December 14, 2001 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E2293 The time has come to give parents the option promise they bring to our healthcare. I always friend to everyone. To his family, he was of sending their children to the schools of their participate in actively leading the effort for pro- known as a kind and caring patriarch who is choice, and I look forward to working with the gressive reforms, like we did with the Dietary survived by wife Bertha, three children, five President to successfully passing education Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 grandchildren, nine step grandchildren, and six tax credit legislation in the coming year. (DSHEA). The prime significance of this sim- great-grandchildren. f ple legislation is that the Internal Revenue Mr. Speaker, Paul Lindstrom passed away Code will be modified in order to allow health in Grand Junction after a long struggle with an R. LAWRENCE COUGHLIN, JR. insurers to create benefits that would provide illness. Yet despite his battle, Paul was able to some coverage for dietary supplements for in- live his dream of flying and raised a large and HON. WILLIAM J. COYNE surance beneficiaries. Health insurers will not loving family. He will be missed by the many OF PENNSYLVANIA be required to provide coverage under this he touched with his sense of humor and posi- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES legislation. However, they will be now in a po- tive attitude. I extend my condolences to Paul Thursday, December 13, 2001 sition to do it in a way that will provide the tax Lindstrom’s family, friends, and the commu- benefits to both the consumer and the insurer. nities he blessed in the State of Colorado. Mr. COYNE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Unfortunately, the Internal Revenue Code is f join in this special order honoring our former not consumer friendly when it comes to health colleague, R. Lawrence Coughlin. I want to wellness and prevention. And if we are ever TRIBUTE TO NORMANTOWN thank Mr. GEKAS for organizing this special going to take meaningful roads to promote ELEMENTARY order. good health, wellness, and disease preven- Larry Couglin represented a suburban Phila- tion, the Tax Code needs to be examined and HON. SHELLEY MOORE CAPITO delphia district in the House of Representa- reformed. This legislation is enormously pop- OF WEST VIRGINIA tives for 24 years. He was a gracious gen- ular with consumers who continually ask their IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tleman who represented his constituents with insurance companies to offer some coverage Thursday, December 13, 2001 integrity and wisdom. for these healthcare products. Without pas- Mr. Coughlin had a remarkable background. sage of this legislation, they will not be able to Mrs. CAPITO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in Raised on a farm in Pennsylvania, he earned obtain this type of insurance and healthcare honor of Normantown Elementary in recogni- a degree in economics from Yale and an MBA benefit. tion of their achievement as an ‘‘exemplary’’ from Harvard. He subsequently attended night The low up-front cost of this coverage and school. school at Temple University to get his law de- the potential long-term savings they offer by Normantown Elementary has been selected gree while working during the day as a fore- assisting our country in staying healthy longer as one of the top 50 schools of West Virginia. man in a steel plant. His academic accom- will indeed be a meaningful step to lowering ‘‘Exemplary’’ status is based on Stanford plishments speak to his energy and ability. and stabilizing our health care costs. This bi- Achievement Test results, attendance, drop Mr. Couglin was also a dedicated public partisan legislation is an important part of real- out rates, and writing exam scores. servant. He served in the Marines in Korea izing the requests of millions of Americans I commend the leadership and faculty on during the Korean war as an aide-de-camp to who want to enhance their healthcare. I look their dedication to the children that walk legendary Marine Lt. General Lewis B. forward to working with my colleague for through their doors each day. They have set ‘‘Chesty’’ Puller. He served ably in the Penn- prompt and swift passage of this legislation. an incredible example for the other 817 sylvania House of Representatives and Sen- f schools in West Virginia. ate before running for—and winning—a seat in I equally commend the students and parents Congress in 1968. PAYING TRIBUTE TO PAUL of Normantown Elementary for their commit- During his 12 terms in Congress, Rep- LINDSTROM ment to a quality education and a bright fu- resentative Coughlin served on the House Ju- ture. diciary Committee, the House Appropriations HON. SCOTT McINNIS Efforts to bring superior education to all of Committee, and the House Select Committee OF COLORADO West Virginia and America are among our top on Narcotics Abuse and Control. He was par- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES priorities. Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues ticularly active in working to increase federal to join me in honoring Normantown Elemen- Thursday, December 13, 2001 housing and transportation assistance to our tary. nation’s cities. Mr. Coughlin understood that Mr. MCINNIS. Mr. Speaker, it is with a sol- f even affluent suburbs like the ones he rep- emn heart that I would like to take this oppor- resented depend upon central cities for their tunity and pay respect to the life and memory QUENTIN YOUNG: ‘‘THE continued economic well-being. Our Nation is of Paul Lindstrom who recently passed away CONSCIENCE FOR THE COUNTRY’’ healthier and more prosperous as a result of in Grand Junction, Colorado on November 21, his service in Congress. 2001. Paul will always be remembered as a HON. JANICE D. SCHAKOWSKY Larry Couglin was always a quite, upbeat, dedicated friend and leader to several Colo- OF ILLINOIS courteous man. It was an honor and a pleas- rado communities. His passing is a great loss IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES for those who knew Paul and relied on him for ure to serve in the House of Representatives Thursday, December 13, 2001 with him. I join my colleagues in mourning his his strength and good nature in times of hard- passing. ship and prosperity. Ms. SCHAKOWSKY. Mr. Speaker, some of f Paul graduated from Centennial High my colleagues have had the privilege of get- School in Pueblo, CO in 1934. Dreaming of ting to know Dr. Quentin Young, a revered DIETARY SUPPLEMENT TAX flying his entire life, he moved to the West Chicago institution known for his unremitting FAIRNESS ACT Coast to become a pilot. With his license and commitment to health care, economic and so- flight experience in hand, Paul returned to cial justice. Some of us know him because of HON. FRANK PALLONE, JR. Parachute, Colorado and entered into the fly- his dedication to universal health care, under OF NEW JERSEY ing profession. Upon completing his instruc- the banner he coined of ‘‘Everybody in, no- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tor’s license, Paul took his first job with body out.’’ Some of us know him because of Feeney Flying School at Pueblo Airport. This his leadership in protecting public health. Thursday, December 13, 2001 began a long flying career for Paul that even- Some of us know him because of his dedica- Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Speaker, I was pleased tually led to training aviation cadets for World tion to ending discrimination and bigotry. I also yesterday to be joining my colleague from In- War II, flying private charters, crop dusting, known him because he is a trusted friend and diana, Mr. BURTON, in introducing this impor- and even uranium prospecting in Wyoming. my personal physician. tant legislation that will help shift the focus of Later in life, Paul went on a different career Dr. Young brought his years of activism, our healthcare system to wellness and dis- path becoming a dude rancher in New Castle, dedication, and enthusiasm to the House last ease prevention. This legislation is the House Colorado, where he developed a popular spring, when he testified at the inaugural companion to the Harkin-Hatch Senate bill, S. campground for the KOA chain. His service in meeting of the House Universal Health Care 1330. the guest industry gave Paul much gratifi- Task Force. I share his lifelong goal of uni- Mr. Speaker, I have always been supportive cation in his life. He loved to work and mingle versal health care for all and agree that he is of dietary supplements and the potential and with people, and was always known as a the ‘‘conscience of the country’’ on this issue. VerDate 11<MAY>2000 05:22 Dec 15, 2001 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A13DE8.007 pfrm04 PsN: E14PT1 E2294 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks December 14, 2001 Dr. Young’s remarkable spirit and career are melted menthol oil overturned on top of her for seizing the initiative when facing a supe- described in a December 9, 2001 article in the in her South Side home. The toddler’s moth- rior opponent such as the United States, tak- Chicago Tribune. It is entitled ‘‘The Patient er, Irene, rushed her to nearby Woodlawn ing advantage of special circumstances. Hospital, which no longer exists. Irene Lingo China plans to take full advantage of a sur- Doctor,’’ and chronicles the story of a remark- had little money and no hospital insurance. prise attack like the Japanese attack at able individual who fights every day to im- After initial emergency treatment, offi- Pearl Harbor.
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