International Journal of Research in Social Sciences Vol. 7 Issue 9, September 2017, ISSN: 2249-2496 Impact Factor: 7.081 Journal Homepage: http://www.ijmra.us, Email: [email protected] Double-Blind Peer Reviewed Refereed Open Access International Journal - Included in the International Serial Directories Indexed & Listed at: Ulrich's Periodicals Directory ©, U.S.A., Open J-Gage as well as in Cabell’s Directories of Publishing Opportunities, U.S.A Oromia State University (OSU) Education delivery core prove Department of Human Resource Management & Leadership Journal Article on "Knowledge Wealth Estimation Equation" Tarekegn Jebessa Tesgersa* Synopsis Today, more than ever, before the concept of knowledge and knowledge economics are dominating our glob. Different universities and colleges are ‘bringing into being’ tremendous number of workers annually. However, the basic limitation organizations and countries are facing is that no one still able to compute the amount of this knowledge wealth in terms of money even though it directly impacts the GDP level of the respective nation. There is also no significant formula to compute this knowledge wealth. The rationale behind this paper, therefore, is to help organizations and/or nations in granting ‘knowledge Wealth computation equation’ so that they can at least estimate the knowledge wealth they have currency-wise. Key points Knowledge Knowledge wealth Factors that accelerate or decelerate knowledge wealth Knowledge wealth index Knowledge GDP (knowledge per capita) * (Lecturer), Ethiopia, Oromoa, Addis Ababa 578 International Journal of Research in Social Sciences http://www.ijmra.us, Email: [email protected] ISSN: 2249-2496 Impact Factor: 7.081 1. Introduction From 17th -19th century individuals, organizations, and countries were running for land and capital. Europeans conquer Africans, Latinos and some part of Arians either directly or indirectly for both land and then capital resources. At that, every time there were no these much advanced universities and colleges. These two sources of knowledge are gradually evolved with the advancement of factories particularly in Europe and these is why more old aged, advancer and 1st ranked institutions are today located in Europe. Between these time ranges people kill people for land that is the origin of physical man and raw materials. The arrangement of factories of productions according to their importance at that moment was: Land------Capital----Labor Entrepreneurship Physical man From this diagram, it can be inferred that Human resource (knowledge, skill, aptitude, talents, natural and artificial intelligences and tall mental powers) is the most neglected and unrewarded aspect of the organization and/or country. Although man was needed, it was not his/here knowledge aspect, but physical power to make them work in different factories and cottage industries after a bit training and development. Today the sequence is changed. The feeling that if one has land and capital, the same will have all things does not work. The postulate on the ground today is that the neglected side of the given organization and/or country should be raised up and then recognized and rewarded which is knowledge asset are knowledge wealth. Today’s sequence is: Labor (HR) ------Capital----Land Entrepreneurship Human capital is a term popularized by Gary Becker, an economist from the University of Chicago, and Jacob Mincer that refers to the stock of knowledge, habits, social and personality attributes, including creativity, embodied in the ability to perform labor so as to produce economic value. Alternatively, human capital is a collection of resources-all the knowledge, talents, skills, abilities, experience, intelligence, training, judgment, and wisdom possessed individually and 579 International Journal of Research in Social Sciences http://www.ijmra.us, Email: [email protected] ISSN: 2249-2496 Impact Factor: 7.081 collectively by individuals in a population. These resources are the total capacity of the people that represents a form of wealth, which can be directed to accomplish the goals of the nation or state or a portion thereof. It is an aggregate economic view of the human being acting within economies, which is an attempt to capture the social, biological, cultural, and psychological complexity as they interact in explicit and/or economic transactions. Many theories explicitly connect investment in human capital development to education, and the role of human capital in economic development, productivity growth, and innovation has frequently been cited as a justification for government subsidies for education and job skills training. "Human capital" has been and continues to be criticized in numerous ways. Michael Spence offers signaling theory as an alternative to human capital. Pierre offers a nuanced conceptual alternative to human capital that includes cultural capital, social capital, economic capital, and symbolic capital these critiques, and other debates, suggest that "human capital" is a reified concept without sufficient explanatory power. It was assumed in early economic theories, reflecting the context, i.e., the secondary sector of the economy was producing much more than the tertiary sector was able to produce at the time in most countries-to be a fungible resource, homogeneous, and easily interchangeable, and it was referred to simply as workforce or labor, one of three factors of production (the others being land, and assumed-interchangeable assets of money and physical equipment). Just as land became recognized as natural capital and an asset in itself, human factors of production were raised from this simple mechanistic analysis to human capital. In modern technical financial analysis, the term "balanced growth" refers to the goal of equal growth of both aggregate human capabilities and physical assets that produce goods and services. The assumption that labor or workforces could be easily modeled in aggregate began to be challenged in 1950s when the tertiary sector, which demanded creativity, begun to produce more than the secondary sector was producing at the time in the most developed countries in the world. Accordingly, much more attention was paid to factors that led to success versus failure 580 International Journal of Research in Social Sciences http://www.ijmra.us, Email: [email protected] ISSN: 2249-2496 Impact Factor: 7.081 where human management was concerned. The role of leadership, talent, even celebrity was explored. Today, most theories attempt to break down human capital into one or more components for analysis usually called "intangibles". Most commonly, social capital, the sum of social bonds and relationships, has come to be recognized, along with many synonyms such as goodwill or brand value or social cohesion or social resilience and related concepts like celebrity or fame, as distinct from the talent that an individual (such as an athlete has uniquely) has developed that cannot be passed on to others regardless of effort, and those aspects that can be transferred or taught: instructional capital. Less commonly, some analyses conflate good instructions for health with health itself, or good knowledge management habits or systems with the instructions they compile and manage, or the "intellectual capital" of teams – a reflection of their social and instructional capacities, with some assumptions about their individual uniqueness in the context in which they work. In general, these analyses acknowledge that individual trained bodies, teachable ideas or skills, and social influence or persuasion power, are different. Management accounting is often concerned with questions of how to model human beings as a capital asset. However, it is broken down or defined, human capital is vitally important for an organization's success (Crook et al., 2011); human capital increases through education and experience. Human capital is also important for the success of cities and regions: a 2012 study examined how the production of university degrees and R&D activities of educational institutions are related to the human capital of metropolitan areas in which they are located. In 2010, the OECD (the Organization of Economic Co-operation and Development) encouraged the governments of advanced economies to embrace policies to increase innovation and knowledge in products and services as an economical path to continued prosperity. International policies also often address human capital flight, which is the loss of talented or trained persons from a country that invested in them, to another country, which benefits from their arrival without investing in them. Studies of structural unemployment have increasingly focused on a mismatch between the stock of job-specific human capital and the needs of employers. In other words, there is increasingly recognition that human capital may be specific 581 International Journal of Research in Social Sciences http://www.ijmra.us, Email: [email protected] ISSN: 2249-2496 Impact Factor: 7.081 to particular jobs or tasks, not general, and readily transferable. Recent work has attempted to improve the linkages between education and the needs of the labor market by linking labor market data to education loan pricing. So far, I have not seen the term knowledge management especially when I was fresh student in Jimma University. Once up on a time I come to understood to what extent, economics is very rational for property not only but also knowledge. This is much related with
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