h ijcJcLc /9?5 INDEX Abramcs.Charles J., 470 Alert Hose Company, 303 Annexation AbrcKO, losei 202 Alexander, William G., 252-233,256 Of Alviso. 45.61.304 ^«./«u.U.IJ8.299.486,502.503.505 Allen, Charles E-. 29 Of East San Jose,60 Ackley and Maurison's Stagecoach Line, Allen, Charles Ewer, 306,374 First scrip annexation, 60-61 95.96 Allen. 0. E,380 First three annexations,61 Act of Incorporation, 27 Allen, O, H..32 Of Gardner District, 43. 304 Adams. Daniel T,Hope Nursery, 157 Almadcn Vineyards. 177,178 Policies. 62-63 Adams. George. 139 Alpine Park, 427 Of Port San Josi,61,63 Adams,I B., 501 Alta California And schools. 211 Adams.J.H..338.359. 340.341. 344 First capital, 4 Strip. 60-61,63 Add. William T.451 First elected governor, 23 Versus incorporation,65 Adlcr. HipoHto, 206 First governors, 22 (5f Willow Glen,62,304 Adulr Center Argonauts, 212 First mission, 3 Anthony, Eiihu. 254 Adult Center \^gabonds. 212 Alta Telegraph Line, 381 Anti-Commintern Pact. 359 Adult Education. 208, 209,211-213 Aitmun, Frederick, 187,497 Anrioch (California), 5 Advantage of Centralized Purchasinf- Alum Rock Avenue, 420-421 Applcton, F. G., 154 in Quantities, 44 Alum Rock Avenue Airport.470 Applcton's Building, 397-398 Aermotor Company.505 Alum Rock Meteor,422 Aram,Joseph, 29,31, 32, 34-35, 77, 153. 154.155,157. 254 Acrunautics Department Alum Rock Park, 38.62.119,420. (Sanjosd State),215 421-422,423-424 Arbuckie, iTJtty, 454 Afflcrbach, C H.. 271 Alum Rock Park Railway, 120 Arc Lights. 497-498 Archer, Lawrence, 33. 39,239, 265.301,429 Agrai, Emile. 469 Alum Rock Railway Cimpany, Agricultural l^rk, 121,4l6,467 119-120. 121 Archer, Mrs. Lawrence, 4-10 Agricultural VCbrlcs. 186-187 Alum Rock Saloon, 421 Architecture Of banks, 229, 231.232 Agriiuhure (sec also Farming, Livestock) Alum Rock, San Josi'i Beaoiijul Resort, 424 Of churches. 250,251.252,256.261. And bardcing, 230.234 267,270, 274. 275. 278 Decline in, as business, 163 Alum Rock 'Ihcatcr, 457 AJvires, Claudio. 12,21 Of city hail. 32, 39,418 iTuit industry, 153-16) Of schools. 210, 215 Grapes, 175-178 Alvires.Juan, 23 Alvirez,Juan. 176 Of telephone building, 384 Prune crop of 1918,357 Of theatres, 451-452,453 As state's leading wealth producer,85 Alviso (California),45,57,60,61, 62.76, Archives of San Jose, 31 Versus hortinJture. 163 114. 139. 253, 259.304. 305.336 Archuleta, Ygnacio, 12.21,22 Wheat, 137-141 Afviso, Fernandez, 203 Argonauts, 75,213.499 Wine industry, 175-178 Aivlso, Manuel,203 Argucllo.Jose Dario,23 AgujjCtAV) Alviso. Vgnacio, 137 Argucllo. Lois Antonio, 25 Aikenhcad, William, 344 Alviso Mills. 139.140.141 Ariis.Juan Francisco, 531 Ainsley,j.C..PackiitgGimpaoy, 162 Alviso Railroad.60 Ar-Kcl Villa,429 Air California. 475 Alviso Rifles. 354 Armony Hall.451 AirOfcus.-i72-471 Alvitrc. Sebastian, 12,21. 331 Arms, Btrmit To Carry, 21 Air Shows.472 (see also Aviation; Armsby.J. K., Company, 160, l6l Balloon Races) Ainador Valley, 5 American Cjn Company, 189-190 Armstrong, Allen, H., 284 Aircraft. 467-475 Arnaz,Josi,26 Airlirtes,474,475 American Flag Raisings, 24.55 Airports. 