus, n. sp. Apsyma atopa, n. gen. and sp. Telauxus fractus, n. gen. and sp. Cryptyma lobata, n. gen. and sp. Ceratesmus clarus Chamberlin Family PO LYD ESM ID AE Polydesmus chapultepecus, n. sp. Order O NISCOMORPHA Family GLOMERIDAE Olomeris boneti, n. sp. STATE LISTS 7 NEW GENERA Page Morelene Genotype, Morelene mundus, n . s p ............................................... 1 0 Tarascolus Genotype, Tarascolus clans, n . s p ............................................... 2 5 Toltecolus Genotype, Toltecolus garcianus, n . s p ......................................... 2 7 Aztecolus Genotype, Spirobolus nigrior, Chamberlin.. ......................... 2 8 pheniulus Genotype, Pheniulus plienotypus, n . s p ...................................... 2 9 Cruzodesmus Genotype, Cruzodesmus ergus, n . s p ........................................... -18 AcentronUS Genotype, Acentronus minor, n . s p ................................................ 5 0 Kalesmus Genotype, Kalesmus phanus, n . s p ............................................... 6 0 Sierresmus Genotype, Sierresmus hidalgonus, n . s p ................................... 6 0 Maderesmus Genotype, Maderesmus tepoztlanus, n . s p ................................ 61 Pinesmus Genotype, Pinesmus setosus, n . s p .............................. ............. 6 2 Apsyma Genotype, Apsyma atopa, n . s p ........................................................ 6 4 Cryptyma Genotype, Cryptyma lobata, n . s p .................................................. 6 5 Eirenyma Genotype, Eirenyma munda, n . s p ................................................... 6 6 Orthyma Genotype, Orthyma clara, n . s p ........................................................ 6 6 Telauxus Genotype, Telauxus fractus, n . s p .................................................. 6 8 STATE LISTS The following lists by states will serve to indicate the regions best represented in the collections considered in the present study. It will be seen that these regions are in the more central part of the country, embracing especially the states of Mexico, Morelos, Vera Cruz, Mich- oacan and adjacent areas. In the north Nuevo Leon also supplied a good representation. COAHUILA Orthoporus torreonus, n. sp. N U E V O LEON Orthoporus linares, n. sp. Oeuthauxus nuevus, n. sp. Toltecolus garcianus, n. sp. Rhysodesmus bolivari, n. sp. Aztecolus nigrior (Chamberlin) Rhysodesmus garcianus, n. sp. Messicobolus hoogstraali Chamberlin Rhysodesnvas brachus Chamberlin Tf/nomma messicanwm, n. sp. Rhysodesmus knighti Chamberlin Cleidogona nueva Chamberlin llhysodesmus leonensis Chamberlin Rararachistes galeanae, n. sp. Styraxodesmus chipinqueus, n. sp. SAN LUIS POTOSI Orthoporus leonicus Chamberlin Pararachistes potosianus, n. sp. Rhinocricus lamprus, n. sp. Rhysodesmus potosianus Chamberlin Rhinocricus potosianus
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