SPRING 2015 CatholiC Families Carrying Faith Forward The Church in the 21st Century Center is a catalyst and resource for the renewal of the Catholic Church. C21 Resources, a compilation of critical From the C21 Center analyses and essays on key challenges facing the Church today, is published by the Church Few would disagree that in the brief time since his election, Pope Francis has given in the 21st Century Center at Boston College, in partnership with featured authors and new hope to the Catholic Church worldwide, emphasizing the life-giving message publications. of the Gospel and reaching out anew to those in the margins of society. It was in this spirit that he announced in October 2013 that the following year there would c21 resources editorial board Jonas Barciauskas be an extraordinary general assembly of the synod of bishops on the family and Ben Birnbaum evangelization, and that this extraordinary general assembly would be followed by an Patricia Delaney ordinary general assembly of the synod of bishops in October 2015. Thomas Groome Robert Newton The family is the community where Catholics first experience the joy Christ brings Barbara Radtke to the world. His love surrounds the children through the love and care and affection Jacqueline Regan that parents lavish on their sons and daughters. Today we all know this idyllic “first managing editor community” can be disrupted by the attractions and distractions of a fast-paced Karen K. Kiefer secular society. assistant editor Conor Kelly This issue of C21 Resources is clearly responding to Pope Francis’s call to reflect on the Catholic family. “Catholic Families: Carrying Faith Forward” was edited by the ChurCh in the 21st Century Center Stephen Pope, professor in the Boston College theology department. It seeks to both boston College promote deeper Catholic understanding of the family and to explore the realities that 110 College road can compromise the search for this ideal. Chestnut hill, massaChusetts 02467 www.bc.edu/c21 We remain grateful for our readers’ interest in the mission of the Church in the 21st [email protected] Century Center to be a resource and catalyst for the renewal of the Church. Robert R. Newton Acting Director on the Cover Family prays before dinner. guest editor c21 resources spring 2015 photo Credit: Design Pics/Hammond HSN ©2014 Getty Images. STEPHEN J. POPE is a professor of theology at Boston College. His research interests include Christian ethics and evolutionary Print and Digital production by theory, charity and natural law in Aquinas, and Roman Catholic Progressive Print social teachings. He has written The Evolution of Altruism and the Ordering of Love (Georgetown, 1994) and Human Evolution and Christian Ethics (Cambridge, 2007), and he has edited Essays on the Ethics of St. Thomas Aquinas (Georgetown, 2001). Pope's latest book is A Step Along the Way: Models of Christian Service (Orbis, April 2015). © 2015 Trustees of Boston College CATHOLIC Families: CarrYing Faith ForWard SPRING 2015 Contents 2 A PLACE FOR EVERYONE: 18 A GAY PARENT LOOKS PASTORAL CHALLENGES AT HIS CHURCH TO THE FAMILY An interview with by Stephen J. Pope novelist Gregory Maguire 7 THE PLAN OF GOD FOR 20 AGAPE LATTE: ON FAITH MARRIAGE AND FAMILY AND FAMILY by Pope John Paul II 21 C21 SPRING EVENTS 8 THE GENEALOGY OF JESUS by Herbert McCabe, O.P. 22 FIVE THINGS THE SYNOD DID by James Martin, S.J. 10 THE PASTORAL CARE OF HISPANIC FAMILIES 24 VOICES FROM CAMPUS by Gelasia Márquez Marinas Boston College Focus Group 12 ALL IN THE FAMILY 26 THE REALITY OF A by Michaela Bruzzese HOPEFUL PEOPLE by James A. Woods, S.J. 14 SECOND MARRIAGE: AN OPPORTUNITY FOR 28 GO AND DO LIKEWISE SPIRITUAL GROWTH? by Tim Kochems by Timothy J. Buckley, CSsR 30 GRIEF AND GRACE 16 PASTORAL CHALLENGES by Kathy Hendricks REGARDING THE FAMILY by Pope Francis 32 DEAR EIGHTH GRADERS by Beth Foraker 17 CONSIDERATIONS REGARDING PROPOSALS TO 34 THE LAST NEW PERSON GIVE LEGAL RECOGNITION by Mary Lee Freeman TO UNIONS BETWEEN HOMOSEXUAL PERSONS 36 FAMILIES, PASTORAL CARE, by Congregation for the AND SOCIAL INSTITUTIONS: Doctrine of the Faith THE CATHOLIC STYLE by J. Bryan Hehir Sacred space: Burns Library lawn memorial labyrinth dedicated to the 22 BC alumni lost in the 9/11 tragedy. #BCFamilyC21 Photo courtesy of Office of Marketing Communications spring 2015 | c21 resources A PLACE FOR EVERYONE: PASTORAL CHALLENGES to the FAMILY Stephen J. Pope arriage and family play a central role in the Catholic understanding of the Christian life. Marriage has the status of a sacrament that expresses Mthe unbreakable bond between Christ and the Church. Children are the tangible embodiments of the love of husband and wife. Described as a “domestic church,” the family is the first experience of discipleship for children and an apostolate of love for all. The practices that are shared in a Christian household, my colleague Richard Gaillardetz has argued, provide a necessary foundation for family members’ emotional health, moral and spiritual growth, social commitment, and ecclesial identity. All over the world, the last 50 years have seen massive changes to the family. In American society, the category “family” now includes single parents raising children, unmarried couples with children, adult couples living with elderly parents, and same- sex couples raising a child. In Europe and the United States, almost four out of 10 babies are born to unmarried parents. Catholics in these countries, at least for the most part, no longer think of a family only in terms of heterosexual married couples with children. 