469.470,472.47}. 473 American Plan News,407 Arriaga,Julian, 7 Akron, the, 47J American River. 84 Arrillaga,Jos6 Joaqufn de. 22,331 Arroyo Cantua, 337.424 Abmeda (California), 106, 107.108, 381 A merican Theater,456 Aiatncda Carriage Factory, 186 American Trust Company,233 Arroyo de Us Llagas. 8 Alameda Rjundry. 187 Ames,Charles Gordon, 275 Arroyo de los Alisos. 8 Alameda.Thc. 114, 117,118,121.249 "Amos and Andy," 387-388 Arroyo del Coyote.9 Alcohol Anderson. Alden, 235 Arroyo San Francisco. 3 Consumption conditions,23 Anderson,John Z., 158 Arroyo San Francisquito, 3. 5.8-9 Dc^ty editorials regarding Ander5t)n, S. Brock way. 374-375 Arroyo San Joseph Cupertino,8 Sanjos^ saloons. 403 Anderson. Thomas. 36,499 Arson, 299, 331 l-iqiKir tax. 175 Anderson, William C, 186 Art and Artists, 437-451 Prohibition (I8ih Amendment). 178,341 Anderson Dam,429 Art Gallery,449-450 Prohibition of sale to Indians. 30 Anderson Prune Dipping Gimpany. 188 Art History Club, 440 Temperance publications, 407 Anderson-BarngroverCxrmpany, 188 Artesian Mill, 503 Wine. 175-178 Arwlrew,James 0.259 Artesian Wblls, 486-487.502-504. 505-506. 507 Alcoholism. 23 Andrews. W.C, 122 Arthur, Chester Alan. 375 ' Aldco Fruit and Vegetable Packing Andrews, William Clark, 383 Company, 158 Androcin, 338 Asahi Club Park.428 Aldcfmen's Salaries. 28 Anglo-California National Bank, 234 "Aslttep," 448 Alemany.JosephS, 249-250 Angney. W. Z., 85 Assmaru Frederick J., 190 -5i7- Bellamy. George W.,315 Banks and Banking. 227-240 AitroUbt,)32 Bellarmine College Prepararory School.217 Architecture of banks, 229,231.23- Bellew, Mitcltcll, 317-318 Acbenon,Faxon Dean,532 Bank charge plsns,232 Athletic Fields,428.429 "Ben Hur," 453 Drattch bankirtg.231-232,235.237.-38 Benicta (California),77,82,83,85 Atkinson,Marian. 444 Innovatioiu in,232 Atlantic and Pacific telegraph Line, 382 Benieia. the Promite of Califomu,82 AudUorium Rink.65,4>7 Bannister, Edward, 205,216 Bennett.James Cordcn,Jr., 382 Audhoriutn Roller Rink.457 Baxgnmn,P H-,300 Benotst, Louis, 177 Barker, Alfred,429 Attditorium Theatre,452,455 Benson,CC,121 Avdttorittins,418,457-458 Barker, Frank P„429 Benson, Frank,357 Aogusiana Synod,275 Barnes, Thoichcr F., 354 Bentley, Charles K.,161,162 Austin, Raul P.,40,233 Bamgrover.Hull, and Cunninghatn, 188 Beniley, Robert Irving, 161,162 Atistrian Dam,508 Barieii, Lawrence,452 Berlord & Company's Express,95 Barrett, Phil, 257 Automobile Bcrgin.J-J., 176 Barrett, Richard F^450 And artists.448-449 Berkeley (Califotnia),4,5 Auto leasing, 252 Barry,James H.,406 Bcrnal.Jost Jc»quin, 144,176 As ootnpctition to other tnodes Bartholomew. William Newton,437 Bcrnsl, Maria Rcftigia,445 of trttmportaiiDn.99.100. Barton, Harold,264 Bcrner, Minna,185 123-124,422 Bascom, Anna Maria,259,48-1,485 Destor. Norman S.,57,58,59 First auto show,457 Bascom,Lotus Haielion,29,154,204, Bcstor's Map,pp, 59,137 259,484.485 Ford Motor Compatiy, 113 Bethel,Franklin C,114 liMxeosing numbers of.422 Bascom Insiituie, 206 Belts,Ebcn M.,256 Racing,425,426,427 Baseball,426.428 Biaggi, William,304 Tiaffk ctuigestion,318 Bassett, A. C.107 Biagini,Athanasius, 251 Ametais,Edward, 227 Bxsseti, Mrs. E.J-, 207 Bianchi,Grcgocio, 251 Aiuerais.John. 115,116,227,230 Basshacn, William B,138 Bickur Cholim Society,267,268 Auzicnus Building,444 Bassham,WitltamRiley, 26,373 Bklwell,John, 355 Auzcrais House,,374 Bassham attd Kincaid's Mill, 138 Bidwell-Barrleson Ckimpany,64 Averill Machinery Company, 187 Bassler,Joseph, 300 Big Basin,443 Aviation, 467-475 Bares, FiatKis,449 Aviation Meers,424,425 Battery, Willard, Agency. 387 Big Four,97,104,105,109.382 Avila,Fraixisco. 12,21 Battle of Julian Sctcet. 116 Biggs, Ffanccs.448 Digler,John, 29,83,84 "Awake," 448 Battle of Manila Bay, 335 A*ford,Harry, 187 Battle of the Mustard Stalks,353 Bigley,Charlie, 44 Axis,the, 360 Battle of Santa Clara,353 Billboards,60 Ay8la,Juan Manuel,6 Battle of the Titans, U6 Ko^taphy ofa Bank,235 Aycr, Henry M.357 Baugh,Theodore E,380 Bir^,James W.,97 Bautista (unidentified San Josdan),82 Bird,Calvert. 115 Bay Cities Water Company,507.508 Bird. Isaac, U5 Bay and Coast lelegraph Line,381 Bisccglia Bttxhers Cannery, 162 Bachrodi, Amo.61 Beach,Sarah, 208 Bishop,Samutd Addison,59. Bachiodi,ISEhlter L,319 Beale.Edward F.. 113 113-114.116-118,123.318 Badgolupi,James A., 235.236 Bean,James, 274 Black,John Calvin, 212,213 Bkkesco, Anna C.425 Bean,Joel, 274 Black,John Newton,43.44,319.322,342 B3ckesio.JohnP^425 Bean,John 187-168 Blacknu>re,John Raymond,322-323 Bacon.Charles R~,452 Bean Creek, 106 "Blacksmith,The," 443 Baggetly, Hiland L,405-406 Bean Spray Pump Company,161,188 Blacksmiths. 185-186 Bafli7. Daniel C,375 Bcaiu,Thomas EUant, 228 Blain,George. 345 Bailey. WilbrdC.44,357 Beans, Mrs. W.K,440 Blake,C M., 397 Baker,George F., U4 Deans. William Knox,229 Blakeslce,Samuel V,20-1,205 Bakcr.J.E.3B2 Beans Building,229 Blanchard,Charles, 177 Baker, Mildred S.,440 Bear Flag,24 Blanchard, Mrs. Marcus, 259,260 Baker's Extra, 139 Deaitic.D A.,472,489 Blanco.Juan, 189 BaH>ach.John,185,lS6.300 Beattie, Mrs. D. A.,357 DU)dt,E.R.278 Baldwin.C A,176 Beatty, George M.,261 Block Fruit Company,94 Baldwin,Thomas C.467 Bcatty.James, 456,457 Bloody Fourth 9(^rd,209 Baldwin Lotumotivc Works, 105-106 Bcaty, Abram &.33,501 Blue Laws,21 Bale, Edward,483 Beautifpng oi San Joft. The,424 Balfour, Guthrie & Company, 160 Blue Range, 108 Becchcy, IJncoln,469 Blue Tent Sduxil, 204 BaUaniyne,George H., Ill Bceks. WUUam,95 Blum,Joseph, 454 Balloon Races,426,467 Beers. George,339, 341 BallotMuscs,467 Board of Capital Commissioners,85 Belasco, David,452 Board of Education, 34,36, l6l.207 B«ilooas,467.468 Belden, David, 339,340 Ballou,Jahn Quincy Adams, 154,155.156 Board of Trustees,34,35 Belden.Josiah, 27.28,29,30-31,34-55 Boca del Puerto de San Francisco.6 Bamber Gtmpony,98 43.55,64.75,116.137.142-143. ' Bancroft, Hubert Howe. 13 227.332-333.334 BodlishtGeorge H.,32 Banditry, 336-J41 Bclknap,Lewis, 59,488 Bodley,Thomas, 36,37,114,301.539 Banfreton, A., 157 Bell.
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