2 c21 resources | spring 2015 A PLACE FOR EVERYONE: PASTORAL CHALLENGES to the FAMILY The family does not—and never more complicated than is captured by of love.” Families are often the source has—come in only one form. Catholic the normative paradigm of the family of our greatest challenges, but also cultures have historically appreciated promoted by popes for the last hundred our greatest joys. Parenthood is an the value of the extended family, years or so. As Herbert McCabe’s extremely difficult responsibility, the network of aunts and uncles, article in this volume suggests, the particularly in our time. grandparents, in-laws, and cousins. portrait of the Holy Family in popular We have all heard the expression, The ancient Western unit of the church art does not communicate “It takes a village to raise a child,” household respected bonds and the messy nature of the full biblical but it is also the case that it takes a responsibilities that were not always narrative. If the Church, as Vatican II village to be a family. Children need based on marital relationships. The suggests, is called to “read the signs of help, but so do couples, parents, and Church regards marriage as one of the the times and respond to them in light other caregivers. This is especially officially designated seven sacraments, of the Gospel,” then these changes in the case as our market competition, but Catholic cultures have often the family present a major pastoral technological innovation, and the appreciated the sacramental meaning challenge to the Church. culture of consumerism erode of families as (at least potentially) Despite significant changes to the the bonds of neighborhood, civic networks of relationships constituted institution of the family, and especially organizations, extended families, and by daily, tangible, and usually to marriage, most people want to other forms of social capital that used unspoken practices of loving and belong to a loving, healthy family. to give crucial social support to people being loved. Theologian Werner Jeanrond calls who are raising children or caring for Contemporary families are much family the “first among the institutions other family members. spring 2015 | c21 resources 3 PoPe FranCis and the of communion by Catholics who are extraordinarY sYnod divorced and remarried without an Pope Francis called the annulment, cohabitation, and same- extraordinary synod, a gathering of sex marriage. bishops from around the world, as First, most ordinary Catholics don’t one important stage in a Church-wide see the reception of communion as “THE CHURCH process of pastoral discernment. It is presenting any insuperable difficulties. important for us to keep in mind the They resonate with the pope’s descrip- global nature of Catholicism. American tion of the Eucharist as “not a prize IS CALLED Catholics constitute only 7 percent for the perfect, but a powerful medi- of the worldwide Church. So when cine and nourishment for the weak.” TO BE THE the pope calls an extraordinary synod Cardinal Walter Kasper proposed that to discuss the “pastoral challenges to the Church begin a discussion about the family,” he is referring not only to developing a process that would allow HOUSE OF struggles of families in San Francisco, Catholics in nonsacramental marriages San Antonio, and Philadelphia, but to be admitted to communion. Some also to those in Manila, São Paulo, and influential cardinals rejected his sug- THE FATHER, Hyderabad. gestion as doctrinally impossible. The When the synod began, the pope final report of the synod did endorse WITH DOORS encouraged the synod Fathers to speak making the annulment process more boldly and not to be afraid to disagree efficient and accessible. with one another or even with him. He Second, cohabitation is widely prac- ALWAYS showed great courage in beginning a ticed by Catholic couples. In fact, the process that suggested that Church majority of young Catholic couples in authorities do not have all the answers the United States now cohabit before WIDE all the time. He trusts open and honest they are married. They do so for a va- dialogue to generate new insights and riety of reasons that run from “testing , pastoral initiatives.
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